232d Station Hospital Unit History

A patient is loaded into the back of a WC-54 Ambulance at the 232d Station Hospital. The unit’s designation can be clearly seen in the background.

Introduction & Activation:

The 232d Station Hospital was officially activated on 25 February 1943 at Camp Maxey, Paris, Texas (Infantry Training and Division Camp, total acreage 36,683, troop capacity 2,022 Officers and 42,515 Enlisted Men -ed) under T/O 8-560 dated 22 July 1942. For training and administration purposes, the organization was initially under the supervision of the Surgeon, Station Hospital, Camp Maxey.

In the first few months of its existence, the unit underwent several reorganizations as follows:

25 February 1943
Official activation as 250-bed hospital
Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Marcellus A. Walker, Jr., MC (ASN:O-264537)

24 June 1943
Reorganized from 250-bed hospital to 500-bed hospital
Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Samuel R. Terhune, MC (ASN:O-302300)

14 July 1943
Reorganized from 500-bed hospital to 750-bed hospital
Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. Leonard F. Wilson, MC (ASN:O-18942)

A greetings postcard from Camp Maxey, Texas.


Except for the Nurses, who were not assigned to the unit until it arrived at the staging area later that year, the personnel received their technical training at Camp Maxey, assisting in the operation of the Station Hospital. Field training consisted of road marches, overnight bivouacs and simulated exercises of a tented hospital in a theater of operations.
Other activities included dismounted drill, physical training, military courtesy and discipline, care of clothing and equipment, shelter tent pitching, army orientation courses, identification of aircraft, defense against chemical warfare, anti-personnel mines and booby traps, mass athletics, camouflage, treatment of gas casualties, transportation of sick and wounded, medical aid, splints and bandages, fire prevention and control, inspections, ceremonies, convoys, professional training and duty assignments.

By August 1943, the T/O had been filled (with the exception of the ANC personnel) and for the next five months, the unit underwent additional intensive training in preparation for overseas duty. 1st Lt. Homer H. Young, MAC (ASN:O-1544838), led the program. Lectures, training films and demonstrations were an integral part of this additional training.
During this period, Officers and Enlisted Men were selected to attend special courses in chemical warfare, anti-personnel mines and booby traps, hospital maintenance and sanitation. Enlisted Men from the Mess Department were also selected to attend a Cooks and Bakers School conducted in the camp. In addition to general training, specialists received the opportunity to become proficient in their selected skills after attending the relevant Technicians Schools.
At the conclusion of these special courses, those having attended gave lectures and demonstrations to the other personnel. The average proficiency obtained at the end of the program was excellent.

Preparation for Overseas Movement:

On 15 December 1943, the unit departed from Camp Maxey, Texas, travelling by rail for four days to the Staging Area at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey on 19 December 1943. It should be noted that a small advance party had already departed for the United Kingdom mid-December. The Nurses finally joined the unit here, and all equipment was checked and replaced as necessary. All identification cards and administrative records were completed, and final physical examinations were conducted.

Exterior view of SS “Mauretania II” in wartime grey paint scheme.

Organization – 232d Station Hospital (31 December 1943)
Headquarters and Headquarters Section
Lt. Colonel Leonard F. Wilson, Commanding Officer
Lt. Colonel Marcellus A. Walker Jr., Executive Officer
Major Orlando F. Gerodetti, Hospital Inspector
1st Lieutenant. Douglas C. Burt, Protestant Chaplain
1st Lieutenant Ralph J. Diefenbach, Catholic Chaplain
1st Lieutenant Courtney S. Simons, Personnel Officer
1st Lieutenant Charles M. Slavik, Adjudant
1st Lieutenant Edgar H. Young, Operations & Training Officer
2d Lieutenant James K. McSpadden, Registrar
Warrant Officer, Junior Grade Edwin L. Flexster, Assistant Registrar
32 Enlisted Men

Detachment Headquarters
1st Lieutenant Clay M. Grimes, Detachment Commander
2d Lieutenant. Ernest Graham, Assistant Detachment Commander
4 Enlisted Men

Supply, Utilities and Transportation Section
1st Lieutenant Robert C. Cook, Transportation Officer
2d Lieutenant Nicholas Piro, Medical Supply Officer
60 Enlisted Men

Mess Section
2d Lieutenant Donald M. Curry, Mess Officer
59 Enlisted Men

Medical Service
Major Neil C. Stone, Chief Medical Servvice
Captain Reinhard J. Bachrach, Medical Officer
Captain John B. Bakos, Medical Officer
Captain William H. Barekman, Medical Officer
Captain Richard H. Callahan, Medical Officer
Captain Theodore Popovich, Medical Officer
Captain Edward B. Rhomberg, Medical Officer
Captain Samuel A. Rose, Medical Officer
Captain Charles R. Smith, Medical Officer
1st Lieutenant James Butcher, Medical Officer
1st Lieutenant Richard W. Greene, Medical Officer
2d Lieutenant Seymour Bernstein, Medical Officer
113 Enlisted Men

Illustration taken at Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, showing the Nissen Huts in which the 232d Station Hospital’s wards were arranged. The gravel pathways laid by the unit are clearly visible.

Surgical Service
Major William H. Magness, Chief Surgical Officer
Major Edwin F. Dietrich, Surgical Officer
Captain James D. Biles, Surgical Officer
Captain Herbert E. McLaughlin, Surgical Officer
Captain Bernard C. Snedeker, Surgical Officer
1st Lieutenant Stephen A. Konz, Surgical Officer
1st Lieutenant Max M. Novich, Surgical Officer
1st Lieutenant Augustus J. Tranella, Surgical Officer
93 Enlisted Men

Dental Service
Captain Cecil B. Sauls, Chief Dental Officer
Captain Fred Bodenger, Dental Officer
1st Lieutenant John M. Colbert, Dental Officer
1st Lieutenant Paul E. Keiser, Dental Officer
15 Enlisted Men

Radiological Service
Major David D. Krupp, Chief Radiological Officer
13 Enlisted Men

On 6 January 1944, the unit entrained for the New York Port of Embarkation and upon arrival the following day immediately boarded the transport SS “Mauretania II”. Despite the danger of a possible enemy attack by enemy submarines, the convoy crossing of the Atlantic proved to be uneventful apart from a few cases of severe seasickness. Several Nurses were assigned to duty in the sick bay and worked eight-hour shifts throughout the journey.

United Kingdom – 1944:

With the minimum essential equipment, the unit disembarked at Liverpool, England on 19 January 1944. Immediately upon disembarkation, the unit initially traveled some 25 miles southwest to the small railway station at Beeston and then by bus to Oulton Park, near Little Budworth, some 8 miles east of the city of Chester. Oulton Park, Cheshire, England was to become the organization’s temporary station. On arrival, the advance party of one MC Officer, one MAC Officer and three Enlisted Men greeted the personnel.

Hospital Ward tents of the 12th Evacuation Hospital at Carmarthen, Wales, where the unit operated a 750-bed station hospital to serve troops in the area.

After a few days of routine duties and a general policing of the new surroundings, 7 Officers and 60 Enlisted Men were placed on detached service and proceeded by motor convoy to the 12th Evacuation Hospital (located at Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales -ed) for duty. This would later prove to be the new site for the 232d Station Hospital, so the trip was worthwhile to familiarize at least some of the personnel with the station.

At Oulton Park, the housing was found to be satisfactory, although much improvement was needed to make it suitable for an organization of this size. The problem was worsened by the winter rains, which had turned the whole park into a sea of mud. Sidewalks were laid, roads within the area were greatly improved and some landscaping in the unit areas was also undertaken.
Shortly after its arrival, the unit was weakened somewhat by an outbreak of communicable disease. This was attributed to the inclement weather and the number of respiratory diseases was unusually high. Preventive measures were taken immediately, and as the troops became acclimatized, the incidence of upper respiratory diseases diminished.

An intensive training program was initiated immediately at this new station. The First Medical Demonstration Platoon from Headquarters SOS, furnished eight hours of lectures and demonstrations. The 360th Engineer Combat Battalion (also stationed at Oulton Park -ed) also gave demonstrations on fire prevention and control. Other exercises included; a review of basic and unit training already undertaken in the ZI. Physical therapy and exercise was also included in the weekly program. During above period a group of 7 Officers and 60 EM were sent on DS to the 12th Evacuation Hospital in Carmarthen while others were detached to active Army Hospitals in the area.

On 2 March 1944, the organization moved to Barons Cross Hospital (Leominster, Herefordshire, in compliance with Movement Order #403 dated 1 March 1944 -ed) to take over operation of Hospital Plant # 4177. The 232d Sta Hosp would spend three weeks there, during which period they obtained the necessary hospital equipment. Further training was also conducted at this new location, as well as routine garrison duties. All hospital equipment was received and the unit continued with training. Transportation caused some problems initially. Some of the vehicles that had been assigned to the unit were old and in a state of disrepair. Spare parts were not often available and driver training was begun immediately to acquaint the motor pool staff with the problems of driving in a foreign country. Some of the subjects studied in long, after-hour sessions were blackout driving, driving on the left-hand side of the road, British road signs and traffic control, problems of casual messing and other details incident to abnormally long runs. The daily mail run became a 150-mile round trip, depots were from 80 to 200 miles away and evacuation runs to other Hospital units were correspondingly long.

Winterized Hospital Ward and Pyramidal tents of the 232d Station Hospital. Photograph taken at the unit’s station in Carmarthen.

The stay at Barons Cross was a short one however, as the unit received additional orders to move to a more permanent station, and at 0900 hous on 24 March 1944, the main body of the unit departed from its current location to Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales, arriving the same day at 1430 hours. At exactly 0001 hours the following day, Lt. Col. Leonard F. Wilson, MC (ASN:O-18943) assumed command of the unit, thus relieving the 12th Evacuation Hospital of all responsibility and further connection with the site.

Upon taking over the operation of this new station, numerous problems were encountered. Most of the supplies, which were handed over from the 12th Evac Hosp, were stored under tarpaulins, in their original shipping crates. The immediate problem was to remove the supplies from the tents and under tarpaulins, to buildings specially designed for the purpose. Packing crates were opened and all supplies distributed to departments concerned, or put on to shelves to be readily available. In the meantime, monthly requisitions submitted by the 12th Evac Hosp were filled with the exception of class seven expendables (Hospital equipment -ed) and Medical Department blank forms. The main items short were typewriters, a mimeograph machine and a colorimeter. It was estimated however, that the medical equipment and supplies were 95% complete.
Billeting at the location consisted of Pyramidal Tents (which were later winterized), while the main hospital buildings were all contained within Nissen Hut structures. Civilian contractors were employed to make continual improvements to the station.

Illustration showing the Nissen Hut at Camarthen which was temporarily turned into a banquet hall for the hospital’s staff to celebrate Christmas Day, 1944.

The Post Exchange was kept busy at all times, with sales averaging around $ 6,500.00 per month. The number of personnel served was approximately 400 at the beginning of the year, but due to the influx of patients and additional staff, soon increased to more than 2,000 customers per month.
Special Services did much to bolster the morale of the patients and staff throughout the year. A drab Nissen Hut was converted into a Post Theater, complete with indirect lighting, stage, public address system, gradual elevated seating, and a projection booth. Movies were few and far between to begin with, but by the end of 1944, the theater was open six nights a week. Movies were shown five nights, and a show featuring unit and local talent was staged every Sunday evening.

The unit began to immediately operate as Hospital Plant # 4184, and the patient census steadily increased to 1,000 by December 1944 (they had started by taking over the care of 230 patients set up in the tented wards –ed). The facility was mainly used during this period as a rehabilitation center, treating casualties evacuated from France. The Rehabilitation Section became an independent department of the hospital on 18 August 1944, when it became apparent that a full time Officer and staff would be required to co-ordinate the numerous phases of the program. 1st Lt. Vitus J. Sukys, Inf. (ASN:O-1295293) acted as Battalion Commander of the R&R Battalion, while 2d Lt. Carter C. Miller, Inf. (ASN:O-432463) and 2d Lt. John D. Bourke, Inf. (ASN:O-1323100) divided the remaining duties. In April 1944, the unit’s strength was 30 Officers – 1 Warrant Officer – 56 Nurses – and 307 Enlisted Men.

The x-ray department utilized two British Watson Mobile X-ray Units and one Field X-ray Unit (Item # 9608508 / 9608510). At peak times, the x-ray department was dealing with up to 60 cases per day, which proved too extensive for the two British units. The x-ray tubes heated up after several exposures, thus rendering them useless for several minutes thereafter until the tubes had sufficient time to cool. Despite this, the technicians managed to perfect their techniques, and by staggering the use of machines, a high work rate was achieved with very suitable results.

Members of the X-ray Department examine x-rays with the use of lightboxes at the 232d Station Hospital.

As the year progressed, the 232d began to operate more like a Post than a Station Hospital. Sub-units attached to the Hospital included a branch of the 116th Finance Disbursing Section, and APO 349-A, a branch of Army Postal Unit 349.
The work at Carmarthen continued steadily as the year drew to a close. By March 1945, the rehabilitation of patients had been taken over by Hospitals arriving in mainland Europe, and as a direct result, the 4184th Hospital Plant was officially disbanded on 12 March 1945. The following statistics offer a review of the Hospital’s Rehabilitation and Reconditioning Section at the Carmarthen station:

Total number of dispositions 676
Number of surgical patients 517
Number of medical patients 159
Returned to duty – general assignment 203
Returned to duty – limited assignment 355
Transferred to other hospitals 99
Returned to duty – own unit 19

United Kingdom – 1945:

1945 started with no serious change to the unit’s operation or facilities. During the middle of January, the Hospital and surrounding garrison areas were inspected by Lt. Col. Leland G. Meder (ASN:O-17914) of V Hospital Group (Prov) ahead of the imposing disbanding of the 4184th Hospital Plant. Lt. Col. Meder reported that the organization was running very smoothly, and that morale of the personnel was generally very good. This was largely as a result of the reduced patient census at the beginning of the year, and the fact that this meant leaves and furloughs were almost certainly granted. Regular excursions were planned to the surrounding towns and villages, and numerous USO shows were staged in the Hospital during the beginning of 1945.

At 1657 hours on 12 March 1945, orders were received for permanent change of station, following the closure of the 4184th Hospital Plant (per Teleprint UKX-28033 AG OPR Div Hqs, UK Base, APO 413, dated 2 March 1945 -ed).
The evacuation of patients was satisfactorily completed, and the installation was cleared within four days after the disbanding orders were received. No difficulties were encountered in the packing and shipping of the unit’s equipment.

Two members of the unit use a collapsible field carrier complete with litter to transport patients’ duffel bags.

Additional orders dictated that the unit was to be divided into two groups as follows:

Parent Unit:
23 Officers, 36 Nurses, 1 Hospital Dietician, 1 Physio-therapist, 221 Enlisted Men

Detachment “A”:
19 Officers, 21 Nurses, 1 Hospital Dietician, 1 Physio-therapist, 1 Warrant Officer, 151 Enlisted Men

Detachment “A” was moved to Tidworth, Wiltshire where it received instructions to operate Hospital Plant # 4127, a 447-bed complex. Maj. Orlando F. Gerodetti, MC (O-298409) was appointed the Commanding Officer, while 1st Lt. Ernest Graham, MAC (O-1545106) assumed the role of Adjutant, with 1st Lt. Vitus J. Sukys, Inf. (O-1295293) serving as Detachment Commander.
The parent unit was moved to Block E, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Hampshire where it assumed control of Hospital Plant # 4121 with a bed capacity of 805. Lt. Col. Leonard F. Wilson, MC (O-18942) was continued as Commanding Officer, with Capt. Charles M. Slavik, MAC (O-1544959) assuming the position of Adjutant, and Capt. Courtney S. Simons III, MAC (O-1545038) as Detachment Commander.
Hospital Plant # 4127 was used primarily as a Station Hospital for the 12th Reinforcement Depot, while Hospital Plant # 4121 serviced units in the area as well as battle casualties and RAMPs received from the continent.

Detachment “A” personnel were housed in wood and brick barracks. The Hospital complex at Tidworth was a two-story brick building previously used as a storage depot for British and US Army equipment.
At Netley, the parent unit was quartered in tentage, which was satisfactory given the weather during this period. The Hospital proper was a well-planned single-story brick installation of modern design, with individual wards and administration buildings connected by covered walkways.

General view showing the operating room at the 232d Sta Hosp during a surgical procedure.

All departments were kept busy since the unit was divided due to the shortage of personnel. However, this did not affect the efficiency in the operation of either facility. Water was supplied to both hospital complexes from a British commercial source, which had standard (and adequate) chlorination. Drainage and sewage disposal were also satisfactory.

Training was also continued at both facilities under the direction of 1st Lt. Homer H. Young, MAC, (O-1544838). Regular lectures and practical exercises were conducted as time permitted. The most popular for the period being combat films and staff reports which provided a week-by-week account of the news and activities on all fronts. Mass athletics and gymnasium activities were also popular. An inter-unit and inter-departmental softball league was started, and inter-unit games were played as a feature event on Sunday afternoons, becoming a highlight for patients and staff.

In April, the unit was inspected by the Inspection Team from the 802d Hospital Center under the command of Maj. J. G. M. Weyland, MC (O-316392), which was completed and found to be satisfactory.
A formal retreat was held the same month, after news of President Roosevelt’s death. Memorial services were also held the following day in the unit’s Chapel, and all social activities cancelled until further notice.

The following month, detachments of the 189th and 194th Motor Ambulance Companies were attached to the unit to assist with the increased patient flow. This proved to be an invaluable asset to the unit, and allowed for faster admissions and evacuations.
On 8 May 1945, the unit’s personnel received the much-anticipated announcement – victory had been declared in Europe! VE Day and VE Day + 1 were officially declared holidays at the facility.

On 12 June 1945, the parent unit and Detachment “A” of the 232d Sta Hosp received orders to evacuate all current patients to surrounding hospitals, and to proceed to Ringwood, Hampshire for permanent station and duty. Both Hospital Plants that had been operated by the unit were turned over to the 121st Station Hospital.
The 232d joined the 104th General Hospital at this new station and immediately underwent reorganization, and awaited shipping orders for redeployment, although the date and location were still unknown. A program of orientation lectures and physical training was initiated to keep the personnel occupied and alert.
All Enlisted Men aged 39 or over, having an ASR score of 85 points or more and those having a physical profile of Class D were transferred to other units awaiting subsequent return to the ZI and discharge from the Army. As part of the reorganization process, 30 Officers (including Nurses) were transferred to other units and replacements received daily. The Commanding Officer, Lt. Col. Wilson was also promoted to full Colonel, and remained in his position throughout the process.
Finally, on 30 June 1945, movement orders were received – the 232d Station Hospital would be relocating to the Pacific Theater of Operations.

Dental examination at the 232d Station Hospital.

Much of July and August was spent in processing the unit for the trip. All equipment was packed and stenciled with the unit’s Movement Number; R-3595 E. All of the vehicles in the unit’s motorpool were waterproofed and moved in convoy to the embarkation point. As new directives arrived, personnel were transferred and replacements received, largely volunteers for the CBI Theater. At this point, the point score of the remaining original personnel averaged 46.

By 20 August, it became evident that the Pacific trip was off. Many of the personnel were hopeful that this indicated a return to the ZI, since all equipment was packed and personnel prepared for overseas movement, but with no destination now!
Orders finally arrived, and they were to almost everyone’s surprise. Rather than a return to the ZI, or a transit through to the Pacific theater, they prescribed a repeat operation, again dividing the unit into two separate entities to reenact a former mission, that of operating two hospitals at Netley Abbey, Hampshire and Tidworth, Wiltshire. Since this was a repeat performance, the division of personnel into the parent unit and Detachment “A” was carried out with smoothness.

On 12 September 1945, 40% of the Hospital’s personnel had completed a move to Tidworth, relieving the 127th Station Hospital of operations. The remaining 60% of the unit relieved the 305th Station Hospital at Netley.
Patient strength remained low throughout the period of operation (which lasted until 30 November). All patients were received from the Tidworth and Southampton Staging Ares, and local dispensations.

The End:

On 1st December 1945, Col. Wilson, CO was transferred to the 6th Field Hospital, and all other Officers and Nurses were assigned to other units, with the exception of Lt. Col. Fayette G. Hall and Major James E. Pickering. Simultaneously, the unit departed to Camp Kingston Lacy to begin staging. Lt. Col. Hall assumed command of the Camp and unit on 1 December 1945. Final inspections were carried out on 11 December, and all reports submitted.

The British liner RMS “Queen Mary” arrives in New York harbor with thousands of U.S. troops from Europe. She still wears her light grey war paint.

A total of 20 new Officers were assigned to the unit at this time, and embarkation rosters and separation lists were submitted to the Base Transportation Department on 14 December 1945 for the unit’s return to the US. Orders were finally received that the 232d Station Hospital would board RMS “Queen Mary” at Southampton on 28 December 1945, and sail on 6 January 1946.



Bachrach, Reinhard J., Capt. (O-519115) Faier, Samuel Z., Capt. (O-283112) Popovich, Theodore, Capt. (O-1690545)
Bakos, John B., Capt. (O-1633440) Flexster, Edwin L., WOJG (W-2126015) Rhomberg, Edward B., Capt. (O-1700472)
Barekman, William H., Capt. (O-300373) Gerodetti, Orlando F., Maj. (O-298409) Rose, Samuel A., Capt. (O-468160)
Bernstein, Seymour, 2d Lt. (O-528420) Graham, Ernest, 2d Lt. (O-1545106) Sauls, Cecil B., Capt. (O-687889)
Biles, James D., Jr., Capt. (O-503679) Greene, Richard W., 1st Lt. (O-490044) Simons, Courtney S., 1st Lt. (O-1545038)
Bodenger, Fred, Capt. (O-492860) Grimes, Clay M., 1st Lt. (O-1545201) Slavik, Charles M., 1st Lt. (O-1544959)
Burt, Douglas C., 1st Lt. (O-527679) – P. Chap. Keiser, Paul E., 1st Lt. (O-1821207) Smith, Charles R., Capt. (O-367423)
Butcher, James, 1st Lt. (O-1695980) Konz, Stephen A., 1st Lt. (O-358322) Snedeker, Bernard C., Capt. (O-1687337)
Callahan, Richard H., Capt. (O-475729) Krupp, David D., Maj. (O-137014) Stone, Neil C., Maj. (O-218321)
Colbert, John M., 1st Lt. (O-1697729) Magness, William H., Maj. (O-280976) Terhune, Samuel R., Lt. Col. (O-302300)
Cook, Robert C., 1st Lt. (O-1545181) McLaughlin, Herbert E., Capt. (O-1686919) Tranella, Augustus J., 1st Lt. (O-1691193)
Curry, Donald M., 2d Lt. (O-1545222) McSpadden, James K., 2d Lt. (O-1545140) Walker, Marcellus A., Jr., Lt. Col. (O-264537) XO
Diefenbach, Ralph J., 1st Lt. (O-523762) – C. Chap. Novich, Max M., 1st Lt. (O-496893) Wilson, Leonard F., Lt. Col. (O-18943) – CO
Dietrich, Edwin F., Maj. (O-360392) Piro, Nicholas, 2d Lt. (O-1545119) Young, Edgar H., 1st Lt. (O-1544896)

Two Nurses are pictured with a rehabilitating patient. One of them enjoys a game of checkers.


Adams, Ruth E., 2d Lt. (N-757074) Goldberg, Mildred, 2d Lt. (N-757508) Milewski, Elinor A., 2d Lt. (N-757564)
Aylesworth, Helen M., 2d Lt. (N-757293) Gordon, Charlotte A., 2d Lt. (N-755404) Miller, Elizabeth J., 2d Lt. (N-787637)
Belanger, Catherine M., 2d Lt. (N-757344) Grace, Ann T., 2d Lt. (N-757083) Moen, Harriet M., 2d Lt. (N-756793)
Bourbeau, Ruth M., 2d Lt. (N-757231) Griswold, Louise A., 2d Lt. (N-757479) Moran, Mary, 2d Lt. (N-725175)
Brown, Estella L., 2d Lt. (N-757439) Haycock, Ellen M., 2d Lt. (N-757047) Morgan, Gladys M., 2d Lt. (N-757008)
Bruno, Carmela M., 2d Lt. (N-752238) Hensen, Ina E., 2d Lt. (N-757106) Murphy, Louise M, 2d Lt. (N-757302)
Buchman, Evelyn, 2d Lt. (N-757057) Hess, Louise M., 2d Lt. (N-757232) Murphy, Mary T., 2d Lt. (N-756813)
Canfield, Mary K., 2d Lt. (N-787673) Hogan, Mary P., 2d Lt. (N-787623) Nack, Gladys D., 2d Lt. (N-757295)
Capowaki, Eugenin, 2d Lt. (N-757217) Holden, Jane, 1st Lt. (N-755981) O’Connor, Mary K., 2d Lt. (N-757372)
Cavalier, Marie T., 2d Lt. (N-787675) Holm, Ethel K., 2d Lt. (N-757045) O’Mara, Jeanne M., 2d Lt. (N-757210)
Chamberlin, Elizabeth S., 2d Lt. (N-757040) Jackson, Helen P., 2d Lt. (N-757493) O’Neill, Caryl M., 2d Lt. (N-757265)
Cohen, Jean, 2d Lt. (N-757171) Jarrett, Shirley E., 2d Lt. (N-756460) Pearsch, Angela A., 2d Lt. (N-757100)
DeFrancesco, Rita M., 2d Lt. (N-788003) Jones, Alice V., 2d Lt. (N-757593) Prossick, Mary M., 2d Lt. (N-757509)
Dickman, Catherine C., 2d Lt. Katinsky, Marcia S., 2d Lt. (N-757589) Riley, Mary L., 2d Lt. (N-757296)
Dreasman, Dorothy E., 2d Lt. (N-757490) Keller, Loretta L., 2d Lt. (N-757434) Rossen, Rita, 2d Lt. (N-756799)
Eastman, Roselyn F., 2d Lt. (N-756991) Kline, Louise G., 2d Lt. (N-757254) Sabatella, Dora B., 2d Lt. (N-757342)
Feeney, Mary H., 2d Lt. (N-757205) Kosack, Susan E., 2d Lt. (N-757204) Scheiber, Dorothy S., 2d Lt. (N-757227)
Fickes, Miriam J., 2d Lt. (N-757275) Lafreniere, Ida M., 2d Lt. (N-757238) Shoane, Veronica E., 2d Lt. (N-757435)
Fitzpatrick, Emily C., 2d Lt. (N-787375) Lance, Janice N., 2d Lt. (N-756228) Siewertson, Rose M., 2d Lt. (N-757092)
Forbringer, Martha, 2d Lt. (N-757429) Legg, Catherine E., 2d Lt. (N-756699) Stone, Eleanore C., 2d Lt. (N-756434)
Freed, Fern K., 2d Lt. (N-757514) Marcantonio, Mary D., 2d Lt. (N-788103) Thorp, Doris E., 2d Lt. (N-757258)
Frigon, Janet M., 2d Lt. (N-757485) Markley, Ruth, 2d Lt. (N-759049) Vona, Rosa C., 2d Lt. (N-756803)
Gabler, Gretchen C., 2d Lt. (N-756429) Mason, Ethel V., 2d Lt. (N-756998) Wentzell, Margaret B., 2d Lt. (N-757612)
Garson, Esther, 2d Lt. (N-756957) Matera, Helen M., 2d Lt. (N-756848) Wolesgale, Barbara A., 2d Lt. (N-787773)
Gloskey, Violet A., 2d Lt. (N-755921) Menard, Lucille D., 2d Lt. (N-757570) Wolesgale, Betty J., 2d Lt. (N-787564)

ARC Workers:

Hilmer, Eugenie S., 2d Lt. (M-819) Strom, Mary L., 2d Lt. (R-787)
Saluri, Mary A., 2d Lt. (R-946) Urton, Frances S., 2d Lt. (M-825)

Personnel from the 232d Station Hospital’s Motor Pool are pictured outside private houses in Carmarthenshire, Wales.

Enlisted Men:

Aaron, James R., Tec. 5 (33359787) Fuller, Leon J., S/Sgt (12056035) Poland, Jacob S., Pfc (32722538)
Acuna, Antonio, Pfc (38368472) Gaffey, Howard W., S/Sgt (36307330) Polipcheck, Harry, Pfc (33401620)
Adamchick, Joseph B., Tec. 4 (33297026) Gahl, James E., Pfc (36625041) Ponzarella, Angelo, Pvt (31292598)
Adelfio, Anthony S., Tec. 5 (32722459) Garnett, Meron E., Tec. 5 (31233370) Post, Harry B., Tec. 5 (35743709)
Akins, Philip H., Tec. 5 (31271084) Geiger, Ralph J., Tec. 5 (35265722) Powell, Joe H., Tec. 5 (35572043)
Alexander, Floyd L., Pvt (31220004) Gemmel, Robert W., Cpl (33403971) Pracht, Ro E., Tec. 4 (36438458)
Alkins, Vallie K., Pfc (34594349) Giambrone, Jack J., Pvt (32867933) Prestage, Egbert B., Pvt (34624727)
Allen, Gilbert B., Pfc (35609023) Gibson, Paul B., T/Sgt (18081364) Pruitt, Thomas J., Pfc (34339938)
Amato, John, Pvt (31280132) Gilman, Raymond B., Pvt (32743149) Pucel, Paul J., Pvt (33403010)
Anderson, Ronald E., Pvt (32716247) Gilreath, Charles G., Pvt (34656672) Quinn, John J., Pfc (33401689)
Anzalone, Michael, Pfc (32742480) Glick, David O., Tec. 5 (33386958) Quintili, Pete F., Tec. 4 (33249774)
Arbizu, Francisco S., Pvt (39853844) Greene, Harrington J., Tec. 4 (36358767) Race, Gerald D., Pvt (32742631)
Arizmendi, Alonzo G., Tec. 5 (18104867) Grgich, Peter, Tec. 4 (35615476) Randall, John J., Pfc (34426303)
Rapaport, Seymour, Pfc (36626250)
Armstrong, Eldridge, Pfc (38216948) Gullo, Robert, Pfc (36285047) Redmond, George B., Tec. 3 (17110426)
Arnold, Roy B., Pvt (39189518) Gurski, Walter S., Pvt (37524461) Reeves, Ivan W., Tec. 5 (33403079)
Arrington, Delmous T., Pfc (33218443) Gustafson, Howard G., Tec. 4 (37543489) Reiswig, Wilbert R., Tec. 5 (39407382)
Avery, Clifford E., Pfc (36410127) Habel, Adolph C., Pfc (32722174) Reyes, Felix R., Pfc (31272471)
Babinaki, Stanley E., Pfc (36711587) Haby, Amand C., Tec. 5 (38113048) Rice, James D., Tec. 3 (6932958)
Baldo, Emery, Pvt (35220619) Hackney, Elmer F., Tec. 4 (33518066) Riedel, Raymond A., Pvt (32762919)
Bannan, Philip F., Tec. 5 (31271028) Hall, James A., Pvt (34630925) Ritz, Peter, Tec. 3 (33277070)
Barnes, Inman K., Pvt (37458677) Hammock, Eugene A., Sgt (6937240) Rivas, Constantino, Tec. 5 (38091445)
Barnett, Jo N., Pvt (38279606) Hancock, Ralph A., Tec. 5 (37247569) Robinson, Henry W., Tec. 4 (33448986)
Barrett, Paul R., Pvt (35348881) Hardiman, James F., Pvt (31264581) Rocco, Joseph, Pvt (32779723)
Bauer, Paul W., Pvt (33403112) Harris, Marvin, Pvt (34731754) Rodriguez, Isavel, Tec. 5 (37458840)
Bechtold, Francis M., Tec. 5 (16055421) Harris, Paul R., Pfc (34592672) Rodriguez, Patricio F., Tec. 3 (38067444)
Beckman, Robert A., Pvt (35065316) Harrouff, Kelly F., Pvt (38399997) Rodriguez, Reimundo, Pvt (38304269)
Beckner, Guy J., Cpl (33217065) Hart, Lewis J., Pvt (39120491) Rogers, James, Tec. 5 (32371415)

Photograph showing Sgt. John F. Berres (ASN:37056430) in Wales, 1944.

Beecham, Billy P., Pvt (37610620) Hayes, Porter, Tec. 5 (37402971) Rucka, Joe, Pfc (38411627)
Belden, Larry M., Tec. 3 (37420460) Hefner, Preston E., Pvt (38428248) Russell, Herbert J., Pvt (38291666)
Belzer, Walter M., Sgt (37240226) Heideman, Warren, Pvt (36284962) Ryan, Willam M., Pvt (36744170)
Benz, Ignatius P., Pfc (36286045) Helnick, Virgil R., Pfc (37223249) Rybik, Walter J., Pfc (33403082)
Berg, Robert E., Pvt (35064657) Hernandez, Benito, Pfc (39547907) Sabournie, John J., Pfc (33492866)
Bergen, Robert J., Pvt (32097152) Hernandez, Jesus, Pvt (39405159) Sakovich, John, Tec. 4 (31148468)
Berres, John F., Sgt (37056430) Hester, Robert L. Jr., Pfc (7083203) Sanderson, Orville C., Pvt (39692100)
Berry, Chester D., Sgt (17007504) Hickey, John J., Tec. 5 (32620290) Santaniello, Carmine R., Tec. 5 (31288996)
Bertrand, William J., Cpl (32742750) Hill, Olin D., Sgt (18030275) Santaniello, Carmine R., Tec. 5 (31288996)
Bishop, Oscar L., Pvt (34656036) Hiser, Ray M., Pfc (36707658) Sargent, Leeonzie C., Pfc (33444141)
Blair, William P., S/Sgt (38032340) Hoar, Graydon, Cpl. (33474170) Satterlee, James E., Pfc (36410164)
Blanchard, Robert P., Pfc (38113256) Hoffman, Frank G., Tec. 4 (17059012) Satteson, Ralph W., Pfc (33492880)
Bland, Johny E., Pvt (35408111) Hogge, William D., Tec. 5 (33518497) Satteson, Ralph W., Pfc (33492880)
Blankenship, Paul F., Pfc (34495481) Hoke, Norman E., Pvt (31264562) Saucedo, Inia V., Pvt (38411622)
Bollinger, Amex V., Tec. 4 (6952727) Horn, Gilbert W., Pfc (36286195) Sauer, Orville E., Pvt (37601987)
Borsch, Gilbert W., Tec. 5 (35050185) Howe, William A., Tec. 4, (33406736) Schecher, Wilmer J., Tec. 4 (36231831)
Bostic, David E., Pvt (34465897) Howell, Harry U., Pvt (35754856) Scheu, Emil F., Tec. 5 (37194279)
Bowling, Howard E., Tec. 4 (38208487) Howell, Roy H., Pfc (34516004) Schneider, Edward K., Pvt (33555317)
Brammer, Arvel E., Tec. 4 (17010701) Huber, R E., Pvt (39547923) Schoepe, George W., Pvt (35056192)
Breaux, Chester L., Pfc (34072449) Hughes, John J., Tec. 5 (38396107) Scholl, Robert A., Tec. 5 (39692142)
Brown, Dayton S., Pvt (34465717) Hulsmeier, Walter W., Pfc (38091403) Scholler, Louis P., Sgt (20314753)
Brown, Elwood J., Tec 4. (36712513) Hunt, Robert J., Tec. 5 (34573429) Schoonoven, William J., Pvt (32925257)
Brown, James M., Cpl (33471243) Ihrig, Carl, Tec. 4 (32556870) Schwenker, Edward J., Tec. 3 (32716661)

Photograph showing members of the 232d Station Hospital’s Band. The theater and music hall was a converted Nissen Hut at Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire.

Brown, Joel W., Tec. 4 (34575106) Ikler, Hyman, Tec. 5 (32743108) Sevier, Hilton B., Pvt (35754888)
Budahn, Ervin C., Tec. 4 (36286170) Ingle, Ed J., Pvt (34656921) Shafsky, Philip, Tec. 5 (32236616)
Burkes, Robert E., Pvt (34625108) Jackson, George E., Pfc (12140312) Shaver, Ivan H., Tec. 3 (38055939)
Burnham, Maurice F., Tec. 5 (33386899) Jenkins, Hubert D., Pfc (35754792) Shearer, Richard E., Pvt (39414701)
Butenschoen, Henry C., Pvt (38357401) Jennings, Albert F., Sgt (6861909) Shelley, Clarence E., Tec. 5 (33406723)
Calk, Elton J. D., Sgt (6958044) Jennings, Robert E., Pvt (37519735) Shemayme, Leland F., Tec. 5 (38395925)
Cardin, Vincent R., Pvt (31266237) Jones, Charles E., Pfc (35220724) Shoff, Lawrence H., Pvt (37480318)
Carpenter, Elmer A., Sgt (6937227) Jones, Fountain F., Tec. 5 (34466079) Silva, Joseph F., Pvt (39407394)
Carson, Gomer D., Pvt (35768031) Kassel, George J., Pvt (36170118) Simmons, Ambrose C., S/Sgt (37136057)
Carte, John M., Pvt (35768811) Kassel, George J., Pvt (36170118) Simpson, James M., Pvt (34657486)
Cartner, Francis N., Pfc (38126894) Kelleher, James F., Pvt (31017077) Sisulak, William J., Pvt (35064349)
Cartwright, George M., S/Sgt (38068204) Kelly, Harry E., Pvt (39407107) Slattery, William P., Tec. 4 (32468700)
Carutkers, Vernone L., Tec. 5 (38409733) Kerner, George A., Tec. 4 (36310439) Smith, James W., Pvt (32742126)
Cascio, Fred J., Pvt (33557089) Kessler, Rueben G., Tec. 5 (37542901) Smith, Roland P., Pfc (31283384)
Cauthorpe, Ryndorph N., Pvt (34711197) Khoshaba, Odishoo G., Pfc (36396598) Smotherman, Wilburn F., Tec. 5 (34194540)
Cawthon, Claude W., Sgt (38051583) Kimzey, Alton H., Tec. 5 (38362842) Snodgrass, Edward L., M/Sgt (37372567)
Chambless, Judson B. Jr., Tec. 5 (38419458) Kirk, William P., Pvt (33217769) Somers, Clair F., Pvt (36485307)
Chany, Kalman J., Pfc (32681275) Kiser, Howard G., Tec. 5 (33218602) Sostak, Chester A., Pfc (32719276)
Chapin, Lee F., S/Sgt (36056282) Kleber, Gustave J., Pvt (35063127) Stackpole, Gerald H., Pvt (31013554)
Chavez, Cicilio, Pvt (38168267) Lakin, Richard D., Tec. 5 (33396485) Stackwick, James S., Pvt (32925346)
Chavez, Frank V., Pfc (38964129) Lattanzio, Albert, Pfc (32297859) Stafford, Harold N., Pfc (32743346)
Cheesman, Beryl B., Pvt (39554553) Lawton, Joseph F., Cpl (36286175) Stanley, William, Pvt (34359784)
Clark, Bryce E., Tec. 5 (16156393) Leach, Frederick J., Tec. 5 (36410039) Stapera, Joseph, Pvt (35231004)
Clark, Glenn L., Tec. 5 (37331190) Limerick, Clifford A., Pfc (33444358) Stausholm, James L., Pvt (36465645)
Clark, James R., Pvt (38419992) Lindow, James L., Tec. 3 (35029626) Stavetski, Leonard O., Cpl (33369093)
Clark, Renwick G., Pvt (32742727) Lineman, Sylvester W., Pvt (33406747) Steinemann, Rudolph, Tec. 5 (35689115)
Clayton, Hulan, Tec. 5 (38200208) Long, Gerald R., Pvt (34434271) Steinhauser, John C., Pfc (35615562)
Clemmons, Delmar D., Pfc (34399596) Long, John P., Pvt (31241798) Stevens, Henry A., Pvt (36855580)
Cline, John F., Tec. 4 (35570181) Lovelady, Leo W., Pfc (38106335) Stone, La V., Pvt (35219716)
Coco, Joseph S., Pvt (32483941) Luczkow, Eugene A., Tec. 3 (12150338) Strecker, Milo W., Tec. 3 (39017884)
Coe, Kenneth R., Tec. 4 (36711998) Luna, Alfred, Tec. 5 (38091133) Sweet, William A., Tec. 5 (32658867)
Cole, Carl P., Pvt (37458677) M, Ndel B., Pfc (35520514) Tenebruso, Gerald J., Pfc (31280282)
Conley, Edward P., Tec. 5 (33194648) Machado, Adolfo R., Pfc (38091423) Terry, Carl L., Pvt (34820699)
Conley, John W., Pvt (35754771) Mancinelli, Spartico, Pvt (33403008) Thomas, James C., Pvt (35698102)
Coons, Raymond W., Pfc (32745264) Mann, James F., Pvt (34657378) Thomas, Vernon A., Pvt (34807308)
Costello, James E., Sgt (39540600) Marconi, Frank A., Pfc (32719711) Thompson, Arthur, Tec. 4 (36710757)
Courtney, Donald A., Pfc (32722167) Maresling, Albert E., Tec. 4 (6958485) Tibbett, Oscar W., Pfc (39452042)
Courtright, Clyde, Tec. 5 (34194803) Markowsky, Raymond L., Tec. 4 (38093364) Tobasso, Paul A., Pvt (33139802)
Coy, Charles J., Tec. 5 (32721083) Mayer, Arnold C., Tec. 4 (36618317) Todd, Buster A., Tec. 4 (17007501)
Crabtree, Leonard W., Pvt (35656144) Mc, Laughlin J., Pvt (31327739) Tomasch, Robert J., Pvt (35063859)
Crawford, Ruben, Pvt (34657226) Mc, Mullen R., Tec. 4 (39169910) Trefz, Edwin C., Sgt (33029937)
Czajkowski, Alexander P., Tec. 4 (36056141) McGaha, James F., Pvt (34657568) Turner, Arthur R., Pvt (34593058)
Day, John M., Pvt (39132635) McKeowen, Thomas, Tec. 5 (32722250) Twardowski, Joseph J., Tec. 5 (36411486)
De, Berry D., Pvt (35754815) Merck, John F., Tec. 5 (37160267) Ulrich, John J., Pfc (15120464)
Della Donna, Salvatore S., Tec. 5 (32722864) Mihalke, Michael, Tec. 5 (33402940) Utley, Horace W., Tec. 5 (34194999)
Dermo, John B., Tec. 5 (6284307) Miles, Stanley G., Cpl (37352606) Valentino, Jerry R., Pvt (32931958)
Deutschmann, Adolph F., Tec. 3 (32522865) Miller, Kenneth, Tec. 4 (37376179) Vallejo, Manuel D., Pfc (38157395)
Devine, John P., Tec. 5 (32577641) Miskinis, Joseph J., Pvt (31178787) Vanderhoof, Floyd L., Pvt (36295388)
DiBenedetto, Vincent L., Tec. 5 (32720670) Moletress, Andrew J., Pvt (33623576) Vaughan, Phillip D., Pvt (33518333)

Rosters are finally checked aboard the passenger train which transported the 232d Station Hospital to its location in Tidworth, Wiltshire.

Dickey, Henry E., Tec. 4 (36054899) Molnar, Steve A., Tec. 5 (33403031) Vayansky, Michael, Tec. 5 (33402963)
Digilio, Victor A., Tec. 3 (32499620) Moore, Edmund R., Pvt (33783748) Vita, Anthony B., Pfc (36644363)
DiMartino, John, Tec. 5 (31284296) Moore, William I., Tec. 5 (33258843) Wacker, John L., Tec. 4 (35109286)
Dohrrovits, Frank F., Tec. 4 (36333322) Nava, Bennie C., Pvt (37343778) Walker, Ray G., Pvt (32233635)
Dominelli, Michael F., Pfc (32723042) Nelson, Charles W., Pfc (31279945) Walthers, Ercil L., Cpl. (35471806)
Dougherty, James A., Tec. 4 (18086939) Nelson, Ernest L., Tec. 4 (39451536) Wanczyk, Walter V., Tec. 5 (32717780)
Doughty, Carl H., Pvt (35641202) Newberry, John C., M/Sgt (38068316) Was, Sigmund J., Tec. 3 (35523114)
Downs, Earl C., Pvt (33217103) Newgaard, Christ, Tec. 5 (36221351) Waugh, Carnie G., S/Sgt (38045345)
Doyle, Gregory Jr., Tec. 5 (32715778) Nichols, James W., Pvt (31040095) Weasner, Amos T., Pvt (33783643)
Doyle, Orville A., Tec. 5 (39276343) Nordenberg, Reuben, Tec. 5 (36359182) Weinstein, Louis, Pfc (32719938)
Drach, Rudolph F., Pvt (32717740) Norris, Robert F., Pvt (37602035) Wesson, Leon M., Pvt (34656004)
Eads, Daniel J., Sgt (37058025) Norwood, Vandis J., Tec. 4 (34355448) West, Bruce E., Pvt (35756093)
Earle, Jack C., Pvt (38419823) Odlo, Robert R., M/Sgt (6834901) Whalin, Forrest L., Tec. 4 (18081207)
Ederer, Maynard B., Cpl (36625102) Opperman, William G., Tec. 4 (33401590) Wilgus, Paul C., Pfc (33359789)
Ellsworth, Kenneth L., Cpl (33406788) Orvik, Harold K., Tec. 5 (36711858) Williams, Lee, Tec. 4 (33401634)
England, William O., Tec. 4 (38356362) Paigo, James J., Pvt (32743138) Wilson, Raeford E., Tec. 5 (14126360)
Errico, John M., Pvt (32719338) Paigo, James J., Pvt (32743138) Winnicki, Antoni, Pvt (32742546)
Eskra, Steve, Pfc (32699005) Papachriston, Arthur T., Pvt (31358105) Wise, Charles A., Tec. 4 (33403092)
Fahlman, George W., Pfc (39406071) Parker, Glen M., Pvt (39573321) Witts, Alvin F., Pvt (35231008)
Fairfax, Alton C., Pvt (35755955) Parker, William E., Pvt (34267369) Wnek, Bernard C., Pfc (32669959)
Farrow, Charles T., Tec. 5 (34582307) Parsons, Chalmas L., Tec. 4 (38047857) Wood, Jesse W., Pvt (34821807)
Ferguson, Walter W., Tec. 5 (34104301) Pauli, Frederick P., Tec. 5 (36438111) Woods, William A., Pfc (35061227)
Ferraci, Bernard A., Tec. 5 (32722979) Pecor, Allen, Sgt (20646271) Wowk, John, Tec. 5 (33401750)
Ferro, John E., Pfc (31280255) Peraino, Vito C., Pvt (32762894) Wronkiewicz, Joseph J. Jr., Tec. 4 (36711847)
Filippone, Salvatore A., Pfc (32555958) Perry, Wilbur M., Tec. 5 (33518784) Young, Tung G., Tec. 5 (39852639)
Flannery, William L., Pvt (17084564) Peterson, Earl E., Tec. 4 (17048477) Zamzow, Gaylord S., Tec. 5 (39094706)
Floreskull, Michael, Pfc (31202683) Peterson, Robert J., Pfc (36285982) Zengerle, John F., Cpl (33406776)
Focks, Joseph F., Tec. 4 (35466972) Petro, Joseph, Pvt (33360796) Zucker, Morris, Pvt (12220649)
Frankel, Jack E., Pvt (12193587) Pickert, Claron J., Tec. 4 (37201132)
Frazier, John W., Tec. 5 (6932996) Pinson, Manuel, Pvt (35641613)

The MRC staff would like to express their most sincere thanks to Terry Haslam-Jones, son of Pvt. Floyd L. Vanderhoof (ASN:36295388) who served as a driver and mechanic with the 232d Station Hospital during WW2. Terry was able to provide numerous original documents and photographs which allowed the editing of this Unit History, and we are forever grateful of his precious assistance. We are still looking for further information regarding the unit’s return to the Zone of Interior, and its official inactivation date.

Pvt. Floyd L. Vanderhoof (ASN:36295388).

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 14th March 2025 at 15:55.
Read more: https://www.med-dept.com/unit-histories/232d-station-hospital/