26th General Hospital Unit History

Introduction & Activation:

Portrait photograph of Lieutenant Colonel Floyd V. Kilgore, the 26th General Hospital's first Commanding Officer.

Portrait photograph of Lieutenant Colonel Floyd V. Kilgore, the 26th General Hospital’s first Commanding Officer.

In early March 1940, Dr. Harold S. Diehl (Dean of the Medical Sciences at the University of Minnesota) received a communication from Surgeon General Magee, outlining a plan for the organization of affiliated General Hospitals to be available for early use in the Pacific Theater of Operations. The War Department, as part of this plan, invited the University of Minnesota to assume the responsibility of organizing such a unit, and suggested that it should be designated as the 26th General Hospital, as a means of perpetuating the traditions established by the University-sponsored Base Hospital 26 of World War I. Dean Diehl immediately responded that the University would be happy to assist in any means possible, and on 27 August 1940, was notified by the Adjutant General that the Secretary of War had approved the sponsorship program for this new Hospital outfit. Accordingly, immediate steps were taken to procure the Officers from among the staff of the University and letters were dispatched to all members of the Facilities of the Medical and Dental Schools, asking for volunteers for service with the unit.

Interest and volunteers were far more than had ever been anticipated. Since the positions of Commanding Officer and Executive Officer (as well as certain other assignments such as Quartermaster and Chaplain) could not be filled until the official activation of the unit, Lieutenant Colonel L. H. Fowler, Chief of the Surgical Service was named Unit Director to serve as the ranking administrative Officer until such time as a Commanding Officer could be appointed. Shortly thereafter, Nurses were also appointed to the unit from faculty staff and many other of the key positions within the unit’s senior ranks were quickly filled and pigeon-holed in preparation for activation. Thus, the professional staff of the Hospital was organized and ready for service in early 1941.

Photograph taken in the Nurses' quarters at Ft. Sill.

Photograph taken in the Nurses’ quarters at Ft. Sill.

Additional staff began to arrive and were soon appointed positions within the organization. The Unit Director meticulously studied each man’s specialist training and appointed him to the relevant department. The process was a lengthy one, and there was still no official word regarding the unit’s activation. The first information concerning definite plans for mobilization of the Hospital came on 17 January 1942, when Dean Diehl and Lt. Col. Fowler were notified that the 26th General Hospital would be ordered to active duty at Fort Sill, Oklahoma within two to four weeks.

The 26th General Hospital was officially activated on 1 February 1942 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma (per General Order 5, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, dated 1 February 1942 –ed).The nucleus of the active unit consisted of 5 Officers and 201 Enlisted Men, transferred from the 183d General Hospital (training unit which had also been stationed at Ft. Sill –ed). Lieutenant Colonel Floyd V. Kilgore was appointed the unit’s Commanding Officer.


The days that immediately followed the unit’s official activation were hectic. Staff hurried back and forth between Headquarters, the Finance Office, the Clothing Commissary and the Post Exchange. They bought high shoes, leggings with or without laces, arctic overshoes, extra laces, soap, razor blades, and dozens of other items in quantities sufficient to sustain them for several years on a desert island! Immunization Registers were filled out and all vaccinations and inoculations were completed. The organization of the various Hospital services soon was completed and the Officers were given definite assignments.

Nurses of the 26th General Hospital prepare for an inspection by the Commanding Officer during training at Ft. Sill.

Nurses of the 26th General Hospital prepare for an inspection by the Commanding Officer during training at Ft. Sill.

On 1 April 1942, 100 Enlisted Men were placed on special duty at the Station Hospital for training purposes and after that a system of rotation was maintained so that everyone received both hospital and basic military training. At the Hospital the men were introduced to ordinary medical routines and practices, and became proficient at polishing floors, passing bedpans and similar procedures. Prospective clerks were given training in the administrative offices at the Station Hospital and were assigned to work in the Sick and Wounded, Personnel, Medical Supply, and Sergeant Major’s Offices.
At the Station Hospital the Ward Men were awakened at 0530 and a rigorous program of calisthenics was completed before breakfast. Work began at 0700 and was completed by 1900. Meals were served, dishes were cleaned, wards were swept, floors were waxed, fixtures were polished, latrines were shined and linens were changed. New patients were admitted and well patients were discharged. Temperatures were taken, beds were made and specimens were collected and taken to the laboratory.

On 25 July 1942, an American Red Cross Detachment, under the direction of Miss Mary Mock, joined the Hospital, and the girls were welcomed at a reception held on 30 July.

Several members of the 26th's female staff pose in front of the Fort Sill Cantonment Hospital.

Several members of the 26th’s female staff pose in front of the Fort Sill Cantonment Hospital.

As the weeks dragged on, the training program continued. However, the arrival of the ARC Detachment meant that rumors on the base were rife. Many of the personnel felt that the arrival of the Red Cross staff indicated that the unit’s transfer to an overseas destination was imminent. Finally, on 7 October 1942, Warning Orders were received by the Commanding Officer of the 26th. The destination was yet unknown, but a directive had been issued for all personnel to mark their personal baggage (both “A” and “B” Bags) with the mysterious code 1506-B. All passes and furloughs were cancelled, and the men and women of the unit were restricted to the Camp area.

On 12 October, Hospital staff arose early and gave a final inspection of their quarters, performing some last house-keeping duties wherever necessary. A final inspection was carried out by the Commanding Officer, and assembly was at the loading platform in the Quartermaster area of Ft. Sill. The first section of the 26th’s troop train, under the command of Col. Kilgore, carried 273 Officers and Enlisted Men, and all of the Nurses, Dietitians, Physiotherapy Aides, and American Red Cross workers. A second train under the command of Capt. Sievers left two hours later, carrying the balance of the unit. Both trains arrived at Camp Kilmer, Stelton, New Jersey in mid-afternoon on 14 October 1942. After detraining had been completed, orders were instantly issued for the entire cadre to march into the Overseas Staging Area.

Preparation for Overseas Movement:

The 26th General Hospital was placed on alert for overseas movement on 19 October after a short stay at Camp Kilmer. The unit’s complement of Nurses were transported by truck to the train station, while the balance of the unit marched the mile and a half with full field equipment and uniforms packed in barracks bags. After a short waiting period, all personnel were loaded into the cars and the train immediately pulled out of the station bound for the New York Port of Embarkation a short distance away.

1st Lieutenant William H. Hollinshead aboard the SS Mariposa en route to the United Kingdom.

1st Lieutenant William H. Hollinshead aboard the SS Mariposa en route to the United Kingdom.

Upon arrival at the port, a short ferry journey was undertaken to the embarkation point, where all staff of the 26th immediately boarded the SS Mariposa. Officers and Nurses were assigned to bunks on B and C Decks respectively, while all Enlisted Men were assigned rooms on D Deck. The eventual destination for the unit was so far unknown, despite the rumor mill being in full swing!

The ship finally set sail from New York on 20 October 1942, and the destination was soon announced – the 26th General Hospital would be heading to the United Kingdom.

United Kingdom:

The SS Mariposa arrived into the port of Liverpool on 28 October 1942. The process of debarkation was slow, and the personnel of the 26th waited anxiously. After a period of approximately 4 hours in the berth, all personnel and equipment had been successfully unloaded. A British Army Sergeant led the Hospital staff to trains that were waiting at a nearby station. The unit left Liverpool in two echelons, and the journey to Great Barr, Birmingham was completed in the early hours of 29 October. After detraining, a short walk was taken to the unit’s first station; Pheasey estate (a large residential suburb of Great Barr, and home to the 10th Replacement Depot –ed).

The camp was made up of small two-story brick houses that had been part of an uncompleted housing project. They were dark and cold-looking, standing in rows along curving streets. Personnel were quickly assigned to billets and issued standard British Army blankets for added insulation of the straw mattresses. A hot meal was served upon arrival, and then all personnel returned to their assigned billets for some much-needed rest. The next morning, American currency was exchanged into British Pounds at the NAAFI (Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes canteen –ed), which proved to be a slow process due to the sheer volume of personnel expecting such a service.

External view of the SS Mariposa, transport for the 26th across the Atlantic.

External view of the SS Mariposa, transport for the 26th across the Atlantic.

The last days of October were spent exploring the English countryside surrounding the estate and some time was spent becoming familiar with the new monetary system (of Pounds, Shillings and Pence). A small detachment (consisting of Lt. Koschnitzke, Sgt. Trautman, Sgt. May and Pvt. Nazary) was sent back to the Port of Liverpool to unload the Hospital’s equipment from the Mariposa. As they unloaded, the material was divided into three categories: medical supplies, general supplies and personal baggage. For three days and three nights the unloading and sorting went on. All personal baggage was sent to Pheasey, while the medical and general supplies were stored temporarily in a large warehouse on the dockside.

On 1 November 1942, the unit received orders assigning it to Second Army Corps, and the same orders placed it upon alert, advising that all personnel should prepare for a movement by sea which might involve a voyage up to eight weeks’ duration. The Commanding Officer had received notification that the unit would be traveling to Oran, Algeria, North Africa, and that the movement was scheduled to take place on or about 24 November. Very few personnel within the organization knew of these plans however, and so it became a case of ‘hurry up and wait’ for most of the men.
On 7 November, all footlockers were taken away and stored in the same dockside facility as the Hospital equipment. Other baggage was painted with the new POM codes, and emergency C and D rations were issued with instruction that they were not to be consumed without orders.
According to instructions, all equipment and supplies were shipped to Glasgow, Scotland for final loading. In addition to the prescribed code symbols, each box and crate bore an identifying number. Every item was double-checked when it was loaded from the warehouse onto the train, when it was unloaded, and when it was transferred to the ship.

Members of the 26th General Hospital are pictured in front of numerous buildings on the Pheasey estate.

Members of the 26th General Hospital are pictured in front of numerous buildings on the Pheasey estate.

On 20 November, the organization was notified that the orders for movement had been canceled, but the equipment and supplies had already been loaded onto a ship in Glasgow and could not be removed, so they were sent to North Africa in accordance with the original plan. The personnel settled down to several more weeks of waiting. There were periods of drill, calisthenics, road marches and a variety of details. Close order drill and calisthenics were highly unpopular among the Nurses and Enlisted Men! Trips to London were also staged, and on Thanksgiving Day 1942, 50 of the unit’s Nurses attended a special service at Westminster Abbey.
On 23 December, the unit was once again alerted, this time being told that the movement would occur sometime after 15 January 1943. Christmas 1942 was also spent at Pheasey. On Christmas Eve there was a carol service held in the mess hall for all personnel on the base, and on Christmas Day, a turkey banquet was served and carols were played throughout the dinner.

1943 began with the unit still in billets at the Pheasey estate. By now, the surrounding area had been explored and nothing new remained to be found. A sense of boredom set in for the Hospital’s personnel, and they were keen to get on the move. Finally, on 19 January Lt. Col. Kilgore informed the unit that it had been officially alerted for movement. Just before leaving England, the organization was notified that the Hospital equipment which had been sent ahead to Africa had been requisitioned for use by other Hospitals which had arrived in the Theater with insufficient equipment and supplies. As a result of the change in sailing date, the 26th General Hospital lost all of the equipment which had been assembled, and it became necessary to re-accumulate all of the supplies. This could not be completed before the unit left the United Kingdom, and thus a request was made that supplies for a General Hospital be shipped from England to North Africa for the 26th’s disposal.

Hospital staff pose proudly for a photograph with gifts and other goodies received from friends and family during their first Christmas overseas.

Hospital staff pose proudly for a photograph with gifts and other goodies received from friends and family during their first Christmas overseas.

Under the cloak of darkness on 20 January 1943, all Hospital personnel left Pheasey estate by bus and entrained at Walsall station for Gourock, Scotland. The train arrived the following morning, and embarkation was immediately begun on to HMS Strathnaver. While the vessel remained in the dock, the unit’s personnel was informed of its new destination – Oran, North Africa.

North Africa:

Early on the morning of 1 February 1943, a tug came alongside the Strathnaver and brought it into berth alongside the Oran pier. Immediately after debarking, the unit was met by two Officers from the 25th General Hospital, who had arranged for trucks from the 16th Medical Regiment to transport all personnel and baggage to the small village of Hassi Ameur, east of Oran, Algeria. A barren hill on the south side of the hamlet was selected as the campsite, and was divided into three areas; a Headquarters area near the foot of the hill, and areas for Officers and Enlisted Men. Pyramidal tents were pitched for Headquarters and Detachment Officers, while the remainder of the bivouacked personnel pitched shelter tents. The Nurses, Dietitians, Physiotherapists and Red Cross workers were stationed west of the city at Bouisseville.

Two unidentified men of the unit prepare their shelter tents and surrounding area in North Africa.

Two unidentified men of the unit prepare their shelter tents at the campsite near Hassi Ameur.

Drinking water had to be hauled to the camp from a water point which had been established some miles away. It was made available to the unit by various Lyster Bags that were set up at locations around the camp.
As the days passed, the staff made small improvements to the camp. Lamps were constructed using discarded C Ration cans (filled with bacon grease and an improvised wick made of braided string). Pathways were made using stones which had been collected from the area, and the Post Exchange finally opened in a tent near to the top of the hill, which sold oranges at prices lower than those asked by the locals. An open-air barber shop was also set up, using packing crates and other wooden boxes for chairs.

When the unit had first arrived in Oran, it had been assigned to Second Army Corps, but development of the tactical situation had made it unnecessary for additional Hospitals to operate in the Oran area. As a result the 26th General Hospital was transferred to the Mediterranean Base Section, and Hospital sites in Algiers and Blida were considered for it. Lt. Col. Kilgore flew to Algiers on 8 February to survey the situation and identify potential locations for the facility. On 13 February, the unit visited the 38th Evacuation Hospital which was operating near St. Cloud. There, the personnel studied the mechanics of operating a Hospital under canvas. The 38th had been receiving patients for some time, and wards, operating rooms, laboratory, x-ray, headquarters and everything in between was set up in tents. The Nurses, still billeted in villas in the town of Bouisseville (where the 2d Convalescent Hospital was stationed –ed), visited the 12th General Hospital, located at AÏn-el-Turck.

On 22 February, the unit’s Nurses joined the remainder of the personnel at Hassi Ameur. Ward tents were pitched for the Nurses’ quarters, and it was found that the clothing which had been issued to them was not suitable for living under field conditions. After a week of rain and mud, arrangements were made whereby they could get field shoes, coveralls, raincoats, woolen shirts and trousers, and heavy underwear. The clothes were too large for them, but a Nurse in a pair of oversized coveralls with sleeves and trouser cuffs rolled up and wearing muddy GI shoes was perfectly willing to sacrifice appearance for the added comfort!

Orders were finally received for the 26th to once again move locations. The movement orders outlined a tentative date of 23 March 1943. All personnel began immediately packing their personal equipment. Tents were struck, blankets and packs were rolled and within a few hours the staff were ready to move.
Early in the morning of 24 March, the personnel travelled by truck to the railway station in Oran where they boarded trains for the next destination of Bizot, a railhead only a few miles north of Constantine, Algeria, North Africa.

Photograph showing the entrance to the 26th General Hospital's facility in Bizot, North Africa.

Photograph showing the entrance to the 26th General Hospital’s facility in Bizot, North Africa.

The train carrying the unit’s staff finally arrived into the station at Bizot at 1255 hours on 27 March 1943. A short hike was taken to the selected Hospital location, while personal baggage followed shortly in trucks. An advance party had set up ward tents for the Enlisted Men and small wall tents for the Officers and Nurses. Less than one mile from the road was a natural hot spring pouring out thousands of gallons of comfortably warm water, and this was frequently used as a hot bath by the Hospital’s staff.
The location chosen for the Hospital was south of Bizot, Department of Constantine, Algeria, about eight miles north of the city of Constantine. The site was fairly level, at the foot of a large hill which was identified on maps as Djebel Bergh. The Hospital was built closely adjacent to, and on the west side of the Route Nationale No. 3 running from Constantine to Philippeville. Rail facilities were available at Bizot and excellent highways led to the ports of Philippeville and Bône. Patients brought from the front by air could be landed at Télergma, about 35 miles away.
Suitable buildings were not available, so it was necessary to plan and erect a tented facility. This would represent the first American General Hospital in the Theater to be set up under canvas. 12 Nissen huts were also obtained to accommodate special installations including the operating and cystoscopic rooms, laboratory, x-ray, dental clinic, ophthalmology and oto-rhino-laryngology clinic, pharmacy, receiving room and administrative offices.
Work continued a few more weeks, while Engineers prepared additional facilities and used salvage from nearby villages to construct wash rooms and makeshift showers.

The facility was finally opened on 26 April 1943, approximately 4 weeks after the unit’s arrival at Bizot. At 0430 several ambulances of the 16th Medical Regiment arrived with a total of 110 patients, with additional ambulances arriving later the same week. Within a matter of days, the total patient census was 1,300, and the normal capacity for a General Hospital was 1,000 beds. The greatest number of beds occupied at the facility at any one time was 1,389. Wardmen, Doctors and Nurses immediately devoted their time to the new arrivals. Examinations were carried out, charts were prepared, treatments were begun and every effort was exerted to put the patients at ease and to make them comfortable. The patients were almost exclusively surgical at first, so internists worked in surgical wards helping to care for the men more expeditiously.

Partial aerial view showing the 26th General Hospital’s facility at Bizot, Algeria, North Africa.

During the closing days of the Tunisian Campaign, The Surgeon General, Major General Norman T.  Kirk inspected the 26th General Hospital while it was busily engaged in caring for the casualties of the fierce battles of the final drive. He expressed great satisfaction with both the physical set-up and the operation of the facility. Subsequently many American and British Officers who had been charged with establishing new Hospitals came to study the unit, which proved to be so effective that it served as a model for General Hospitals that were set up later under canvas.

The Hospital continued to receive patients, but ever increasingly from the now waging Italian campaign. Early in October, senior staff at the facility were informed that the unit would probably move at an early date. On 10 October 1943, the staff were notified that the Surgeon’s Office of Eastern Base Section would direct no more patients to them, but that the facility should continue to furnish aid to the immediate local area. A few days later, the unit was instructed to begin evacuating patients, and finally on 31 October 1943 the Hospital was closed in preparation for movement. Patients were evacuated to the 73d Station Hospital which was established in the nearby city of Constantine, and the evacuation of all patients was completed by 2 November.
During the last week in October and the first week of November, all Hospital equipment was packed, properly marked and inventoried and placed on platforms near the main road. The packing operations were under the supervision of Maj. Evans.

An illustration prepared after WW2 showing the final layout arrangement for the 26th General Hospital at Bizot.

An illustration prepared after WW2 showing the final layout arrangement for the 26th General Hospital at Bizot.

On 29 October, Lt. Col. Kilgore left for Italy to secure a Hospital site for the 26th. A few days later, an advance party with men from the Medical Supply and Unit Supply sections followed him. The shipment of all materiel was accomplished by truck between 6 November and 11 November. On 10 November 1943, the unit’s Enlisted Men and 5 Officers left in “forty and eight” boxcars for Bizerte, Tunisia. The unit reached Bizerte at dusk the same day, and immediately traveled to the Houston Dock area. The Hospital’s Nurses were billeted at the 32d General Hospital and they were taken directly there. A short bivouac was staged for the unit’s Officers and Enlisted Men.
On 14 November, preparations began for the loading of equipment. Ward tents were struck and packed, and the staff worked day and night to load all equipment aboard the Liberty Ship Samuel J. Tilden.


After staging for ten days, the majority of the Officers and Enlisted Men left the port of Bizerte on 22 November 1943 aboard LCIs of the Royal British Navy. They landed at Taranto, Italy three days later. The Hospital’s Nurses and Red Cross workers crossed from Bizerte to Taranto by Hospital Ship. 1 Officer and 19 Enlisted Men had accompanied the unit equipment aboard a Liberty Ship from Bizerte to Bari, Italy. Immediately after disembarking at Taranto, the unit proceeded by motor convoy to its next location, the city of Bari.

Aerial view of the complex, occupied by the 26th General Hospital during its time in Italy.

Aerial view of the Ospedale Militare Lorenzo Bonomo complex, occupied by the 26th General Hospital during its time in Italy.

Upon arrival at the new location, Col. Kilgore announced proudly to the Hospital’s staff that the facility would be established in buildings previously occupied by Ospedale Militare Lorenzo Bonomo (an Italian military hospital built in 1936 to serve the Italian IX Army Corps –ed). The buildings were of stucco and stone, and although they were very dirty, it was clear to see that once cleaned they would serve the unit well. The main buildings were placed one behind the other, facing Corso Sicilia, and were connected by an enclosed stone and glass-paneled corridor. The first building was used as an administrative building, the second as a surgical section, the third as a medical wing, and the rear building as the patients’ mess. Additional buildings were also present at the facility, and were used as laundries, cookhouses and motor pool facilities. The Nurses joined the unit on 30 November, and were also quartered in one of the many other buildings in the complex.

The 26th General Hospital officially opened to receive casualties under emergency circumstances on 4 December 1944. A direct bomb hit had caused a Liberty Ship transporting mustard gas to explode, resulting in 1,644 casualties (including 442 deaths). One hundred hospital beds, bedding, pajamas, bedside tables, and two dressing carts were obtained from Italian sources, and small amounts of dressings and bandages, and a few surgical instruments were obtained from the Air For General Depot 5, and the Adriatic Medical Depot.
In addition to operating the hastily assembled emergency hospital, the organization made other contributions to the care of victims of the disaster. Anesthetists, technicians and Nurses were sent on detached service to assist in the care of patients at the British 98th General Hospital.

Main entrance to the 26th General Hospital at Bari, Italy.

Main entrance to the 26th General Hospital at Bari, Italy.

Before the end of December, an additional 218 patients had been admitted, bringing the total admissions for 1944 to 9,974.

The 26th General Hospital provided facilities for all US troops in the Adriatic Sector of Italy, and rendered complete hospital service to troops in the local area. It served in support of the Naples-Foggia and Rome-Arno campaigns, and members of the unit were awarded battle stars for that service, bringing the total number of stars to three. The facility had originally been set up with a bed count of 100, with the possibility of emergency expansion to 2,000. On 5 June 1944 the normal bed capacity was expanded to 1,500 (per WD Letter file AG 322, 15 April 1944 –ed). The letter prescribed that the 26th General Hospital should be reorganized under T/O & E 8-550 (dated 19 April 1944).

During 1944, the Hospital admitted a total of 16,832 patients. Among these patients, there were 45 deaths, a mortality rate of 0.267%. The highest number of beds occupied at any one time was on 21 November 1944 when the census was 1,426. During the year, there were 4,165 surgical operations, 17,653 x-ray examinations and 17,130 dental procedures. In addition, repatriated military personnel processed at the hospital during the year numbered 4,262.
In October 1944, Col. Kilgore returned to the ZI where he was placed in command of the Cushing General Hospital at Framingham Massachusetts. Colonel Henry W. Meisch who assumed command of the unit on 16 October 1944 succeeded him.

Wounded servicemen are transferred from Air Force transport to Ambulances destined for the 26th General Hospital.

Wounded servicemen are transferred from Air Force transport to Ambulances destined for the 26th General Hospital.

At the beginning of 1945, the 26th General Hospital was assigned to the Peninsular Base Section and was attached to the Army Air Force Service Command (AAFSC), MTO. On 1 March 1945 it was relieved from assignment and attachment, and was reassigned to the Adriatic Base Command (ABC) (per Letter Orders PBS, File AG 370.5 dated 5 March 1945 –ed).

During the period from 1 January 1945 to 21 June 1945, the Hospital admitted a total of 7,118 patients, and among them there were 21 deaths (representing a mortality rate of 0.295%). There were 3,885 admissions to the medical service and 3,082 admissions to the surgical service. The greatest number of beds occupied at one time during 1945 was on 2 January, when the census was 1,156. From that peak, the number of patients fell gradually until on 31 May 1945, the census was 565. During the Hospital’s period of operation in 1945, there were 2,815 surgical procedures, 8,983 x-ray examinations, 72,595 laboratory examinations and 13,975 dental procedures.

Return to the ZI:

On 2 May 1945, it was announced that the Italian Campaign had ended with the surrender of all enemy forces in the Theater, and V-E Day came on 8 May 1945. The following day, the ‘points system’ for redeployed troops (ASR scores –ed) was announced, and on 21 May 1945, those personnel of the 26th General Hospital who were in the ZI on temporary duty (3 Officers, 10 Nurses and 30 Enlisted Men –ed) were dropped from the unit’s roster (per paragraph 20, S. O. No. 74, Hq, ABC dated 18 May 1945 –ed).

News of the unconditional German surrender finally reaches men and women of the 26th General Hospital.

News of the unconditional German surrender (2 May 1945) finally reaches men and women of the 26th General Hospital.

On 28 May 1945, a Warning Order was received, placing the 26th General Hospital in Redeployment Category IV (units to be demobilized –ed) for movement to the United States in July. On 1 June 1945, Major General Morrison G. Stayer (Theater Surgeon) formally presented the Meritorious Service Unit Plaque to the organization for its outstanding contributions and service to the Mediterranean Theater.

On 13 July, it was learned that many of the 26th General Hospital’s Officers and Enlisted Men, and all of the Nurses were being transferred to the 45th General Hospital which had taken over control of the Ospedale Militare Lorenzo Bonomo a few days earlier. Following the dropping of the A-bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, most of the original 26th General Hospital cadre returned to the ZI in the months of August and September.


German prisoners help to evacuate patients from the 26th General Hospital following its official inactivation.

German prisoners help to evacuate patients from the 26th General Hospital following its official inactivation on 14 September 1945.

The 26th General Hospital was officially inactivated in Italy on 14 September 1945. The 45th General Hospital was closed on 27 September 1945, and all remaining personnel returned to the ZI for immediate discharge.

Personnel Roster:


Adams, Rowland C. Hanna, George F. Mohler, Eldon C.
Adamson, John H., Jr. Harshman, LeRoy D. Nelson, Earle W.
Ahern, Eugene E. Haserick, John R. Nelson, Lawrence M.
Andrews, Wallace O. Hay, Lyle T. O’Brien, John T.
Armour, Joseph C. Hayes, Albert F. Ohlen, Virgil R.
Barr, Robert N. Head, Douglas P. Paine, John R.
Beek, Harvey O. Hebbel, Robert Peterka, Charles
Bergh, George S. Helms, Jefferson B. Plankers, Arthur G.
Berry, Alan P. Hilger, Jerome A. Polan, Charles G.
Boren, Robert P. Hodge, William M. Pratt, Alvin A.
Borg, Joseph F. Hoffman, Parker M. Reese, Willard E.
Brecht, Lyle A. Hollinshead, William H. Reiley, Richard E.
Bulinski, Theodore J. Holmberg, Conrad J. Rinehart, Lang W.
Burch, Edward Holte, Norman O. Ritchie, Wallace P.
Caruso, Louis J. Johnson, Robert E. Sandt, Karl E.
Chalek, Jack I. Jordan, Charles G. &holds, Anthony J.
Clark, Francis H. Kabler, Paul W. Seidman, Joshua I.
Clark, Paul J. Kaufman, Raymond Sheehan, Ernest J.
Connell, John R. Kiesler, Frank G., Jr. Sievers, Walter A.
Craig, David M. Kilgore, Floyd V. Smith, Baxter A.
Derrifield, Randall S. Koschnitzke, Herman K. Snyder, Maurice
Dowling, John P. Kremen, Arnold J. Sorett, Louis
Erickson, Reuben F. Larson, Evrel A. Strough, LaVern C.
Evans, Edward T. Leibig, Russell L. Sturley, Rodney F.
Every, William B. Lindgren, Russell C. Sullivan, Robert F.
Falker, Israel D. Lipschultz, Oscar Swanson, Vincent F.
Findley, Dwight H. Lundblad, Stanley W. Tice, William P.
French, Lyle A. MacRae, Gordon C. Titrud, Leonard A.
Fowler, L. Martin, Howard C. Varney, Theodore R.
Galloway, John D. Martin, William F. Weisman, Samuel R.
Gibson, Donne E. Marx, Ralph L. Wheeler, Norman 0.
Giglio, Alphonsus S. McGuinn, William B. Williams, Gilmer H.
Goldner, Meyer Z. McKeever, Thomas V., Jr. Wilson, Charles A.
Green, Robert A. McLoughlin, John W. Worman, Harold G.
Hale, Claude H. Mears, Frederick B. Zehnpfennig, Urban H.
Hall, Howard G. Meisch, Henry W.
Hallock, Phillip Miller, Elmer E.
An unidentified technician prepares an x-ray at the 26th Gen Hosp.

An unidentified technician prepares an x-ray at the 26th Gen Hosp.


Aderman, Edna L. Halvorson, Gladys M. Overberger, Cora C.
Alexich, Darinka Hamilton, Gertrude Palcnski, Virginia V.
Mired, Kate Hansen, Eunice V. Parsons, Anne F.
Alt, Edythe Hanson, Jeanette M. Pavlovich, Sylvia R.
Andrews, Bonnie Hanson, Ruth A. Peterson, Ione E.
Baukol, Adeline E. Hauge, Cecilia H. Petsch, Dorothy L.
Bell, Leona F. Hedges, Jennie A. Phariss, Edna M.
Benidt, Lucile M. Helm, Lucia A. Potter, Viola S.
Bishop, Grace Hodgin, Mary E. Pullen, Clarke S.
Bolin, Lillian E. Horstman, Evelyn B. Pumper, Delores M.
Boorngaarden, Tebina G. Instenes, Ardyce C. Qualset, Jenon E.
Booth, Eldora L. Intlekofer, Wilhelmina Racek, Lydia A.
Bossert, Alice W. Jack, Jean A. Ramsey, Jean
Bower, Helen Jaeger, Bernett A. Ranzinger, Delores H.
Brown, Addie M. Jekel, Louisa L. Redpath, Helen C.
Bryan, Mary C. Jennings, Marion V. Reiff, Ernesta C.
Bryant, Floryne B. Johnson, Alice M. Reshetar, Irene
Buscher, Daralene U. Johnson, Eleanor M. Rode, Dorothy J.
Bush, Audra B. Johnson, Florence L. Rodenburg, Luella
Busko, Anne H. Johnson, Margaret M. Romohr, Gladys 0.
Cade, Virginia W. Jones, Wilma R. Rowley, Lucill• M.
Chamberlain, Lessie C. Kaether, Rosena Rubin, Ethel
Choate, Faye Katterjohn, Thelma P. Sackett, Eleanor M.
Christensen, Grace A. Kelzer, Florence E. Salo, Kathryn T.
Christensen, Reona P. King, Elizabeth M. Sarff, Florence I.
Clement, Maxine E. Kitchell, Myrtle E. Scalf, Juanita I.I.
Conklin, Jean D. Kjelstad, Rellia M. Schmitt, Elsie G.
Cote, Alice M. Konsterlie, Margaret D. Schobert, Dorothy E.
Crenshaw, Lillian M. Krueger, Ruth A. Schooler, Eleene N.
Curtis, Vivien L. Langmack, Mildred L. Shea, Julia M.
Dahl, Christine C. Lankin, Bessie Shea, Marjorie A.
Dalton, Ruth Larsen, Helga 0. Shober, Elizabeth
Dean, Alma L. Larson, Dora E. Shulcr, Mary E.
Des Marais, Laverna M. Larson, Florie M. Sloane, Thelma L.
Dingmann, Frances C. Lewis, Beth A. Sorenson, Helen E.
Dye, Dorothy D. Liermann, Ernestine F. Sponberg, Helen G.
Eastman, Gladys Lillegard, Orpha E. Stenoien, Gudrun E.
Elliott, Alpha K. Littlejohn, Mildred M. Stahl, Dora J.
Elliott, Catherine Lockert, Maurean N. Swenson, Margaret A.
Elliott, Dorothie H. Long, Emma J. Tembrock, Eva Mae S.
Elliott, Vera L. Luker, Bertha A. Tenney, Florence A.
Emanuelson, Esther O. Mair, Marion A. Tetzlaff, Marie A.
Engelbretson, Margaret E. Manning, Mary Thorene, Catherine M.
Erickson, Janet L. Manchester, Margaret Truax, Dorothy B.
Faller, Viola C. McCallum, Irene C. Turnrose, Lylian H.
Fink, Margaret M. McLean, Dorothy H. Ugland, Eunice E.
Flygare, Viorene A. McMahon, Mary F. Venbaas, Margaret
Flynn, Helen M. McMurchie, Margaret H. Vennes, Helen
Forsberg, Alva M. McNeive, Rosemary M. Volkert, Dorothy E.
Francis, Mary E. Metcalf, Maxine Walsh, Helen M.
Friberg, Geraldine D. Mikiska, Helen Watson, Doris J.
Fullbright, Bessie V. Monson, Jeanette A. West, Winifred
Georges, Dorothy W. Mooney, Gladys L. Wicko, Helen F.
Glyer, Violet V. Mottram, Evelyn M. Wilson, Ardith L.
Gorder, Adeline M. Narloch, Irene H. Withrow, Catherine L.
Haertig, Edna Nelson, Annette Woods, Helen L.
Haggar, Catherine M. Odom, Gladys Yelderman, Janet L.


Brauns, Lucille W. Conklin, Jean D. Gallan, Olga M.

Hospital Dietitians:

Finkenbinder, Jean E. Mannick, Angeline D. Muske, Doris E.

American Red Cross Workers:

Aldridge, Anne Garrett, Oleta Stoll, Adelaide
Andren, Helen C. Ladd, Barbara Tobias, Irene
Billington, Polly Ann Mock, Mary 0. Vaughn, Frances
Buffum Mary T. Phenix, Elizabeth Waterbury, Frances
Dent, Georgia Rowe, Dorothy
Downey, Megan Scranton, Dorothy B.
Enlisted Men enjoy a hot meal at the 26th's facility in Bari, Italy.

Enlisted Men enjoy a hot meal at the 26th’s facility in Bari, Italy.

Enlisted Men:

Aaser, Einor L. Goodman, Benjamin Paige, Vernon
Adams, Ben S. Goodman, Henry E. Pallpeter, Thomas R.
Affeldt, Raymond E. Goodman, Thomas A. Paluch, Stanley G.
Ailport, Hubert C. Gort, Harry S. Pankou, Brandon J.
Akers, Lloyd C. Graczyk, Mathew R. Papesh, Edward C.
Albcrtson, Alden L. Graham, Evan L. Papp, Frank J.
Alexander, Charlie W. Gray, Fred A. Parker, James B.
Alft, Raymond P. Green, Ellis C. Parker, Leon R.
Allen, Forest F. Green, John P. Parker, Murel J.
Allen, Quinn L. Green, Sam Parks, Leo S.
Allender, kyles J. Greenberg, Harold Parry, Arthur
Alu, Salvatore F. Greenhouse, Virgil C. Paschall, Rudolph A.
Alvarado, John P. Greenwood, William B., Jr. Pass, Fred R.
Alvarez, Manuel C. Greico, Vito A. Paterniti, Mathew F.
Alvarez, Val Griggs, Lyle H. Pauley, Sullivan
Amador, Frank L. Grijalva, Joaquin P. Pedlar, Richard C.
Aman, Harold W. Grimm, Elmer A. Pellette, Edward J.
Ames, Kent G. Groat, David N. Pelletier, Rudolph H.
Anaya, Charlie Grogan, Eddie C. Pelliccio, Anthony P.
Anderson, Charles A. Grunseich, Frank J. Pendleton, William 0.
Anderson, Charles J. Gruschow, Wilford C. Perkins, Charles G.
Anderson, Charles L. Guadagnino, Peter Perry, Herbert W.
Anderson, Charles W. Guevara, Francisco C. Perry, William E.
Anderson, Clayton A. Gulick, Steven S. Peterson, Clarence A.
Anderson, Edward M. Gullickson, Russell C. Peterson, Thomas J.
Anderson, Kenneth W. Gunderson, Glenville K. Peterson, Thomas L.
Anderson, Orval J. Gurnsey, Douglas M. Pettinato, Joseph
Andrews, Eugene W. Haar, Edward P. Philip, Tony
Apple, Rex J. Hable, Stanley H. Phillips, Charles E.
Aquilina, Patrick T. Habler, Victor Piecuch, Stanley M.
Archuleta, Vincente Hagemann, Paul H. Pierce, A.
Arena, Peter Haglund, Edwin It Pieszchala, Stanley
Arsenault, Raymond A. Hale, Franklin 0. Pihlaja, Laurie E.
Attaway, Alfred A. Hall, Austin H. Pike, Edward C.
Augustson, Rollin Hall, Delbert L. Pitcock, A.
Avra, Elmer L. Haltvick, Orville S. Pittman, Henry
Azadian, Robert D. Hamblen, Hubert L. Plasse, Eldege G.
Baals, Charles E. Hammett, Ward D. Plociennik, Stanley M.
Babbit, John S. Hanson, Leo H. Plowman, William B.
Bachelder, George Hanstad, Howard T. Podlewski, Edmund T.
Bain, Lewis C. Harkin, Lawrence Podlewski, John R.
Bakk, Ralph R. Harrelson, Herbert L. Polasek, Charles P.
Baldwin, Myron K. Hashagen, Marshall L. Poland, Vernon W.
Barker, Eldro S. Heald, Louis H. Polta, George J.
Barnes, Walter Hearn, George W. Ponichtera, Chester
Le Barnic, Joseph Heath, Joseph 0. Popkowski, John W.
Barrios, Alfred Heathman, Warren W. Postlethwaite, Harry
Bartkowiak, Leonard P. Hedeen, Alvin W. Price, Robert H.
Barto, Robert R. •Heinecke, Irving E. Pugh, Walter E.
Bartosik, Joseph P, Helms, Doyle M. Puleo, Albert
Bassanelli, Sante D, Henderson, Robert L. Purcell, Jack M.
Bassetti, Robert Hendrick, Edgar N. Quam, Robert A.
Beattie, Leonard J. Hendrix, Floyd W. Queen, Asa C.
Beauvais, Frank E. Herman, Carl Rackley, Onnie V.
Becker, Clyde E. Herrera, Jose D. Ramsten, Thor V.
Beecher, E. Hickey, James L., Jr. Rapp, Andrew
Beedles, James M. Hilton, Charles H. Ravn, Lester N.
Behling, Marvin G. Hines, LeRoy M. Raway, Henry J.
Bek, Walter A. Hobbs, Charles R. Ray, Henry L.
Bell, Byron A. Hochban, John N. Ray, Willard T.
Belmonte, James V. Holdsclaw, Fred C. Reed, Clay A.
Benedict, Milton D. Holub, Jerry Reed, Frank E.
Benjamin, Van H. Homiszczak, Stephen Regalbuto, Constantino
Bensing, James A. Hooker, George D. Rehak, John J.
Bergman, James It Hopkins, Melvin F. Reynolds, Floyd A.
Bermingham, John J., jr. Hopson, John G. Reynolds, Herbert S.
Bernhardt, John H. Horn, Charles E. Rhoades, Carl T.
Betts, Raymond W. Hornum, Bert M. Rice, Harold H.
Billian, Howard E. Hough, Isaac C. Rieger, Jacob H.
Binversie, Alfred W. Houghton, James D. Rine, Albert
Birks, Albert E. Howell, James P. Ritchie, Angus B.
Blakely, Arthur C. Howery, Leo H. Rivera, Guillermo
Blanche, Joseph J. Howie, William A. Roberts, Burton L.
Blau, Gerald j. Huckaby, Meddian J. Roberts, Harold J.
Bleecker, David J. Hudelson, Ernest H. Roberts, Henry
Blessing, Clarence Hughes, William C. Roberts, James R.
Blue, Maxwell L. Humphery, Edward C. Robinson, Robert W.
Boaz, John E. Hyrczyk, Henry V. Rodman, Albert H.
Boehm, William A., Jr. Iocco, Frank Rodriguez, Eduardo J.
Bogumil, Anthony S. Isberner, Alvin E. Rogers, Henry J.
Boisvert, Andrew 1. Jacobson, Derwin E. Rogers, Raymond
Bonczyk, Bruno C. Jacobson, Reuben B. Rogers, Walter W.
Bond, Harry R. Jakubielski, Edward I. Rogich, Michael P.
Bonerz, Elroy A. Jenis, Raymond E. Rooker, William R.
Booterbaugh, Donald C. Johns, Charlie, Jr. Rose, Kenneth R.
Boss, Ray Johnson, Bobbie D. Rosenblatt, Leonard
Bowden, Lewis R. Johnson, Dean D. Roseth, Forbes T.
Boyd, Mark M. Jones, Arthur M. Rossmann, Gilbert J.
Boyd, Theodore Jones, William H. Rousseau, Louis J.
Bracamonte, Guillermo Josephson, Axel V. Rubado, Paul L.
Bradfeldt, Virgil J. Jurewicz, Chester S. Rubal, Zacarias E.
Bramer, Milton J. Kabbe, Herman Rubel, Joseph H.
Brandon, Calvin L. Kaczmarczyk, Leo S. Ruedy, Wayne L.
Bratcher, William H. Kamen, Stanley Ruehmyn, A.
Brazzell, Theodore R. Kaniin, Elmer E. Ruocco, Mark J.
Breckheimer, George M. Kane, Robert E. Rysavy, Evan C.
Brenner, George P. Karakawa, Frank T. Sabat, Tony
Brezina, Emil W. Kassirer, Benjamin Samons, Milford C.
Bristlin, Willard C. Kaufman, Raymond Samoska, Joseph B.
Broadvvell, Roy A. Kavadellas, Chrysostomas K. Sanches, Ernest V.
Brocato, Dick R. Keefe, Louis Sappington, L. C.
Brown, Jack D. Kelley, Lloyd G. Saubat, Louis J.
Brown, Lyle F. Kelly, Robert W. Sauchelli, Harry J.
Brown, Willard E. Kelly, William H. Sax, Harold
Browne, James F. Kelly, William J. Saxton, Lynn A.
Brumas, Ronald H. Kennedy, Floyd C. Scanavino, John
Bruno, Stephen A. Kent, Donald L . Schaffer, Robert G.
Buchholz, Eugene J. Key, Robert S. Schamel, Leo L.
Bucholtz, Stanley J. Keys, Robert L. Schantz, Robert J.
Bumbar, Michael Kidney, Lewis K, Jr. Scheeler, Aloys E.
Burgquist, Harry N. Kiibler, Dennis W. Schilling, Frederick L.
Burke, James R. King, James S. Schmidt, B.
Burkhard, John D. King, Ralph H. Schmidt, Norman 0.
Burkhead, Bradford King, Robert Schopp, Francis L.
Burkleo, Gerald Kinney, George M. Schroeter, Arthur W.
Burns, Albert T. Klenk, Russell W. Scialpi, Anthony C.
Burns, Joseph F Koch, Herbert L. Scordo, Frank
Bursik, Anthony Kohout, Robert J. Scott, Clayton C.
Butler, John L., Jr. Kahoutek, Edward A. Seaman, Wilfred A.
Butterfield, Carl M. Korzie, Albert J. Seghetti, Lewis
Buttweiler, John A. Krajian, Edward J. Selenko, John, Jr.
Buys, Lawrence H. Kugle, Jessie W. Selleseth, Stanford L.
Cabana, Russell L. Kurutz, Stephen Sharp, Woodrow
Cala, Joseph G. Lacko, Paul L. Shepherd, Thomas
Calandrelli, Fred Lago, Cesar A. Sherbine, Owen S.
Caldaro, Joseph B. Lahr, William S. Shiar, Frank S.
Callihan, Chester M. La Motta Sam J. Shields, Wesley D.
Campbell, William V. La Pointe, Theodore W. Shifflet, John L.
Campesi, Anthony J. Larson, George Shipman, Noel F.
Cannon, William S. Lash, Clare E. Shockey, Caesar
Capps, Sidney D. Latzke, John M. Shoemaker, Leonard R.
Carlone, John J. Lauterbach, Harold R. Silva, Arthur
Carlson, Carl F. Lazinski, William Simpson, Edward F.
Carmody, John J. Lefebvre, Joseph G. Singer, Herbert
Carpenter, Joe Leiblie, Floyd E. Siska, Paul A.
Carroll, Galin M., Jr. Lenz, Calvert A. Slawecki, John J.
Casady, Robert B. Leverett, Melvin T. Sloan, William H, Jr.
Casalicchio, Jasper Lewis, Horace N. Slobodzian, Nicholas
Casperson, Raymond L. Liephart, Erwin H., jr. Smeaton, John H.
Cassidy, Frank Lilly, Marion A. Smith, Alphons A.
Castle, Otha B. Lind, Lester 0. Smith, Donald I.
Cedarleaf, Jack S. Lipe, Ernest B. Smith, James E.
Cerri, Carmen J. Lishman, George Smith, James H.
Chalek, Conrad J. Lobato, Edurnenio Smith, James K.
Chambers, Vernon Lobotzky, John A. Snow, Jerry
Chaney, Raleigh P. Lofaro, Joseph A. Solberg, Herbert
Chastain, Quentin R. Lombardo, Joseph R. Solomon, Bertrand R.
Cherne, John J. Long, Buster Sorter, Harold E.
Christensen, Floyd M. Long, John C. Southard, J.
Christianson, Harry J. Loos, Jack R. Sparks, Gordon M.
Christopher, R. Lopez, George V. Sparks, Virgil
Churan, Joseph S. Love, William B. Spencer, Dickson H.
Ciarelli, Joseph N. Lozier, George D. Spencer, John S.
Ciesla, Theodore Lunsford, William A. Spencer, Walter A.
Clahorn, Mont Lusch, Jacob M. Spillers, Carl K.
Clark, Frederick A. Lynch, John T. Spitale, Anthony
Clarkson, Charles J., Jr. Lynn, James D. Spitz, Joseph
Clinton, Lace Lyons, William G. Spoonire, Orville H.
Coccia, Justin Mack, Edward J. Spurlock, O.
Coddington, William H. Mackey, Thomas A. Stains, Robert E.
Colasurdo, Joseph MacMillan, Gilbert Stamper, Arlie D.
Collins, Dale Madden, Howard L. Starkey, Charles W.
Combs, Jack Mahan, William E. Stecklein, Alois C.
Cone, Clark W. Mahuron, Mend D. Steffen, William E.
Cooper, Samuel Mahuron, Morrison P. Steinberg, William T.
Copeland, Guy M. Majka, Matthew J. Stempf, Rolf A.
Coppins, Gordon R. Makarowski, William J. Stephens, Edward
Cordova, Ismael Mallory, John R. Stephens, Paul W.
Corey , Stephen Malloy, Donald I. Stevens, Richard W.
Cornelius, Roy W. Mansfield, Alvin K. Stewart, James L.
Cornwell, Truman Marley, Theron C. Stommes, Alois G.
Corse, Haden B. Mason, Clifford E. Stone, Harlow C.
Crawford, Leroy E. Mathews, Melvin R. Stonelake, Edwin
Crawford, William W., Jr. Mathis, Herbert H. Straka, Frank J.
Cresanti, Joseph C. Mathis, Jesse N. Stransky, Wayne A.
Croft, Dexter L. Mathis, John T. Strickland, Frank
Cronick, Mike W. Mattson, L. O. Strickland, George E.
Cross, Robert K. Maurer Clyde E. Strickland, Maxwell L.
Crutchley, Douglas Mauthe, Edgar H. Struck, Robert B.
Cruz, James E. Mavity, Thomas M. Struhsaker, Carleton
Cucciare, Sam Maxon, Randolph E. Suel, Cormac A.
Cunningham, Richard May, John R. Sullivan, William C.
Curtis, Charles H. Mazzone, James P. Syck, William B.
Czochara, Julius V. McCall, John W. Tabor, William D.
D’Abbracci, Patrick McCall, Richard C. Tarter, Melvin R.
D’Alessandro, Charles j. McCall, Virgil V. Taylor, Fred R.
D’Amico, Vincent J. McCarthy, James V. Taylor, J.
Daniel, Bill W. McCool, George W., Jr. Taylor, Ralph J.
Dare, Edwin C. McCormick, Harold F. Tescula, Dan R.
Darling, Leslie A. McCoy, Bernard J. Thacker, Ira
Dash, Reuben C. McCoy, Howard L. Thayer, Harry G.
Dashiell, Jack W. McDougall, William R. Thomas, Delbert F.
Davis, Francis A. McElwain, Raymond W. Thomas, Kenneth L.
Davis, Frank McGrath, Lawrence S. Thomas, Raymond P.
Davis, Malcolm L. McKeen, Bernard C. Thomas, Sam G.
Davis, Owen M. McKernan, James A. Thomason, Willie 0.
Davis, Robert F. McKinney, Hallet F. Thompson, Edgar E.
De Chellis, Ernest J. McNish, Ernest C. Thompson, Ellis F.
Decker, Thomas E. Medjo, Robert A. Thompson, Herman A.
De Lanzo, Henry Meeks, Harvey Thompson, Jack W.
De Laune, Ivan J. Mehrer, Victor H. Thompson, Lester
De Marco, Frank I. Meldrum, Norman Thompson, Paul L.
Denton, Clarence W. Menconi, Dino T. Tittle, Chester A.
De Priest, Irvin L. Mercer, Harold A. Tkach, John M.
De Pumpo, Lester I. Mergelsberg, Earl W. Todaro, Frank F.
De Smedt, Augustine Mericle, Eugene C. Tollefsrud, Everett S.
Dessoye, John J. Merkel, John F. Torngas Abraham
Detlefsen, Donald H. Merrick, Robert L. Tooker, Robert P.
Detwiler, John W., Jr. Merrill, Donald P. Trautmann, Richard P.
Di Brito, Frank J. Mesmer, Charles J. Travis, James J.
Dickinson, Edward L. Mettler, Harry Trimm, Felix C.
Dietz, August W. Miles, William C. Trojan, John P.
Dietz, Robert C. Millemaci, Philip T. Tuck, Leon C.
Dishman, Alton G. Miller, Dale A. Tully, Joseph P.
Dixon, William H. Miller, Harold J. Turgon, Albert A.
Dobiesz, Frank H. Miller, Hubert J. Turner, Earl C.
Dodds, Woodrow R. Miller, Lawrence R. Tyree, William J.
Donato, Tony J. Miller, Leslie H. Underberg, Henry L.
Donnelly, Edward J. Miller, Paul L. Urista, George F.
Dooley, Harold M. Miller, Richard R. Utecht, Arthur H.
Dorer, Norman G. Miller, Robert J., Jr. Vaccaro, Sam J.
Dority, Kenneth E. Minichello, Peter A. Valley, Delbert B.
Drake, Leo A. Misiewicz, Frank J. Vallone, Charles
Droog, John G. Misir, Charles Vanderlan, Dale
Drossman, Nelson Mitnik, Harold Van Dyne, Charles G.
Drouard, Edward J. Moceri, August Vangelisti, Peter
Du Bell, Glen Moe, Harlan M. Van Noy, Victor T.
Duffy, Francis J. Mojeski, Stephen Vasseur, James P.
Duffy, Thomas J. Moloci, John Vaughan, Robert B.
Dulski, Waldemar V. Monica, William We, Omer O.
Durrant, Trevor W. Montelongo, Joe B. Vetromile, Joseph S.
Dustin, Eldred E. Montoya, Fidel Vickers, William A.
Edwards, John W. Moore, Harvey A. Vigue, Leo
Edwards, Warren G. Moore, John B. Viken, Henry C.
Elden, John E. Moore, Wilburn Villareal, Luis P.
Elms, Ira G. Morabito, Joseph Vogel, William A.
Erickson, Carl S. Morajda, Joseph F. Wackerli, Dean L.
Erickson, Henry D. Moran, William C. Wadsworth, George M.
Erickson, Willard Morgan, Archie C. Wages, Ordnie
Ewing, Floyd Morgan, Calvin Wainauskas, Joseph J.
Fahs, Joseph H. Morgan, David Waldhoff, Ralph E.
Farrell, Joseph B. Morgan, George B. Walker, John F.
Farris, Lurid G. Morgan, Kenneth H. Wall, Corner A., Jr.
Feczko, John J., Jr. Morgan, Marvin C. Wallace, Paul D.
Federoff, Bernard Moriarty, Frank T. Walrath, Edward L.
Feit, Sylvan 0. Moritz, Henry A. Walsh, Walter F.
Ferrante, Almando P. Morrell, Robert E. Walther, Roy C.
Ficner, Stanley A. Morrison, James F. Wantola, Matthew S.
Fiebig, Joseph W. Morrison, John, Jr. Ward, Thomas
Fienen, August E. Morrison, Robert E. Warner, Cecil R.
Finn, Robert J. Morrison, William H. Watkinson, Joseph L.
Fisher, James Morvay, Zoltan Watson, Delbert J.
Fisk, Everett V. Muir, John W. Webb, Bobbie
Fitting, Fortis Mulkern, Charles A. Weeks, Samuel R.
Fiutko, John P. Munella, Louis R. Weider, John M.
Flees, Edmund Munguia, Ygnacio B. Weingartner, Gerard E.
Flows, John P. Munson, Raymond H. Weir, Leonard A.
Fodstad, Harold J. Murdent, Robert H. Weirich, Colin R.
Forester, Junas E. Murphy, Frank G. Weiss, Harvey L.
Foster, Gordon W. Murphy, Harry C. Welch, Kenneth
Foster, Wayne W. Murphy, Hugh D. Wells, Raymond A.
Fox, Dwight W. Murphy, Mark A. Wendling, James j.
Fox, Orren 1:. Murphy, Michael P. Wesley, Nate 3.
Fragoso, Tony Murphy, Woodrow M. Westberg, Fred E.
Franklin, Clinton R. Myslinski, Stanley F. Westra, Aelred A.
Fredrickson, Edwin G. Nagan, William J. White, Joseph M.
Freeman, Luther W., Jr. Nahorniak, Martin Whitehead, Winfred D.
Freeman, Paul B. Napier, William B. Whitford, Max S.
Freiman, Milton M. Nasi, Toivo A. Wiater, Walter J.
French, Charles IL. Naylor, Joseph E. Wiertel, Stanley J.
Frenchko, Theodore Naylor, William C. Wigley, John E.
Friedman, Theodore Nazary, George G. Wiggins, Lewis R.
Fronczak, Fred A. Neal, Samuel R. Wilbur, Earle E., Jr.
Frye, William A. Nelson, Morris T. Wilder, Charles A.
Fuller, Wilbur F. Nelson, Nels A. Wilkins, Luther W.
Furlong, James W. Newhart, Howard L. Williams, Carey
Gadbaw, Harold J. Newman, Howell K. Williams, Chris L.
Gagliano, Carl Newsom, Robert H. Williams, Fred J.
Gallagher, Richard C. Nicholas, Michael Willis, Thomas 1.
Galyon, Charles A., Jr. Nichols, Leland F. Willoughby, Hollis F.
Gambrill, Rolla W. Nickles, Delza Willsey, Robert 0.
Gandara, Charles Nordseth, George S. Wilson, Alvin W.
Gannon, Hollis W. Norman, Hjalmer 0. Wilson, Carl E.
Gardlin, Roy Notebaert, Edmund P. Wilson, Jose V.
Gardner, Harvey J. Novack, Joseph Wilson, Kenneth C.
Gardner, Jack W. Nyman, John E. Wittig, Alfred E., Jr.
Gasparich, Peter N. Oakley, Herschel A. Wolfe, Richard L.
Gates, Robert A. Oberg, Clarence J. Wolford, Bernard R.
Gaughan, Vincent J. O’Connor., Richard I. Wood, Samuel B.
Gauvreau, Albert J. O’Laughlin, Howard P. Wood, Russell W.
Gavic, Vernon C. Oldham, Zack D. Woodbridge, Donald
Gebing, Ralph L. Olmstead, Erwin H. Woods, Charles W.
Gehl, William A. Olson, Alexander F. Woolf, Billie B.
Gentle, Nick P. Olson, Gustaf A. Worrell, Walter S.
Genveck, Lee A. Olson, Theodore M. Wright, James W.
Gethicker, Lester A. O’Neill, Russell W. Wroblewski, Edwin J.
Gibson, Alfred D. Ortiz, Guillermo Young, James H.
Gibson, Leon Ostempowski, Arthur J. Zadrosny, Raymond P.
Gill, Richard M. Otten, Richard Zammiello, Alfonse
Glendennen, Frederick G. Owens, Kenneth E. Zarcone, Carlo F.
Glithero, Thomas W. Owens, Kenneth H. Zdun, Adolph
Goldfon, Joseph Packard, Raymond H. Zielinski, Leonard J.
Goldstein, Nathan Padron, Bennie Zwinger, Anthony A.
Goodenough, Gurney H. Pagel, Walter E.

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 30th January 2025 at 17:40.
Read more: https://www.med-dept.com/unit-histories/26th-general-hospital/