108th General Hospital Unit History

Nurses at a General Hospital somewhere in France prepare a plaster cast for injured American soldier. Taken July 1944, Normandy, France.

Activation & Training:

After having served in WW1, from 9 November 1918 to 16 May 1919, Base Hospital 108 was demobilized 10 July 1919. In July 1923 Base Hospital 108 was constituted as an Organized Reserve Unit and attached to the Sixth Service Command, ZI. It was reconstituted and consolidated with the 108th General Hospital on 15 June 1931, and affiliated with Loyola University Medical School (Chicago, Illinois) in February 1942, while being reactivated.
41 Medical Officers, 4 Dental Officers, 4 Medical Administrative Corps Officers, 99 Nurses, 1 Physiotherapy Aide, and 220 Enlisted Men were obtained and assigned to the unit, between 23 December 1942 and 6 January 1943. These reported to the LaGarde General Hospital (New Orleans, Louisiana) and were attached to it for parallel training with the 86th General Hospital.

The 108th General Hospital was officially activated on 10 June 1943, per GO No. 83, Headquarters, Eighth Service Command (and its parent unit, the 86th General Hospital inactivated simultaneously). The CO was Lt. Col. Joseph F. Gallagher, MC, who was joined by 6 MC Officers, 8 MAC Officers, 2 QMC Officers, 1 SnC Officer, and 260 EM (all ex-86th Gen Hosp staff). Until its date of activation, the 108th Gen Hosp was attached to the Medical Replacement Pool at LaGarde General Hospital for training. Training of personnel, equipment, literature and training aids used were excellent. There was also a large Staging Area and Port of Embarkation nearby, and frequent visits to both places were made in order to learn about operations, transportation, and conservation of materiel and supplies.

Construction of the 5th General Hospital near Carentan, France. A man completes a ward by adding the necessary beds. Note the tents have been pitched on concrete platforms, and the beds being used are metal framed examples, as opposed to standard folding cots.

On 15 July 1943, the 108th was alerted for overseas movement and immediately the task of packing and crating the necessary equipment was begun. On 11 August 1943 the entire Hospital entrained for Camp Shanks, Orangeburg, New York (Staging Area for New York P/E), with a total strength of 57 Officers, 99 Nurses, 1 Dietitian, 1 Physiotherapy Aide, and 500 Enlisted personnel. Upon arrival strict censorship regulations were enforced, and after spending 2 weeks awaiting shipment, new orders came through transferring the Hospital to Fort Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts (Military Reservation), where it arrived on 27 August!

On 5 October 1943, the unit was again alerted, meanwhile personnel had reached full strength of 57 Officers, 100 Nurses, 1 Dietitian, 1 Physiotherapy Aide, 500 Enlisted Men, and 5 Red Cross workers (civilians). On 8 October the unit departed by rail to the Boston P/E where the 108th boarded a ship and sailed for England on 9  October.

Arrival & First Operations with USAFBI:

The unit arrived in the United Kingdom on 17 October 1943, debarking at Liverpool. After an uneventful voyage the 108th Gen Hosp arrived in England and was sent to its predetermined site (Sudbury Park) in Sudbury, Derbyshire, which was then occupied by the 28th Station Hospital with a bed capacity of 832 patients. After a day for orientation, it took over the running of the current Hospital at 1200 hours, 20 October 1943. The Hospital Plant proper consisted of brick buildings, while the Officers, Nurses and Enlisted Men were housed in a number of separate Nissen huts. Officers and Nurses slept on metal cots, approximately 8 to each hut, while Enlisted personnel slept 16 to each hut on double-deck beds with straw mattresses. The location of the Hospital afforded the necessary facilities to receive by formal transfer patients from the 49th – 77th – 168th – 231st and 303d Station Hospitals. Also located here for rations and quarters only, was Hospital Train No. 43 consisting of 4 Officers, 6 Nurses, and 31 Enlisted Men.
During their stay, the 108th General Hospital often sent parties of Officers, Nurses, and EM on Detached Service to other Hospitals in the region.

Illustration showing a Field Laboratory at a General Hospital. Photograph taken in August, 1944. Somewhere in Normandy, France.

Upon transfer to Ft. Devens (27 Aug 43), the unit had been issued with only 6 pieces of transportation. After arrival in England, 16 vehicles of transportation were issued, all of which were either new or almost new, mainly consisting of 2 2½-trucks, 4 1½-ton trucks, 6 ¾-ton ambulances, 5 command cars and 1 jeep.

Breakdown of major Staff and Personnel on 4 December 1943 was as follows:

Lt. Colonel Joseph F. Gallagher, MC Commanding Officer
(replaced by Lt. Col. Louis M. Rousselot)
Captain James J. Fitzpatrick, MAC Medical Supply Officer
1st Lieutenant Robert L. Summers, MAC Registrar
2d Lieutenant William C. Darnell, Jr., MAC Mess Officer
2d Lieutenant Belve F. Walker, MAC Personnel Officer
2d Lieutenant Walter F. Seiler, QMC Adjutant
Lt. Colonel William J. Vynalek, MC Chief of Surgical Service
Lt. Colonel Stanley C. W. Fahlstrom, MC Chief of Medical Service
Major Benjamin H. Neiman, MC Chief of Laboratory Service
Major Alfred C. Ledoux, MC Chief of X-Ray Service
Major Charles H. Grandstaff, DC Chief of Dental Service
Captain George F. Fisher, CHC Protestant Chaplain
Captain George L. Warth, CHC Catholic Chaplain
Captain Sara M. Abrams, ANC Chief Nurse

The rapid development of the organization continued, and the increase in patients taxed its facilities necessitating constant improvisation, and resourceful conservation of materials and supplies was rigidly practiced.

On 31 December 1943, the census of surgical patients had risen to 377 and a total of 676 patients had been received since 20 October 1943. Beds available were 385. From only 14 operations in October 1943, the number increased to 102 in November, reaching 193 in December. At the end of 1943, 13 Surgical Wards were in full operation with a total capacity of 390 beds.

The Medical Service also improved and expanded its operations. By 31 December, 1103 patients had been treated since 20 October, and 419 beds were now available with 13 Wards in operation.

Total X-Ray examinations from 20 October to 31 December 1943 numbered 1709.
Although many orthopedic cases had been observed, the overall percentage of battle casualties seen during the period October – December 1943 was small.

Nurses from the First US Army and a German Wehrmacht soldier tend to a convalescing Hitler Youth member in Normandy, France. 1944.

While in England, and being located as it was, the 108th serviced a great many local Dispensaries the patients from which were admitted and disposed of in the same manner as if it were a Station Hospital. Moreover the unit functioned as General Hospital for some 15 different Station Hospitals.

At the end of December 1943, the unit had admitted 1779 patients, of whom 774 remained in the Hospital, 15 were transferred to other Hospitals, 15 were evacuated to the Zone of Interior, 3 died, and the balance discharged and returned to duty.

Illustration showing the covering sheet of the 1944 Annual Report for the 108th General Hospital.

Anglo-American relations were excellent, and friendships with many of the prominent English landowners in the vicinity of the Hospital were established. Lord and Lady Vernon repeatedly extended invitations to members of the unit, and gardens and some buildings were used by patients for rest, entertainment, and relaxation. In return the Hospital arranged for parties, social functions, and dances. Many Officers from various US and Allied organizations attended medical conferences held by the 108th. The part of the Hospital’s existence in the United Kingdom was to be divided into 2 phases – during the first phase, i.e. the period between 20 October 1943 and 5 May 1944, the unit carried out the work of an actively functioning Hospital – the second phase, between 5 May and 30 July 1944, included a period of intensive preparation and training for its Continental mission!

During the month of February 1944, Lt. Colonel Louis M. Rousselot was assigned to the 108th Gen Hosp as XO, replacing the then ailing CO, Lt. Colonel J. F. Gallagher, until being formally appointed the new Commanding Officer on 4 April 1944.

In April, 4 Nurses were transferred to the 168th Station Hospital and the Hospital received 6 additional Nurses. 17 more Nurses were transferred to the 100th General Hospital prior to leaving for Wales.
Extensive medical training took place in North Wales, including physical conditioning and development of stamina in all ranks, with road marches, calisthenics, drill, sports, and lectures around organization and functioning of a General Hospital in a Communications Zone. Conferences took place in London, tented Hospitals were visited, and scale models (with olive-drab painted solid wooden tent replicas) built as training aids under the skilful instruction of Captain John A. Nelson, the new XO.
A series of lectures and discourses were given on “Preparation for Overseas Movement”, ETO-POM-SSV, Volume I, 10 Jan 44. On 13 May, orders were received assigning the unit to ADSEC, and the CO was immediately ordered to Bristol where he was briefed on the mission and received sealed Secret Orders to be opened only prior to embarkation!

Associated features of the extensive training schedule embraced the following :

Physical conditioning
Litter Bearer drills
Shelter Tent pitching
Heavy Tent pitching
Field Sanitation
Personal Hygiene
V.D. Control
Vermin Control
Map Reading
Light Arms drill (pistol & carbine)
Security measures
Rules of Land Warfare
Aircraft Identification
Bomb Reconnaissance & Disposal
Conservation of Supplies & Equipment
Wearing of Newly-Issued Lightweight Gas Mask Equipment
Gas Chamber drills
Field Gas drills (combined smoke, tear gas, simulated rifle fire)
Use of Protective Hood
Treatment of Gas Casualties

Between 13 and 16 May 1944, the 108th General Hospital turned over its Sudbury site to its successor, the 182d General Hospital, newly arrived from the United States. The move was accomplished without any interruption of hospital operation throughout the interchange of personnel. The 108th then started its second phase of existence which terminated on 29 July 1944, when it embarked for France.

Throughout its period of intensive training, the Hospital spent a total of 7 weeks in Llandudno, Wales, in the so-called “Hospital Training Area” along with several other medical units, such as the 19th30th – 298th General Hospitals among the oldest and best seasoned medical units in the Theater.

SOP was carefully adhered to and many weeks were spent assembling all the equipment at Depot G-55 in the south of England, comprising a 1000-bed Hospital. In total 448 boxes and crates, representing a cubage of 3259 cubic feet, weighing over 24 tons were packed. The Hospital’s motor pool now consisted of 6 ¾-ton ambulances, 3 2½-ton trucks, 4 1½-ton trucks, 4 ¾-ton command cars, 3 jeeps, 2 1-ton trailers, and 2 ¼-ton trailers.

On 7 July, orders were received moving the Hospital from Llandudno, Wales, to a small transit camp at Danebury Hill, Stockbridge, Hants. On 27 July, the unit left Danebury at 0900 hours by motor convoy for the Marshalling Area at Southampton, arriving there mid-afternoon of the same day.
The British transport ship HMS “Llangibby Castle” sailed out of Southampton at exactly 1530 hours, 29 July 1944. In addition to other branches of the service, 3 General Hospitals were on the same vessel, consequently, only Nurses had cabin space. Officers and Enlisted Men slept either on deck or in hammocks. The ship was part of a large protected convoy en route for Utah Beach… (designated code: ”Watson”).

Arrival & Operations in the ETO:

Short off shore, everyone was lowered over the side into LCTs and headed for the beach, where an advance party of 4 Officers were waiting (they had traveled with a ship carrying the 56th General Hospital). Motor transportation was provided for the Nurses, while Officers and Enlisted Men marched to the transit area “B”, 4 miles away. About 0300, 31 July 1944, the unit moved to the new Hospital site at Tourlaville, 3 miles east of Cherbourg in the Cotentin Peninsula.

Photograph showing the ruined buildings in and around Tourlaville, France. Picture taken in June, 1944.

Engineers were already on site, and with the use of all the available manpower (about 250 men from the Hospital) and some vehicles, access roads were built, trails widened, and a Phase I, Expeditionary Type, Tented Hospital was completed in 16 days.

Intensive sorties into the now deserted and once much vaunted ‘Atlantikwal’ produced an amazing array of furnishing and office equipment, including German field cookers and French ranges, providing a fine supplement to the command’s own mess equipment.

Meanwhile, the majority of the members of the Surgical Service went on Detached Service with various Evacuation Hospitals along the Normandy front, while a group of Nurses were sent to assist in staffing the 298th General Hospital.

With one-third of tentage up and all equipment in the field, certain sections still unpacked, orders were received to cease work – as the tactical situation was changing rapidly, and the lines moving so fast, medical troops were now needed forward. Time was taken to survey a new hospital site, near Le Mans. Personnel and equipment moved on 17 August by truck and by train and camp was set up and supplies unloaded on newly harvested fields. The forward movement of troops was progressing so rapidly that this was again to be a temporary stop. The CO and 4 junior Officers went to Paris, arriving in the French Capital only 3 days after the Germans had left. The 108th advance party reached Paris at 1830 hours, 29 August 1944 and immediately reported to Lt. Colonel Thair C. Rich, Surgeon, Seine Base Section.
After months of planning operations of a Tented Hospital, the unit was to be installed in one of the largest and most modern hospital buildings in France.

The unit left Le Mans in two groups, the first one leaving 2 September and arriving in Paris the same day, and the second group joining on 4 September. The new location was to be the Beaujon Hospital, Clichy, Paris, France.

The Beaujon Hospital in Paris, France which was occupied by the 108th General Hospital.

The 108th General Hospital was the FIRST Hospital to begin operations in Paris. It took over ‘Beaujon Hospital’, a twelve-story building located in Clichy, Paris. Requisitioned by the Luftwaffe after the capture of Paris in 1940, it served as their main Hospital in France. When departing, the enemy only destroyed the telephone and internal communication system, leaving the rest behind including furnishings, hospital beds, and most of the heavy equipment. They did remove all their instruments but left the heavy X-Ray equipment which was excellent and usable from the outset. Any surgical supplies, as well as drugs and pharmaceuticals were turned over to the French via the G-5 staff. The Germans had evacuated all their patients between 17 and 18 August, and the only remaining ones were 2 wounded British soldiers (captured in Caen in June) and 40 French civilians, casualties of a recent air raid. Less than thirty-six hours after its arrival, the Hospital opened with an initial capacity of 400 beds! Starting with 400 beds on 2 September, it went to 1000 beds on 7 September, increased to 1500 beds on 21 October, and to 1800 beds on 16 November, even reaching 2300 beds on 20 November. By end November 1944, the Hospital had reached a capacity of 2500 beds.

Some of the first patients were German PWs, trapped between US and Allied Forces in Belgium, followed by ever increasing GIs from the ETO battlefields – at one period of time, 500 descended on the Hospital in three hours, and another 1,000 in just forty-eight hours. The Surgical staff had to organize 12 hour-day and night shifts and handled over 16,000 patients in a a 4-months period! Several cases of trenchfoot were received in November and December, and the Hospital was designated by Maj. General Paul R. Hawley, Chief Surgeon ETOUSA, and Colonel Elliott C. Cutler, Chief Consultant Surgery, to study the problem of Trenchfoot for the Army – 150 beds and 5 Surgeons had been set aside for this purpose, and their job was to study the cases and develop a rapid and accurate criteria for triage, and factors pertaining to etiology, pathology, therapy, and disposition of patients.

Illustration showing the construction of a tented rehabilitation area at the 108th General Hospital, Paris, France.

The 108th was also designated as a Maxillo-Facial Center for the Paris area with one floor assigned for this purpose. A separate section was established to treat VD.

From 2 September to 31 December 1944, a total of 25,785 admissions and 23,576 dispositions were recorded.
Classification was as follows:

Patients returned to Duty 3393
Patients transferred to ComZ Hospitals in rear 6494
Patients evacuated to United Kingdom 13441
Patiens transferred to ZI 67

In order to support daily operations, the unit functioned as a 1,000-bed Hospital under T/O 8-550, dated 3 July 1944, with the help of attached personnel and supplementary French civilian workers (in fact it ran a 2,500-bed operation).

Officer personnel included the following:

Lt. Colonel Louis M. Rousselot, MC Commanding Officer
Major John A. Nelson, MC Executive Officer
Captain James J. Fitzpatrick, MAC Medical Supply Officer
Captain Robert L. Summers, MAC Registrar
1st Lieutenant Herman J. Henault, MAC Mess Officer
Warrant Officer JG Charles E. Finkboner Personnel Officer
1st Lieutenant Belve F. Walker, MAC Adjutant
Lt. Colonel William J. Vynalek, MC Chief of Surgical Service
Lt. Colonel Stanley C. W. Fahlstrom, MC Chief of Medical Service
Lt. Colonel Benjamin H. Neiman, MC Chief of Laboratory Service
Lt. Colonel Alfred C. Ledoux, MC Chief of X-Ray Service
Lt. Colonel Charles H. Grandstaff, DC Chief of Dental Service
Captain George F. Fisher, CHC Protestant Chaplain
Captain George L. Warth, CHC Catholic Chaplain
Major Sara M. Abrams, ANC Chief Nurse

Extra nursing personnel was supplied by other organizations for Temporary Duty, short periods, or Detached Service:

4 Nurses 196th General Hospital
5 Nurses 5th Auxiliary Surgical Group
12 Nurses 19th Replacement Depot
13 Nurses 2d General Hospital
14 Nurses 1st General Hospital
15 Nurses 30th General Hospital
19 Nurses 16th Station Hospital
20 Nurses 100th General Hospital
20 Nurses 190th General Hospital
40 Nurses 76th General Hospital
40 Nurses 48th General Hospital

Instead of detached wards, the Hospital was housed in a 12-storey building! Each floor consisted of 4 wards, connected with rooms and interspersed with small wards of 6 and 4 beds. The capacity of the floors varied from 55 patients to 220. Instead of a sole Medical and Surgical Supervisor, there was a Supervisor on each floor. Nurses worked from 0700 to 1900, with three hours off duty, however, due to the workload, time on duty could sometimes run to 2100 or 2200, and hours off were then the exception rather than the rule. Each Supervisor was advised to see that every Nurse got an afternoon off weekly. The limited number of Nurses was definitely a handicap in the nursing of patients. The problem was partially solved by having extra Nurses on Temporary Duty or Detached Service, but they in fact contributed little if their stay was short, for it took about a week for adjustment and orientation.

Illustration showing Maj. General Paul R. Hawley, Chief Surgeon ETOUSA.

In October 1944, 1 Officer and 2 EM of the 190th General Hospital were attached to the unit for an indefinite period.

Personnel Roster:

Pursuant to instructions contained in Letter Subject: Ordering into active Military Service of certain Medical Units, War Department Letter AG 322, May 26, 1943, and File SPKHT, AG 320.2 (Medical), the following named Officers and Enlisted Men of the 86th General Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, are transferred in grade to the 108th General Hospital, with station at LaGarde General Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, effective June 10, 1943.
Special Order Number 148, June 10, 1943, originated from LaGarde General Hospital, Office of the Commanding officer, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Gallagher, Joseph F. Lieutenant Colonel O-9199 MC
De Feo, Herman F. Major O-318082 MC
Fitzpatrick, James J. Captain O-481290 MAC
Perkins, George L. Captain O-464972 MC
Bertucci, Joseph A. 1st Lieutenant O-464885 MC
Boles, Donald J. 1st Lieutenant O-464886 MC
Bradie, Albert P. 1st Lieutenant O-474610 SnC
Caul, Charles J. 1st Lieutenant O-464888 MC
Damer, Edward J. 1st Lieutenant O-481379 MAC
Havilland, Harlan J. 1st Lieutenant O-259137 MAC
McDonnell, Walter R. 1st Lieutenant O-1687038 MC
Summers, Robert L. 1st Lieutenant O-516725 MAC
Busby, Yancy L. 2d Lieutenant O-1579450 QMC
Darnell, William C. 2d Lieutenant O-481371 MAC
LeBlanc, Jeffery J. 2d Lieutenant O-1534321 MAC
Olson, Francis J. 2d Lieutenant O-487611 MAC
Seiler, Walter F. 2d Lieutenant O-1580302 QMC
Walker, Belve F. 2d Lieutenant O-1534407 MAC

Doctors and Nurses at work in the Operating Room of the 94th Evacuation Hospital, Le Piazze, Italy.

Enlisted Men
Fondren, Earl A. Master Sergeant 3023517
Skelton, Erskine F. Technical Sergeant 14026708
Dial, Frank Staff Sergeant 14046207
Holmes, Herbert J. Staff Sergeant 37222283
Kerr, William F. Staff Sergeant 18020559
Lester, Kenneth E. Staff Sergeant 31026387
McGill, Guss W. Staff Sergeant 6281739
McLean, Norman N. Staff Sergeant 36339018
Rosenberg, Max Staff Sergeant 32329869
Stahler, Norman J. Staff Sergeant 32371637
Antle, Phillip J. Sergeant 16099476
Asher, Roy D. Sergeant 37223267
Baker, Roy A. Sergeant 37456093
Byars, Willam B. Sergeant 16098100
Carter, Francis M. Sergeant 16099173
Creasey, Collins R. Sergeant 16072537
Firebaugh, Kenneth L. Sergeant 37333782
Fish, Robert E. Sergeant 16092963
Grady, Jack E. Sergeant 18079906
Logan, Woodrow R. Sergeant 37456813
Lyle, Aubrey F., Jr. Sergeant 37222867
McCann, Harry A. Sergeant 16097715
McDaniel, Max A. Sergeant 16103143
McDowell, William W. Sergeant 37434605
Mongiat, Ferruccio J. Sergeant 16096540
Morrison, Kenneth F. Sergeant 16100801
Piper, Peter J. Sergeant 16101398
Rappel, Ferd J. Sergeant 16127634
Richards, Paul V. Sergeant 37382853
Shannon, Harry D. Sergeant 16072802
Shaw, Walter M. Sergeant 16101233
Smith, Alfred F. Sergeant 16072803
Sweet, Joseph D. Sergeant 37456433
Antonson, Herbert J. Technician 4th Grade 39172635
Baker, Lewis H. Technician 4th Grade 34242290
Coleman, Robert J. Technician 4th Grade 36186399
Drake, Alex H. Technician 4th Grade 36317655
Dyer, Loyce F. Technician 4th Grade 14016535
Hutchinson, Yel W. Technician 4th Grade 37384714
Lebe, Irving Technician 4th Grade 32347737
Nowak, Virgil M. Technician 4th Grade 37456227
McAllister, George W. Technician 4th Grade 38128460
Odom, Billie B. Technician 4th Grade 38105312
Olson, Thorsten V. Technician 4th Grade 36341828
Pribil, Jacob F. Technician 4th Grade 37123601
Robinson, Dale A. Technician 4th Grade 35389184
Schaeffer, Charles W. Technician 4th Grade 39606471
Seaman, Isadore F. Technician 4th Grade 37123584
Steinkamp, Frederick W. E. Technician 4th Grade 37123613
Strackany, Frank H. Technician 4th Grade 36328779
Sutton, Ronald F. Technician 4th Grade 37263012
Trull, Charles L. Technician 4th Grade 14026327
Woodie, Walter R. Technician 4th Grade 34116813
Anderson, Lester C. Corporal 37221284
Apple, Sedrick C. Corporal 18124616
Burrows, Gurney B. Corporal 37456357
Fogle, Beryl E. Corporal 37456261
Gordon, Kelly G. Corporal 37221663
Grigsby, James M. Corporal 16072841
Hughes, Jewell W. Corporal 38185191
Kille, Robert J. Corporal 37224657
Lucas, Wilbur H. Corporal 36254104
Magruder, James R. Corporal 37384079
Miller, Clemmens J. Corporal 16100740
Parthum, Charles F., Jr. Corporal 16124030
Petterson, Chester R. Corporal 37334363
Pick, Irving C. Corporal 16124508
Sanza, Amadeo Corporal 37331264
Schaeffer, Constaime G. Corporal 37334273
Shrimple, Robert C. Corporal 16099825
Vohsasek, Matthew E. Corporal 16101120
Andres, Elton L. Technician 5th Grade 36360628
Ballantyne, John M. Technician 5th Grade 37431838
Benham, Ralph C. Technician 5th Grade 37427555
Bergstrom, Sigurd C. Technician 5th Grade 36358412
Berz, Oscar Technician 5th Grade 2067962
Birch, Charles M. Technician 5th Grade 38203149
Blakinger, Leo A. Technician 5th Grade 16099655
Bonds, Oscar C. Technician 5th Grade 37310639
Brannen, Truett G. Technician 5th Grade 18018831
Brown, Raymond R. Technician 5th Grade 6296958
Bue, Carl A. Technician 5th Grade 37334659
Carter, Gordon W. Technician 5th Grade 37221374
Clarkson, Albert P. Technician 5th Grade 37375624

Interior view of a ward tent at a Fifth US Army Evacuation Hospital near Lucca, Italy

Courey, Mike A. Technician 5th Grade 37262022
Deets, Daniel H. Technician 5th Grade 37434895
Dillon, Robert W. Technician 5th Grade 37352456
Duffey, Charles V. Technician 5th Grade 37262497
Felsenberg, Kurt H. Technician 5th Grade 37334643
Ferraro, Pete Jr. Technician 5th Grade 37221242
Fleming, Richard L. Technician 5th Grade 37384070
Ford, Charles I. Technician 5th Grade 37456444
Fox, Thomas V. Technician 5th Grade 37456415
Freeman, Lemuel P. Technician 5th Grade 37335327
Gasway, Ted O. Technician 5th Grade 39848133
Glaser, Harland C. Technician 5th Grade 37333883
Glivar, Matt C. Technician 5th Grade 37352506
Griffith, Paul R. Technician 5th Grade 37456580
Hall, Jesse L. Technician 5th Grade 37383651
Harris, Fred R. Technician 5th Grade 37432850
Hermsen, Joseph A. Technician 5th Grade 37431892
Hilton, James W. Technician 5th Grade 37466233
Honefenger, Hollis R. Technician 5th Grade 15140944
Horton, Billie J. Technician 5th Grade 37313658
Hungerford, Lester O. Technician 5th Grade 37221219
Kienle, John A. Technician 5th Grade 16169450
Komes, Anthony P. Technician 5th Grade 37432009
Kremer, Cletus J. Technician 5th Grade 37364677
Larson, Leon L. Technician 5th Grade 37347329
Lawson, Clarence L. Technician 5th Grade 37471593
Loe, John K. Technician 5th Grade 37452354
Long, James B. Technician 5th Grade 33394693
Lynch, Beattie F. Technician 5th Grade 14732879
Maize, Charles L. Technician 5th Grade 37530924
Marlenmee, Glen Technician 5th Grade 37431642
Marner, Patrick J. Technician 5th Grade 16126272
Martinez, Theophilus A. Technician 5th Grade 37352709
Meyer, Fred C. Technician 5th Grade 37261713
Michael, Duane D. Technician 5th Grade 37454462
Montedomico, Edward L. Technician 5th Grade 34382600
Moore, Robert R. Technician 5th Grade 37342804
Nelson, Francis R., Jr. Technician 5th Grade 37334665
Nielsen, Norval L. Technician 5th Grade 37083164
Nusmolly, Clinton F. Technician 5th Grade 37334295
O’Neil, Thomas V. Technician 5th Grade 37334393
Pearson, Charles H. Technician 5th Grade 38112944
Pearson, Gunder L. Technician 5th Grade 37304478
Ratliff, Thomas W. Technician 5th Grade 37261962
Razes, Robert G. Technician 5th Grade 37453690
Reynolds, John W. Technician 5th Grade 16016174
Riemer, Emil Technician 5th Grade 37334092
Rowell, Joseph H. Technician 5th Grade 14074281
Schmidt, Anton R. Technician 5th Grade 37261793
Schwartz, Carl P. Technician 5th Grade 37454797
Schwartzkopf, Carl Technician 5th Grade 37456328
Spaeth, John B., Jr. Technician 5th Grade 37216408
Stewart, Charles A. Technician 5th Grade 37456249
Stewart, Clair I. Technician 5th Grade 37431424
Tassini, August C. Technician 5th Grade 12058323
Tredway, Samuel P. Technician 5th Grade 37383450
Tyler, Willie W. Technician 5th Grade 37383882
Walleck, Joseph J. Technician 5th Grade 37222981
Winders, Eugene J. Technician 5th Grade 37425388
Wilcken, Rou J. Technician 5th Grade 37262604
Woolum, James T. Technician 5th Grade 37352665
Yoesel, Marvin E. Technician 5th Grade 37201952
Abbatte, Maurice A. Private First Class 16143815
Abbot, Michael E. Private First Class 16170540
Auerbach, John E. Private First Class 16147070
Bailey, Paul D. Private First Class 37334039
Bardon, Victor J. Private First Class 16097994
Bartlow, William P. Private First Class 16072831
Blazevitch, Jack C. Private First Class 37216405
Bootjer, Jack C. Private First Class 16126238
Brust, Raymond F. Private First Class 16125280
Burney, Gaylen D. Private First Class 37261046
Christensen, Clifford W. Private First Class 37432610
Clair, Dennis J. Private First Class 16146612
Clements, Richard W. Private First Class 16073293
Cobb, Eli Private First Class 16146089
Cook, Erwin Private First Class 14016815
Cutter, Charles C. Private First Class 37334171
Davis, Harold E. Private First Class 16072842
Deines, Emil W. Private First Class 37352765
Dickinson, Alvin S. Private First Class 37223270
Dillon, Thomas J., Jr. Private First Class 16145761
Dolence, Frederick C. Private First Class 37456493
Dzierz, Jack W. Private First Class 16100897
Edwards, Almon H. Private First Class 37456534
Eilert, Leo A. Private First Class 37222181
Ellis, Robert W. Private First Class 16125577
Fastenau, Joy N. Private First Class 37456023

An attached Surgical Team operates on a soldier of the 30th Infantry Division, wounded during the crossing of the Rhine a few hours earlier.

Fisher, James U. Private First Class 37216995
Fortune, Lemar G. Private First Class 37221632
Fundakowski, Henry G. Private First Class 16126012
Geraci, Nicholas V. Private First Class 16099908
Gerrard, William H. Private First Class 37432084
Gunt, Edwin R. Private First Class 16143816
Hayes, John K. Private First Class 16145904
Harshman, Daniel D. Private First Class 39452736
Hershey, Marvin L. Private First Class 16125185
Hill, James Private First Class 37334397
Johnson, Lyle V. Private First Class 16128710
Johnson, Paul R. Private First Class 37332793
Kasl, William E. Private First Class 16125409
Kavanaugh, Richard B. Private First Class 16144857
Kenaston, Darrel D. Private First Class 37265282
Kite, Gordon H. Private First Class 5126245
Koziol, John S. Private First Class 37261504
Krch, Edward Private First Class 16143818
Krcmarik, John J. Private First Class 16100959
Kulhanek, Donald F. Private First Class 37456292
Kulp, Henry U. Private First Class 37432761
Kuzuf, Steven Private First Class 37387683
Loomis, Harold E. Private First Class 37384844
Louis, Felix A. Private First Class 475782
Lydon, Francis S. Private First Class 37262023
McCain, Orrie E. Private First Class 16073297
Markus, Raymond L. Private First Class 37261710
Marshall, Val A. Private First Class 37382920
Marzec, Edmond R. Private First Class 16169537
Millet, Leo A. Private First Class 38194090
Mizera, Walter J. Private First Class 16124289
Moore, Robert L. Private First Class 37382165
Moore, Roy D. Private First Class 16126691
Moraczewski, Stephan A. Private First Class 16125398
Morgan, Robert G. Private First Class 37333434
Morrow, Clayton W. Private First Class 37331261
Mosnik, Alvin V. Private First Class 37331265
Naibauer, Reuben Private First Class 38110963
Neudorff, Herbert A. Private First Class 37215135
Norgaard, Henry A. Private First Class 37262715
Olson, Emerson A. Private First Class 37307392
Pawlak, Marcel Private First Class 16124569
Payne, Joe Private First Class 37222169
Pipla, Roy J. Private First Class 16170538
Perch, Harold W. Private First Class 16145905
Roberts, Russell I. Private First Class 37221320
Schaeffer, Gerard J. Private First Class 16101051
Schlichting, David A. Private First Class 16126345
Schmidt, Frank C. Private First Class 37384687
Smouse, Jake T. Private First Class 37431927
Speer, Kenneth I. Private First Class 37222127
Spears, Leslie Private First Class 16125399
Speicher, Louis D. Private First Class 37383956
Sternbauer, Joseph Jr. Private First Class 16144478
Summer, Cletus A. Private First Class 37431316
Thomas, Robert E. Private First Class 16170541
Vienot, Harold A. Private First Class 37334445
Wagner, Harold A. Private First Class 16146301
Wentworth, George E. Private First Class 37306257
Wenzel, Delmar C. Private First Class 37334714
Wickstrom, Gustaf Private First Class 16144856
Wild, Edward L. Private First Class 37334737
Wyatt, Charles W. Private First Class 37352521
Adams, George L. Private 37252681
Adamson, Cecil B. Private 37352679
Allen, Victor W. Private 37384155
Anderson, Carl E. Private 37432659
Anderson, Harold J. Private 16100110
Arnold, William I. Private 16127885
Avery, Randolph F. Private 16146322
Baggio, Dominick D. Private 16145629
Baker, George H. Private 37384132
Baker, Isaac W. Private 37432177
Ball, Robert D. Private 37434241
Balterman, Elmore L. Private 16128798
Barker, Ernest D. Private 37432189
Barlow, Carlton D. Private 16169708
Barter, Gordon G. Private 37262906
Belt, Elmer F. Private 37221817
Bergan, Orvin A. Private 37432269
Berrier, Everett R. Private 37430886
Berry, William J. Private 16072813
Blackburn, Floyd J. Private 37456869
Boll, John E. Private 15059060
Bornstein, Albert L. Private 16100741
Bosshart, Robert T. Private 16071015
Bowman, John E. Private 37456040
Brand, Joseph F. Private 16145760
Brindel, Harold Private 16127119
Britton, Warren A. Private 37307538
Brown, Edward W. Private 16128744
Bruhl, Harold B. Private 16099978
Brunette, Henry J. Private 16170539
Burgardt, Leonard Private 37352753
Burk, Howard A. Private 37222174
Burk, Wilbur W. Private 37221773
Burkin, David Private 16100958
Burroughs, Kelly Private 37334466
Butler, Lawrence A. Private 16126698
Camp, Leo E. Private 37435270
Cannito, Leo Private 37384775
Carlson, Barth A. Private 16085198
Carluccio, Rocco J. Private 16144114
Carvis, Leo F. Private 16126018
Cash, Arthur H. Private 16145903
Chilcott, Israel H. Private 16169168
Cisar, George W. Private 16144686
Clauson, Theodore D. Private 37456243
Clingan, Richard T. Private 16072838
Cobb, William J. Private 16145366
Cody, James  P. Private 16123992
Collins, Ray C. Private 37456484
Connell, Frank J. Private 32482315
Cook, James R. Private 37456472
Cornwell, Charles C. Private 37334331
Cunningham, Joseph L. Private 37384240
Cyza, Theodore V. Private 37262008
Daffner, Joseph Private 16169283
Danna, Phillip Private 16141425
Dante, Anthony G. Private 16140721
David, Irving T. Private 16126240
Davis, Derrill D. Private 37384076
Day, Clarence Private 16074264
DeBour, Melvin I. Private 37456177
Delk, Harris W. Private 16169165
Dent, Seely, J. Private 37334413
Desort, Raymond E. Private 16099654

Hospital staff unload a WC-54 Ambulance at the 111th Evacuation Hospital.

Dolce, Sare J. Private 16145090
Drumm, Terrence E. Private 16144858
Dulak, Francis A. Private 16099909
Bersole, Charles W. Private 37221565
Erickson, Elmer W. Private 16123994
Ervin, Vernon T. Private 37456345
Evans, Blanford L. Private 37223158
Ferano, Michael M. Private 16145625
Ferentchak, Phillip, Jr. Private 37456639
Fernandino, Frank R. Private 16146893
Ferrerla, Louis Private 39025285
Foreit, Frank Private 16128393
Frazer, Osa P. Private 37234491
Funk, John D. Private 16128540
Gabier, Julian N. Private 16143817
Galzagorry, Jean Private 37458696
Garcia, Abel R. Private 38368335
Garcia, José Private 32514265
Gensler, William M. Private 37432048
George, Verne S. Private 16141300
Gerlich, Raymond L. Private 16128639
Gerlock, Fred G. Private 37456118
Gethner, Louis M. Private 16070993
Gethner, Max M. Private 16097671
Gettins, William F. Private 16124473
Gibson, Gerald G. Private 37456253
Giglio, Charles C. Private 16125184
Gillett, Lawrence H. Private 16143965
Gioffre, Louis Private 16140823
Goldstein, Harvey D. Private 16169449
Grant, Floyd M. Private 37352739
Greenwood, Howard G. Private 37222985
Grossmann, Douglas C. Private 16085200
Guttery, William V. Private 16144687
Haden, Raymond L. Private 37456271
Hagen, Roy Private 37262896
Hagler, Charles V. Private 16152089
Hallsted, Leonard A. Private 37456256
Hanson, George H. Private 37334391
Hanson, Melvin E. Private 37307491
Harrison, Ralph Private 37432168
Hartley, Robert C. Private 16127376
Hatterman, Teddy N. Private 37456208
Hawthorne, Emery J. Private 37222171
Hayes, Harold G. Private 16169167
Healy, Richard J. Private 16097485
Hegstrom, William J. Private 16072824
Heilmann, Raymond W. Private 16141081
Heyerman, Harold A. Private 16169451
Hill, Clyde S. Private 37456326
Hobelmann, Henry F., Jr. Private 37452470
Hoffman, Reinhard C. Private 37306654
Hoggins, David F. Private 37383578
Holloway, Lee D. Private 37431800
Holzman, David F. Private 16101035
Holzrichter, Edward L. Private 16098591
Horne, Charles W. Private 37456381
House, Willard R. Private 16072816
Huber, George S. Private 16125400
Huff, Francis G. Private 16072849
Huffman, John W. Private 16100898
Hunzelman, Alvin C. Private 37432892
Jenkins, Harry F. Private 37425734
Jensen, Delmar C. Private 37432053
Jensen, Sophus Private 37431884
Johnson, David M. Private 37334569
Johnson, Earl A. Private 16171771
Johnson, Fritz Private 39852321
Johnson, James E. Private 35494837
Johnson, Martin Private 38303191
Jones, Arthur Private 37334435
Jones, Johnnie R. Private 34494533
Jones, Montie A. Private 38355369
Jones, Richard N. Private 37222426
Josephson, Harry D. Private 16169712
Junck, Raymond A. Private 37262791
Juveland, Herman Private 37307481
Kahn, Norman W. Private 16144688
Kalwei, Henry F. Private 37221980
Kaneley, Richard T. Private 16168499
Karl, Vernon H. Private 37307436
Keely, Clarence C. Private 37222924
Kenneally, Phillip J. Private 16169166
Key, Donald D. Private 16145626
Key, Edward J. Private 16141426
Kingston, Don R. Private 37456081
Klemes, Charles J. Private 16140810
Knowlton, James R., Jr. Private 16097662
Kobel, Roy J. Private 37384894
Koepp, William O. Private 16143961
Kosik, Frank J., Jr. Private 16100278
Kowske, Joseph A. Private 16141320
Kowske, Raymond B. Private 16141302
Krivanec, Paul T. Private 16126239
Krutske, Frederick R. Private 37384850
Kuk, William E. Private 16125401
Lau, Walter E. Private 16170908
Lebolo, Guido J. Private 37456648
Lemiey, William V. Private 37220935
Lento, Sam J. Private 16146008
Lesher, Charles F. Private 37221768
Levin, Edward J. Private 16100196
Levy, Louis Private 37384767
Lian, Viking M. Private 16126017
Lissolo, Edward H. Private 37334339
Logue, Carol V. Private 37221473
Lombardo, Frank V. Private 16141301
Long, George H. Private 37222197
Long, Sylvan U. Private 37223585
Lotter, Lawrence Private 37261893
Lowry, Clarence A. Private 37219600
Lucki, Joseph B. Private 37352899
Lundin, Forrest W. Private 37382149
Makowski, Robert L. Private 37334239
Mallizzio, Charles M. Private 16100885
Marrill, Horace A. Private 37456782
Martin, Ernest H. Private 37334758
Mason, Dale Private 16074274
McClellan, George B. Private 16126015
McColl, Roderick Private 16145762
McCreery, Oren Z. Private 37456467
McCullough, Douglas G. Private 16127685
McEvoy, Raymond E. Private 16143968
McKinley, John A. Private 16143814
McMahon, Carter W. Private 36045234
McNee, John H. Private 37456495
Meier, Fred D. Private 16169707
Meiners, Paul G. Private 16128394
Mendenhall, Elton Private 37223525
Millard, Merle L. Private 37221812
Miller, Newland D. Private 37222189
Miller, Paul M. Private 16099125
Mitterman, Emil F. Private 16100739
Mlin, Lionel J. Private 16127230
Moloney, Lawrence J. Private 37352636
Montague, Michael F. Private 37456173
Munzer, Albert R. Private 16146065
Nelson, Ernest M. Private 37431525
Nelson, Richard L. Private 16127229
Niskala, Edwin W. Private 37307461
Nixon, George H. Private 37261920
Noble, Lawrence C. Private 37384701
Norman, Elsworth L. Private 37432290
North, Robert F. Private 37223495
Novak, Raymond J. Private 16143960
Nurge, Frederick, H. Private 37383959
O’Connor, Albert L. Private 37352498
Olson, Thomas F. Private 16172400
Olson, William J. Private 16172387
Owens, John F. Private 37432138
Pacheco, Laurano Private 37352475
Pancratz, John J. Private 16123891
Parker, Lawrence C. Private 37456496
Payne, Howard F. Private 37456229
Pecaut, Joseph W., Jr. Private 37384321
Peters, Edward T. Private 16128016
Phelan, James L. Private 37432997
Phillips, Elwin C. Private 37229475
Phillips, John S. Private 37456588
Phillips, Milo V. Private 37456145
Pickrell, Robert J. Private 16170542
Pipkin, Lilburn M. Private 16162252
Pitassi, Matthew J. Private 16128816
Porter, Frank D. Private 16128233
Prather, John M. Private 37352555
Propst, Dewey I. Private 37262976
Randall, Leslie W. Private 16073303
Redmon, James K. Private 37431287
Reeder, Willis D. Private 37383256
Regan, David A. Private 16126569
Rehling, William T. Private 16124027
Reynolds, Wendell K. Private 16074172
Rice, Kenneth H. Private 16146300
Ringeisen, Andrew W. Private 37384752
Robinson, Robert C. Private 16073304
Rockwell, Edward V. Private 37456475
Rhode, Harold E. Private 16140822
Rosenberg, David Private 16128015
Rosenburg, Gilbert A. Private 37383895
Rossmeier, Max C. Private 37261585
Rubin, Russell R. Private 16128637
Rumple, Harold J. Private 37424423
Rush, James M. Private 37383408
Saks, Thomas Jr. Private 16128709
Salzman, Richard A. Private 16128638
Sandoval, Joe R. Private 37352472
Sargent, Clifford D. Private 16072801
Sauerberg, Walter J. Private 16128017
Sawyer, Robert E. Private 37334481
Schilling, Louis J. Private 37384080
Schlichting, Wilbur W. Private 37352469
Schmid, Donald C. Private 16147441
Schmieder, Robert L. Private 37382015
Scott, Ernest E. Private 34143495
Seigel, Daniel Private 16169706
Shahan, Leslie H. Private 16147446
Shepard, Dale G. Private 37456041
Shilling, Archie D. Private 37223124
Siegel, Norman A. Private 37307525
Smith, Thomas L. Private 37382385
Stepp, Mendil Private 37452193
Stevens, Clifford U. Private 37262710

General overview of ward tents belonging to the 111th Evacuation Hospital.

Stoddard, Douglas L. Private 37305528
Strizek, William J. Private 16101234
Sullivan, Sylvester E. Private 37260999
Swenson, Elmer C. Private 37432768
Talbott, Martin E. Private 16144477
Terrones, Florencio Private 37352535
Tharp, Leslie S. Private 16072538
Thomas, Bennie L. Private 37378063
Thomas, Harvey V. Private 37432743
Thomas, J. B. Private 16125281
Thonssen, Charles W. Private 37307383
Tipton, Charles L. Private 16072832
Toborg, Milo Y., Jr. Private 16100175
Toomey, James J. Private 16147442
Torgerson, Ralph A. Private 37307536
Townsend, Joseph R. Private 37432188
Travis, Dan E. Private 16145627
Trotcky, Howard I. Private 16123993
Urban, Leo R. Private 37261951
Vallandingham, Frank M. Private 37434980
Vanderschaaf, John F. Private 16168498
Velasquez, Bennie Private 37352365
Veronda, Harold D. Private 37262430
VonFriedley, Gray D. Private 37262430
Wagemann, Robert E. Private 16098438
Wallace, Louis L. Private 16074178
Walling, Manley E. Private 37431672
Walther, William G. Private 16125772
Wantland, Harold A. Private 37384897
Warren, Donald D. Private 37222977
Weinberg, Arthur Private 16126016
Welis, Eldon R. Private 37226456
Williams, Glenn F. Private 37432922
Williams, William T. Private 16074271
Wimmer, Lynn C. Private 16169705
Yorkun, Harold J. Private 16074177
Zimmerling, Joseph J. Private 37432442

We unfortunately lack the necessary information detailing the final operations of the 108th General Hospital in the European Theater. Maybe one of our readers would be able to help and shed some light on this. We wish to thank one of our more recent Forum members, Nicolas Huysmans (Belgium), for kindly providing us with copies of a vintage Personnel Roster pertaining to the 108th General Hospital. This important find allowed us to add a complete list of Officers and Enlisted personnel to the Unit History. Thank you for your precious help.

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 25th March 2025 at 18:33.
Read more: https://www.med-dept.com/unit-histories/108th-general-hospital/