
6th Armored Division medical Officers are treating a former inmate of KZ-Buchenwald, after the camp’s liberation, April 1945

So far this project has been a major part of the authors’ lives. It has taken a great deal of time to both research and compile. Personal contacts with other collectors, authors, and individual Veterans, have helped us gain a broader view and more insight about the organization of the Medical Department during World War 2. To all of these people, the authors are truly grateful, and we look forward to working with you all in the future too.

Our heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude go to 1st Lieutenant Ellan J. Levitsky (ASN:N-762232) and her sister 2d Lieutenant Dorothy F. Levitsky (ASN:N-762231), both Nurses served with the 164th General Hospital and generously shared their personal reminiscences, memorabilia and pictures with our staff. 

The following is by no means an exhaustive list, but just a few names who really stand out for having helped with our projects:

Roger Dean Jr., Todd Metzger, Paul Silva, Stein Teppen, Johan Willaert, Paul De Marteau to name just a few.

Other individuals have also contributed by helping us secure ‘precious’ and difficult to obtain medical data, such as Daan Meijer who helped us secure a precious Armed Services Catalog of Medical Materiel, and Didier Andres who shared part of his personal files related to “special equipment vehicles” used by the Medical Department; for which our most sincere thanks.

Our sincere thanks are also given to Lois Montbertrand, daughter of Captain Robert L. Shiner (ASN:0-369560), US Army Dental Corps, 203d General Hospital who has most generously provided information about, photographs of and memoirs from her Father’s service.

Our heartfelt thanks to Fred O’Keefe, son of Tec 5 Harold F. O’Keefe (ASN:32596985),for kindly sharing personal reminiscences, letters, and pictures from his Father when serving with the 1st Air Force Clearing Station, 39th Field Hospital in World War 2.

We are truly indebted to Tec 3 James K. Sunshine (ASN:15359023), Surgical Technician, for allowing us to use some of his personal reminiscences and pictures relating to the period during which he served with the 42d Field Hospital in the European Theater.The additional illustrations kindly provided by Susan Sewell King, daughter of 1st Lieutenant Russell E. Sewell (ASN:O-1547787) who also served with the 42d Field Hospital, are also very much appreciated.

Joanne McLaughlin, daughter of Tec 5 George P. McLaughlin (ASN:31026229), 59th Evacuation Hospital, has also provided the WW2 US Medical Research Centre with images and information regarding her Father’s service with above-mentioned Hospital, for which the authors are truly thankful.

We must also express thanks to Linda Hancock Houk, daughter of Tec 4 Harold Hancock (ASN:32666624), 96th Evacuation Hospital, who has kindly donated items, photographs and information from her Father’s service with the Hospital, which has assisted us in the writing of the Unit’s History. The authors are sincerely thankful for her donation. Additional data and illustrations were further provided by Ricky Smith, son of Sgt Luther P. Smith (ASN:34477258) who also served with the 96th Evacuation Hospital in the ETO.

We should not forget to thank the staff of the Carentan Historical Center (France) who have generously allowed us to view, scrutinize, and photograph some very ‘special’ and ‘scarce’ medical items, part of their outstanding collection of American WW2 memorabilia. Our sincere thanks.

The authors and administrators would also like to thank Mary Nell Coblentz for her kind donation to the MRC of a WW2 booklet looking at Venereal Disease and its treatment by the US Medical Department.

Thanks are also due to Tony Honeyman, a British researcher of General and Station Hospitals who has unselfishly shared data with the authors relating to the 280th Station Hospital, among other units. The authors are truly thankful for his contribution to the website.

The MRC Staff want to thank Lynn F. McNulty, son of Captain Frederick J. McNulty (ASN:O-526873) for his personal contribution and assistance. He most generously provided them with a number of precious copies of WW2 Medical Unit Histories, which will no doubt help them prepare and finalize some additional articles.

Our special thanks are also given to Al Sims, son of 76th Armored Medical Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Veteran Tec 3 John Sims (ASN:34180913) for his kind supply of photographs relating to his Father’s service for our “Photo Galleries”. His website can be found here.

We would also like to thank Pfc Elmer K. Miller (ASN:35800394), a Veteran of the 100th General Hospital who generously shared his memoirs, photographs and documents with the MRC team.

Our most sincere thanks must go to Mark Christensen, son of Tec 4 Arthur G. Christensen (ASN:31191288), who provided us with numerous letters, pictures, and memorabilia pertaining to his Father while serving with the 73d Station Hospital in North Africa and Italy, during WW2.

Personal data, pictures, and a roster were gratuitously supplied by Sgt Leo O. Morabito (ASN:32918443), who served with the 188th General Hospital. This has helped the authors compile a short history of this Veteran’s stay with subject Hospital.

Pfc Charles K. McGrane (ASN:32746400), kindly let us have his memoirs associated with his service years spent with the 280th Station Hospital in World War 2.

The authors are also anxious to extend their thanks and gratitude to Kriss Usherwood, who unselfishly shared with them numerous items from his collection for use on this site. In addition to his precious assistance with items pertaining to the Medical Department, Kriss also made a generous donation to the MRC, for which the administrators are forever grateful.

Tec 5 Floyd Freeman (ASN:15359023), kindly contributed some of his personal experiences as a Chaplain’s Assistant in the 370th Medical Battalion, 70th Infantry Division.

Our gratitude goes to Sgt Everard R. Hicks (ASN:35257572), and his son Marc Hicks, who gratuitously offered a copy of the Veteran’s personal WW2 Diary as well as numerous pictures to the authors, in order to help them draft a complete testimony of the Veteran’s time spent with the Medical Detachment, Headquarters Battery, 924th Field Artillery Battalion, 99th Infantry Division.

Our sincere thanks to Harriet Lennard, daughter of Pvt Martin Lipschultz (ASN:32606728), a Pharmacist aboard the USAHS ” Acadia”, and a member of the 204th Medical Hospital Ship Company, who offered the MRC staff personal notes, pictures, and memorabilia pertaining to her Father’s service in WW2. Harriet and Gary also made several donations to help us with the upkeep and expansion of our website. We are extremely grateful for the extra funds they kindly provided which constitute a further motivating force for us to continue our work – paying tribute to and honoring the members of the “Greatest Generation”. We must not forget Sylvia Lennard too, Marty’s wife, for the generous funds she contributed.

The MRC team would also like to thank Mary Jane Crow, niece of 297th General Hospital Veteran 1st Lieutenant Rita Mary Offerle (ASN:N-728651). Mary has kindly supplied the authors with a great deal of information relating to the service of Lillian Krell Swedlow, whose Testimony can be found on this site.

We must also express our sincere gratitude towards 50th General Hospital Veteran Tec 5 Joseph B. Sullivan (ASN:39208186). Jay kindly shared a great deal of information about his unit with the authors, including a fantastic video containing color footage of the unit’s time in Normandy.

Mark Styles, son of 1st Lieutenant Lena R. Gelott (ASN:N-721595), 48th Station Hospital, has provided us with a precious booklet published in 2002 by his Mother, entitled “World War II Memories – South Pacific”. Nurse Gelott kindly allowed us to use some of her reminiscences and pictures relating to her WW2 service years spent with above-mentioned Hospital, for which the authors are truly thankful. We would also like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank Jack Styles for his most kind donations to the WW2 US Medical Research Centre.

We are truly grateful to Harold R. Davis for providing us with a copy of the 105th Evacuation Hospital history which allowed us to compile and edit a short article about this Hospital unit. Harold further kindly contributed a number of pictures and personal documents belonging to his Father, Captain Albert I. Davis (ASN:O-276929) who was a Surgeon with the 105th Evac Hosp in the European Theater.

Both authors would especially like to extend their sincerest thanks to Walter Plimpton who kindly made a donation to the Centre. The money that he most kindly donated will be used to maintain and extend the website.

The MRC Staff are truly grateful to John D. Chapla, son of Captain Albert B. Chapla (ASN:O-336675) who served with the 307th Abn Med Co during WW2. Thanks to Mr. Chapla’s help, and based upon his indications, we were able to secure a Personnel Roster and a Map Overlay detailing the military operations of the 307th Abn Med Co in the Cotentin Peninsula via the good services of Dr. Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr. of the US Army Military History Institute.

We are truly indebted to Pfc Michael R. Freeland (ASN:36582565), for kindly allowing us to use some of his personal reminiscences and photographs contained in his book “Blood River to Berlin”, relating to the period during which he served with the 307th Airborne Medical Company in the European Theater.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Joan Slavin, daughter of 1st Lieutenant Nicholas C. D’Angelo (ASN:O-2046938), MAC Officer, who served with the 34th Field Hospital overseas. Mrs Slavin most generously shared her Father’s WW2 reminiscences and provided us with numerous personal letters written by Nicholas D’Angelo to his wife Isabel while being stationed overseas. The MRC staff are truly indebted to Joan for sending many original photographs and documents related to her Father’s service years which helped us compile another unique Testimony.

Special thanks to Cindy Entriken, great-niece of 1st Lieutenant Ila L. Armsbury, ANC (N-732002) 155th Station Hospital. Cindy generously donated the original Monthly Reports of Activities pertaining to subject Hospital, which helped us compile and edit a concise Unit History of this unit which served in Australia and the Western Pacific Theater during WW2. Cindy also provided us with several Quarterly Reports related to the 3d Medical Laboratory’s service in the Pacific.

We are truly indebted to Tanya and Reuben Shipkowitz, respectively daughter and son of Tec 5 Nathan L. Shipkowitz (ASN:36679423) who served as a Surgical Technician with the 164th General Hospital in the E.T.O. They not only provided the MRC Staff with their Father’s Testimony but also supplied a large number of illustrations with which to enhance his personal reminiscences.

We must express our sincere thanks to Joe Piros, who helped us with data and illustrations relating to the 319th Medical Battalion, 94th Infantry Division, in which his Uncle Private Steve Tarkany (ASN:35643219) served in World War 2.

We are truly indebted to Armand J. D’Errico for his most generous donation. This financial support will no doubt help us expand the MRC website for which we are sincerely thankful. Armand is the grandson of Major Armand J. D’Errico (ASN:O-335594) who served with the 36th Evacuation Hospital in the Western Pacific during WW2. It must be noted that Armand’s Father also served, but in a later war, Korea from 1953-1954.

Our most sincere thanks to Rick Scruggs for his generous donation. The funds he contributed will help us further maintain, expand, and update the MRC website for the benefit of everyone. Rick’s Parents were married on Guadalcanal in 1944; his Mother was 1st Lieutenant Anna M. Dybing (ASN:N-731172) who served with the 48th Station Hospital, and his Father, 1st Lieutenant Richard H. Scruggs (ASN:O-675375), a B-25 pilot with the 42d Bomb Group, Thirteenth Air Force, who after being shot down and injured was nursed by Lt. Anna M. Dybing.

The MRC Staff received an original copy of the personal Journal of Colonel Thomas B. Protzman, MC, Commanding Officer of the 204th Medical Hospital Ship Company, USAHS Acadia (period 11 Dec 42 > 31 Oct 45). This priceless vintage document donated by an unnamed appreciative reader/visitor of our Website will no doubt be treasured. The journal proved a great tool that helped us draw a complete timeline of this Hospital Ship during its WW2 service

Our most sincere thanks go to Stephanie Strong, daughter of ARC Staff Aide Virginia C. Cooley (ARC-41350) and Pfc Jack C. Strong (ASN:38059844), for sharing excerpts of her Mother’s Diary and illustrations from the period she served with the 188th General Hospital in the United Kingdom.

The MRC Staff are truly indebted to Pfc Eugene J. Glazer (ASN:32935607) a trained Medical Technician who served with the 7th Hospital Train in the European Theater of Operations during World War 2, and gladly forwarded his personal reminiscences when serving with subject unit.

The MRC Staff want to thank Corporal Richard “Doc” Felix (ASN:32983385), for kindly sharing his personal reminiscences and some vintage photos of the period when he served as a member of the Medical Detachment, attached to the 5th Ranger Infantry Battalion.

Our special thanks go to Steve Kyllander,son of Tec 5 Roy W. Kyllander (ASN:37305495), who generously provided us with the book “Saving Lives, Saving Honor” and forwarded quite a number of pictures related to the 39th Evacuation Hospital, and to Jeremy C. Schwendiman, grandson of Pfc Carl P. Kulinsky, who wrote the book and kindly allowed us to use parts of it to compile our Unit History. Both their relatives served with the Hospital in the European Theater.

We are very grateful to Mike Keane, son of T/Sgt John J. Keane (ASN:12166375), who served with the 44th Evacuation Hospital during 1944-1945. Mike provided us with some original documents relating to his Father’s unit, enabling us to prepare a concise Unit History of the Hospital.

Special thanks are due to Sheryl A. Scissons, daughter of Tec 5 Wayne S. Balcom (ASN:16042874), Veteran of Team No. 7, 3d Auxiliary Surgical Group, who served with the Group in Normandy during the D-Day operations. Sheryl generously shared a number of historical data with our Staff which helped us complete this Unit History.

Our most sincere thanks go to Pfc Paul L. Genereux (ASN:39213574) who served with the 20th Field Hospital during the latter part of World War 2. Paul generously provided some of his personal recollections and pictures relating to his stay in the E.T.O. to the MRC Staff.

We must express our sincere thanks to Ellen Willits-Smith, daughter of Tec 4 Theodore Willits (ASN:15107889), who served as a Medical/Surgical Technician with the 23d Hospital Train. Ellen kindly forwarded a copy of her Father’s War Diary as well as a number of pictures taken during his service in the European Theater.

Thanks are also due to Tec 3 Ken W. Christopherson (ASN:17156294), who served as a Surgical Technician with the Medical Detachment attached to the 414th Infantry Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, for sharing his recollections with our Staff.

The MRC Staff received an original copy of the Annual Reports of the 53d Field Hospital from Tec 5 Alfred G. Myhill (ASN:12214882) who served as a Medical and Dental Technician with the unit in the European Theater. His generous assistance helped us edit a concise Unit History of subject unit. Additional thanks are due to him as well as his daughter Joanne Hicks, for reviewing some of the draft documents based on Alfred’s personal recollections which helped us prepare a Testimony of this Veteran.  

Our heartful thanks go to Kurtis Atkinson, son of 1st Lieutenant Edna L. Haertig (ASN:N-734765), who served as a Nurse with the 59th Evacuation Hospital (and other units) during WW2. The MRC Staff are very grateful for the receipt of his Mother’s service recollections and photographs that enabled them to prepare another interesting Testimony.

We are truly indebted to 1st Lieutenant F. Evangeline Blauvelt (ASN:N-751717) who generously shared her WW2 reminiscences with the MRC Staff. “Vangie” served with the 136th Station Hospital in the European Theater and forwarded her recollections, copies of letters, and photographs, which helped us put together another interesting Testimony.

We are truly indebted to Jean Eichhorn who provided us with original documents compiled and edited by Charles Kent and venerably treasured by Jean’s Uncle, Technician 5th Grade George C. Swanton (ASN:31176964) who both served with the 97th Evacuation Hospital.

Our heartfelt thanks are due to Gail Cales daughter of 1st Lieutenant Marie K. Lencek (ASN:N-767769), who, as a member of the ANC, served with the 35th Evacuation Hospital in WW2. We are very grateful to Gail for kindly providing us with a number of historical documents and photographs which helped us edit this concise Unit History.

We are truly indebted to Ed Vlassich, for generously offering us a book relating to the WW2 unit history of the 33d General Hospital. The book “APO 424” published in Italy in 1945 contains a lot of data and photographs that represent a fine tribute to the men and women of the 33d GH who served their country in North Africa and Italy. The MRC staff are sincerely thankful for this donation which helped them edit a concise History of this Hospital.

Our most sincere thanks go to John Sateja, nephew of T/Sgt Charles N. Sateja (ASN:36016716) who served with the 59th Evacuation Hospital during WW2. John provided us with an awesome collection of photographs mostly shot by his Uncle during his service years spent with subject Hospital in the Mediterranean and European Theaters. Utmost thanks John.

The MRC Staff wish to express their sincere thanks to Bob Moolenbeek for kindly providing them with photocopies of the book “C’est la Guerre” (published in 1945 in Bonn, Germany) covering the 1943-1945 operations of the 612th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company. Without his kind help, editing the above Unit History would have been impossible.

The authors are very grateful to Francis Clark for providing them with a set of original photos illustrating his Father Cpl Francis E. Clark, (ASN:16052306), who served with Company B, 47th Armored Medical Battalion, in North Africa and Italy. They were thankfully received and helped illustrate the concise Unit History of subject unit.

Our most sincere thanks go to Jerry L. Stokes, son-in-law of Captain William Steve Worthy, MC (O-341152) who served with the 6th General Hospital (as well as with other medical units) in World War 2. Jerry provided the MRC Staff with a copy of “The Story of the Sixth General Hospital”, which helped them edit a concise History of the unit’s service in the North African and Mediterranean Theaters of Operations.

The authors are indebted to Susan Alford, daughter of Captain Allan V. Gibbons, DC (ASN:O-403030) who served with the 23d General Hospital as a Dentist from 15 July 1942 until 12 December 1946. Susan kindly provided the MRC Staff with a number of contemporary documents relating to her Father’s unit, as well as some of the illustrations used in the Unit History.

With the kind assistance of regular MRC contributor Lynn F. McNulty, we have now been able to finalize the Unit History of the 2d Evacuation Hospital. Our sincere thanks further go to Michael A. Salamone, son of Sergeant Lawrence F. Salamone (ASN:31016490), for helping us obtain numerous vintage illustrations, as well as George Nelson Jr., the Virginia Military Institute Archives, and St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals, New York. Without the help provided by these people and organizations, we would not have been able to complete this project for our website.

We must express our special thanks to Brian N. Siddall, WW2 Research Analyst, son of 2d Lieutenant Ewan Siddall (ASN:O-708571), 379th Bombardment Group (H), 527th Bombardment Squadron, 8th  USAAF, and nephew of Corporal Elmer Q. Siddall (ASN:12025255), B Company, 307th Airborne Engineer Battalion, 82d Airborne Division,who has assisted us with data, general information, and copies of vintage documents, which have been a tremendous help with completing some of the Unit Histories and Articles, posted on our webpages. Thank you Brian.

We also wish to thank Ronald Accidio most sincerely for his generous donation to the WW2 US Medical Research Centre. Without the invaluable financial help provided to us by people like Ronald, the authors would not be able to continue with the development of this project. We are forever indebted to you Ron, thank you.

We must also extend our sincerest thanks to William McIntyre III, son of 1st Lieutenant Louise B. McIntyre (ASN:N-741938) who served with the 45th General Hospital in North Africa and Italy, for his most generous donation to the MRC. We are forever grateful – thank you!

Our heartfelt thanks go to Patrick Yack, son of Corporal Leo P. Yack, for generously providing us with copies of A Company, 93d Medical Gas Treatment Battalion unit reports. His Dad, proudly served with C Company, same Battalion, in the European Theater.

Chris Schepper, grandson of Sergeant Wayne C. Schepper (ASN:35563229), 24th Evacuation Hospital, provided the WW2 US Medical Research Centre with vintage pictures  and a lot of data relating to the above-mentioned Hospital, for which the authors are truly thankful.

We wish to thank Michael Krizsanitz for kindly providing us with a copy of the Personnel Roster, Medical Detachment, 70th Tank Battalion. His assistance is highly appreciated.

The MRC staff would like to sincerely thank Steven Chaplin from the United Kingdom who kindly assisted them with the Unit History of the 7th Convalescent Hospital by providing copies of original documents and photographs.

We are truly grateful to Cassandra Heos, niece-in-law of Corporal Peter J. Heos (ASN:36418372) a Medical Technician who served with the 96th Evacuation Hospital during World War Two. As a History Teacher she contributed in saving some precious artifacts belonging to another unarmed member of the Greatest Generation, which she generously offered to the MRC for preserving. Thank you again.

Technician 5th Grade Anthony S. D’Angelo, Medical Technician (ASN:32221673) and ambulance driver who served with C Company, 47th Armored Medical Battalion, 1st Armored Division, provided the MRC Staff with some vintage pictures related to his wartime service as well as a copy of an interview of himself. We are truly thankful to this Veteran for having shared his personal reminiscences with us.

The MRC staff wish to extend their thanks to Loz Wright, a British researcher and living historian who kindly furnished them with documents and photographs relating to the 50th Field Hospital. It was these documents which allowed them to prepare and edit a Unit History for the website.

The MRC Staff wish to sincerely thank the Lesslie Family, Canberra, Australia for providing them with several photocopies of the 4th General Hospital “The Mortem-Post” published in October/November 1942, and in April and June 1943. They also want to acknowledge the kind assistance received from Rosemary Annable, Sydney, Australia in forwarding the documents to them. Thank you so much.

We sincerely wish to thank Jim Kucharski, son of Pfc Walter S. Kucharski (ASN:32392630) for kindly providing us with his Father’s personal recollections and a number of photographs taken by the Veteran while serving with the 45th Evacuation Hospital in the European Theater. His assistance is highly appreciated.

Our most sincere thanks go to Lynne Peacock Bell, daughter of Master Sergeant Richard F. Peacock (ASN:6856022) who served with several medical units throughout World War 2. Lynne was instrumental in providing the MRC Staff with many copies of photographs and documents from her Father illustrating his service years with both the 190th General Hospital and the 814th Hospital Center, which helped them complete a concise History of the latter unit’s service in the E.T.O.

The MRC staff wish to extend their special thanks to Tom Toth, son of Technician 4th Grade Lester J. Toth, Dental Technician (ASN:42015981) who kindly furnished them with a large number of original pictures contained in 2 albums, illustrating the 111th Evacuation Hospital which operated in the European Theater of Operations.

We would like to sincerely thank Jane Verderosa, daughter of First Lieutenant Helen I. Hyatt DeKorp, ANC (ASN:N-742643) and her siblings for providing us with information, copies of vintage documents and photographs which helped us write and edit a Testimony based on their Mother’s personal recollections while serving with the 59th Evacuation Hospital in the Mediterranean and European Theaters in World War Two. Jane, Nancy, and Roger were also instrumental in assisting us with the editing of their Father’s Testimony, by sharing documents and photographs which enabled us to edit Major Merwin J. DeKorp’s, QMC (ASN:O-406311) WW2 story as Commanding Officer of the 46th Quartermaster  Graves Registration Company.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Captain Elbert T. Rulison, Jr. (ASN:O-501764), for kindly sharing historical data and pictures relating to the 51st Evacuation Hospital with which he served in World War 2. His precious assistance helped us edit an interesting Unit History of the organization while serving in the European Theater.

We are truly indebted to S/Sgt Duaine J. Pinkston (ASN: 36424314), a member of the Medical Detachment, 1st Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division in the ETO, for allowing us to use some of his personal reminiscences relating to his service years as a “Medic”. The additional help provided by Brian and Sue Pinkston are equally much appreciated.

Our heartfelt thanks to Sylvia Khaton, niece of Physical Therapist 1st Lieutenant Wallace Wesley (M-2169) for kindly sharing her Aunt’s personal reminiscences, letters, and pictures, from the period she served with the 240th General Hospital in the ETO. Sincere thanks for her kind contribution.

Our most sincere thanks go to Taffy McGann, daughter of Captain Philip J. Morrison (ASN:O-1685862), for generously providing us with copies of original documents and photographs relating to Dr. Morrison’s service with the 24th Evacuation Hospital in the European Theater. Thank you for your kind assistance.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Nancy Robison, daughter of First Lieutenant Mary W. DeLauder, ANC, (ASN:N-762179) for kindly sharing her Mother’s personal recollections and photographs of her service period with the 164th General Hospital overseas. Our sincere thanks to both ladies for their precious assistance. We would further like to thank Nancy and her siblings for her most generous donation which, no doubt, will help us maintain and expand our website.

We are particularly indebted to Isabel Cymerman, daughter of Captain Henry Cymerman  (ASN:O-499838), a Medical Officer who served with the 307th Station Hospital in the Zone of Interior and overseas, and the 826th Convalescent Center in the United Kingdom Base, during World War Two. Without her kind help this Testimony would not have been written. We very much appreciated her sharing copies of many precious personal documents and photographs relating to Captain Cymerman’s service years. Isabel provided us with additional data and documents which helped us edit a general history of subject unit.

We would also like to extend our most sincere thanks to Becky Vickery, daughter of Tec. 4 John B. Hammond (ASN:34196631), who kindly provided us with numerous contemporary photographs and documents relating to her Father’s unit, the 115th Station Hospital. Becky was also able to provide documents that were provided by Paul Riedesel, son of Arthur Riedesel, another member of the 115th. We would not have been able to complete the editing of the Unit History without their precious assistance.

Our thanks also go to Cathie Beauvais and Ross Cooksey, son of Sergeant Basil M. Cooksey (ASN: 36663763) who served with the 607th QM GR Co. Cathie and Ross kindly allowed us to use numerous photographs of the unit’s service overseas to complete our Unit History dealing with the 607th. We will remain forever grateful of their kind assistance.

We are also forever indebted to Elaine A. Putvin, daughter of Captain David B. Johnson (ASN:O-352059) who served with the 635th Medical Clearing Company during WW2. Elaine was able to provide numerous original documents and photographs which allowed the authors to edit a Unit History dealing with 635th’s service.

Don L. Boatright and Mary K. O’Neill, respectively son-in-law and daughter of Captain Margaret M. Eggert, ANC (N-731929), 250th Station Hospital, provided the WW2 US Medical Research Centre with a large set of pictures and recollections relating to their Mother’s service with above-mentioned Hospital, for which the authors are truly thankful.

Our sincere thanks must go to Brian Lampert, son of Corporal Hyman Lampert,who served with  the Second Hospitalization Unit, 42d Field Hospital, in the European Theater of Operations. Brian provided us with a copy of a 22-pages Second Platoon Newsletter that belonged to his Dad, Corporal H. Lampert. Without this document, editing a concise unit history of this unit would not have been possible. We are still looking for information related to the unit’s return and inactivation in the Zone of Interior.

The MRC staff would also like to extend their sincerest thanks to Jeanette Pierce, daughter of First Lieutenant Jack D. Wallace and First Lieutenant Phyllis H. Richardson who both served with the 41st Evacuation Hospital during WW2. Jeanette kindly made a financial donation to the MRC which will certainly allow the authors to continue with the project.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Karen Luke, daughter of Major Edward R. Conley (O-507977) for her most generous donation which, no doubt, will help us maintain and expand our website. Major E. Conley had a quite an extensive career with the US Armed Forces, faithfully serving his country from 1928 until 1954 as a member of different medical (and other) units, such as the 166th General Hospital, the 12th Field Hospital, the 341st General Hospital, the Jonathan Letterman General Hospital, the 8040th Station Hospital, the 10th Medical Training Battalion, both overseas and in the continental United States.

The Administrators would like to thank Laura Kay Richardson, daughter of Second Lieutenant Catherine B. Clarke, ANC, who served on board USAHS Acadia for her kind donation to the MRC. The funds will help us with the upkeep and expansion of our website projects.

Our heartfelt thanks to Elizabeth Solot Dick, daughter of Captain Ruth L. Kinzeler, ANC (N-741075), for kindly sharing her Mother’s Diary containing personal reminiscences and pictures from her service with the 4th General Hospital, while serving overseas during World War Two. Subject data and illustrations were a great help with the editing of this personal Testimony.

Our sincere thanks go to Barry Gross, son of Staff Sergeant William N. Gross, and Walter Swett, son of Technician 4th Grade Ernest B. Swett (ASN:31175968) who kindly offered a number of documents and illustrations concerning the 28th General Hospital, in which both their Fathers served in World War Two. Special thanks are also due to Charles W. Rush, son-in-law of Lieutenant Colonel Walter H. Gerwig, Jr. (O-334762) Executive Officer, 28th General Hospital, who generously shared Dr. Gerwig’s War Diary including a number of vintage photos. Thank you so much for your precious assistance.

The MRC Staff very much appreciated the large number of vintage photos generously provided by Della Bossart, daughter-in-law of Technician 4th Grade Charles D. Bossart (ASN:13107471) who served with the 58th General Hospital in the ETO.

Jeff Hower, son of First Lieutenant Mary H. Jost, ANC (N-771120), who served with the 60th General Hospital in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War Two, generously shared a lot of documents and photographs related to his Mother’s service years which helped us edit a Testimonial of Lieutenant Jost’s service years with the ANC.

Our most sincere thanks must go to Jim Adams, for supplying us with copies of vintage documents and period photographs relating to his Great Uncle Private First Class William G. Garner (ASN:34570663), who served with the 557th Medical Hospital Ship Platoon during WW2. The material received helped us edit a concise Testimony of the Veteran.

Our sincere thanks go to the late Lynn F. McNulty who once more kindly furnished the MRC with contemporary documents and photographs that have allowed the editing of the 74th General Hospital History. We are furthermore truly grateful to Amy Fradel and Jane Ford, nieces of 1st Lieutenant Jane Fradel, ANC (N-761420 ) who also served with the 74th General Hospital during WW2, for sharing some of the pictures used with above texts and must not forget Susan Klein Bagdade, daughter of Captain Samuel Klein (O-528135) another Officer who served with the above hospital, and Heather Bigeck, Collections & Exhibits Manager, Joliet Area Historical Museum, Illinois, who both kindly provided many vintage photos as well as a Personnel Roster which helped us complete the 74th General Hospital Unit History.

Our most sincere thanks go to Loretta Schumacher, daughter of 1st Lieutenant Harlan S. Byrne (O-2048866) who served with the 18th and the 142d General Hospitals in the Pacific and the India-Burma Theater during WW2. Loretta provided us with an awesome collection of vintage documents and photographs taken during her Father’s military career while serving as a Medical Administrative Corps Officer with above Hospitals. Thank you so much for your precious assistance.

We must also extend our heartfelt thanks to Richard Young, son of First Sergeant Elmer R. Young (ASN:17007183) who served with the 99th Evacuation Hospital during WW2. Richard was able to provide the MRC staff with numerous original photographs of his Father’s unit, and we are forever grateful of his generous contribution.

Our sincere thanks go to Colonel Frederick C. Clinton who kindly furnished the MRC with copies of vintage photos and contemporary documents which helped us edit the Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment Unit History. Colonel F. Clinton, a Veteran of 3 wars, was a member of D Company, 254th Infantry Regiment, 63d Infantry Division during World War Two, and further served with the 3d Infantry Division in Korea, and the 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam. We are truly grateful for his assistance.

We also wish to offer our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Bob Berwick, son of Major Philip Berwick (O-484474) who served with the 618th Medical Clearing Company during World War 2. Bob kindly furnished the MRC staff with original documents and photographs from his Father’s service, and also provided a generous donation to the organization. We are forever indebted for his continued support and assistance.

The MRC Staff need to extend their most heartfelt thanks to Terry Haslam-Jones, son of Private Floyd L. Vanderhoof (ASN:36295388) who served with the 232d Station Hospital during WW2. Terry was able to provide copies of numerous original documents and photographs from the unit’s service overseas, allowing the preparation of a Unit History.

We will be forever grateful and indebted to Kevin & Tracy Corley, grandson and granddaughter-in-law of Captain Nicholas J. Rosa (O-1692165) who served with the 67th Evacuation Hospital during WW2. Kevin and Tracy kindly provided a most generous donation to our project, and we cannot thank them enough for this act of kindness and philanthropy.

The MRC staff would like to extend their sincerest thanks to Glenda Hadley, daughter of Technician 3d Grade Glenn E. Turner (ASN: 37148185) who served with the 603d Medical Clearing Company during WW2. Glenda forwarded some interesting data as well as a great number of pictures relating to her Father’s service with subject unit in both the Zone of Interior and the Pacific Theater of Operations, which helped them complete this concise Unit History.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Sherry Bytheway, daughter of Major M. Proctor, MAC (O-1544087), for kindly supplying us with a large number of data and numerous pictures dating from her Father’s service with the 15th General Hospital. Without her help, editing of a concise Unit History would not have been possible. Thank you so much for your kind assistance.

We sincerely wish to thank Tom Quesinberry, son of Staff Sergeant Ralph L. Quesinberry (ASN:15359295), who served with the 48th Field Hospital, for providing us with a number of photographs which helped us illustrate the Unit History of this medical unit.

We wish to offer our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Dennis Nicola, son of Lt. Colonel Quintus Nicola, MC (O-338283) who served as Executive Officer of the 82d General Hospital both in the ZI and ETOUSA during World War 2. Dennis kindly furnished the MRC staff with a wealth of unique color slides and black-and-white vintage photographs taken by his Father during his service. We are forever indebted for his generous offer which helped us enormously with illustrating our concise Unit History. Thank you so much.

We are truly indebted to Michael deGrandpré, grandson of Dr. Arthur B. deGrandpré (O-1691207), 95th Evacuation Hospital, for kindly allowing us to use his Grandfather’s Diary containining personal reminiscences and pictures relating to the period he served with subject Hospital in World War Two. His generous contribution helped us complete another unique Veteran’s Testimony. Sincere thanks.

Our most sincere thanks also go to John R. Tomawski, grandson of 1st Lt. Joseph J. Tomaszewski (ASN:O-1535318), 117th Evacuation Hospital, who kindly provided us with numerous original documents allowing a concise Unit History to be compiled. We will be forever grateful of his assistance.

The MRC Staff want to thank Frank Tompkins, son-in-law of Technician 5th Grade Robert W. Frisbie, MD, and Second Lieutenant Cleo I. Pressnell, ANC, who both served with the 107th Evacuation Hospital during WWII, for his personal contribution and assistance. He most generously provided them with a copy of the Booklet “Five Stars To Victory”, as well as a great number of vintage photos , which no doubt helped them prepare and finalize this new Unit History. Thank you so much.

Our sincere thanks go to Mary OMalley, niece of Thomas A. OMalley from Cleveland, Ohio, who served with the 34th Evacuation Hospital during WWII, for generously providing the MRC Staff with a 64-page booklet about the unit which helped them edit a concise Unit History of the organization. Thank you so much for your assistance.

We also wish to extend our most sincere thanks to Lois Hardenbrook, daughter of Donald L Gore, from Pittsburg, Kansas. The MRC staff are forever grateful of the generous donation of articles and ephemera by Lois, relating to her father’s service during World War II. We would also like to acknowledge Donald’s grandson, Max Hardenbrook.

The MRC staff also wish to extend their sincere thanks to John Polanski, son of Sgt. Stanley Polanski, who served with the 95th Evacuation Hospital during WWII, for kindly providing them with a wealth of material pertaining to his father’s unit and service. We are eternally grateful for his valued contributions to our archives.

My personal thanks must go to my good friend Alain Batens, without whose help, unwavering support and steadfast dedication, this site would still be a pipe dream. Of course it IS teamwork that does it and the never-ending enthusiasm of both authors! Both of us continuously interact, while researching, writing, reading, amending and editing, always in search of …

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 21st February 2025 at 18:08.
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