112th General Hospital Unit History

Early view of Quebec Street barracks at Fort Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts (Military Reservation with an acreage of 11,796). The 112th General Hospital was activated at Fort Devens on 23 December 1943.

Introduction & Activation:

Reference: General Orders No. 163, Section II, Army Service Forces, Headquarters First Service Command, Boston 15, Massachusetts, dated 27 December 1943.

Pursuant to authority contained in Letter, TAGO, File AG 322 (dated 11 Dec 43) OB-I-SPMOU-M, Subject: “Reorganization, Organization and Inactivation of Certain Station and General Hospitals”, dated 15 December 1943, the 177th Station Hospital (150-bed), Fort Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts, is inactivated, effective, 23 December 1943.
Records of the 177th Station Hospital will be retained by the inactivating authorities for preservation and future use. Personnel made available by the inactivation of this unit will be re-assigned to the 112th General Hospital, Fort Devens, Massachusetts.

Pursuant to authority contained in Letter, TAGO, File AG 322 (dated 11 Dec 43) OB-I-SPMOU-M, Subject: “Reorganization, Organization and Inactivation of Certain Station and General Hospitals”, dated 15 December 1943, the 1000-bed 112th General Hospital is hereby activated at Fort Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts (Military Reservation, acreage 11,796, troop capacity 2,066 Officers & 33,232 Enlisted Men –ed), effective, 23 December 1943, in accordance with T/O 8-550 dated 1 April 1942, with Changes 1 and 2, dated 30 July and 5 October 1942 respectively, and War Department Circular No. 306, dated 22 November 1943, with an authorized strength of 56 Officers – 1 Warrant Officer – 100 Nurses – 3 Physical Therapy Aides – 3 Hospital Dietitians, and 500 Enlisted Men. Upon activation, this unit is assigned to the First Service Command, Headquarters, Boston 15, Massachusetts, for extended field service.

By command of Major General Sherman Miles

W. A. Barron, Jr.,
Colonel, General Staff Corps,
Chief of Staff


The personnel activating the unit on 23 December 1943, initially consisted of 14 Officers – 15 Nurses – and 103 Enlisted Men (all previously assigned to the now inactivated 177th Sta Hosp) thus forming the nucleus around which the new 112th General Hospital was to be built. Major William W. Johnson, MC, O-290614, former CO of the inactivated 177th Sta Hosp assumed command until such time as the Surgeon General designated the new Commanding Officer.

Typical pillow sham of Camp Barkeley, Medical Replacement Training Center, Abilene, Texas. This type of souvenir was often purchased by men training at the camp and sent to their sweethearts, parents, or relatives during their stay there. This sample more particularly addresses a serviceman’s sister.

On 24 December 1943, the first contingent of EM to fill the T/O consisting of 16 men, joined the organization from MRTC Camp Barkeley, Abilene, Texas (Medical Replacement Training Center, acreage 69,879, troop capacity 3,192 Officers & 54,493 Enlisted Men –ed), per Paragraph 5, Special Orders No. 231, Army Service Forces, Eighth Service Command, MRTC, Camp Barkeley, Texas. Colonel Frank D. Edington, MC, O-283464, (Post Surgeon, Lowry Field –ed) was designated as the new CO of the unit, per Paragraph 29, Special Orders No. 352, Headquarters Technical School, AAFWTTC, Lowry Field, Colorado, dated 28 December 1943, and on 4 January 1944, joined the organization at Fort Devens, assuming official command of the 112th General Hospital, per Paragraph 1, General Orders No. 1, Headquarters, 112th General Hospital, dated 4 January 1944, in accordance with authority contained in Army Regulations 600-20.
Later an administrative cadre from Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois (Medical Replacement Training Center, acreage 3,349, troop capacity 453 Officers & 20,836 Enlisted Men –ed), was sent to the unit in the early stages of its existence, but since these functions had already been established, they were transferred to the Fort Devens Reception Center.

Organizational strength at 31 January 1944 was 24 Officers – 15 Nurses – 388 Enlisted Men. It should be noted that on 18 February 1944, the 15 ANC Officers were transferred to Camp Kilmer, Stelton, New Jersey (Staging Area for New York Port of Embarkation, acreage 1,815, troop capacity 2,074 Officers & 35,386 Enlisted Men –ed), per Paragraph 8, Special Orders No. 46, Army Service Forces, Headquarters First Service Command, Boston, Massachusetts (at that time this was the unit’s total Nurse strength –ed).
The Hospital’s strength at 29 February 1944 increased to 35 Officers – and 480 Enlisted Men. During this period, the organization had moved from a section opposite the Station Hospital, in Fort Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts, to another area in Fort Devens, comprising 18 barracks to house Enlisted Men, 1 barrack to quarter Officers, 4 mess halls, 2 quartermaster buildings, and 4 other buildings, which were used as a day room and store rooms. There was also the service club # 1, and the athletic and drill field. The motor pool was situated in another part of the camp, approximately one-quarter mile away from the headquarters building.

Organizational strength – 112th General Hospital
23 December 1943 > 14 Officers – 15 Nurses – 103 Enlisted Men
24 December 1943 > 14 Officers – 15 Nurses – 119 Enlisted Men
31 January 1944 > 24 Officers – 15 Nurses – 388 Enlisted Men
29 February 1944 > 35 Officers – 480 Enlisted Men
31 March 1944 > 36 Officers – 510 Enlisted Men
30 April 1944 > 58 Officers – 535 Enlisted Men
31 May 1944 > 57 Officers – 1 Warrant Officer – 3 Hospital Dietitians – 5 American Red Cross Workers
– 513 Enlisted Men
10 June 1944 > 56 Officers – 1 Warrant Officer – 3 Hospital Dietitians – 2 Physical Therapy Aides
– 5 American Red Cross Workers – 493 Enlisted Men

Note: by the end of May 1944, the unit had not received any of its Nurses as authorized by the T/O. The WD issued T/O 8-550 Change 3 dated 4 March 1944 reducing the number of Nurses authorized from 100 to 83. The movement orders directed that the 112th Gen Hosp would obtain its ANC strength in the Theater from Nurses rendered surplus under the reductions effected by Change 3.

Training with Sulfanilamide. This particular photo illustrates the small metal case of 12 Sulfanilamide tablets introduced in 1941-1942 included with the small wound dressing packed in the soldier’s individual first-aid canvas pouch.


Upon arrival, all Enlisted personnel were automatically given a physical examination to determine their fitness for overseas duty. This screening process thus insured that when the unit was ready it would not be hindered by the lack of physically qualified men. This process continued during training.
A scheduled training of all Enlisted personnel was started on 31 January 1944 (it continued through May 1944 –ed) and consisted of two sections as follows:

  1. two weeks refresher courses in Basic Training for all personnel who had completed 11 weeks or more of Basic Training at one of the Replacement Training Centers.
  2. the Mobilization Training Program MTP 8-101 was started for all personnel who had not completed Basic Training (the latter was inaugurated on 14 February 1944 and continued for 13 weeks).

Medical soldiers receive instruction in Vehicle Maintenance at a Medical Replacement Training Center.

For those men who had completed Basic Training and MTP 8-10, parallel training took place in the Station Hospital, Fort Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts, with regular refresher courses during the training period. A number of EM, on completion of 4 weeks of basic training, were sent to Medical Department Schools to receive Technical Training (more particularly the Army Medical Center, Billings General Hospital, Army School of Roentgenology, X-Ray Technical School, William Beaumont General Hospital, and Bakers & Cooks School –ed). For completion of the training, the entire organization went on bivouac in an area adjacent to Fort Devens, (some 8 miles from the post –ed) for a period of 10 days, at which time the new Hospital was set up under tentage and functioned in the field. Individual shelter halves were used to house both Officers and Enlisted Men. Movement was effected with the following vehicles: 1 sedan – 2 ¼-ton trucks – 13 2½-ton trucks. The formal training was completed on 13 May 1944.

Preparation for Overseas Movement:

After completing its training program, the 112th received the movement orders to send its Advance Detachment to Fort Hamilton, New York, preparatory to sailing overseas and upon arrival at its overseas destination, to proceed to prepare the way for arrival of the main body of the organization at a later date.

The Advance Detachment received its confirming orders on 17 May 1944 and subsequently left Fort Devens on 24 May 1944, arriving at Fort Hamilton, New York, the same day. The party consisted of 2 Officers  and 3 Enlisted Men, under the command of Major Ferdinand E. Funda, MAC, O-274196. The group was processed and made ready to sail to its overseas destination on 29 May 1944. The voyage took place on board RMS “Queen Elizabeth” (the vessel carried advance detachments of 14 other hospital units with destination the United Kingdom –ed).

View of a ward room. Instruction is given of Plaster technique. Some pajama-clad patients look on with interest.

The unit’s main body received its movement orders on 7 June 1944, and entrained for Camp Myles Standish, Boston, Massachusetts (Staging Area for Boston Port of Embarkation, acreage 1,485, troop capacity 1,298 Officers & 23,100 Enlisted Men –ed), so as to arrive on or before 12 June 1944. Prior to receipt of such orders, the War Department with Circular No. 201, dated 22 May 1944, and Section V thereof, directed the unit to reduce the number of basic Privates by 5 %. Subject change was implemented on 10 June 1944, reducing the overall unit strength to 493 EM. The only personnel lacking were the 83 ANC Officers authorized, who were to be obtained overseas, and 1 Physical Therapy Aide, not yet assigned to the organization.
The hospital’s main body left by rail at 0745, 12 June 1944, and arrived at Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts at 1015 hours the same day. It was processed and made ready to depart for its overseas destination on 21 June 1944. It would leave on board RMS “Aquitania”. During the voyage, some of the 112th’s personnel was detailed to operate the ship’s dispensary and assisted in taking care of emergencies and giving typhus immunizations to the troops on board.

United Kingdom:

Exterior view of RMS “Aquitania”, the vessel which carried the 112th’s main group of personnel across the Atlantic.

The 112th General Hospital Advance Detachment arrived at the Port of Glasgow, Firth of Clyde, Scotland, on 5 June 1944, and on the next day proceeded by rail to Llandudno, North Wales, where upon arrival Major F. E. Funda reported to the Commanding Officer of the Hospital Training Area. It established its temporary headquarters in a building set aside by the Area Commander pending arrival of the main body from the ZI. During this interim period, the small group received Theater directives, procured motor vehicles, and arranged for billets, with assistance from the appointed British Liaison Officer and the CO of the Hospital Training Area, for the organization’s main body.

The organization’s main group reached Glasgow, in Scotland, on 30 June 1944, at 1930 hours, and eventually  proceeded to Llandudno, North Wales, at 0900 hours, on 1 July 1944, where it joined the Advance Detachment, already on site.
The Enlisted Men and Officers were billeted in the pre-arranged addresses along the promenade of Llandudno, which contained the Hospital Training Area in the Western District, divided by the local authorities and the British Royal Army Officers into several billeting areas. Billeting Area No. 4 was assigned to the 112th General Hospital. Immediately upon arrival in Wales, the staff and personnel received an orientation lecture in order to get familiarized with the social and economic problems of Great Britain, and the conduct expected of them as members of the Armed Forces of the United States.
After being briefed at the ARC Headquarters in London, the 5 American Red Cross workers reported back to their assigned unit in Llandudno on 4 July 1944.

Aerial photograph taken by the Royal Air Force showing the Port of Glasgow as it appeared in 1944.

On 1 July 1944, the 112th obtained its first quota of authorized Nurses, when 80 ANC Officers reported for duty. These Nurses came from the following hospital units:

7th General Hospital > 1
10th Station Hospital > 5
15th General Hospital > 6
16th General Hospital > 7
49th Station Hospital > 1
53d General Hospital > 1
65th General Hospital > 2
74th General Hospital > 2
76th General Hospital > 4
81st General Hospital > 3
82d General Hospital > 2
83d General Hospital > 4
90th General Hospital > 1
93d General Hospital > 2
100th General Hospital > 7
121st Station Hospital > 4
136th Station Hospital > 3
168th Station Hospital > 5
182d General Hospital > 6
184th General Hospital > 4
232d Station Hospital > 4
279th Station Hospital > 2
280th Station Hospital > 2
303d Station Hospital > 2

Typical view of an Operating Room in full action.

The above organizations were all located in the United Kingdom. Three (3) more Nurses were assigned. They came from the:

50th General Hospital > 2
96th General Hospital > 1

Captain Charlotte E. Smith, ANC, N-724002, was appointed Chief Nurse of the 112th Gen Hosp on 8 July 1944, as confirmed per Paragraph 6, Special Orders No. 101, dated 13 July 1944.

First Station
The unit did not remain long in the Llandudno Hospital Training Area, and on 3 July 1944, received orders to leave the area and proceed to US Army Hospital Plant # 4197 operated by the 1120-bed 50th General Hospital (affiliated to Seattle College, Seattle, Washington, and activated 4 September 1942 –ed) in Cowglen, Glasgow, and relieve that unit. The first part of the advance detail left Llandudno, North Wales, on 3 July 1944 by motor convoy, and consisted of only 3 Officers and 13 EM. The next day, 4 July 1944, 60 Medical Officers and Nurses and 240 Enlisted Men entrained for Cowglen, per Movement Order No. 1646, Headquarters, Western Base Section, ComZ, ETOUSA, dated 2 July 1944. They were to prepare the way for the balance of the Hospital which was to arrive on 8 July 1944, and did get there at 1930 hours.
At 0001, 8 July 1944, Colonel Frank D. Edington assumed command of US Army Hospital Plant # 4197 area, Glasgow, 5 ½ miles SW, Pt 0987, Cowglen, Scotland, as per General Orders No. 5, Headquarters, 112th General Hospital, APO 506, US Army, dated 8 July 1944. This would become the organization’s first experience in the operation of a hospital plant completely on its own! The installation was a former EMS facility constructed in Glasgow and taken over by the US Armed Forces.

Partial view of a Balkan Frame clamped onto a patient’s bed to permit the use of suspension traction in the treatment of fractures. The photo illustrates Orthopedic patients in bed.

The number of patients in the Hospital when the 112th began operating was 234. Patients for which treatment had been completed during the operation of the organization in Cowglen numbered 952. The period of operation lasted from 8 July 1944 to 17 August 1944. Total bed capacity was 1100. The establishment was of red brick construction built by the British and had paved roads. Seven (7) wards with a 448-bed capacity were devoted to the Medical Service and one hut was set aside for NP patients. Ten (10) wards with a 652-bed capacity were reserved for the Surgical Service. Central heating was available. Officers’ quarters were set up in one wing of the hospital building, while Nurses and Enlisted Men lived in Nissen huts, also of brick construction and heated by British stoves. Coke was used for fuel. Following takeover barbed wire fences were installed around the boundary of the camp by Italian co-belligerent details, grass cut, a new NP ward built, and an installation improved to contain German PWs, and other minor repairs made to better the general appearance of the plant.
Most patients received were of the non-battle casualty type, and part of the Hospital was set aside for patients to be returned to the ZI, so that mainly this area was a Holding Hospital. The 112th Gen Hosp was situated approximately 32 miles from Prestwick Airport (where an Air Holding facility had been opened –ed), from which patients sent to the Zone of Interior boarded the planes. Patients came in on a regular basis by Hospital Trains. In addition to this, it was not unusual for the organization to receive a call from the Port Commander, XXVI District, to send a detail of men to load patients aboard Hospital Ships in the harbor of Gourock (at times as many as 100 EM were sent on such missions –ed). Inspections by higher headquarters were frequent during the period.

Change of Station
On 10 August 1944 a confidential telegram was received by the CO directing a change of station for the 112th General Hospital. The organization was to move from its station in Cowglen to US Army Hospital Plant # 4103 located at the Stover Golf Course, near Teigngrace, Devon, and take over the plant’s operation from the 1554-bed 316th Station Hospital which in turn was to move to Cowglen, Scotland.
The unit’s first detachment left Cowglen by rail for its new station on 11 August 1944, and arrived there on 12 August 1944. The advance group consisted of 21 Officers – 28 Nurses – 1 Hospital Dietitian – 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 1 American Red Cross Worker – and 165 Enlisted Men.
The next detachment left on 14 August 1944 and arrived at its new station on 15 August 1944. It included 19 Officers – 28 Nurses – 1 American Red Cross Worker – and 154 Enlisted Men.
The final detachment left by rail on 17 August 1944, and reached its destination on 18 August 1944. It consisted of the following personnel: 12 Officers – 25 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 2 Hospital Dietitians, 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 3 American Red Cross Workers – and 168 Enlisted Men.

Inside view of a Dental Clinic illustrating some aspects of dental care.

Total bed capacity of the plant was 1554. The installation was spread over a brick construction comprising 21 different wards supplemented by another 20 ward tents for the Surgical Service, while 6 wards of brick construction and 4 ward tents were devoted to the Medical Service.
The grounds on which the Hospital was built covered a very large area. Officers and Enlisted Men lived in buildings of wood construction, while Nurses, ARC Workers, Dietitians, and Physical Therapy Aides, lived in buildings of red brick construction. Roads were concrete paved. The motor pool was set up in a brick building, as well as the medical supply section; the quartermaster section was established under tentage and in wood buildings; both mess halls were also of brick construction. As there was no central heating all heat came from British coal stoves and coal piles (coke and bituminous coal) were placed at convenient spots for supply of fuel.

For the first time, the patients were largely of the battle casualty type and this was the first large scale experience of this kind that the personnel had had to date. When the 112th took over Hospital Plant # 4103 the number of patients totaled 568. The first Hospital Train arrived on 26 August 1944 with 307 patients. The personnel unloaded the patients from the trains at the railroad siding at Chudleigh and the 124th General Hospital, located approximately six miles from the plant, loaned their drivers and vehicles to help bring the patients to the 112th General. The two Hospitals often pooled their motor vehicle resources in such situations. The highest patient census reached by the 112th General Hospital was 1080 cases on 7 September 1944.

Stations in the United Kingdom – 112th General Hospital
Cowglen, Scotland – 8 July 1944 > 17 August 1944
Teigngrace, Devon, England – 19 August 1944 > 18 May 1945

On 23 October 1944, a Hospital Train with 292 patients arrived for admission. Ambulances were loaned from the nearby 124th General Hospital to supplement the unit’s organic vehicles. After triage it was found that approximately one-third of the patients were diagnosed as psychoneurosis cases. Admission of such a large group of patients increased the census to 1309, slightly under the peak reached in September. October started with 693 patients and ended with a total of 946. It had been reported to the CO by the Replacement Depots (primarily the 10th Replacement Depot –ed) that some patients discharged from the 112th to duty had not been arriving there promptly, nor were the records of the men transferred there being delivered to the Depots. Some had even been reported as AWOL.The Commanding Officer therefore placed some NCOs, selected from the command’s own personnel, in charge of patients to be transferred. This policy successfully insured the prompt delivery of discharged personnel and records to the appropriate Replacement Depots!
During the month of October, the rehabilitation wards of the organization were expanded from 150 beds to 250 beds. They constituted a separate section of the Hospital comprising two brick buildings located in the northwestern corner of the area with ample space around them for athletic and recreational activities. A MAC Officer was appointed to assist the Rehabilitation Officer (MC Officer) in the processing of the patients. Furthermore gymnasium facilities were enlarged, an obstacle course built, the athletic field improved, so that the entire section of the hospital plant could be devoted to the rehabilitation of patients. In order to assist the regular personnel complement with rehabilitation, some of the Non-commissioned Officer patients were placed in charge of a group of patients. Activities were arranged in advance and posted on bulletin boards around the area. Not only was proper attention given to the ‘rehab’ patients, but action was also taken to improve the men’s morale by permitting them to leave the post on pass, to view movies, and to participate in dances and other parties.

Some typical view of the Rehabilitation Section where patients received the opportunity to exercise injured body parts or learn new skills.

The Commanding Officer was authorized to issue “Purple Heart” medals to those patients entitled to wear them. It was therefore the policy of the Hospital to issue these as soon as practicable when it was determined that the patient should be awarded the medal. One day each week was reserved for this ceremony and the CO would visit each ward where the patients were housed to personally present the “Purple Heart” to the recipient at an appropriate ceremony. In addition to operating of the hospital plant, the unit had to furnish Military Police for patrolling the streets of nearby towns and cities. This required the establishment from among the personnel of a MP unit. Accompanied by a single Officer, such details actively patrolled the streets on a daily basis.
As the location of the plant was in open country, nearby facilities for passes and recreation were practically nil. To this end one building was set aside as a theater (seating capacity 250 –ed), with almost daily film presentation for staff and personnel, including patients, at 1830 and 2030 hours. The motor pool provided free transportation to some of the nearby cities, such as Newton Abbot and Torquay. In order to improve morale, the Special Service Officer organized a baseball league. A party was given every fortnight for the EM and the unit therefore invited British military female personnel; music was played by the Enlisted Men’s band. Officers and Nurses established their own service club (where beer and spirits were on sale) and ran weekly dances. The Commanding Officer also permitted the NCOs to set up their club too, where beer was on sale. Trips to places of interest were arranged for all with a lot of attendance.

Organizational strength – 112th General Hospital
30 September 1944 > 57 Officers – 82 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 3 Hospital Dietitians
– 2 Physical Therapy Aides – 5 American Red Cross Workers  – 494 Enlisted Men
31 October 1944 > 55 Officers – 81 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 3 Hospital Dietitians
– 2 Physical Therapy Aides – 5 American Red Cross Workers – 497 Enlisted Men
30 November 1944 > 56 Officers – 81 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 3 Hospital Dietitians
– 2 Physical Therapy Aides – 5 American Red Cross Workers – 496 Enlisted Men
31 December 1944 > 50 Officers – 78 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 3 Hospital Dietitians
– 2 Physical Therapy Aides – 5 American Red Cross Workers – 498 Enlisted Men

It must not be forgotten that in parallel with daily operation the training program of the unit was continued. Officers, Nurses and Enlisted personnel had to participate in these activities. A number of Medical and Army Nurse Corps Officers attended various US Army Schools in the United Kingdom. Among them were: Bomb Reconnaissance School (Overcourt Manor, Bristol), Medical Field Service School (Treatment of Gas Casualties, American School Center, APO 645), Bakers & Cooks School (American School Center, APO 645), Military Neuro-Psychiatry School (312th Sta Hosp, APO 152), Medical Depot M-400 (Maintenance of Hospital Equipment & Supplies, APO 638), Central Dental Laboratory No. 2 (Manufacturing Technique of Artificial Eyes, APO 871), Orientation School for Unit Correspondents, PR Section (APO 871), as well as Inter-Allied Medical Conference (London), Section on Anesthetics (Royal Society of Medicine, London), War Savings Promotion Conference (Southern District, APO 519), Conference on Convalescent Training Program (160th Sta Hosp, Somerset).

Inspections of Hospital Plant # 4103 continued with frequent visits from Headquarters, Southern District, resulting in correction of some administrative deficiencies. It must be said that the 112th Gen Hosp Commander himself subjected the unit to weekly inspections for a check on hospital maintenance and efficiency. The CO, accompanied by three members of his staff made a weekly tour of the entire installation (four more general inspections were conducted in  October of 1944 –ed). The Commanding General, Headquarters, United Kingdom Base, ComZ, ETOUSA, APO 871, US Army, invoked the provisions of a directive dated 17 October 1944, imposing a restriction on all passes and leaves for the period from 0600, 24 October 1944 until 2400, 25 October 1944, the purpose of which was to conduct a survey to check on all unauthorized absentees. The Hospital’s MP detachment assisted and patrolled the streets effectively and apprehended several absentees.

For recreation, a daily ‘Liberty’ bus furnished by the organization was ready to bring the personnel to nearby cities, and patients on an authorized pass were equally permitted to use this facility. Movies were shown daily in the post theater, and a traveling USO group visited the post on 31 October 1944. On 15 October, a ‘special’ birthday party was organized for all those personnel whose birthday took place in October. Music was supplied by the Hospital Band and a large gathering of Officers were honor guests. The men were given a surprise desert – ice cream – the first since the organization’s arrival in the United Kingdom. On 25 October 1944 another party was arranged for the Enlisted Men with invitations forwarded to RAF female personnel. The NCOs continued to operate their club and held a Halloween party on 31 October.
The Chaplains provided religious services for everyone and visited the patients on the wards. The post chapel was used for the services. As a special favor, Captain Samson A. Shain, ChC , O-478112, visited the 112th early November and performed a special Jewish service for all units in the Southern District. The British Legion set aside 11 November 1944 (WWI Armistice Day –ed) as the day to sell the red poppies in order to collect funds to aid War Veterans and were authorized to solicit funds on the post, while visiting the hospital plant.

Photograph depicting a Jewish religious service in the field. Notice the hood of the 1/4-ton truck is being used as an altar.

On election day, 7 November 1944, everyone stationed on the post was given the opportunity to vote in the Presidential Election, including many of the patients who exercised their right to vote on that day. Booths were set up in a special room for the convenience of the voters who could cast their ballots in a private manner, and a Voting Officer was appointed to give whatever assistance required.

In November 1944, the 112th General Hospital was assigned to the I Hospital Group (Provisional), of which Colonel Adrian G. Gould, MC, was Commanding Officer. Following new procedures and administration and submission of reports, the I Hospital Group announced the names of regional consultants in several professional branches of the medical service available for consultation or advice. In addition to the new procedures, the established policy of transferring patients to be sent to the ZI to the 1058-bed 67th General Hospital, APO 511, (affiliated to Maine General Hospital, Portland, Maine, and activated 1 September 1942 –ed) was to be discontinued. Instead, each unit itself would retain such patients until notice of evacuation was received by it from the I Hospital Group (Provisional), at which time the patients would be sent to a pre-designated railhead for movement to the means used for transporting them to the Zone of Interior. The Group only acted in the capacity of a coordinating agency for the hospital(s) under its supervision for all such transfers of patients to the ZI. The first patients to leave from the 112th General, departed on 21 November 1944, and totaled 30.

The 112th General Hospital together with the 1084-bed 185th General Hospital were designated by the I Hospital Group (Provisional), as the two Hospitals in the Group to make the diagnosis of pregnancy upon military female personnel and were also directed to complete evacuation board processing and to return the pregnancy cases directly to the Zone of Interior without passing through other General Hospitals.

More Hospital Trains were received during November increasing overall census, which reached 963 (1 November), 1163 (6 November), 1265 (21 November), and 1315 (30 November). The patients admitted for treatment were largely battle casualties who were in need of basic comfort articles, which were furnished from the PX  free of charge, until such time as the patient was put in funds. A medical conference of the I Hospital Group (Provisional) took place on Wednesday 29 November 1944 at the 112th General Hospital. The staff of the 124th General Hospital and the 834-bed 115th Station Hospital, were present as well as the CO of the Group. Guests totaled 45, and several Medical Officers of the 112th addressed the conference.
During the last two months of the year, a number of improvements to the grounds and buildings took place. The work was done entirely by British civilian labor.

An important change in the Table of Organization & Equipment was put into effect during the month of December 1944. T/O & E 8-550, dated 1 April 1942, amended by Changes 1 through 4, was once more modified 3 July 1944. With regard to the latter, Reorganization Order No. 68, Headquarters, ETOUSA, APO 997, dated 30 November 1944, was received which listed the personnel to comprise the unit as per the latest T/O 8-550 Change of 3 July 1944. This signified a reduction of 45 personnel which now being rendered surplus, was to be reported to the CG, Ground Forces Replacement System, through Base Section Headquarters, for subsequent transfer to an appropriate Replacement Depot in the United Kingdom. Any surplus material was to be turned in to the nearest Supply Depot. This was a very important and significant event for the 112th as it forecast a complete re-arrangement in its operating functions since there was now less personnel available. With Administrative Memorandum No. 4 dated 2 December 1944, the I Hospital Group (Provisional) instructed its component units to be prepared for a reduction from 10% to 15% in the number of ANC personnel assigned to the organization. On 22 December 1944, the 112th Gen Hosp was relieved from its assignment to the I Hospital Group (Provisional) and now came under control of the 801st Medical Service Detachment (designated 801st Hospital Center).

Illustration showing injured personnel being unloaded from a Hospital Train into WC-54 3/4-ton Ambulances for further treatment at a nearby Hospital.

Hospital Trains continued to come in during December 1944 increasing the census, which reached 1467 (9 December), 1503 (14 December), and 1447 (21 December), and mainly consisted of battle casualties not only suffering from wounds, but also included quite a number of trench foot cases. Because of this situation, the bed capacity had to be increased and with the addition of 96 beds the hospital plant could now accommodate 1650 patients!
The 1153d Engineer Combat Group (arrived in England 12 November 1944 –ed) was called in for winterization of the hospital ward tents, which included construction of 4-foot high side walls of celotex for the entire length of the tent, and installation of wooden doors at each entrance, covered with tar paper. A PA system was installed throughout the wards with loudspeakers, allowing for daily broadcasts by the Special Service Officer so that during day the patients could receive musical and other entertainment.

The year closed with more inspections by Rehabilitation Officers, PX Officers, Dental Inspectors, and Special Service Officers. Some deficiencies and operational methods were corrected, and following a last inspection by Major Clifford Halvorsen, MC, Neurology & Psychiatry Consultant, the Hospital received a rating of “excellent”.
With Christmas on its way, the ARC attached to the 112th General furnished the items necessary for the decoration and assisted the patients in this. After decorating the post chapel, the Chaplains provided Christmas Eve services for all faiths, and used a choir which they had helped organize. On Christmas Day, the Special Service Officer gave a party for the Enlisted Men at which many WAAFs stationed in Torquay were invited. A wedding took place on 9 December 1944 when 2d Lieutenant Theresa Pajank, ANC, N-757361 (General Duty Nurse –ed) married 2d Lieutenant Richard N. Bukalew (patient). The CO gave the bride away.

On 28 December 1944, five (5) Nurses from the 226th General Hospital reported to the unit for the purpose of receiving training in ETOUSA hospital procedures, remaining for a period of seven days. There would be others in the weeks to come.

Final Stage in the United Kingdom
Patient census at the 112th General Hospital reached an all-time high when on 1 January 1945 a total of 1575 patients were being treated. From then on a gradual but steady decline took place and by 31 March 1945, there were only 593 patients in the Hospital requiring treatment or awaiting transfer to the ZI.
Reflecting the enlarged activities of the US Army’s Medical Department on the continent, the Theater policy for sending casualties for treatment in the United Kingdom changed drastically, and the units located in the UK received only those patients who required more than 60 days of hospitalization or those requiring evacuation from the United Kingdom to the United States. This also applied to wounded PWs. This decline appeared to forecast the end of the usefulness of the hospitals stationed there. The daily averages decreased in numbers, with the organization only servicing 1428 patients in January; 1316 in February; 816 in March; and 593 in April 1945.
Another reason affecting the numbers of patients received was caused by the large number of static troops currently stationed in the United Kingdom which were now transferred to the continent. At the end of March 1945, outpatient service was maintained principally for those few US Army units and US Navy personnel, located in the general area of the 112th (as a result several wards were simply closed –ed).

German PWs receive medical attention and checks at a Hospital somewhere in the UK.

A large number of German PWs were being sent to the UK from the continent. The unit, as well as other hospitals, received notification that German Labor Companies were to be assigned to them, and were therefore directed to send EM of limited assignment, to Camp Mere Station to receive training for 2 weeks in the art of handling Prisoners of War and also to receive instruction in the use of firearms, to be used when guarding such prisoners. Twenty-seven (27) men were sent out in two groups; the first leaving on 2 March, and the second group leaving on 8 March 1945. After training, 17 men which had left on 2 March were instructed to proceed to Southampton and to construct a PW stockade and erect tents. This port was to become the receiving station for the PWs transferred from the continent. Two (2) of the German-speaking NCOs who had already received the above-mentioned training were subsequently sent to Prisoner of War Detachment # 2016, at Burton-on-Hill, for further training. Only 10 men were returned on 26 March 1945. Meanwhile it had been decided that none of the German PWs assigned to the 112th would be housed on the post; instead the prisoners would go to the 124th General Hospital which had constructed a PW enclosure. The prisoners necessary for labor detail would be drawn from there every morning at 0745 hours, and carry their lunch with them, and after the day’s work would be returned to the 124th General.

Reorganization of the 112th General Hospital, in accordance with the amended T/O & E 8-550, dated 3 July 1944, was finally only put into effect on 3 February 1945. This implied that reports of excess personnel had to be sent to the Commanding General, Ground Forces Reinforcement Command (Rear), APO 413. It resulted from a shortage in the number of general assignment men at the Reinforcement Depots. Consequently, the Theater Commander organized a manpower survey, and requested that bi-monthly reports be submitted of the number of general assignment and limited assignment men in these positions. This would allow US Army authorities to select personnel from these groups for conversion training as riflemen. Further clarification of the personnel eligible for re-training was described in Letter, Headquarters, ETOUSA, dated 14 February 1945, Subject: “Manpower” and Letter, Headquarters, ETOUSA, dated 9 March 1944, Subject: “Key Specialists”. Meanwhile, Headquarters, United Kingdom Base, ComZ, ETOUSA, APO 413, US Army, had sent forward its Letter, dated 12 March 1945, Subject: “Retraining as Infantry Riflemen”, which directed that 214 general assignment physically qualified EM would be selected from the Hospital Center and would be transferred to the 12th Reinforcement Depot (27 EM from the 112th were eventually transferred on 26 March 1945 –ed).

Periodic inspections continued in 1945, including the CG of the 801st Hospital Center, assisted and/or accompanied by the necessary Medical Consultants, Head Nurse, and various Chiefs of Service, pertaining to the Center. On 8 January 1945, the 77th Field Hospital sent a group of 3 Medical Officers and 30 Enlisted Men to the 112th for quarters and rations, and for training in the treatment of battle casualties.They remained with the unit until 20 March 1945. The first quarter of 1945 was one of unusual cold weather and as the reserve of solid fuel built up in 1944 dwindled rapidly, it was necessary to conserve fuel and restrictions were therefore implemented. No heaters were permitted to be fired during sleeping hours or during periods when quarters were unoccupied, with the exception of the wards. Lumber was supplemented as a means for heating, but in general, there was no shortage of solid fuel for the stoves.
A large steel hut was constructed with help from a US Navy Construction Battalion located at Heathfield Camp, near the post. It was used for storing all QMC supplies, utilities, and the commissary administration so that the vacated buildings could be re-arranged for use as a day room. Early spring landscaping was vigorously undertaken, grass seed was sown, and flowers and trees obtained and planted. New directional signs were put up, a general renovation of the wards was introduced, and the plant received a general overhaul.

Because of lesser workload, more recreation was possible, and liberty runs continued, these were as reported supplemented by the procurement of a bus operated by a British civilian (offering more comfort than the 2½-ton trucks –ed). Free travel privileges were obtained from the British Railways. A Coca-Cola bar was built and became very popular. A post paper was published for the first time once a week. It was named “112th GH Pulse” and contained general items of interest, a sports column, reports on activities, and gossip. Editors consisted of 1 Officer and 5 Enlisted Men. Daily programs of training continued during the period of lessened patients in the Hospital, and several schools and conferences were attended by Officers and Enlisted Men.

Another wedding took place in this command on 25 February 1945, with 2d Lieutenant Margaret R. Mull, ANC, N-760649 (General Duty Nurse) and Warrant Officer, Junior Grade Albert J. Korzie, W-2127488 (Personnel Officer), who were married in the city of Newton Abbott.

After V-E Day 1945, the 112th General Hospital was still operating US Army Hospital Plant # 4103 in the United Kingdom. There were very few admissions of patients and those received were rapidly disposed of.
On 16 May 1945 the unit was relieved from its attachment to the 801st Hospital Center and transferred to jurisdiction of the 802d Hospital Center, APO 519-A located in Blandford, England (approximately 92 miles distant –ed). On 18 May 1945, the CO received verbal instructions that Hospital Plant # 4103 was to be closed, as of 2400 hours, effective that same date, for the admission of patients and that those cases remaining were to be transferred to other  medical units. This was to take place not later than 2400 hours, 22 May 1945 (only 706 patients were in the hospital –ed). There were 56 patients in traction and those were placed in casts and evacuated to Heathfield, Devon, by motor vehicle, 3 miles distant, for transfer to US Army Hospital Plant # 4124 at Odstock, in Wiltshire. All American and British stores were returned to the respective depots, followed by the unit’s organic vehicles. The German PWs attached to the organization as labor details were assigned elsewhere with their last day of duty being Saturday, 26 May 1945.

Officers Roster – 112th General Hospital (dtd 30 September 1944)
Name ASN Rank Orgn Duty
Edington, Frank D. O-283464 Colonel MC Commanding Officer
Funda, Ferdinand E. O-274196 Major MAC Executive Officer
Rosenbluth, Sidney B. O-436405 Major MC Medical Inspector
Anderson, Robert M. O-452158 Captain MAC Mess Officer
Braunhardt, James W. O-1542918 Captain MAC CO, Detachment of Patients
Dworkin, William D. O-1534957 Captain MAC Registrar
Hesse, Gerard H. O-527513 Captain ChC Catholic Chaplain
Hoffmeyer, William T. O-361369 Captain ChC Protestant Chaplain
Lassin, Solomon O-1533614 Captain MAC Adjutant
Gousse, William L., Jr. O-1534741 1st Lt MAC Detachment Commander
Merwin, Wiliam S. O-539409 1st Lt ChC Chaplain
Gaynor, Gerald M. O-1534492 2d Lt MAC Medical Supply Officer
Pfau, Frederick A. O-2049915 2d Lt MAC Asst Detachment Commander
Uffelman, Henry W. O-1547833 2d Lt MAC Unassigned Officer
Korzie, Albert J. W-2127488 WO JG AUS Personnel Officer
Surgical Service
Johnson, William W. O-290614 Major MC Chief Surgical Service (first)
Davis, John W. O-244044 Major MC Urologist
Koufman, William B. O-333877 Major MC Chief Surgical Service (second)
McBean, James B. O-374110 Major MC Othorhinolaryngologist
McKinstry, George C. O-129283 Major MC Chief General Surgery Section
Williams, Walter F. O-333880 Major MC Ophthalmologist
Aronoff, Bernard C. O-465038 Captain MC General Surgery
Bengloff, Harold O-369744 Captain MC General Surgery
Goodman, Julius H. O-499945 Captain MC General Surgery
Sweet, Ralph L. O-522254 Captain MC General Surgery
Waldron, Robert E. O-474248 Captain MC General Surgery
Young, Henry M. O-233403 Captain MC Officer Septic Surgery
Clark, Robert A. O-542357 1st Lt MC Anesthetist
Hunter, John A., Jr. O-517100 1st Lt MC General Surgery
Koefoot, Theodore H. O-1764825 1st Lt MC General Surgery
Norton, Edward A. O-511149 1st Lt MC General Surgery
Stahl, Nicholas M. O-541966 1st Lt MC General Surgery
Medical Service
Sobel, Irwin P. O-490009 Major MC Chief Medical Service
Fox, William O-471059 Major MC Chief Communicable Disease Section
Carty, William W. O-519517 Captain MC Receiving & Evacuation Officer
Crain, Irving J. O-535199 Captain MC Chief Gastroenterology Section
Falk, Alfred B. O-472210 Captain MC Dermatologist
Keefe, John A. O-542470 Captain MC Officer General Duty
Litwins, Joseph O-317619 Captain MC Officer General Duty
Pollack, Louis O-487725 Captain MC Officer General Duty
Solomon, Frank A., Jr. O-461456 Captain MC Chief Cardio-Vascular Section
Taylor, Bernard O-497064 Captain MC Officer Internal Medicine
Campbell, Howard R. O-542100 1st Lt MC Officer Neuro-Psychiatric Section
Cutler, Isadore L. O-352078 1st Lt MC Officer General Medicine
Daley, John M. O-363961 1st Lt MC Officer General Medicine
Dorton, David H., Jr. O-445295 1st Lt MC Officer General Medicine
McCarthy, Joseph J. O-438355 1st Lt MC Officer General Medicine
Whipple, Richard K. O-470412 1st Lt MC Officer General Medicine
Dental Service
Frost, Robinson C. O-201968 Major DC Chief Dental Service
LoCastro, Anthony T. O-1691441 Captain DC Dental Surgeon
Mason, Rodney J. O-521314 Captain DC Dental Surgeon
McVey, George W. O-498181 Captain DC Dental Surgeon
Mesigh, Lee R. O-329185 Captain DC Dental Surgeon
Steponsitis, John A. O-501709 Captain DC Dental Surgeon
Laboratory Service
Turner, Fennell P. O-367382 Captain MC Chief Laboratory Service
Silverman, Sidney J. O-444263 Captain SnC Bacteriologist
Sandroff, David O-5187891 2d Lt SnC Biochemist
X-Ray Service
Dillon, Raymond A. O-438410 Captain MC Chief X-Ray Service
Lomhoff, Irving I. O-467135 Captain MC Radiologist
Quartermaster Corps
Hyde, Raymond W. O-482189 Major QMC Unit Supply Officer
Cole, John C. O-5187910 2d Lt QMC Asst Unit Supply Officer
Hospital Dietitians
Corbett, Nina L. R-1090 2d Lt MDD Head Hospital Dietitian
Boyett, Erma L. R-1169 2d Lt MDD Hospital Dietitian
McKinnin, Margaret J. R-1154 2d Lt MDD Hospital Dietitian
Physio-Therapy Aides
Akers, Anne M. M-935 2d Lt PTA Head Physio-Therapist
Redwine, Bette M-976 2d Lt PTA Physio-Therapist
Nursing Service
Smith, Charlotte E. N-724002 Captain ANC Principal Chief Nurse
Lerty, Madeline V. N-737091 1st Lt ANC Asst Chief Nurse
Brown, Dorothy J. N-734347 1st Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Burchfield, Evelyn G. N-722259 1st Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Harris, Catherine N-735196 1st Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Monczynska, Marie A. N-722309 1st Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Moser, Louise G. N-744232 1st Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Mullen, Theresa C. N-756335 1st Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Ashbaugh, Glenna E. N-734807 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Bullard, Vera D. N-737278 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Carter, Bertha S. N-760453 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Chaney, Blanche E. N-783661 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Christie, Evelyn M. N-721964 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Cohen, Jean N-757171 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Copeland, Betty L. N-729657 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Cummins, Annabelle E. N-757592 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
DeFrane, Georgia N-761337 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
DeTrano, Anne P. N-723210 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Dicendia, Mary N-756581 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Dickson, Maureen E. N-771333 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Donovan, Anne E. N-756087 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Durand, Loretta C. N-721672 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Duval, Bertha E. N-751977 2d Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Egan, Elizabeth K. N-771177 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Ettelt, Geneviève C. N-771178 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Flynn, Helen M. N-751568 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Gibbs, Junitta N-761620 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Gioielli, Dorothy M. N-757287 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Gonzalez, Louise G. N-763715 2d Lt ANC Nurse Operating Room
Grueter, Teresa N-745342 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Harrigan, Beryl J. N-783131 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Harris, Helen A. N-760737 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Hone, Julliette S. N-773693 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Horoschak, Helen N-757426 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Irons, Maxine E. N-783175 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Johnson, Carolyn L. N-760891 2d Lt ANC Nurse Neuro-Psychiatric Section
Johnston, Charlotte J. N-751815 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Kilson, Leone M. N-730389 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Kinsman, Annie E. N-783563 2d Lt ANC Nurse Communicable Disease
Koch, Dorothy H. N-730870 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Kotomski, Julia A. N-751096 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Kristensen, Else M. N-784424 2d Lt ANC Nurse Neuro-Psychiatric Section

ANC Officers training somewhere in the Zone of Interior.

Kusmierz, Josephine N-752346 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
LeBlanc, Elmira R. N-752251 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Little, Rhoda M. N-731441 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Livingstone, Ruth S. N-751865 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Lonstein, Gladys N-756085 2d Lt ANC Nurse Operating Room
Luhde, Gerda D. N-743945 2d Lt ANC Nurse Administrative
Matthews, Constance E. N-752014 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Mazzacco, Florence M. N-756387 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
McCallum, Lily C. N-752049 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Menold, Mary V. N-771066 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Miller, Marilyn J. N-725081 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Mitchell, Dorothy N-751899 2d Lt ANC Nurse Anesthetist
Mull, Margaret R. N-760649 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Murphy, Louise M. N-757302 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Murray, Lorena J. N-735825 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Norby, Barbara M. N-784304 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Norman, Ruth V. N-723308 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
O’Brien, Rosemary C. N-771188 2d Lt ANC Nurse Operating Room
Pajank, Theresa N-757361 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Pearson, Ruth K. N-736983 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Perich, Helen M. N-756443 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Pocsi, Stella C. N-757650 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Raditz, Flora N-722831 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Renner, Pearl M. N-767203 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Riley, Mary L. N-757296 2d Lt ANC Nurse Operating Room
Roettger, Anne S. N-760996 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Scheiber, Dorothy S. N-757227 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Schmidt, Lorraine P. N-775089 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Seidel, Isabelle D. N-729143 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Shannon, Gertrude E. N-761118 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Shifflett, Evelyn M. N-725088 2d Lt ANC Nurse Operating Room
Steigerwalt, Reba L. N-752074 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Stevens, Edna H. N-752076 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Toreson, Ethel A. H. N-775586 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Vance, Edith H. N-783787 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Vergeer, Shirley N-789739 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Walker, Muriel F. N-721746 2d Lt ANC Nurse Operating Room
Watts, Alice J. N-757438 2d L ANC Nurse Communicable Disease Section
Wilfong, Hazel C. N-727283 2d Lt ANC Nurse Communicable Disease Section
Wilson, Carrie E. N-744086 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Wise, Susan K. N-761138 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Wojciekowski, Helen N-731757 2d Lt ANC Nurse General Duty
Enlisted Men Roster – 112th General Hospital (dtd 20 October 1944)
Name ASN Rank
Abram, Thomas 31144938 Private
Adams, Oak 35664893 Private
Aliperti, Louis F. 32728691 Private
Allen, Bryce E. 31224660 Private
Allen, Edward E. 36852388 Technician 5th Grade
Aloe, Frank R. 33309900 Private First Class
Anania, Francesco S. 31060980 Technician 5th Grade
Anderson, Carl J. 16120160 Technician 4th Grade
Anderson, Paul L. 33113108 Private First Class
Andrews, Soto J. 36744042 Technician 4th Grade
Apostolides, James J. 31310722 Technician 5th Grade
Arena, Enrico 32618689 Technician 4th Grade
Aron, Abraham I. 31245897 Technician 5th Grade
Aronson, Lester H. 31229948 Private
Arzoomanian, Sarkis A. 31132932 Private
Aubrey, Frank Y. 31248812 Technician 5th Grade
Aumueller, Alfred E. 36812982 Private
Avallone, Joseph A. 32611343 Technician 5th Grade
Ayoub, George A. 31060916 Technician 5th Grade
Bachant, Elmer F. 42006809 Private
Bachtel, Howard E. 35112237 Technical Sergeant
Bailey, John H. 35137651 Private First Class
Balash, Nicholas C. 32579721 Private First Class
Baldarelli, Wllace E. 31187728 Private First Class
Baritz, George 31365311 Private
Baross, Joseph J. 32352705 Private
Barrett, Vern R. 36168758 Technician 4th Grade
Bartolomei, Francisco 32618290 Private First Class
Bates, Henry A. 32293630 Corporal
Bates, Irving F. 31160927 Technician 5th Grade
Bauman, John W. 37419735 Technician 4th Grade
Beard, Carnell G. 31269721 Technician 5th Grade
Beattie, Robert D. 31052885 Corporal
Beauregard, Alphonse J. 31061260 Technician 5th Grade
Beauvais, Paul ,A. 6145583 Private First Class
Beckett, James F. 31203307 Private
Beninati, Angelo 32529924 Technician 5th Grade
Bercovitz, Albert A. 31164789 Technician 4th Grade
Bergen, Isaac K. 37251654 Private
Bergeron, Rosario A., Jr. 31346412 Private First Class
Bergstrom, Wendell L. 36428632 Technician 5th Grade
Bettner, William C. 36685324 Private
Bialo, Steve J. 36852201 Technician 5th Grade
Bishop, Stanley E. 31421611 Sergeant
Black, Dale I. 39574284 Technician 4th Grade
Black, James P. 31304075 Private
Plotzer, George E. 33669983 Technician 4th Grade
Blumenthal, Erwin 31219156 Private First Class
Blundell, Frederick J., Jr. 31335512 Sergeant
Boadway, Harold E. 31290158 Technician 5th Grade
Bodor, George 32617456 Technical Sergeant
Boissonneau, George E. 31381745 Private
Boisvert, Laurie A. 31153264 Technician 5th Grade
Bonnello, Ralph H. 31347322 Technician 4th Grade
Bores, William B. 31273209 Private First Class
Bourgault, Leonel 31187299 Private First Class
Bousquet, Joseph C. 31186862 Technician 5th Grade
Boyd, Berman R. 13156201 Technician 4th Grade
Boyer, David J., Jr. 13185436 Technician 5th Grade
Brennan, John J. 32543425 Technician 4th Grade
Breton, Armand O. 31152086 Private First Class
Briccola, Raymond C. 32575440 Technical Sergeant
Bridges, James G. 35149180 Technician 5th Grade
Brown, George 32635628 Private First Class
Brucato, George A. 31301874 Private
Brucato, John F. 31379457 Private
Buckley, Robert J. 51372377 Private
Buff, Bernard 12099297 Technician 5th Grade
Bumiller, Theodore, Jr. 32928025 Technician 5th Grade
Bumpus, Hershel 35105503 Private First Class
Burchell, William J., Jr. 32646434 Private
Burke, John T., Jr. 31221317 Technician 5th Grade
Burton, Merritt W. 16011916 Staff Sergeant
Butterfield, Galen W. 31221159 Technician 5th Grade
Buxton, Almon W. 31222177 Technician 5th Grade
Callahan, Arthur C. 31357044 Private
Callahan, Paul F. 31206282 Technician 4th Grade
Callanan, Joseph A. 31393255 Private
Calma, Calogero 32617814 Technician 4th Grade
Cappa, Joseph 32918043 Private
Caputo, Joseph J. 32907818 Private First Class
Carmichael, Robert R., Jr. 31347895 Private
Caron, Henry 31177379 Private
Carroll, George E. 31379432 Private
Casaceli, Philip J. 31160758 Technician 5th Grade
Cassullo, Peter J. 32557336 Technician 5th Grade
Celestino, Alfred L. 32635419 Private First Class
Chandler, RussellH., Jr. 31098277 Staff Sergeant

Illustration showing Rehabilitation excercises being held on a hospital ward.

Chevrette, Armand M. 31159654 Technician 5th Grade
Cibotti, Edward A. 31250277 Private First Class
Ciufo, Pio A. 32519702 Private
Clark, James A., Jr. 6144447 Private
Clark, Winthrop B. 31362828 Private First Class
Clawson, Howard C. 34360161 Private
Cleveland, Donald M. 33064681 Sergeant
Cole, Bill L. 17013561 Technician 5th Grade
Colafrancesco, Thomas 13049062 Private
Colicchio, Neil 31307990 Private
Collani, Arthur 32996934 Private
Collorafi, Peter R. 32315216 Private First Class
Cone, John L. 31197396 Technician 5th Grade
Conger, Sidney L. 38392641 Technician 5th Grade
Conti, Joseph A. 31025408 Private First Class
Cooley, Chester R. 31199658 Technician 4th Grade
Cooper, Carlton R. 31154795 Technician 5th Grade
Costagliola, Francis P. 31197011 Technician 5th Grade
Cox, Frank L. 37519765 Technician 5th Grade
Crocker, Donald G. 31546987 Private First Class
Croston, William W. 31420072 Private
Cubell, Robert 31091591 Corporal
Cummings, Merrill O. 31106788 Private First Class
Curran, James J. 31133251 Private First Class
Curtis, Gordon N. 31197160 Technician 4th Grade
D’Agostino, Alfred A. 32247820 Private
D’Antonio, Frank 32618861 Technician 5th Grade
Darland, Marshall D. 35709777 Private
DeAmelio, Anthony J. 31228008 Technician 4th Grade
Dean, Daniel A. 32935515 Technician 5th Grade
DeBord, Lonnie 35450514 Private
DeFelice, Dominick 31272243 Technician 5th Grade
DeGregorio, Ralph 31113209 Corporal
Delmonico, Ralph S. 31263314 Private
Demanovich, Joseph 33150326 Private First Class
D’Entremont, Roland A. 31080878 Private
DeVall, Fred E. 31128135 Private First Class
Devlin, Thomas F., Jr. 33783692 Technician 5th Grade
Diggins, John F. 31080496 Corporal
DiGregorio, Rocco L. 31389036 Private
Dillon, Barney E. 31146547 Private First Class
DiNatale, Joseph N. 31205141 Technician 4th Grade
Dion, Robert E. 31263132 Private First Class
DiSalvo, Henry 31290434 Private
DiSanto, Angelo 33074273 Private
Doherty, Bernard I. 31166570 Technician 4th Grade
Doherty, Francis D. 31204273 Technician 4th Grade
Dooley, Ernest H. 31081640 Technician 5th Grade
Dornan, Charles F. 11034224 Corporal
Dornan, Leo S. 11034223 Private First Class
Drake, William F. 11106536 Technician 5th Grade
Drown, Donald N. 17021283 Corporal
Duda, Henry C. 20612769 Corporal
Duda, Stanley S. 36678728 Private
Dunham, Merrill W. 31155713 Private
Duprey, Alvin D. 31440210 Corporal
Dwyer, James W. 12190915 Technician 5th Grade
Ebey, Norman W. 33014722 Private
Edwards, James J. 32611653 Technician 4th Grade
Eichorn, Royal E. 36818879 Private First Class
Elton, Frank W., Jr. 32755999 Private First Class
Erdeski, Carl J., Jr. 31286016 Private First Class
Evans, James E. 14010073 Private First Class
Favreau, Raymond T. 31081602 Private
Fay, Walter R. 31050933 Technician 4th Grade
Ferguson, Alexander W. 31197572 Private
Fish, Kenneth E. 31154766 Technician 5th Grade
Fogg, Henry G. 31160961 Private First Class
Folger, George W. 32200110 Technician 4th Grade
Francis, Cecil V. 31081764 Staff Sergeant
Fredette, Osias L. 31297659 Sergeant
Freidell, Harry M. 32548727 Private
French, Walter F. 31111242 Private
Friedli, Ernest 32648393 Sergeant
Frink, Calvin L. 31177553 Technician 5th Grade
Fudem, Martin 36761343 Technician 5th Grade
Furlong, James J. 12192716 Private First Class
Gagne, Alfred 31111183 Private
Gallimore, Fuston 33215801 Private First Class
Gambini, Joseph 31342069 Technician 5th Grade
Gamer, Charles 31354004 Technician 5th Grade
Ganter, Donald J. 33168939 Private First Class
Garbacauskas, Carl F. 31169050 Technician 5th Grade
Garner, Roger T. 31212132 Technician 5th Grade
Gary, George 35500929 Technician 5th Grade
Gaslorek, Henry A. 31047723 Technician 4th Grade
Gaspar, Charles A. 31224972 Private First Class
Gendreau, Roland P. 31346782 Private First Class
Gerace, August J. 42020833 Technician 5th Grade
Chiz, Ralph J. 31075680 Corporal
Giardelli, Roe 32110092 Technician 4th Grade
Gibbs, Roland S. 31221033 Private
Giddinge, Eron W. 11013210 Private First Class
Giordano, Joseph D. 32234784 Technician 5th Grade
Giguere, Joseph R. 36107224 Technician 4th Grade
Gladstone, Henry 31422646 Corporal
Gloden, Felix A. 31101461 Private
Glowke, Henry M. 32932173 Private First Class
Gnazzo, Robert 31379206 Private
Gober, Kenneth J. 36760024 Private First Class
Goldenbaum, Harold C. 32396653 Corporal
Goldstein, Charles F. 32107025 Technician 5th Grade
Gray, Warren C. 35368906 Private
Green, Richard W. 33732320 Private
Greenleaf, Richard J., Jr. 31268921 Private
Griffith, Ralph L., Jr. 31050706 Technician 5th Grade
Grischuk, Walter 31336980 Private
Grout, William E., Jr. 31390173 Technician 5th Grade
Guyette, Edmund D. 31252911 Technician 5th Grade
Hackett, Dexter C. 31004546 Sergeant
Hahn, Arthur G. 31366282 Private
Hamel, Roland R. 31320281 Private First Class
Halmilton, Francis P. 36862355 Corporal
Hammarsten, Arthur R. 31082405 Corporal
Hampshire, Richard O. 35091513 Private
Hamrick, Hosmer D. 34587683 Private First Class
Harrington, John M. 31228780 Private
Harucki, Stanley J. 32019575 Master Sergeant
Hastry, Henry J. 31002270 Private
Hausmann, Frederick W. 31342600 Technician 4th Grade

Patients evacuated from the Continent are transferred to Evacuation and General Hospitals in the United Kingdom, either by means of WC-54 Ambulances or Hospital Trains. Photo taken June-July 1944.

Hawkins, Warren E. 39706088 Private
Hayes, Robert J. 36711314 Private
Heil, Arthur G. 32962905 Technician 5th Grade
Heller, Selwyn J. 32983782 Private First Class
Henning, Robert C. 36756093 Private First Class
Heppelle, George E. 31006057 Private
Hindle, James B. 31366621 Private
Hodge, Alfred H. 31266820 Corporal
Holland, James F. 31081227 Private First Class
Holland, Walter H. 31164535 Private First Class
Holzschuh, Francis P. 32465511 Technician 5th Grade
Howayeck, Frederick A. 20156220 Private
Howe, James H. 31357568 Private First Class
Hoyer, Warren C. 32554535 Technician 4th Grade
Hoyt, Neal P. 31374025 Private
Hronis, Alexander 31007534 Private
Hurley, Ivan A. 20706395 Private First Class
Iannella, Felix 31382976 Private
Iavecchia, Joseph L. 33072753 Technician 4th Grade
Impagliazzo, Aniello A. 32156789 Technician 3d Grade
Irish, Alton, J., Jr. 31116088 Technician 4th Grade
Jacksevich, Francis J. 32255182 Private
Jacobs, William L. 16013396 First Sergeant
Jacoby, Paul L. 32546884 Technician 5th Grade
Jacques, Edward J. 32182671 Technician 3d Grade
Jarecke, Wesley R. 37505164 Technician 4th Grade
Johnson, Gerald G. 32139596 Technician 4th Grade
Johnson, Otto W. 31009322 Master Sergeant
Johnson, Paul F. 31359689 Private
Joseph, Alfred A. 42023602 Private
Jounakos, Harry 32723838 Private
Juster, Joseph H. 31367190 Private First Class
Kansbrocki, Eugene L. 16080769 Technician 5th Grade
Karp, Arnold 31388941 Private First Class
Kavall, Bernard J. 31168080 Technician 4th Grade
Kawecki, Leonard T. 31051798 Private First Class
Keefe, John J. 31200198 Corporal
Kelley, Leroy J., Jr. 31308238 Private First Class
Kelly, John D. 32908242 Private First Class
Kessler, Donald S. 31236550 Private First Class
Kevalis, Anthony J. 31144618 Technician 5th Grade
King, Eugene D. 37206970 Private
King, John M. 31199666 Private First Class
Kirshner, Philip 31159911 Private First Class
Knack, Bernard A. 32658055 Private First Class
Knapp, Wayne M. 36199564 Private
Kneller, Walter 32470265 Private First Class
Knickrehm, Charles W. E. 31220113 Technician 5th Grade
Knoof, Elmer R. 32831131 Private
Krell, Elroy O. 36825696 Private First Class
Kreuzer, Morris W. 31312622 Sergeant
LaBombard, Donald J. 31200104 Private
LaMarianna, Vincent 32110171 Private First Class
Landa, Albert R. 31263891 Private First Class
Lanham, Frank E. 33716944 Private
Lanseigne, Armand L. 31158247 Technician 5th Grade
Larosa, Angelo 31184109 Private First Class
Lebel, Lucien J. 31002214 Technician 5th Grade
LeBlanc, George W. 31363163 Technician 5th Grade
Lee, Henry F. 31384535 Private First Class
Lee, Herbert R. 37272972 Private First Class
Lepping, Bernard G. 35451494 Private
Lerner, Harry W. 37059557 Technician 4th Grade
LeSarge, William J. 37560362 Private
Levine, Samuel 32618200 Technician 4th Grade
Levine, Samuel 31163360 Private First Class
Lewis, Ralph G., Jr. 31216321 Private
Lind, Carl J. 32423608 Private First Class
Linn, Edward F. 31106789 Sergeant
Liss, Max 39132883 Private
Long, Harold J. 31099327 Private First Class
Long, Joseph P. 31160105 Technician 5th Grade
Longe, Frederick R. 31254879 Private
LoPresti, Thomas C. 12130935 Private First Class
Lovorn, Amos H. 34163411 Private
Lukashok, Herbert M. 12128715 Private First Class
Lynch, Spencer F. 31372552 Private
Madden, Francis M. 31359683 Private
MacMahon, Harold B. 31298724 Technician 5th Grade
Magnani, Gino 31230971 Technician 5th Grade
Mahoney, Thomas F. 31337050 Private
Maiers, William C., III 31369172 Private
Maiocchi, George L. 32218943 Technician 4th Grade
Maley, Joseph J. 31398495 Private
Malone, Paul F. 31163879 Private First Class
Mandeville, Robert S. 32628894 Corporal
Manzello, Frank J. 31036253 Corporal
Martin, Charles W. 33066745 Staff Sergeant
Mason, Donald C. 11014621 Technician 4th Grade
Mastropalol, Michael A. 32266382 Private
Matteson, Justus S. 32292238 Private
Mazzei, Louis C. 32056183 Technician 3d Grade
McCall, James T. 34789638 Private First Class
McCarron, James J. 31173249 Private First Class
McDonald, Charles J. 36433370 Technician 4th Grade
McDougal, James J. 32610148 Private
McFarland, Clarence 35450610 Technician 5th Grade
McGowan, Milton 20807641 Technician 5th Grade
McHugh, John, Jr. 11034292 Private First Class
McIlvain, Eugene H. 39019522 Technician 4th Grade
McLeod, James F., Jr. 6134682 Technician 5th Grade
Meece, Nawel E. 6937892 Corporal
Meeker, Reginald B. 36821266 Private First Class
Mele, Joseph A. 31214347 Corporal
Meyer, John W. 32367321 Technician 3d Grade
Michalicka, Samuel, Jr. 31142509 Technician 5th Grade
Miller, Karl E. 31096473 Technician 4th Grade
Miller, Robert M. 31288555 Private
Miller, William A. 33364692 Technician 5th Grade
Minnix, Joseph C. 31407105 Private
Minor, Edward L. 32276790 Technical Sergeant
Mis, Henry W. 31355927 Corporal
Mitchell, Thomas J. 31158362 Technician 5th Grade
Moen, Reuben B. 37305391 Private
Mojzis, Edward J. 36749531 Private
Moore, Paul P. 36431396 Private First Class
Moore, William A. 36626354 Technician 4th Grade
Moran, John J. 31262612 Private
Moreau, Raymond J. 31165456 Private First Class
Morey, Theodore J. 31171782 Corporal
Morgan, Ralph 32910059 Private
Morvay, Paul F. 31272258 Technician 4th Grade
Moser, Bernard W. 20409662 Private First Class
Moyer, Elwood M. 33365990 Private First Class
Mudie, Robert 32768450 Sergeant
Munck, Melvin 32610399 Technician 3d Grade
Murray, Edward A. 31092158 Technician 3d Grade
Murray, Thomas J. 31003815 Technician 4th Grade
Najarian, James S. 31364971 Private
Nalbone, Anthony 32877709 Technician 5th Grade
Nemick, Michael 35023698 Private
Newcombe, Maurice I. 31101451 Private First Class
Newell, Herbert A. 31173253 Staff Sergeant
Newell, Omer A. 37146839 Private
Newell, Walter R. 31238900 Private First Class
Niles, Charles A. 31254156 Private
Noiseux, Emile R. 31446481 Private First Class
Noone, Raymond C. 31160275 Staff Sergeant
Nork, Thomas P. 33110374 Sergeant
Novak, Frank M. 31425254 Private
Nownes, Francis A. 31176984 Sergeant
O’Connell, Peter P. 33198704 Technician 4th Grade
Olson, Walter E. 32173418 Private First Class
Oropello, John P. 31106248 Private
Orvis, Morton K. 31155095 Private
Papa, Rocco 31051253 Technician 4th Grade
Parentini, Harold C. 32159336 Technician 3d Grade
Pariseau, Victor L. 11007676 Staff Sergeant
Parker, George A. 31289602 Private First Class
Passimenti, Anthony J. 20248411 Private
Patavino, Patsy P. 31248288 Private
Pavlosky, Andrew 31168117 Private First Class
Payne, Norman L. 34116815 Private First Class
Pelkey, Camille P. 20145383 Private
Pelletier, Joseph G. 31146139 Private
Pennie, William E. 31420695 Technician 5th Grade
Perry, Donald R. 20133953 Technician 4th Grade
Petropoulakos,Peter N. 31389943 Private First Class
Pettee, Frederick C. 36852406 Corporal
Pickorowski, Daniel L. 31349147 Private
Pollard, Joseph P. 31259711 Private
Polozola, Philip L. 34153417 Sergeant
Polston, Roy W. 37413402 Private
Porter, Arthur R., Jr. 31101483 Private First Class
Powers, Kenneth R. 17124881 Private First Class
Purdy, Donald E. 31139600 Technician 5th Grade
Quintero, Salvador V. 38457345 Private First Class
Rabe, Herbert W. J. 32895715 Private First Class
Ramirez, Eluterio 39404955 Private First Class
Ramos, Manuel I. 39402264 Technician 4th Grade
Rea, George E. 32115696 Private First Class
Remington, Jack 6690810 Technician 4th Grade
Rhodes, George S. 35627513 Sergeant
Richardson, Frank E. 31420469 Private
Robb, Emmett W. 11052972 Technician 5th Grade
Roberts, Walter F. 31334104 Corporal
Roccio, Arthur J. 31360021 Technician 5th Grade
Rodgers, John W. 32919936 Private
Rosa, Philip A. 31420465 Private
Rosenthal, Robert W. 31364193 Technician 4th Grade
Ross, Alfred E. 31298688 Private
Rousseau, Norman 31310127 Private
Roy, Leo 32045544 Private First Class
Rushford, Clarence R. 31155451 Private
Ryan, George F. 31195722 Private
Ryan, Paul S. 31254984 Private
Sandler, Herman G. 31036534 Technician 4th Grade
Sajdak, Anthony J. 32209315 Technician 5th Grade
Saltzberg, David 31232109 Private First Class
Sandburg, Richard V. 36043896 Technician 5th Grade
Sawtelle, Bradlee R. 31105915 Technician 5th Grade
Sayles, Robert C. 31293173 Technician 4th Grade
Schaefer, Howard C. 31047843 Private First Class
Schuman, Charles G. 36219592 Private First Class
Schmidt, Henry J. 33619140 Technician 5th Grade
Schuknecht, James A. 39695511 Sergeant
Schultz, Frank H. 36429002 Private First Class
Schultz, William E. 7004634 Technician 4th Grade
Scott, Harvey A. 39466314 Private First Class
Sears, Melbourne H. 31381622 Private First Class
Serio, Roger 324089751 Technician 4th Grade
Senkpiel, Royal M. 36852380 Technician 5th Grade
Shapiro, Maurice A. 31017078 Sergeant
Shaughnessy, Richard J. 31253861 Private First Class
Shay, Arthur A. 32161995 Technician 5th Grade
Sheehan, William J. 31300711 Technician 5th Grade
Sheiner, Barnet 12007528 Private
Sherwood, Walter J. 31101498 Private First Class
Shillue, Brian P. 31366811 Private
Shores, George J. 36438149 Technician 5th Grade
Shuler, Claude E. 34683778 Private
Singleton, Albert W. 31354850 Private
Skaletsky, Walter E. 31422581 Private
Skernick, Bernard S. 39122157 Private
Smilkstein, Gabriel 12156021 Technician 3d Grade
Smith, Cadd, B., Jr. 34773399 Technician 5th Grade
Snipes, Theodore H. 34114889 Technician 3d Grade
Soboleski, Edwin J. 31336789 Private
Solomon, Alfred B. 36041023 Staff Sergeant
Spata, James R. 31337168 Private
Spink, Douglas F. 32580290 Technician 4th Grade
Spooner, Lyman W. 31155401 Private First Class
Stahnke, Carl B. 31249306 Private
Starks, Melvin L. 37224772 Technician 4th Grade
Stasiak, Theodore J. 33364460 Private First Class
Stewart, William J. 31697160 Staff Sergeant
Stokes, Milford R. 31114507 Private First Class
Stringham, Stanley W. 12004130 Private
Studley, Kenneth S. 31366339 Private
Surr, Thomas H. 31349320 Private First Class
Swan, John J. 31356947 Technician 5th Grade
Sylvester, Nell D. 32774336 Staff Sergeant
Szopa, Stanley J. 31108758 Sergeant
Taglione, Joseph M. 31366558 Private
Takesian, Harry 31256433 Private
Taylor, Edward F. 31355541 Technician 5th Grade
Taylor, Howard B., Jr. 31369717 Private
Tenry, Harold W. 34379204 Private First Class
Terragna, Frank P. 31197658 Technician 3d Grade
Theisen, Sylvester E. 37528580 Private
Thomas, Lawrence V. 31358877 Technician 5th Grade
Thompson, Hiram O. 31044137 Technician 4th Grade
Tibbals, Allen H. 31343216 Sergeant
Tierney, Thomas H. 31367262 Private
Tobin, Arnold E. 31321497 Technician 5th Grade
Tomboro, James F. 31005787 Private First Class
Tottle, Peter J., Jr. 31166060 Private
Trant, Charles V. 31310059 Technician 3d Grade
Trudeau, Oscar J. 31044208 Technician 4th Grade
Truncale, Pellegrino A. 32238056 Private
Tumey, Roger J. 35280164 Sergeant
Tupman, Robert W. 35254111 Technician 5th Grade
Tuzzolino, Joseph I. 35172015 Technician 5th Grade
Tyler, Robert I. 16100961 Private First Class
Ulrichsen, William 32078940 Technician 4th Grade
Urmano, Joseph 32617785 Private First Class
Ursone, Louis D. 31329250 Technician 5th Grade
VanWinkle, William G. 31169085 Technician 5th Grade
Vegliante, Ralph S. 31379478 Private
VanPatten, Wendell D. 36462839 Private First Class
Veves, Theodore A. 32083568 Technician 4th Grade
Viles, Joseph C. 31044145 Technician 5th Grade
Vosburgh, John M. 35089400 Private First Class
Wailonis, Charles 31042524 Technician 4th Grade
Wailus, Joseph I. 31150811 Private First Class
Waterhouse, Leland L. 31268980 Technician 4th Grade
Weiler, Frank D. 32265255 Private First Class
Weinberg, Irving 31168166 Technician 5th Grade
Welch, Harvie L. 38489178 Private
Weshonko, Peter 11038051 Technician 5th Grade
Wheeler, Donald W. 31350483 Private
Wheeling, William E. 33215845 Private First Class
Wiley, Robert W. 37058139 Sergeant
Wilhite, Fred L. 37519786 Private First Class
Wilhite, Walter W. 38212994 Private First Class
Williams, Charles D. 36852255 Technician 5th Grade
Wilson, George W. 37006383 Sergeant
Winerski, Robert A. 16144999 Staff Sergeant
Witt, Charles L. 33107672 Technician 4th Grade
Wondolowski, Joseph P. 31264035 Private First Class
Woods, Harry F. 37531310 Private First Class
Wright, Charles C. 31204974 Technical Sergeant
Yaroszewski, Matthew 33696521 Private First Class
Yannace, Anthony J. 31262525 Private
Young, Thomas G. 33360582 Private
Zysk, John 31372865 Private


On 28 May 1945, the Commanding Officer, Colonel Frank D. Edington, reported to the CO, 802d Hospital Center and henceforth proceeded to the Surgeon’s Office, United Kingdom Base in London and by way of “Redeployment Alert Order No. 18”, Headquarters, United Kingdom Base, APO 413, US Army, dated 22 May 1945, was notified that his organization had been designated for redeployment from the ETO and that preparations for such movement were to be made in accordance with Parts V and I contained in ETO-POM-RED, dated 19 May 1945. This applied to water transportation of units to the United States, for redeployment, for reversion of strategic reserve, or for demobilization. The 112th General Hospital was placed under the designation “Redeployment, after Rehabilitation, for further service”.

Copy of The Stars and Stripes (more particularly the Southern Germany Edition, Volume 1, Number 2, dated Wednesday, May 9, 1945), announcing V-E Day 1945 and the end of the war in Europe.

Administrative and paperwork followed in different stages; Adjusted Service Rating scores were calculated; fitness standards set up to determine qualification or elimination for further overseas service; issuance of clothing and individual equipment within official allowances was implemented; packing and tagging of organizational equipment and marking of individual equipment was carried out; immunization of personnel organized; embarkation rosters prepared; records completed; conversion of personnel’s funds from British to American currency initiated; and finally inspection of baggage and inventories made. All personnel on TD assignments were returned to the parent unit.
While all the necessary preparations were being undertaken, the unit received on 31 May 1945, the Movement Orders, identifying the shipment as “10346-DDD” and that of its Advance Detachment as “10346-DDDX”. Those orders were issued by Headquarters, ETOUSA, APO 887, and were dated 28 May 1945. They further directed the composition of the 112th Advance Detachment as follows:

1 Officer representing the unit’s Commanding Officer
1 Officer representing the Professional Services
1 Officer of the Medical Administrative Corps for administration of men and supply
1 Acting First Sergeant
1 Acting Mess Sergeant
1 Acting Supply Sergeant
4 Cooks

The readiness date was set for 1 June 1945, and that of the main body 4 June 1945. Following some last minute changes among Officer personnel, neither the Advance Detachment nor the organization’s main body, were able to comply with the readiness dates. Changes took place as late as 7 June.
The unit was finally directed to their Port of Embarkation during the week of 10 June 1945initially entraining for New Abbott and starting its final departure from the European Theater of Operations. It reached Gourock, near Glasgow, by 14 June 1945 where it immediately boarded RMS “Queen Mary” which sailed late on 15 June 1945 for the United States. The ship reached New York on 20 June 1945 and following debarkation the personnel were taken to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, which functioned as a Reception Station for troops returning from overseas. After a brief stay at the station, the unit was segregated and distributed to the various Reception Centers throughout the country. At these stations, the personnel were briefly processed and sent on to their 30-day furloughs. Upon completion of this period all personnel reported back to the same stations from where they were transferred to Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Washington (Army Ground Forces Training Center, acreage 90,870, troop capacity 3,542 Officers & 63,727 Enlisted Men –ed), which was to be their training preparatory to leaving for the Pacific Area… the assembly date was 1 August 1945.

Copy of a folding Identification Card illustrating the ship’s 3 major areas, distributed by the crew of RMS “Queen Mary” to selected groups of Officers and NCOs in order to be acquainted with the ship’s construction during the troops’ Atlantic crossing.

A full training program was set up which was to be followed for a period of 8 weeks, including a 12-day bivouac  to be held until 12 September at an area about 10 miles away from the permanent location. During this bivouac, the 112th established and operated a 1000-bed hospital under tentage. The members of the Army Nurse Corps who came back to the States with the command were transferred out shortly after the assembly date and full replacements were received for them. With the surrender of Japan  it became apparent that the 112th General would NOT be sent overseas again. With the announcement of the critical points scores it practically became clear that all personnel were no longer eligible for overseas duty.
Preliminary inactivation orders were received on 21 September 1945 and the personnel started the process of closing the unit.

On 4 October 1945 the 112th General Hospital which had been operating since 24 December 1943 was officially inactivated per Section I, General Orders No. 110, Army Service Forces, Headquarters, Ninth Service Command, US Army, Fort Douglas, Utah (US Army Base and Airfield –ed), dated 21 September 1945.

We are very much indebted to the late Lynn F. McNulty our greatest and most faithful contributor for having provided us with copies of vintage reports describing the operation of the 112th General Hospital in the ETO during World War Two. Without his precious assistance, this unit history would never have been written.

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 25th March 2025 at 18:34.
Read more: https://www.med-dept.com/unit-histories/112th-general-hospital/