188th General Hospital Unit History

Partial group picture of the 188th General Hospital personnel, while stationed at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock, Arkansas, November 1943. The unit’s guidon is illustrated in the middle of the first row.
Introduction & Activation:
The 188th General Hospital was activated 25 June 1943 at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock, Arkansas (Infantry Replacement Training Center, acreage 42,124; troop capacity 2,596 Officers & 44,077 Enlisted Men –ed) with Colonel Martin R. Reiber, MC, O-9165, commanding (from Buffalo, New York). Activation was pursuant to authority contained in General Orders # 68, Headquarters, Eighth Service Command, Army Service Forces, Dallas, Texas, dated 8 May 1943. (in 1917, the United States acquired 6,000 acres for use as an encampment known as Camp Pike. In 1937, Camp Pike was later renamed Camp Joseph T. Robinson. During World War Two, Cp. Robinson expanded to 48,188 acres and was used for basic training and later to house German Prisoners of War. In early 1940, the US reclaimed the post and began construction on a temporary cantonment for the 35th Division, a Kansas-Missouri-Nebraska National Guard unit being called into Federal Service in December 1940. Elements of the 35th (Infantry) Division began arriving on 29 December 1940. With the start of WW2, the post took on a new role as an Infantry Replacement Training Center. Initially, there were three Centers, one for basic Branch Immaterial training, later converted to Infantry training and the other added for Medical training. In 1944, the last two were combined into the Infantry Replacement Training Center. In addition to its role in training soldiers, Cp. Robinson also housed a large German PW enclosure with a capacity for 4,000 prisoners. The post was Arkansas’s second largest city, with an average daily population of about 50,000. An estimated 750,000 soldiers had gone through Camp Robinson when training ended in 1946 and control of the camp reverted to the State of Arkansas –ed).

Personnel in front of one of their hutments in Cirencester, England.
Front row: Homer F. Gault; Walter A. Pierce: Hans S. Hanson; Carl T. Naylor.
Middle row: John R. Markiewicz; Robert Farmer; Charles G. Hammond; Edward F. Doyle.
Back row: John H. Moore; Thomas E. Kevelighan; Harold Antis; Dan Sparks; Leslie W. Husted; Kenneth R. Patterson; James O. Young.
Personnel build-up and training under MTP 8-10, Modified, were successfully completed in the Zone of Interior prior to the unit’s move overseas.
The Mobilization Training Program issued in 1943 to guide the advanced training of medical units, was the only program of that period to remain in effect under the pre-activation system. The final program was published on 1 July 1944 as a revised version of Mobilization Training Program No. 8-10, the guide originally issued in 1942 to govern the advanced training of numbered Hospitals and non-divisional medical (and other) units of the Army Service Forces. During the first 10 weeks of the program, Specialists and Technicians spent half of each day in on-the-job training at local hospitals and installations; with the remaining time divided between classes in military and technical subjects. After the technical phase was completed, the cycle concluded with 3 weeks of field exercises and problems. Officers and Nurses, including for the first time Dietitians and Physical Therapists, were provided with 4 weeks of classes in military, technical, and administrative subjects.
With the necessary training, supervision, and guidance, the organization grew from a small untrained group to a highly skilled unit comprising the trained personnel necessary for the efficient operation of a General Hospital anywhere and under all conditions. Efficiency and morale of the personnel were kept high by providing for necessary recreation and entertainment activities and by granting leaves, furloughs, and passes whenever feasible.
Preparation for Overseas Movement:
On 16 March 1944, the organization departed Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Arkansas, for Camp Kilmer, Stelton, New Jersey (Staging Area for New York Port of Embarkation, acreage 1,815; troop capacity 2,074 Officers & 35,386 EM – ed) where processing for overseas shipment was started and completed, eventually boarding on 30 March, and sailing for foreign service from New York POE on 31 March 1944 aboard RMS “Mauretania” (British ocean liner, launched 28 July 1938, converted to troopship in Australia, served in all major theaters –ed), arriving at Liverpool, United Kingdom, on 8 April 1944.
United Kingdom:

Partial view of the 188th General Hospital’s installations. In the foreground, the mess hall and kitchen.
The troopship arrived at Liverpool, England, on 8 April 1944. After the necessary formalities and preparations, the unit debarked on 9 April 1944, subsequently entraining for Gloucester, England, where all personnel were regrouped and billeted in private homes awaiting completion of the new US Army Hospital Plant No. 4149, at site No. 1, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, the Bolero-type Nissen hut hospital it was to operate while stationed in the British Isles. Headquarters was installed in a four-story building at the northwest corner of Southgate Street and Longsmith Street, Gloucester. Mess halls were established, one for the Officers at Wesley Hall, Sydney Street and Frampton Road, and two for the Enlisted Men; one located on Reservoir Road and the other on Sisson Road. The necessary rations were obtained from the 81st Quartermaster Battalion, Mobile.
A first advance party of 10 Officers and 100 EM had already proceeded to the site, traveling on 20 April 1944 to assist in preparing it for occupancy, followed by another group comprising 6 Officers and 64 Enlisted Men who left on 2 May 1944, and by a last party consisting of 11 Officers and 220 EM departing on 12 May 1944. The remainder of the organization left on 21 May 1944; and by 24-25 May 1944, the complete hospital staff was installed in preparation for the unit’s official opening. Above Movement Orders were contained in Letter, Movement Order 1431, File AG 370.5, dated 21 April 1944, confirming VOCG, Southern Base Section, ETOUSA.
While staging in Gloucester, the unit was frequently called upon to furnish Officers and Enlisted personnel to assist in the operation of the Marshalling Areas prior to and following D-Day as Dispensary Officers, Mess Officers, cooks, litter bearers, ambulance drivers and orderlies. Following the request, 1 Officer and 14 EM were transferred on DS with the 5th Armored Division at Truro, Cornwall, England, per VOCO, Southern Base Section, SOS, ETOUSA, on 21 April 1944. On 28 April 1944, 46 EM were transferred on DS with the 6th Tank Destroyer Group, per VOCO, SOS, SBS, ETOUSA. On 3 May 1944, 5 Medical Officers were transferred on DS with Headquarters XXIII District, per VOCG, SBS, ETOUSA. This was followed by another small group of 3 EM who were transferred on DS with the 133d Quartermaster Truck Company, XIX District, per VOCG, SBS, ETOUSA, on 30 May 1944, and by transfer on 1 June 1944 of 6 more EM on DS, destination secret, per VOCG, SBS, ETOUSA. Transfers continued throughout June 1944, with several groups of Enlisted personnel being sent on DS with various units, on 4 June, 17 June, and 30 June 1944 …
Unit Strength – 188th General Hospital (9 April 1944)
56 Medical Officers
1 Warrant Officer
83 Nurses
3 Hospital Dietitians
2 Physical Therapy Aides
500 Enlisted Men
Major Moses Cohen, O-477735, MC was CO of the Advance Detachment while the unit’s Commanding Officer remained in Gloucester, awaiting completion of the plant, and taking some time to visit higher Headquarters and other medical units nearby. He made frequent trips to the site of the new hospital directing all the activities for final preparation of the organization.
There were no important difficulties during the initial installation phase. The British Billeting Officer, Captain Whitehead, was most helpful in billeting the personnel of the unit and familiarizing the MAC Officers with British Army procedures. The hospitality of the English people, in whose homes the Enlisted personnel were billeted, was truly sincere and deeply appreciated, as it almost felt like home. The most important task accomplished during the period was the orientation of the command to the European Theater of Operations.
When the entire organization was finally transferred to Cirencester, the Enlisted Men moved to Nissen huts at the north end of the site; the Officers also occupied Nissen huts at the south end, and the Nurses were quartered in brick huts on the west side of the Hospital site.
Normal plant capacity was 1082 beds; but there were also 29 tents for potential expansion purposes, with an additional capacity of 435 beds.
Effective 13 May 1944 and pursuant to Special Orders # 136, Paragraph 72, dated 15 May 1944, Headquarters, Southern Base Section, Services of Supply, ETOUSA, APO 519, the 188th Gen Hosp was attached to the 15th Hospital Center. On 30 May 1944, written instructions relating to official opening and closing of Hospitals were received with Letter AG 323.3, OpMC, Headquarters ETOUSA, whereby the 188th General Hospital (capacity 1082 beds) was ordered to become operational at 0001 hours on 26 May 1944 at Cirencester No. 1, Gloucester, England, APO 645.

Partial map showing the location of Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England.
The first patients, all D-Day casualties, were admitted at 0200 hours, on 14 June 1944 and from that date until final disposition of its last patient on 16 July 1945, the 188th General Hospital cared for a total of 11,239 patients. The unit’s FIRST patient was Corporal Havard R. Ward, ASN 34117701, diagnosed with pneumonia, left lower lobe. It should be underlined that numerous difficulties were encountered from the time of activation. Indeed, the absence of some Officers and a large number of Enlisted Men on Detached Service with other units during the period of preparing the hospital for its mission and the subsequent reception of patients was a tremendous handicap. Furthermore, inadequate warehouse space necessitated storing considerable quantities of supplies under tentage. It was quite a surprise when German PWs were received unexpectedly as patients, and problems of guarding, clothing, and evacuating them to proper PW Enclosures upon discharge arose and had to be met.
The patients received were mainly Allied wounded. They however also included 89 German Prisoners of War, captured in Normandy, who were treated the same way as the Allied patients (this was the first Hospital Train dispatched to the 188th –ed). The unit would subsequently treat all German PWs sent to the 15th Hospital Center until specific installations were designated as Prisoner of War Hospitals. A total of 500 German prisoner patients were received and treated between 14 June and 28 August 1944, on which date the last was discharged. Although many problems of security and supply arose they were successfully settled by the organization. Following this first phase, the 188th General was employed as a Holding Hospital for patients at the 15th Hospital Center awaiting evacuation to the Zone of Interior. Three hundred (300) beds were allocated for this specific purpose while the normal flow of cases was handled concurrently. Many personnel changes took place during August, including transfers and replacements of Officers inevitably resulting in gains and losses. Whenever possible, outside and recreational activities were conducted including sightseeing tours, liberty runs, softball games, dances, and lectures.
More assignments on DS followed in the month of August and September of 1944, with Enlisted personnel being sent to assist or supplement units such as the 289th Military Police Company, Depot O-670, 81st Tank Battalion, 455th Motor Ambulance Company, and the 1377th Engineer Regiment.
Official Strength – 188th General Hospital
30 June 1944 – 55 Off, 1 WO, 83 ANC, 3 HD, 2 PT, 493 EM
30 September 1944 – 54 Off, 1 WO, 84 ANC, 3 HD, 2 PT, 503 EM
31 December 1944 – 54 Off, 1 WO, 79 ANC, 3 HD, 2 PT, 483 EM
On 21 September 1944 the town of Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England, adopted the 188th US Army General Hospital at a formal ceremony in the Municipal Chambers. An official Parchment commemorating the occasion was presented to Colonel Ira A. Abrahamson, MC, O-140773 by the Honorable Wilson G. Tovey, Chairman of the Council.
On 19 October, the organization was visited by an Inspection Team from Headquarters, Southern District, United Kingdom Base, ETOUSA, and received a rating of “Excellent”.
Another aspect of operations concerned the care and return to duty (or some type of duty, depending of the circumstances –ed) of the numerous “trenchfoot” cases that developed in the fall and winter campaign in the European Theater, on the continent. Excellent results were obtained through the diligent efforts of Lt. Colonel Samuel Milliman, MC, O-484779, Chief of Medical Service, and Captain Sydney Schiffer, MC, O-500745, Rehabilitation Officer.
Assignments – 188th General Hospital
15th Hospital Center, SBS, SOS, ETOUSA – 13 May 1944
United Kingdom Base, ComZ, ETOUSA – 12 October 1944
IV Hospital Group (Provisional) – 13 October 1944
re-assigned to 15th Hospital Center
During the Christmas period, the organization’s CO invited 300 children from the town’s schools to a Christmas party. Gift packages of various items, donated by members of the command, were distributed and in return the patients and the personnel certainly enjoyed their cheerful presence. This kind of social activity improved morale of the unit as a whole. Between October and December 1944, 30 Enlisted Men were assigned to Infantry Reinforcement Training Centers or to the units with which they were still attached on DS. As compensation, 10 EM of limited service status were assigned to the 188th.
On 15 December 1944, per VOCO, 15th Hospital Center, patient capacity was further expanded by 406 beds, raising the total capacity to 1,923 beds.
Colonel Clough F. Gee, Commandant, Southern District, United Kingdom Base, European Theater of Operations, visited and thoroughly inspected the Hospital on 17 January 1945.
On 3 February 1945, the 188th Gen Hosp was re-organized under Column 4, T/O & E 8-550, dated 3 July 1944 effective 11 February (subject T/O & E for a 1,000-bed hospital, provided for an aggregate strength of 55 Officers – 1 Warrant Officer – 83 Nurses and 450 EM, including 20 vehicles and 8 trailers –ed).
On 8 February 1945, Major Howard Snyder, accompanied by Colonel Crosby, and Lt. Colonel Turner, surveyed the utilization of manpower in the unit and expressed complete satisfaction.
On 12 February 1945, the peak patient census of 1,710 cases was being treated in a plant whose capacity was 1,082 beds, plus 435 beds in a tented expansion. Additional beds (or cots) had been put in all wards thus increasing the capacity to 1,923 or 406 beds more than the normal capacity of 1,517.
Another inspecting tour took place on 20 February 1945, when Major General Paul R. Hawley, Chief Surgeon, ETOUSA, accompanied by Colonel Oramel H. Stanley, CO 15th Hospital Center, visited and inspected the installation.
The final phase of operations occurred on 16 March 1945, when the 188th General Hospital was designated as the “Neurosurgical” Center (comprising special treatment of Neurosurgery and Head injuries –ed) of the 15th Hospital Center, United Kingdom (previously handled by the 160th General Hospital –ed). Neurosurgical cases called for great efforts of all members of the hospital unit, necessitating exchange of specialized Surgeons, Nurses and Enlisted Men between the units, and transfer of patients to the 188th. Although the average patient load dropped to 1,200 the increase in bed-ridden patients caused a tremendous burden to the Nursing Service, Surgical Service, and all ward personnel. As a result of this situation the 1373d Labor Supervision Company consisting of 2 Officers and 6 EM with Captain Robert E. Whiting, FA, commanding, arrived on 16 April 1945 to administer the German Prisoners of War Labor Service Company which was to follow. Following the above, Detachment A, 8303d Labor Service Company (German) comprising 125 PW personnel and Detachment B, 8303d Labor Service Company (German) consisting of another 125 prisoners formerly assigned to the 192d General Hospital, were met and escorted into the enclosure on 7 May 1945. The German PW detachments were attached to the unit and proved of great assistance in the daily operation of the Hospital, remaining with it until relieved on 23 July 1945.

Thanksgiving Dinner Menu offered by the 188th General Hospital to its staff and personnel, and celebrated 23 November 1944, while in Cirecenster, England.
A special Memorial Service was held on 19 April 1945 to honor President F. D. Roosevelt (who died 13 Apr 45 –ed) in the Parish Church of Cirencester which was attended by the town’s Urban Council and the citizens of Cirencester as well as contingents of Officers and EM of the 188th, the 192d General Hospital, the 111th General Hospital, and the 15th Hospital Center. During the same period (Apr 45) the members of the command amassed the sum necessary to sponsor a British War Orphan under the plan conducted by the “Stars and Stripes” and the “American Red Cross” (on 29 April, a reception and party was held for a certain Anne E…., Case No. 1214 – a charming 8-year old brunette, dark-eyed girl, she enjoyed dinner with the Officers, supper with the Enlisted Men, and completely toured the hospital plant visiting patients and staff, bringing cheer to all).
Official Strength – 188th General Hospital
8 May 1945 – 54 Off, 1 WO, 79 ANC, 3 HD, 2 PT, 453 EM
During the first five months of 1945, there was a gain of 35 Enlisted Men and a loss of 63. The turnover and the decrease in Enlisted strength was caused both by additional assignment to Infantry Reinforcement Training Centers (there was a general requirement for more combat men –ed) and reorganization. Between 9 April and 8 May 1945, a total of 94 EM were thus transferred for reconversion Infantry Training. At the same time, the very first Officer promotions (since the date of the unit’s activation) were given to 44 members of the organization.
Modifications to the existing post infrastructure were started involving the erection of prefab hutments for use as a patients’ recreation hall, a central vegetable preparation room, a utilities storehouse, and conversion of the original recreation hall to a post theater.
During the period of D-Day (6 Jun 44) to V-E Day (8 May 45) the Hospital admitted 10,859 patients and discharged 9,971, with patients either going back to duty, transferred to other hospitals, evacuated to the ZI, or dying during or after surgery. There were 888 patients remaining on Victory-in-Europe Day.
The 188th General Hospital was officially closed for the reception of patients as of 2400 hours on 9 July 1945, per Letter, File AG 323.3, OpMC, Subject: Opening and Closing of Hospitals, Headquarters, United States Forces, European Theater, USFET (Rear), dated 17 July 1945. The last patient left on 17 July 1945 while the last German PW patient was discharged on 28 August 194.
Closing-out of the medical installations was carried out without difficulty. Assistance rendered by The Surgeon, United Kingdom Base, the Southern Engineer District, the British Barracks & Accommodation Stores Officer and the British DCRE (Deputy Commander, Royal Engineers –ed), facilitated the closing and disposition of records, the return of the equipment to Depot stocks, and the return of Site No. 1, Cirencester, to British control.

Some men of the 188th General Hospital’s administrative staff at work. From L to R: Robert E. Bell; George D. McArthur; and Rex L. Wall.
Following the introduction of the RR-1 program, the Hospital was alerted for Redeployment to the Pacific Theater through the Zone of Interior with a readiness date of 2 August 1945, per Letter, File AG 370.5, OpGC, Subject: Redeployment Alert Order No. 213, Headquarters, United Kingdom Base, dated 3 July 1945.
Personnel Readjustment and updating of individual ASR scores were accomplished and the unit staffed with ‘high-point’ Officers. Although entirely processed, packed and ready for port call, the unconditional surrender of Japan (announced 15 August 1945, formally signed aboard USS Missouri, Bay of Tokyo, Japan, 2 September 1945 –ed) caused a complete reversal in priority for returning to the United States with the unit being removed from its alert status!
High-point personnel were then transferred to newly alerted units and the unit restaffed. In the meantime, the 15th Hospital Center was closed and the 188th General assigned to the 12th Hospital Center for administration.
12th Hospital Center – Great Malvern , Western Base Section (Col. Asa M. Lehman)
15th Hospital Center – Cirencester, Western Base Section (Lt. Col. John A. Grove)
The United Kingdom Base was set up 10 September 1945 as a single ComZ Headquarters covering operations in all the British Isles. Consequently, the Western, Eastern, Central, and Southern Base Sections in Britain became subordinate districts of the new organization. Colonel Charles B. Spruit, MC, became the United Kingdom Base Commanding Officer as soon as it went into operation.

Reprint of the article published in the “Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard”, Cirencester, England, dated 28 September 1944. The official “Certificate of Adoption” was issued by the Cirencester Council 21 September 1944 (see also Leo O. Morabito’s Testimony).
The 188th General Hospital was subsequently alerted for shipment to Garches, France, per Letter, Subject: Movement order No. 3044, Headquarters, United Kingdom Base, dated 17 September 1945, as amended by Letter, Subject: Movement Order No. 3079, Headquarters, United Kingdom Base, dated 27 September 1945.
The Hospital departed from Cirencester, England, at 0250 hours, 29 September 1945, entraining for Southampton, England, where it arrived and boarded the USS “Marine Wolf” with destination Le Havre, France. The personnel debarked at Le Havre harbor at 2000 hours, 29 September 1945.
The unit now consisting of a reduced outfit numbering 42 Officers, 86 Nurses, 2 Physical Therapists, 2 ARC workers, and 655 Enlisted Men were moved to Camp Phillip Morris (one of the many Cigarette camps –ed) for temporary quarters. The group entrained at Le Havre on 3 October 1945 traveling to Garches, France, arriving at the 240th General Hospital, Garches, on the outskirts of Paris, at 0700 hours the next day. Upon arrival on 4 October 1945, the personnel were immediately reassigned to various medical units of the Seine Section in the Paris area, restaffed with high-point personnel and alerted for return to the continental United States.

Partial view of the 188th General Hospital installations, Cirencester, England.
A new CO, in the person of Lt. Colonel James T. Hall, MC, O-357057, assumed command of the 188th General Hospital on 8 October 1945. On 15 October the organization was moved from the 240th Gen Hosp to Camp Charlotte (one of the City camps –ed), where the personnel Readjustment build-up for the move to the Zone of Interior was accomplished. All personnel returning to the United States with the outfit were assigned for the sole purpose of being returned to the ZI for separation and demobilization. The number of points for the Enlisted Men originally ranged from 67 and above, but was later amended to 70 points and above! All original members of the 188th General Hospital were transferred and subsequently replaced by people from all branches of service.
After having been reassembled and duly processed at Camp Charlotte, France, the organization finally moved back to Camp Phillip Morris, in order to be staged for Redeployment to the United States. This last movement was completed on 22 November 1945.
On Tuesday, 27 November 1945, the unit boarded the USS “Lejeune” AP-74 (ex-German cargo SS Windhuk, interned in Brazil 12 August 1942, purchased by the United States Government, converted and commissioned 12 May 1944, troop capacity 4,666, complement 626, skipper Captain F. W. McDonald –ed) at Le Havre, France, bound for the Zone of Interior, arriving on 6 December 1945 at New York Port of Embarkation. After debarkation, the personnel received their orders for transfer to the different Separation Centers for proper discharge.
Personnel Roster:
Officers’ Staff – 188th General Hospital (8 May 1945) |
Abrahamson, Ira A., MC, O-140773 | Colonel (Commanding Officer) |
Acton, George B, CE, O-533960 | First Lieutenant |
Adler, Justin H., MC, O-493505 | Captain |
Barcham, Julius, MC, O-505980 | Captain |
Bartlett, Robert W., MC, O-337495 | Lieutenant Colonel |
Belopolsky, Herman B, QMC, O-1586430 | First Lieutenant |
Boissevain, Charles H., MC, O-530847 | Major |
Brotman, Jacob, MC, O-322219 | Major |
Brown, Carroll A, MC, O-356208 | Major |
Brown, Cecil D., MC, O-503592 | Major |
Brown, George D., MC, O-500140 | Major |
Brucker, John C., ChC, O-313887 | Captain |
Davenport, Merrill C., MC, O-21479 | Lieutenant Colonel |
Dein, Harry L., MC, O-477015 | Captain |
Dziubak, Julius J., DC, O-1755755 | Captain |
Eagon, Robert H., MAC, O-2046956 | First Lieutenant |
Eschelbacher, Leo J., MC, O-436478 | Captain |
Ficke, Lloyd W., MAC, O-1542524 | First Lieutenant |
Fischer, William C., MC, O-1689340 | Captain |
Gaier, Ralph W., SnC, O-533821 | First Lieutenant |
Gery, Richard E.,MC, O-488351 | Captain |
Hall, Fayette G., DC, O-270317 | Lieutenant Colonel |
Harris, Marvin S., MC, O-500711 | Captain |
Jones, William A., MC, O-299584 | Captain |
Juchem, Joseph A., Sr., MAC, O-2047018 | First Lieutenant |
Kinnamon, Howard F., Jr., MC, O-506957 | Captain |
Klein, Julius B., MC, O-528286 | Captain |
Kraemer, Manfred, MC, O-324650 | Major |
Larson, Donald F., MAC, O-2047037 | First Lieutenant |
Larson, Willard E., MAC, O-2047039 | First Lieutenant |
McAllister, Kenneth L., MAC, O-2047056 | First Lieutenant |
McNeely, Eugene M., USA, W-2129728 | Warrant Officer Junior Grade |
Millman, Samuel, MC, O-484779 | Lieutenant Colonel |
Minkin, Leopold, MAC, O-1546500 | First Lieutenant |
Mira, Joseph J., MC, O-387157 | Captain |
Montalvo, Lauro, MC, O-495943 | Captain |
Moress, Edward J., MC, O-497220 | Major |
Mosley, Ronald A., ChC, O-535280 | Captain |
Perrone, Edmond R., DC, O-490104 | Captain |
Rinzler, Seymour H., MC, O-1690669 | Captain |
Ritter, Israel I., MC, O-480316 | Major |
Rounds, Roy C., MC, O-445028 | Major |
Rowe, Stuart N., MC, O-409894 | Lieutenant Colonel |
Shafer, Keith O., MAC, O-2047141 | First Lieutenant |
Shannon, Thomas R. Jr., MC, O-362376 | Captain |
Stebbins, Theodore L., MC, O-494947 | Major |
Strickler, William O., DC, O-470753 | Captain |
Stull, Joseph B., MC, O-439294 | First Lieutenant |
Svoboda, Reynold B., QMC, O-1579192 | First Lieutenant |
Templeton, Joseph E., DC, O-464566 | Captain |
Thompson, Roy H., MC, O-297221 | Lieutenant Colonel |
Vogel, William C., SnC, O-531708 | First Lieutenant |
Youngerman, William M., MC, O-489871 | Major |
Zingale, Joseph C., MAC, O-2049942 | Second Lieutenant |

1943 Johnson & Johnson poster illustrating the services and care offered by the US Army Medical Department.
Nurses & other Staff – 188th General Hospital (8 May 1945) |
Adams, Dorothy A. C., HD, R-737 | First Lieutenant |
Allen, Dorothy R., ANC, N-776375 | Second Lieutenant |
Anselmi, Emma J., ANC, N-776376 | Second Lieutenant |
Auer, Helen, ANC, N-768053 | Second Lieutenant |
Bailey, Ruth D., ANC, N-756385 | Second Lieutenant |
Beltz, Golda A., ANC, N-776044 | Second Lieutenant |
Benoit, Audrey M., ANC, N-776452 | Second Lieutenant |
Benoit, Donna M., ANC, N-776453 | Second Lieutenant (sister) |
Benson, Justine L., ANC, N-776556 | Second Lieutenant |
Beyer, Louise A., ANC, N-776353 | Second Lieutenant |
Blechert, Lillian K., ANC, N-776377 | Second Lieutenant |
Bosse, Norma M., ANC, N-776461 | Second Lieutenant |
Burnison, Bernita P., ANC, N-776506 | Second Lieutenant |
Butler, Ruth E., ANC, N-725145 | First Lieutenant |
Caplinger, Dorothy E., ANC, N-776025 | First Lieutenant |
Cornett, Dollie M., ANC, N-775761 | First Lieutenant |
Davey, Emily M., ANC, N-776525 | Second Lieutenant |
Dear, Norma, PTA, M-952 | Second Lieutenant |
Dodge, Betty J., ANC, N-776367 | Second Lieutenant |
Donalds, Margaret M., ANC, N-776442 | Second Lieutenant |
Doolan, Elthea L., ANC, N-732975 | First Lieutenant |
Dwyer, Mildred A., ANC, N-776478 | Second Lieutenant |
Faust, Mae D., ANC, N-775438 | First Lieutenant |
Fleming, Mary M., ANC, N-751049 | First Lieutenant |
Foran, Mary G., ANC, N-752173 | Second Lieutenant |
Freeland, Ailsie J., ANC, N-776051 | First Lieutenant |
Garman, Betty N., ANC, N-776298 | Second Lieutenant |
Gersema, Vivian M., ANC, N-776370 | Second Lieutenant |
Gillis, Agnes C., ANC, N-776234 | Second Lieutenant |
Greiner, Marjorie I., ANC, N-776387 | Second Lieutenant |
Guthrie, Mona A., ANC, N-776402 | Second Lieutenant |
Hamalainen, Marietta, ANC, N-776316 | Second Lieutenant |
Harris, Vernealle, ANC, N-776236 | Second Lieutenant |
Haugum, Ella A., ANC, N-732394 | Captain (Principal Chief Nurse) |
Heezen, Hazel J., ANC, N-776372 | Second Lieutenant |
Heglund, Clarice J., ANC, N-776462 | Second Lieutenant |
Hill, Margaret L., ANC, N-776285 | Second Lieutenant |
Hohnecker, Jean C., ANC, N-776237 | Second Lieutenant |
Hosey, Geneva A., ANC, N-733696 | First Lieutenant |
Houghom, Janis R., ANC, N-732859 | First Lieutenant |
Hughes, Edna M., ANC, N-776510 | Second Lieutenant |
Jensen, Frances, ANC, N-775844 | First Lieutenant |
Johnson, Irene F., ANC, N-776226 | Second Lieutenant |
Juhl, Leila P., ANC, N-776449 | Second Lieutenant |
Kearney, Mary P., ANC, N-776065 | Second Lieutenant |
Kellett, Lillian M., ANC, N-776066 | First Lieutenant |
King, Helen, M., ANC, N-776389 | Second Lieutenant |
King, Leona I., ANC, N-776342 | First Lieutenant |
Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth, PTA, M-1002 | First Lieutenant |
Koch, Dorothy F., ANC, N-776286 | Second Lieutenant |
Kraenzel, Erna A., ANC, N-776139 | First Lieutenant |
Lett, Eleanor, ANC, N-775991 | First Lieutenant |
Lett, Eloise, ANC, N-776492 | First Lieutenant |
Marintzer, Aurelia M., ANC, N-776486 | Second Lieutenant |
Maynard, Phoebe S., ANC, N-776155 | First Lieutenant |
McAllister, Eleanor, ANC, N-761055 | Second Lieutenant |
McIntyre, Elizabeth J., HD, R-759 | Second Lieutenant |
Michael, Shirley J., ANC, N-776499 | Second Lieutenant |
Miller, Ruth C., ANC, N-776450 | Second Lieutenant |
Paris, Ava E., ANC, N-736832 | Second Lieutenant |
Pederson, Amy B., ANC, N-776295 | Second Lieutenant |
Peterson, Edna E., ANC, N-776109 | Second Lieutenant |
Powell, Dorothy, ANC, N-736487 | Second Lieutenant |
Radtka, Elizabeth E., ANC, N-733421 | Second Lieutenant |
Rodriguez, Eufemia, ANC, N-776413 | Second Lieutenant |
Rogel, Rosalie I., ANC, N-776311 | Second Lieutenant |
Sandberg, Elvy V., ANC, N-776388 | Second Lieutenant |
Shields, Dolores C., ANC, N-776494 | Second Lieutenant |
Siegel, Lois M., PTA, M-745 | Second Lieutenant |
Stanford, Shirley A., ANC, N-776371 | Second Lieutenant |
Steidel, Dorothy C. P., ANC, N-758456 | Second Lieutenant |
Stobaugh, G. Maxine, ANC, N-745071 | Second Lieutenant |
Suyama, Yaeko, ANC, N-775784 | First Lieutenant |
Swenson, Mildred E., ANC, N-776080 | Second Lieutenant |
Teaney, Kathryn M., ANC, N-733102 | Second Lieutenant |
Terry, Phyllis M., ANC, N-773294 | First Lieutenant |
Tomoor, Helen M., ANC, N-742869 | First Lieutenant |
Treadway, Hilda A., A NC, N-776057 | First Lieutenant |
Verbeke, Madeline L., ANC, N-776319 | Second Lieutenant |
Wagner, Hazel M., ANC, N-776217 | Second Lieutenant |
Wakefield, Elinor A., HD, R-845 | Second Lieutenant |
Watts, Gladys L., ANC, N-776099 | Second Lieutenant |
Wehde, Fern M., ANC, N-776306 | Second Lieutenant |
Willis, K. Mayo, ANC, N-776219 | Second Lieutenant |
Wolange, Nellie M., ANC, N-721273 | Second Lieutenant |

Two Enlisted Men in front of one the hutments used for quarters by the 188th General Hospital personnel in Cirencester, England. From L to R: Charles G. Hammond and Hans S. Hanson.
Enlisted Men Staff – 188th General Hospital (8 May 1945) |
Addicott, Donald K., 35309267 | Sergeant |
Allen, Walter D., 20419999 | Private First Class |
Amend, Frederick A., 31159133 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Antis, Harold, 32857351. | Technician Fourth Grade |
Arch, John Jr., 39406143 | Private First Class |
Armstrong, John J., 32790288 | Technician Third Grade |
Aroian, Zaven A., 31264219 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Avery, John H., 31339410 | Private First Class |
Ayres, John C., 32916892 | Private First Class |
Babco, Micael J., 33759195 | Technician Third Grade |
Badun, William T., 36610361 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Bagnetto, James C., 38493970 | Private |
Bagozzi, Benjamin J., 36571027 | Corporal |
Barber, Silas, 39847843 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Barkley, William E., 37479879 | Corporal |
Barnes, George W., 37496646 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Barr, Robert R., 17019820 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Barthlome, Richard C., 38458664 | Private |
Barulich, Peter M., 32709135. | Private |
Basilio, Michael C., 33778709 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Beck, Harvey D., 37618091 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Beckman, Walter F., 31269306 | Private First Class |
Behling, Donald D., 36802376 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Bell, Robert E., 36444613 | Sergeant |
Belletto, Vincent J., 39572010 | Private First Class |
Benko, Carl Jr., 35554696. | Private First Class |
Benner, Russell C., 42007011 | Private First Class |
Bensinger, Fred, 1035841 | Private First Class |
Benson, Allan O., 39911086 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Best, Jesse M., 18009716 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Bilyeu, William R., 36482627 | Private First Class |
Borleis, Melvin F., 33733708 | Private First Class |
Bowles, Thomas A., 34774115 | Technician Third Grade |
Bramer, William S., 15019466 | Staff Sergeant |
Brinegar, George K., 36073782 | Master Sergeant |
Broeckling, Walter A., 36426435 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Brooks, Sol, 32690064 | Private First Class |
Brown, Charles R., 16072551 | Private |
Buchanan, William A., 34820760 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Bucklew, Dallas L., 35177830 | Private First Class |
Bue, Norval K., 39453972 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Burford, William M., 34093601 | Technical Sergeant |
Burkhart, Raymond M., 39698747 | Private First Class |
Burns, George M., 33428588 | Sergeant |

Picture of Harold Antis enjoying a book in the sun. Note the hutments used by the 188th General Hospital in Cirencester, England.
Burnett, George H., 34728552 | Private First Class |
Bush, Joe Jr., 38418247 | Private First Class |
Byrd, Loren E., 36380541 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Cameron, Don R., 34283903 | Sergeant |
Caporale, Jack F., 31339408 | Corporal |
Cappiello, Joseph J., 42065234 | Private First Class |
Carnes, Paul J., 33428847 | Private First Class |
Carstens, Charles C., 32467592 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Caruso, Louis J., 32916430 | Private |
Casci, Amerigo G., 39572464 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Castro, Frank O., 39294268 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Cericola, Nicholas R., 13099311 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Chapman, Roy, 35657728 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Chesser, Guy R., 32488481 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Clark, William F., 33777526 | Private First Class |
Clarke, Paul C., 36464980 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Coffey, Glenn I., 36064187 | Staff Sergeant |
Cole, James A., 34652679 | Private First Class |
Collins, Charles L., 32748715 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Collins, Lester. C., 34166262 | Private First Class |
Colquitt, Joseph K., 34820569 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Conley, Joseph H., 32916500 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Cook, Nathan, Jr., 34653531 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Cook, Wilson J., 32625673 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Coolidge, Daniel L., 19098438 | Sergeant |
Corbo, James L., 33572209 | Private First Class |
Cordock, Donald J., 32862789 | Private |
Costello, Daniel W., 39698487 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Cowan, Robert D. Jr., 20400121 | Technical Sergeant |
Crawford, Crosby O., 36307236 | Technician Third Grade |
Cromer, Bruce R., 38440112 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Crowder, Francis L., 34650494 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Dailey, Willie H., 34767410 | Private First Class |
Daitchman, Benny A., 36831750 | Private |
Dale, William Jr., 33437155 | Private First Class |
Dalton, Henry L., 35712181 | Technician Third Grade |
Daniel, Lewis R., 3997304 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Davidson, Willard N., 39854532 | Private |
Davis, Faris, 39295057 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Davis, James E., 14117345 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Davis, John R., 32857450 | Private |
Davis, Louie C., 34773081 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Dawley, William H., 35801978 | Private First Class |
Decker, Alex, 36817511 | Private First Class |
DeCosta, Norman L., 39295393 | Private |
DeDominico, Leo, 32699959 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Dees, Ottis R., 37611357 | Private First Class |
Deesing, Peter P., 33624154 | Private |
Delbridge, Vivian D., 36461339 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Delfin, Juan N., 39572281 | Private First Class |
DelleDonne, Peter P., 32752266 | Private First Class |
Dempsey, David D., 36104560 | Master Sergeant |
Denny, George C., 32642882 | Private First Class |
DePerna, Frank A., 32721389 | Corporal |
Dequine Delbert E., 39125262 | Technician Fourth Grade |
DeRoche, Joseph C., 31353704 | Technician Fifth Grade |
DiSabatino, Louis, 32757751 | Private |
Ditzler, William L., 39004915 | Staff Sergeant |
Dixon, Robert R., 33040401 | Technical Sergeant |
Domenico, Anthony, 31293347 | Private |
Doyle, Eward F., 33624213 | Private First Class |
Duffey, Edward F., 32301081 | Private |
Dugan, Edward J., 33777418 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Dwyer, Frank J., 19086208 | Sergeant |
Dykes, John H., 38127442 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Edson, Arnott J., 391180927 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Elam, Charles H., 35866703 | Corporal |
Elliott, Thomas J., 31353593 | Corporal |
Elmendorf, William M. Jr., 39295090 | Technician Third Grade |
Emmett, Joseph C., 31070318 | Sergeant |
Engel, Henry E., 35305297 | Sergeant |
England, Printess W., 15303329 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Epps, William O., 34653320 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Espelage, Raymond H., 35790964 | Staff Sergeant |
Esquivias, Ben, 38402637 | Private |
Evans, James C., 14046462 | Private First Class |
Evans, John C., 34805799 | Corporal |
Fairhurst, Albert E., 31353668 | Private First Class |
Farmer, Robert, 36852112 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Farr, Guy L., 33121865 | Staff Sergeant |
Ferry, Leo J., 33625849 | Private |
Finch, Gregory B. Jr., 34805855 | Private First Class |
Fitzgibbon, Robert T., 36802235 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Fivash, Lawrence W., 36485195 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Flint, Harold E., 37579093 | Private First Class |
Floistad, Vernon E., 36664133 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Fong, Back J., 32726013 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Foreman, Irving D., 36430980 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Fowler, George H., 34671858 | Private First Class |
Fox, Edward J., 39131990 | Private |
Frank, William A., 13129405 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Franklin, Robert E., 33725976 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Freemon, Ralph, 36697217 | Private |
Freidhof, John J., 32530183 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Frey, Anthony A., 32895478 | Private First Class |
Friestad, Robert J., 36663970 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Fugate, Verl E., 37405581 | Sergeant |
Gaebel, Charles A., 36727400 | Private First Class |
Gammell, Charles F., 35173844 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Gault, Homer F., 35154431 | Private |
Glenn, Francis M., 34653628 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Golden, James M., 31333330 | Technician Third Grade |
Golz, Arthur, 36025188 | Private First Class |
Gomez, Pete, 38459494 | Private First Class |
Gomillion, Joseph C., 34625315 | Private First Class |
Goodwin, Nathan E., 32363344 | Private |
Goren, Jack E., 35010497 | Private First Class |
Gorman, Dona E., 37346403 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Goss, Francis A., 33570027 | Sergeant |
Gray, Sterling G., 34925062 | Private First Class |
Green, Karlton P., 34820688 | Private First Class |
Gresso, Richard, 20540324 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Grieco, Daniel, 35309435 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Griffin, Edwin C., 33634927 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Griffin, John T., 38436524 | Private First Class |
Guidroz, Jean P., 18170770 | Technician Third Grade |
Hall, Ernest H., 34653810 | Private |
Hall, James A., 37523643 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Halsey, William D., 32706247 | Staff Sergeant |
Halvorson, James S., 17157561. | Technician Fifth Grade |
Hammond, Charles G., 36358757 | Sergeant |
Hammond, Samuel H., 34731825 | Private |
Hanson, Hans S., 36819654 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Hargett, James C., 34772367 | Private First Class |
Harrington, Dennis J., 39616710 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Harris, Billie B., 17106003 | Staff Sergeant |
Hayes, Harry, 36482707 | Private |
Hays, William J. Jr., 32106583 | Sergeant |
Heller, David J., 36701564 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Hernandez, Seferino N., 39132154 | Private First Class |
Herrera, Manuel A., 39572347 | Private |
Herrick, Cecil R., 39571971 | Private First Class |
Hertel, Charles W., 36659452 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Higgins, Willard D., 34714002 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Hinson, James M., 14148199 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Hogan, Eugene W., 32858727 | Private First Class |
Holland, Steve J., 38404024 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Holland, Woodrow W., 34026379. | Private First Class |
Holly, Floyd C. Jr., 38054969 | Technical Sergeant |
Holmstrom, Norman L., 32893778 | Private First Class |
Hooks, Edward T., 34773967 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Horn, Samuel S., 32876021 | Private First Class |
Hornby, William R., 33201556 | Private |
Houghtaling, Howard G., 31300633 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Hoyt, Allen J., 37524526 | Private |
Hughes, John P., 13116557 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Humig, Michael A., 35133687 | Corporal |
Hunt, Vernon V., 38377714 | Private |
Hurd, Fletcher C., 32758262 | Private First Class |
Husted, Leslie W., 37512296 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Hymes, Marcus Z., 39097851 | Private |
Israel, Edwin, 12007243 | Private First Class |
Iverson, John L., 37561869 | Private First Class |
Iverson, William E., 37561867 | Private First Class |
Jackson, Andrew H., 31355713 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Jenkins, Thomas L., 33539268 | Technician Third Grade |
Johnson, Edwin F., 34630110 | Private First Class |
Johnson, Harvey G., 37316059 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Johnson, John W. Jr, 34785115 | Private First Class |
Jordan, Albert L., 37523533 | Private |
Jorgensen, Simon, 39378998 | Staff Sergeant |
Kalinski, Eugene M., 36670538 | Private |
Kalb, Kenneth E., 37516846 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Keeth, John D., 38469071 | Private First Class |
Kelley, Dennis H. Jr., 38474835 | Technician Fifth Grade |

188th General Hospital personnel ready to board a bus for a “Liberty run” to Gloucester, England.
Kelly, Raymond D., 36476911 | Technician Third Grade |
Kelso, Robert C., 35063395 | Corporal |
Kempf, Henry, 36339133 | Private First Class |
Kennedy, Joseph C., 36676077 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Kevelighan, Thomas E., 36570396 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Kingdon, John E., 39245460 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Kipp, Royal L., 36421518 | Private First Class |
Klaus, Frederick P., 32702602 | Technician Third Grade |
Kluska, Louis J., 32916642 Knoche, George R., 39123474 |
Technician Fifth Grade Private First Class |
Koch, Norman M. F., 35336450 | Staff Sergeant |
Kopach, Joseph D., 39572659 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Koukoulis, Athansios E., 32886117 | Private |
Krysiak, Roman F., 36664178 | Private |
Krull, Joseph H., 37377100 | Sergeant |
Kumlien, Gene, 36828282 | Private First Class |
Lafleur, Arthur R., 31264541 | Private First Class |
Land, Theodore D., 34266073 | Sergeant |
Laramie, James A., 36580914 | Technician Third Grade |
Larimer, Harry M. Jr., 17082859 | Sergeant |
Lawhon, Arlus B., 37066617 | Private First Class |
Lawson, Paul J., 32758150 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Layer, Robert W., 35652083 | Private |
Leahy, Thomas P., 39573410 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Lehman, William, 36759976 | Private |
Leppin, Arthur N., 36229904 | Technician Third Grade |
Levin, Marvin, 32163993 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Lewis, Myron K., 35113189 | Private First Class |
Lindley, Delbert E., 37523122 | Private First Class |
Lipisko, Stanley C., 32912238 | Private |
Littell, Richard V., 39281487 | Private First Class |
Loney, Winton J., 13099998 | Private |
Longo, Michael A., 37612988 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Lopez, Joe P., 39295221 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Lord, William, 33777462 | Private |
Lorefice, Gaetano T., 32980286 | Private First Class |
Lorence, Ray A., 37511608 | Private First Class |
Lott, Thomas J., 38465225 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Lowe, Donald K., 36580691 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Lucas, Edwin E., 141238864 | Private First Class |
Luedke, Frank J. Jr., 32722461 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Madziarczyk, John C., 36745453 | Private First Class |
Malloy, William T., 32914927 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Mann, Christian J., 13153214 | Sergeant |
Manuszak, Michael A., 36379185 | Technician Fourth Grade |
March, Bertram B. Jr., 33797479 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Markiewicz, John R., 36662139 | Private First Class |
Marrs, Stanley A., 34783466 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Marsolek, Jerome R., 37288769 | Staff Sergeant |
Martich, Peter A., 35154352 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Martin, Nelson J., 13015815 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Masokas, Clarence M., 36664296 | Private First Class |
Mauricio, Joe, 34783901 | Private First Class |
May, Julius A., 34630399 | Sergeant |
Mazel, Milton H., 38155288 | Sergeant |
McArthur, George D. Sr., 37480082 | Sergeant |
McCalip, John E., 34778238 | Technician Fifth Grade |
McCarroll, Samuel A., 34102195 | Staff Sergeant |
McCleery, Howard N., 37251268 | Technician Fifth Grade |
McCluskey, Ray C., 36819886 | Technician Fourth Grade |
McCollester, Ernest W., 31178888 | Private |
McCoy, Riley Q., 34820757 | Private First Class |
McGlynn, Joseph D., 36548109 | Private First Class |
McGuire, George T., 36647163 | Technician Fifth Grade |
McHugh, George J. Jr., 33337062 | Corporal |
McLeod, George R., 36562839 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Meany, John J., 36696480 | Private |
Mentgen, Donald S., 37524410 | Private First Class |
Merce, Jack J., 35059037 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Metzger, David Jr., 36580655. | Private First Class |
Metzinger, Joseph, 39288831 | Staff Sergeant |
Meyer, Lloyd E., 18149359 | Private First Class |
Meyer, Louis E., 39202494 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Meyer, Norbert F., 39295132 | Private |
Mikkelsen, William C., 36665742 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Milewski, Raymond G., 36646761 | Private First Class |
Mitchell, Leon, 37395817 | Private |
Mitrione, Vito W., 32916558 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Monroe, Robert E., 35555709 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Moore, Bryan H., 38022130 | Technical Sergeant |
Moore, Hilary D., 34463025 | Private |
Moore, Joseph H., 35646172 | Private First Class |
Moore, Leo H., 38077400 | Corporal |
Morabito, Leo O., 32918443 | Private |
Morey, Tom C., 37476910 | Private First Class |
Morgan, James E., 34804197 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Morrisett, Edward F., 42101978 | Private First Class |
Mortvedt, Donald G., 37669497 | Private |
Moskovitz, Israel, 308172 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Motsinger, Robert R., 34773878 | Private First Class |
Muir, Joseph, 32689446 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Mullenthaler, Robert W., 32791018 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Muntz, Norman J., 36484256 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Muro, Cleofas J., 39572190 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Myers, Lloyd J., 38418040 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Nagel, Fred A., 36771510 | Private |
Nash, Richard L., 15332292 | Private |
Naylor, Carl T., 35230108 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Nelson, Carl P., 35895679 | Private First Class |
Nevius, William F., 32758818 | Private First Class |
Noe, Eugene E., 34732409 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Noel, Arthur W., 35712294 | Private |
Noell, William C., 34822291 | Private First Class |
Novak, Frank S., 36664396 | Private First Class |
Nowack, Hermann R., 37702784 | Private First Class |
Nucara, Demetrio J., 33155521 | Private First Class |
O’Brian, John B., 12081689 | Sergeant |
Oliver, Curtiss L., 32736698 | Private First Class |
Oliver, James T., 34353805 | Private First Class |
O’Neill, Francis T., 36809142 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Onoffrey, Andy, 33690136 | Private |
Orzel, Harold, 37523119 | Corporal |
Page, Albert L., 35681900 | Private First Class |
Palomo, Domingo M., 38458346 | Private First Class |
Parker, William H., 34820726 | Private |
Parks, James W., 34820764 | Private First Class |
Pastewski, Louis, 36664322 | Private First Class |
Patnode, Charles J., 31346102 | Private First Class |
Patterson, Kenneth, R., 32029026 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Perez, Martin, 39692875 | Private First Class |
Perlin, Simon, 34773797 | Corporal |
Perron, Laurence J., 36110574. | Technician Fourth Grade |
Phillips, Harold, 34400688 | Private First Class |
Phillips, James C., 376611219 | Private First Class |
Phillips, William E., 35492552 | Private |
Philson, James H., 37035976 | Staff Sergeant |
Pierce, Walter A., 34589199 | Private |
Portugal, Vincent L., 39266249 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Pryor, Robert R., 34773826 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Rabineau, Henry B., 16025766 | Private |
Ramirez, Mike, 38372960 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Raynor, Willie V., 34253298 | Private |
Reid, Hugh M., 36032549 | Private |
Reiss, Sidney L., 34795343 | Private |
Renck, Basil A., 18001902 | Sergeant |
Revell, Johnny E., 34820945 | Private First Class |
Rice, Don, 38404155 | Corporal |
Rich, Louis A., 33031072 | Staff Sergeant |
Rieder, George M. Jr., 33462635 | Technician Third Grade |
Rifici, Carl, 35281213 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Riley, Russell E., 31322626 | Corporal |
Ritter, Joseph, 32727231 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Rivera, Carlos M., 32894936 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Rizzo, Salvatore A., 32362676 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Robbins, James, 32315123 | Corporal |
Robbins, Kermit B., 34773650 | Private First Class |
Roberts, Doris P., 38118415 | Private First Class |
Rogers, Charles M. Jr., 34783852 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Rogers, Ernest C., 34731123 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Rogovin, Milton, 32583314 | Technical Sergeant |
Ruddy, Rudolph J., 33084797 | Technical Sergeant |
Russell, Harold W., 39572342 | Private First Class |
Russell, Stanley I., 35146263 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Sailor, Kenneth C., 37140859 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Sample, Aubrey F., 34663312 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Sanders, Thomas A., 37402660 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Schmidt, Anthony F., 37176578 | Corporal |
Schnaars, Albert E., 32004193 | Technician Third Grade |
Schoenborn, Edward D., 37447592 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Schuetz, Curt B., 36729455 | Private |
Schwarz, Walter H., 32925335 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Seay, Oliver V., 18062388 | Master Sergeant |
Sebastian, William J., 36755707 | Private First Class |
Sedlacek, Emanuel J., 33555646 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Serrano, Edward G., 39295448 | Private |
Shaw, James L., 37475103 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Shawnee, William L., 18085821 | Private First Class |
Shearouse, Elwood G., 34820954 | Private |
Shellenberger, Edmond F., 33757914 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Shenk, Harlen J., 39327047 | Private First Class |
Shepherd, Homer M., 34714019 | Private First Class |
Shields, Ralph A., 35141125 | Corporal |
Siebke, Henry F., 36374134 | Private First Class |

Partial view of the 188th General Hospital facilities. The PX building stands in the foreground, with some ambulances and the motor pool in the rear.
Simon, Abraham, 32962820 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Skaggs, James E., 38451122 | Private |
Slawski, John R., 37612607 | Private |
Smith, James T. Jr., 38484613 | Private |
Smith, Morris R., 38094252 | Private First Class |
Smith, Robert M. Sr., 34713916 | Private |
Smith, Robert W., 34772166 | Private First Class |
Smith, Tom O., 34806175 | Private First Class |
Smith, William A., 32828308 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Smith, Willie D., 38404199 | Private |
Smith, William H., 36374692 | Corporal |
Smith, William H., 34806230 | Private |
Smith, William P., 34783909 | Private |
Snekszer, William S., 36654265 | Private First Class |
Snyder, Donald W., 35609864 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Sopher, Max G., 39605709 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Sorensen, Christian J., 39131572 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Southworth, Herbert H., 37548120 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Spainhower, Ralph T., 39912527 | Private First Class |
Sparks, Dan, 38513340 | Private |
Sparks, Kenneth B., 35773114 | Private |
Stanford, Loyd, 38432382 | Private |
Stein, Alvin A., 36239627 | Technician Third Grade |
Stewart, John L., 34671852 | Private First Class |
Stiger, Frederick J., 32925237 | Private First Class |
Strachan, Clyde R., 37669509 | Private |
Strunk, Clarence R., 33618463 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Sullivan, Frank L., 36064907 | Corporal |
Sundy, Clark F., 18214545 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Supak, Anton, 38461129 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Swan, James F., 36322998 | Private First Class |
Sweet, Neil, 31268063 | Private |
Swinford, Granvil, 35771039 | Private |
Tants, Henry, 32907487 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Teague, Floyd R., 34774106 | Private First Class |
Thompson, Hugh J., 35764993 | Private First Class |
Thornton, Thomas J., 31297779 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Throngard, Lyman E., 37551518 | Private First Class |
Tibbetts, Raymond G., 35701633 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Tielke, George H., 35304398 | Sergeant |
Tilley, William H., 34822322 | Private First Class |
Tolle, Thomas D., 35799199 | Private First Class |
Trumper, Earnest O., 37669545 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Ulery, Owen K., 39572836 | Technician Third Grade |
Valentine, Raymond L. Jr., 35748498 | Sergeant |
Varalla, Paul F., 15063826 | Private First Class |
Vargas, Hector, 38363991 | Private |
Viviano, Orris J., 38498150 | Private |
Walkowicz, Stanley H., 36663955 | Private |
Wall, Rex L., 20831115 | First Sergeant |
Waltman, Lloyd F., 34630551 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Ward, James A., 35867905 | Private |
Watson, William S., 35678297 | Private |
Wear, Sloan E. Jr., 34806185 | Technician Fourth Grade |
Webster, Albert A., 32200618 | Private First Class |
Wernick, Max, 31353766 | Technical Sergeant |
Whatley, George H., 38513434 | Private First Class |
White, Kenneth J., 12220095 | Technician Fifth Grade |
Williams, Elmer W., 39132111 | Private |
Williams, Kenneth A., 39572421 | Private |
Williams, William B., 38342516 | Private First Class |
Wilson, Charles T., 37523493 | Private First Class |
Witt, Paul E., 38478839 | Private First Class |
Wood, Elmer, 38477014 | Private First Class |
Wohl, Oscar, 32894510 | Private |
Wynkoop, William M., 32266497 | Technician Third Grade |
Young, James O., 32857368 | Private |
Zuniga, José, 32425618 | Private First Class |
Review of Final Operations:
- Throughout its history training of the personnel of the 188th General Hospital was continuous and adequate for the successful accomplishment of its mission. In compliance with directives of the European Theater of Operations, US Army (ETOUSA) an excellent Information & Education program was in effect from December 1944 and a Unit School was started on 14 May 1945 which continued operating until 22 September 1945. Equipment training aids and special literature were easily obtained and the results of the program were highly satisfactory having been rated “superior” by the I & E Officer, United Kingdom Base.
- Equipment, supplies, and transportation were always available in sufficient quantities to enable the unit to perform its mission. A continuous conservation and salvage program and strict compliance with Theater directives enabled the organization to effect many economies and return all surpluses to Depots stocks.
- Housing, water supply, bathing facilities, and laundry were all adequate.
- Food and messing was adequate, sometimes bordering to insufficiency due to strict Theater policy and directives related to conservation and percentage reductions required in the requisitioning of rations. The patients’ menus were always adequate and received the necessary priority.
- Venereal Disease was kept at a minimum, almost reaching zero. This result was accomplished by monthly talks on morality, regular physical inspections, instruction and examination in prophylactic measures, and the operation of a Prophylactic Station in the unit’s Dispensary.
- Recreation for the Enlisted Men was always a problem due to the small size of nearby Cirencester. Liberty runs, excellently organized Day Rooms, frequent parties and dances, and beer sale were all utilized as means for providing comfort and welfare of both patients and personnel. A serious problem was encountered when the Hospital closed for operations. Further expenditures were not permissible from the Hospital Fund for the welfare of the EM and applications for funds from the Central Welfare Fund, ETOUSA, were not favorably considered because the unit was in Category II and alerted for shipment. This precluded the furthering of recreation for the men on the post and they consequently visited the nearby towns and villages much more than previously. Fortunately, they behaved well and no serious incidents occurred in the vicinity, although the unit remained in England from 16 July to 29 September 1945 without the necessary funds required for the comfort and welfare of its Enlisted personnel.

2 May 1945, 188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England. Photo taken during the inspection by Lt. General Benjamin Lear (Deputy CG ETOUSA). From L to R: Maj. General Paul R. Hawley (Surgeon ETOUSA); Colonel Oramel H. Stanley (CO 15th Hosp Cen); Colonel Ira A. Abrahamson (CO 188th Gen Hosp); Dave Roberts (War Correspondent).
Commanding Staff – 188th General Hospital
Colonel Martin R. Reiber, MC, O-9165 – 25 June 1943 > 8 August 1944
Lt. Colonel Robert W. Bartlett, MC, O-337495 – 9 August 1944 > 31 August 1944
Colonel Ira A. Abrahamson, MC, O-140773 – 1 September 1944 > 27 June 1945
Colonel Charles L. Kirkpatrick, MC, O-18642 – 28 June 1945 > 4 August 1945
Colonel Laurie P. Lind, MC, O-215789 – 5 August 1945 >1 September 1945
Lt. Colonel Roy H. Thompson, MC, O-297221 – 2 September 1945 > 7 October 1945
Lt. Colonel James T. Hall, MC, O-357057 – 8 October 1945 > inactivation
Personal Awards – 188th General Hospital
Lt. Colonel Merrill C. Davenport, MC, O-21479 – Purple Heart (WIA 6 Aug 44)
Major Charles S. Urso, MC, O-1579246 – Bronze Star Medal
Captain James B. Baker, MAC, O-1543204 – Bronze Star Medal
(awarded between 8 October and 27 November 1945)

Reproduction of one of the pages containing a first list of Purple Heart Awards awarded patients being treated at the 188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England.

Photo of Tec 4 Carl T. Naylor, 188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England.
The MRC Administrators are truly indebted to our regular contributor F. Lynn McNulty, who generously provided them with copies of the official Historical Reports of the 188th General Hospital which operated in the European Theater during World War 2. Without his kind help, it would not have been possible to write and edit a concise History of this medical unit. The majority of the pictures are courtesy of Veteran Leo O. Morabito (ASN:32918443) and Julian & Carol Copeland whose Father Carl T. Naylor (ASN:35230108) also served with the 188th General Hospital.