List of Medical & Related Field & Technical Manuals
Military Manuals are a vast source of information and include doctrines, procedures, and techniques used by the Armed Forces. They are often updated, revised, and even sometimes replaced, and therefore continuously offer the military collector and researcher the opportunity to keep track of amendments, modifications, improvements and changes of a particular piece of equipment, that is in inventory with the United States Military.The current system of Manuals was started at the beginning of World War 2. Best known types are Field Manuals (FM) and Technical Manuals (TM), of course, there are other documents too. The identification scheme consists of the type of Manual, either FM or TM, with a single or double-digit number, followed by a dash, and again by more numbers. The first series of numbers designated the classification, while the second series indicated the particular subject covered by the Manual. Example: FM 8-35, FM signifies Field Manual, 8 designates The Surgeon General’s Office (arm or service responsible for preparation of subject publication), or the Medical Department, while 35 identifies a Manual covering a specific subject related to this particular arm or service (in this case; Transportation of the Sick and Wounded). Technical Manuals, follow an identical classification system. They however offer more in-depth data primarily covering description, utilization, maintenance and repair of materials by specialized personnel.
The following is a list of wartime published Medical, and medical-related Field and Technical Manuals. This list is by no means exhaustive, and we would be most interested to learn of any other medical Field or Technical Manuals, or indeed medical-related Technical and Field Manuals which may be added to this list. Please forward the necessary details to [email protected].
Medical Manuals:
Field Manuals | |
FM 8-5 | War Department Field Manual, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNITS OF A THEATER OF OPERATIONS, War Department, 31 May 1945 |
FM 8-10 | War Department Field Manual, MEDICAL SERVICE OF FIELD UNITS, War Department, March 28, 1942 |
FM 8-25 | War Department Medical Field Manual, MEDICAL SERVICE IN JOINT OVERSEA OPERATIONS, War Department, March 28, 1940 |
FM 8-35 | War Department, Medical Field Manual, TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED, War Department, February 21, 1941 |
FM 8-35 | War Department, Medical Field Manual, TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED, War Department, 28 February 1945 |
FM 8-40 | War Department, Medical Field Manual , FIELD SANITATION, August 15, 1940 + Changes C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 |
FM 8-45 | War Department Medical Field Manual, RECORDS OF MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY (SICK AND WOUNDED), October 1, 1940 |
FM 8-50 | War Department Medical Field Manual, SPLINTS, APPLIANCES, AND BANDAGES, War Department, September 11, 1940 |
FM 8-50 | War Department Field Manual, Medical Department, BANDAGING AND SPLINTING, 15 January 1944 |
FM 8-55 | War Department, Medical Field Manual, REFERENCE DATA, March 5, 1941 |
Technical Manuals | |
TM 8-45 | War Department, Medical Field Manual, RECORDS OF MORBIDIIY AND MORTALITY, War Department, October 1, 1943 |
TM 8-210 | War Department Technical Manual, GUIDES TO THERAPY FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS, War Department, March 20, 1942 |
TM 8-220 | War Department Technical Manual, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT SOLDIER’S HANDBOOK, War Department, March 5, 1941 |
TM 8-225 | War Department Technical Manual, DENTAL TECHNICIANS, War Department, January 28, 1942 |
TM 8-227 | War Department, Technical Manual, METHODS FOR LABORATORY TECHNICIANS, October 17, 1941 |
TM 8-230 | Department of The Army Technical Manual, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TECHNICIANS, 2 August 1950 |
TM 8-233 | War Department Technical Manual, HANDBOOK FOR PHARMACY TECHNICIANS, 1 November, 1945 |
TM 8-240 | War Department Technical Manual, ROENTGENOGRAPHIC TECHNICIANS, July 3, 1941 |
TM 8-275 | War Department, Technical Manual, MILITARY ROENTGENOLOGY, January 26, 1942 |
TM 8-285 | War Department Technical Manual, TREATMENT OF CASUALTIES FROM CHEMICAL AGENTS, July 10, 1941 |
TM 8-285 | War Department Technical Manual, TREATMENT OF CASUALTIES FROM CHEMICAL AGENTS, 15 April 1944 |
TM 8-292 | War Department Technical Manual, PHYSICAL RECONDITIONING, 20 December 1944 |
TM 8-300 | War Department Technical Manual, NOTES ON EYE, EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT IN AVIATION MEDICINE, November 26, 1940 + Change C1 |
TM 8-305 | War Department Technical Manual, NOTES ON CARDIOLOGY IN AVIATION MEDICINE, November 12, 1940 |
TM 8-611 | War Department Technical Manual, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, INDIRECT BLOOD TRANSFUSION APPARATUS and Miscellaneous Surgical Supplies : Care and Maintenance, War Department, 28 January 1944 |
TM 8-615 | War Department Technical Manual, GASOLINE STOVES AND BURNERS, 28 July 1945 |
MEDICAL SOLDIER’S HANDBOOK | The Military Service Publishing Co., Harrisburg, Pa., Second Edition, August 1942 |
Medical Related Manuals:
Field Manuals | |
FM 5-20C | War Department Field Manual, Corps of Engineers, CAMOUFLAGE OF BIVOUACS, COMMAND POSTS, SUPPLY POINTS, AND MEDICAL INSTALLATIONS, War Department, 1 May 1944 |
FM 7-30 | War Department, Infantry Field Manual, SERVICE COMPANY AND MEDICAL DETACHMENT (SUPPLY AND EVACUATION) RIFLE REGIMENT, War Department, July 18, 1941 |
FM 10-63 | War Department Field Manual, GRAVES REGISTRATION, War Department, 15 January 1945 |
FM 20-15 | War Department Field Manual, TENTS AND TENT PITCHING, War Department, 24 February 1945 |
FM 21-5 | Basic Field Manual, MILITARY TRAINING, War Department, July 16, 1941 |
FM 21-10 | War Department, Basic Field Manual, MILITARY SANITATION AND FIRST AID, War Department, July 31, 1940 |
FM 21-10 | War Department Field Manual, MILITARY SANITATION, War Department, 5 July 1945 |
FM 21-11 | War Department, Basic Field Manual, FIRST AID FOR SOLDIERS, War Department, April 7, 1943 |
FM 21-11 | War Department, Basic Field Manual, FIRST AID FOR SOLDIERS, War Department, 1 August 1946 |
FM 21-20 | War Department Basic Field Material, PHYSICAL TRAINING, War Department, March 6, 1941 |
FM 21-40 | War Department, Basic Field Manual, DEFENSE AGAINST CHEMICAL ATTACKS, War Department, September 7, 1942 |
FM 21-100 | War Department, Basic Field Manual, SOLDIER’S HANDBOOK, War Department, July 23, 1941 |
FM 100-10 | War Department, Staff Officers’ Field Manual, ORGANIZATION, TECHNICAL, AND LOGISTICAL DATA, June 15, 1941 |
FM 101-10 | War Department, Staff Officers’ Field Manual, ORGANIZATION, TECHNICAL AND LOGISTICAL DATA, Command and General Staff School, 10 July 1944 |
FM 101-10 | War Department Field Manual, FIELD SERVICE REGULATIONS ADMINISTRATION, 15 November 1943 |
FM 8-35 (Dutch) |
Ministerie van Landsverdediging, Dienst van de Adjudant-Generaal (Landmacht), VERVOER VAN ZIEKEN EN GEWONDEN, Algemene Directie van de Gezondheidsdienst, Februari 1945 (vertaling) |
FM 21-11 (French) |
Ministère de la Guerre, Manuel de Service en Campagne, PREMIERS SECOURS, War Department, January 27, 1944 |
Technical Manuals | |
TM 3-205 | War Department, Technical Manual, THE GAS MASK, War Department, October 9, 1941 |
TM 3-220 | War Department Technical Manual, DECONTAMINATION, War Department, 15 November 1943 |
TB 10-630-2 | War Department Technical Bulletin, GRAVES REGISTRATION, War Department, 27 March 1944 |
TM 10-275 | War Department, Technical Manual, PRINCIPLES OF COLD WEATHER CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT, War Department, 26 October 1944 |
TM 10-630 | War Department, Technical Manual, GRAVES REGISTRATION, War Department, September 23, 1941 |
TM 16-205 | War Department Technical Manual, THE CHAPLAIN, War Department, 21 April 1941 |
TM 21-220 | War Department, Technical Manual, SPORTS AND GAMES, War Department, May 13, 1942 |
TM 38-414 | War Department Technical Manual, ARMY MARKING DIRECTIVE, War Department, 21 May 1945 |
OCD | Office of Civilian Defense, HANDBOOK ON FIRST AID, United States, Office of Civilian Defense, December 1941 |
M7 | Army Service Forces Manual, RECONDITIONING TRAINING PROGRAM for ASF CONVALESCENT HOSPITALS, Z.I., Headquarters, Army Service Forces, 2 June 1945 |
RR 1-3 | War Department Readjustment Regulations, PERSONNEL ATHLETIC AND RECREATION PROGRAM, War Department, Washington 25, D.C., 15 September 1944 |
TB MED 147 | War Department Technical Bulletin, NOTES ON CARE OF BATTLE CASUALTIES, War Department, Washington 25, D.C., March 1945 |
CW7-540110/540210 | Army Service Forces Catalog, Chemical Warfare Supply Catalog, RESPIRATOR, DUST, M1 AND M2, Headquarters, Army Service Forces, Washington 25, D.C., 13 December 1943 |
U.S. Army in World War II – The Technical Services – “The Medical Department: Hospitalization and Evacuation, Zone of Interior”, by Clarence McKittrick Smith, Office of The Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington DC, 1956 (“Green Books” series)
U.S. Army in World War II – The Technical Services – “The Medical Department: Medical Service in The Mediterranean and Minor Theaters”, by Charles M. Wiltse, Office of The Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington DC, 1965 (“Green Books” series)
U.S. Army in World War II – The Technical Services – “The Medical Department: Medical Service in The European Theater of Operations”, by Graham A. Cosmas and Albert E. Cowdrey, Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington DC, 1992 (“Green Books” series)
U.S. Army in World War II – The Technical Services – “The Medical Department: Medical Service in The War against Japan”, by Mary Ellen Condon-Rall and Albert E. Cowdrey, Center of Military History, United States Army, Washington DC, 1998 (“Green Books” series)
Medical Department, United States Army in World War II – “Organization and Administration in WWII”, by Blanche B. Armfield, MA, Office of The Surgeon General, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 1963 (“Maroon Books” series)