Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment Unit History

Booklet published in Germany by a small staff of the 253d Infantry Medical Detachment including Captain Charles E. Rath, Jr.; Technical Sergeant Thomas V. Maher; Technician 3d Grade James R. Hartman; Private First Class James H. Gregg; Private First Class John J. Nescio; and signed by Major Norman C. Carlson, MC, O-419721, Commanding (the material had been previously censored by Major Richard C. Cox, S-2, 253d Inf Regt -ed).

Introduction & Activation:

The Medical Detachment of the 253d Infantry Regiment (one of the three Infantry Regiments pertaining to the 63d Infantry Division -ed) was activated June 15, 1943 at Camp Blanding, Starke, Florida (Infantry Replacement Training Center; acreage 152,672; troop capacity 2,157 Officers and 58,570 Enlisted Men -ed), and assigned to the 63d Infantry Division (also activated at Cp Blanding June 15, 1943, with a cadre coming from the 98th Infantry Division stationed at Camp Breckinridge, Morganfield, Kentucky -ed). The Detachment followed its parent unit and accompanied it during its move to Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi, August 23, 1943. During the month of September, men from different Reception Centers all over the country brought the Division up to T/O strength, and intensive training was initiated. Between August 7, 1943 (with arrival of the first 23 EM) and October 3, 1943, additional Enlisted personnel were assigned and joined the organization. They came from different units distributed all over the country, such as the 67th and 69th Replacement Pools (Cp Wolters); the 72d Hospital Battalion (Ft Bragg); Ft Dix; Cp Croft; Cp Upton; Cp Lee; Cp Grant; Ft Custer; Ft Lewis; Ft Devens; Ft Benjamin Harrison; Ft Jackson; Ft Douglas; Cp Fannin; Ft McClellan; Ft George G. Meade, Cp Wheeler …

Starting October 6, 1943 groups of Enlisted Men were sent on training at the Station Hospital, Cp Van Dorn. In November 1943 with basic training and small unit training completed, staff and personnel were anticipating advance and large-scale maneuvers.

In December however, all Privates, Privates First Class, along with some NCOs and Junior Officers, were re-assigned to other Divisions alerted for urgent overseas movement! In fact the process of requesting, receiving and selecting replacements and training them only to have them re-assigned as fillers for other units was repeated twice before the 63d Infantry Division itself was at last alerted for overseas assignment. During March – April 1944, the unit was brought to full strength with replacements joining from Infantry and other Replacement Training Centers, as well as men transferred from the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) and even some personnel from the Army Air Cadet Training Program (the latter programs had been cut back and the trainees released for assignment to Infantry units, in need of replacements -ed). As the 63d Infantry Division reached full strength, training started anew in view of a forthcoming movement (it would however not move as a whole unit as originally anticipated -ed).

Partial view of the hospital area at Camp Blanding, Starke, Florida, an Infantry Replacement Training Center where the 63d Infantry Division was activated June 15, 1943.


Medical Staff – Headquarters Section – 253d Infantry Regiment
Major Norman C. Carlson, MC, O-419721, Regimental Surgeon
Captain Charles E. Rath, Jr., MC, O-1746204, Assistant Regimental Surgeon
Captain Edward L. Udis, DC, O-482850, Regimental Dental Surgeon
Captain Orville P. Ginter, DC, O-1735886, Assistant Regimental Dental Surgeon

Medical Staff – First Battalion Section – 253d Infantry Regiment
Captain Jacob T. Whallon, MC, O-16804, First Battalion Surgeon
First Lieutenant Lawrence W. Jordan, MAC, O-2049597, Assistant First Battalion Surgeon

Medical Staff – Second Battalion Section – 253d Infantry Regiment
Captain Richard S. Cook, MC, O-461496, Second Battalion Surgeon
First Lieutenant Donald E. Kramer, MAC, O-2047030, Assistant Second Battalion Surgeon

Typical view of personnel barracks at Camp Van Dorn, Centreville, Mississippi, where the staff and personnel of the 63d Infantry Division trained and conducted field exercises.

Medical Staff – Third Battalion Section – 253d Infantry Regiment
Captain Ward D. O’Sullivan, MC, O-4418984, Third Battalion Surgeon
First Lieutenant Robert W. Gossen, MAC, O-1546865, Assistant Third Battalion Surgeon

The Medical Detachment of an Infantry Regiment basically consisted of 10 Officers and 126 Enlisted Men, subdivided into a Headquarters Section and 3 Battalion Medical Sections.
As per T/O & E 7-11 dated April 1, 1942, authorized strength was distributed as follows: Headquarters Section (4 Officers + 18 Enlisted Men) – First Battalion Medical Section (2 Officers + 36 Enlisted Men) – Second Battalion Medical Section (2 Officers + 36 Enlisted Men) – Third Battalion Medical Section (2 Officers + 36 Enlisted Men).
Total number of vehicles: 8 distributed as follows: Headquarters Section (1 ¼-ton truck + 1 ¼-ton trailer + 1 2½-ton cargo truck) – First Battalion Medical Section (2 ¼-ton trucks + 2 ¼-ton trailers) – Second Battalion Medical Section (2 ¼-ton trucks + 2 ¼-ton trailers) – Third Battalion Medical Section (2 ¼-ton trucks + 2 ¼-ton trailers).

Table of Organization & Equipment (T/O & E) 7-11, dated April 1, 1942, illustrating the typical organization of the Medical Detachment of an Infantry Regiment.


While at Camp Blanding, Florida, the 63d Infantry Division trained under III and VII Corps. After moving to Camp Van Dorn, Centreville, Mississippi (Division Camp; acreage 40,092; troop capacity 2,173 Officers and 36,926 Enlisted Men -ed), the organization was to undergo more training, this time under IX and XXI Corps. During October 1943, more fillers were received and assigned from the 1613th Service Unit (Cp Wheeler); the 35th and 37th Medical Training Battalions (Cp Grant); and the 71st Replacement Pool (Cp Croft).

Following the end of training and the re-organization of the Detachment, Headquarters, Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment, decided under the provisions of AR 615-5 to appoint 24 Enlisted Men to the grade of Private First Class (as per Detachment Orders # 4, dated February 17, 1944, and signed by Major Eli J. Stern, MC, Commanding.

Example of Company Morning Report, dated 6 November 1943, issued during the Medical Detachment’s stay at Camp Van Dorn, Centreville, Mississippi.

Preparation for Overseas Movement:

After spending approximately eighteen months at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi, filled with more training, field exercises, drill marches, and numerous lectures, the Division was alerted for overseas movement while in the field and spent the three weeks prior to November 5, 1944, checking, packing, and readying equipment and individual gear for departure. Camp Van Dorn had been as hot as hell during summer, muddy in spring, and on the whole just plainly disagreeable to the majority of the unit’s personnel. The planning was to ship an advance party first. The Medical Detachment personnel, attached to the three Infantry Regiments, would, in line with the Division’s instructions, stage at Camp Shanks, New York, November 6, 1944, until departing New York Port of Embarkation November 25, 1944 for an unknown destination overseas.

The first group of men left Camp Van Dorn early November 6, entraining for Camp Shanks, Orangeburg, New York Port of Embarkation (Staging Area for New York Port of Embarkation; acreage 2,009; troop capacity 2,545 Officers and 46,367 Enlisted Men -ed), where they arrived the next day. The camp was situated in the hills of New York in the Hudson Valley not too far from West Point Military Academy and only a few hours by train from New York City. Prior to departure, a number of older men were either discharged or transferred to other units. The advance party designated “Task Force Harris” consisted of the three Infantry Regiments: 253d – 254th – 255th including a small supporting staff, under the command of Brigadier General Frederick M. Harris, O-12750 (1900-1969, appointed CG 63d Infantry Division in August 1945 -ed).

Copy of the Thanksgiving Menu, dated November 24, 1944, celebrated at Camp Shanks, Orangeburg, New York, where the 63d Infantry Division’s Advance Party (TF Harris) staged prior to its departure for overseas.

The Medical Detachment advance party which arrived at Camp Shanks actually comprised: Headquarters Section (4 Officers + 30 EM) – First Section (2 Officers + 32 EM) – Second Section (2 Officers + 33 EM) – Third Section (2 Officers + 32 EM). Following arrival final processing was started November 8, 1944. Physicals, anti-typhus shots, and other tests followed each other; clothing and equipment were thoroughly checked and inspected; training films were shown, and by November 12, everyone was ready for a pass to New York and vicinity. It being winter, the frost and snow on the trees was quite a drastic change from Mississippi and new to some of the Southerners who had never left their state before. Fifty percent of the men were allowed to go on a pass at one time. And then it happened: some of the boys were still away and some were about to go as the group were alerted that it was time to travel! The MPs rounded the men up. November 23, with packing finished, part of the men left for New York to board the ship. The remainder had Thanksgiving dinner on November 24, and left by train and ferry for the pier where the ships were waiting. Headquarters Section and the First Battalion Aid Station plus personnel went to board USAT “Thomas A. Barry” (which carried 3,659 troops -ed); while Second and Third Battalion Sections boarded the “Sea Robin” (carrying 2,046 troops). Loading was completed by 1700 hours the same day.

Example of Company Morning Report, dated 14 April 1944, while the Medical Detachment was still stationed at Camp Van Dorn, Centreville, Mississippi.


Both ships left New York POE, assembling at Hampton Roads (near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay -ed) November 25, 1944, part of a convoy (this was UGF-17B, fast eastbound trans-atlantic convoy from the United States to Marseille, France, carrying nearly 13,000 troops and equipment -ed) bound for France. Some of the men were seasick all the way over, and one had to be admitted to the ship’s sick bay – he received the nickname “Rough and Ready”. Classes were given in aircraft recognition, lectures followed highlighting German uniforms and weapons, abandon ship drills were practiced, and blackout regulations explained and enforced. A few men were detailed for assistance in the sick bay and Medical Officers held daily sick calls. Of course, there were the usual card and crap games, and some men preferred sleeping, writing, or reading. Since there was a PX aboard, the men bought a good supply of soap, razor blades, and extra cigarettes and tobacco, as they heard that such items would be hard to get once landed in Europe. Throughout the crossing the men felt a sense of relief and security as the 12 merchant vessels were protected by 5 naval escorts.

The advance party spent 14 days aboard ship. The first land was seen December 6, 1944, it was the Rock of Gibraltar, and the entry to the Mediterranean Sea. Proceeding along with caution, the ships continued their journey up to Marseille, Southern France. Destination was reached at 1015 hours, December 8, 1944. Debarkation took place the same day with the men moving to bivouac on a hill about fifteen miles from Marseille, which would become their staging area for the next move to Alsace. Everyone had to sleep in pup tents. It was windy and it rained most of the time, which made the stay miserable (hence its nickname “Ice Box Hill” -ed). Trucks and supplies finally arrived allowing the group to move to the front.

Partial view of the Weehawken Ferry Pier, New York Harbor. Photo taken during World War Two.

The Medical Detachment group was split up and the men joined their respective outfits in the three Regiments (each group going to its assigned Battalion -ed). The three groups departed by different means; some moved by French “40 & 8s” railcars, others traveled by motor convoy. The personnel of the individual Medical Detachments passed through Lyon and Dijon, witnessing the debris of war. The train stopped at Sarrebourg (Lorraine) and then the men went by truck to Oberhofen, near Strasbourg, Alsace, where the first and second detachments arrived in the night of December 17, 1944. The third group arrived by truck December 19. Oberhofen had been captured from the enemy only a few days prior to arrival. During the 4-day stay at Oberhofen the men received last instructions and the necessary equipment to prepare for their duty as combat aidmen.

“Task Force Harris”, under the command of Brigadier General Frederick M. Harris (Asst CG 63d Infantry Division -ed)was to protect the east flank of the US Forces’ drive on the Rhine. Its task was to defend the Vosges and part of the Maginot Line area and battle the German offensive expected south of Bitche December 1944 – January 1945. Orders were received December 22 to leave Oberhofen and take up positions along the Rhine River in the vicinity of Roppenheim and Soufflenheim, both in Alsace, France. Two other separate Task Forces were set up: “Task Force Linden” under command of Brigadier General Henry H. Linden (grouping 42d Infantry Division elements) and “Task Force Herren” commanded by Brigadier General Thomas W. Herren (consisting of 70th Infantry Division elements).

December 10, 1944, miscellaneous personnel at their bivouac site, some fifteen miles from Marseille, Southern France, awaiting movement orders and transportation for their next destination, Oberhofen, Alsace.

The respective Medical Detachments treated their first casualties while on duty there. The men also witnessed their first dogfight and antiaircraft fire. On December 29, 1944, First Battalion suffered its first casualty. The First Battalion’s Medical Detachment, had just been relieved from duty and had moved into Soufflenheim for rest. Private Robert W. Getman, 37658481,was upstairs in his room (civilian building). A rifle was accidentally discharged on the floor below. The bullet passed through the ceiling and struck Getman as he lay on his bunk, piercing his heart. He died instantly. The same day the aidmen were relieved from duty along the Rhine and returned to Oberhofen to prepare for a move to another sector. First and Second Battalion moved by motor convoy December 30 at night and went to Ormingen, while the Third Battalion moved further to Großrederchingen where they would first taste actual combat. “Task Force Harris” had meanwhile been disbanded and all 3 Infantry Regiments were re-assigned to various Divisions of the Sixth Army Group as follows:

253d Infantry Regiment
(attached to 44th Infantry Division, Sarreguemines-Riming sector, 31 Dec 44 > 6 Feb 45)
254th Infantry Regiment
(attached to 3d Infantry Division, Colmar sector, 28 Dec 44 > 9 Feb 45)
255th Infantry Regiment
(attached to 100th Infantry Division, Bitche sector, 31 Dec 44 > 19 Jan 45)

December 15, 1944, Enlisted Men of the Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment in one of the ill-famed “40 & 8s” enroute from Marseille, Southern France to Sarrebourg, Lorraine, France.

The rest of the 63d Infantry Division having staged at Camp Shanks, New York POE December 28, 1944, finally departed New York on January 5, arriving in Marseille, France January 14, 1945. It assembled at Willerwald, Alsace, in order to re-group on February 2. The Division was thus almost re-united and TF Harris inactivated. While attached to the 44th Infantry Division, the First Battalion medics were caught in the middle of a German armored counter-attack led by the German 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division “Götz von Berlichingen”. Sergeant Mike Jugan, Jr., 33690185, was hit and captured by the enemy (this was January 4, 1945 -ed). He was later recaptured but had to be evacuated because of his condition. This was the Medical Detachment’s first battle casualty! On January 4, 1945, the 253d Infantry moved into Sarreguemines, where it was joined a few days later by the Third Battalion. Both would remained stationed there until February 16, when the Division jumped off for their attack into Germany. During this period, friendly patrols were out and the medics treated their first enemy patient, a recently-made prisoner. January 13, 1945, Technician 4th Grade George A. Booth, 33694607 was hit by a shell fragment while accompanying his Company on a patrol. On February 12, First Battalion received its first medical replacements: Private Sygmund Kiendzierski, 12054918, Private First Class Joseph Lazaretto, 36728832, Private First Class Charles A. Marsch, 77334137, Private Clarence E. Overholt, and Technician 5th Grade Ernest C. Steele, Jr., 38211204.

Photo illustrating Brigadier General Frederick M. Harris (1900-1969), Assistant CG, 63d Infantry Division, who commanded the Division’s Advance Party, designated Task Force Harris.

Course of January the Detachment CO appointed a group of 25 Enlisted Men to the grade of Private First Class (as per Detachment Orders # 2, dated January 22, 1945). On February 8, 1945, Headquarters, Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment, APO # 410, announced a change in MOS for 33 Enlisted Men.


The 253d Infantry Regiment launched its attack on February 16, 1945, and was the first Seventh United States Army unit to enter Germany – the enemy’s Fatherland! The Saar River was crossed at Sarreguemines and advanced elements reached Hanweiler and vicinity, Germany. Technician 5th Grade Robert C. Coburn, 31340192, received a direct mortar hit that day and died instantly. He paid the supreme price while aiding a wounded infantryman. Bob Coburn was the Detachment’s first casualty in Germany. The Regiment continued its advance, with one replacement received on February 17. Quite a few medics were wounded and had to be evacuated including: Technician 5th Grade William H. Abbott, Jr., 36767755, Private First Class Lewis E. Baumgardner, 33662333, Private First Class Charles A. Marsch, 77334137, Private Clarence E. Overholt, and Private First Class Gilbert White, 18021505. Private James R. Pope, 34465080, was taken prisoner by the Germans but later recaptured the same day.
The morning of February 18 the enemy counterattacked once more and 4 litter bearers in two separate foxholes were killed. They were: Private Sygmund Kiendzierski, 12054918, Private First Class George F. Metcalf, 15401640, Corporal Maxwell M. Smith, 36875030, and Private First Class George G. Tison, 36977376. These boys had been attached to the Third Battalion Aid Station and were lost to the enemy. They were shot by a German armed with a machine pistol who was spraying the foxholes while advancing and had stood no chance. That same day Private First Class Henry J. McKellar, 34966418, was killed by a mortar fragment during above attack. On February 19, Private First Class Harold I. Anderson, 36686043,was missing in action. He was believed to have been captured, and later this proved to be true. One day later, Private First Class William T. Cantlebary, 35070566, was also killed, having been shot by an enemy sniper. Bill had only joined the Detachment shortly before leaving Camp Van Dorn, and was well liked by Officers and men that knew him.

Left: Photo illustrating Brigadier General Henry H. Linden, CG “Task Force Linden”, grouping elements pertaining to the 42d Infantry Division.
Right: Photo illustrating Brigadier General Thomas W. Herren, CG “Task Force Herren”, grouping elements of the 70th Infantry Division.

On February 21, 1945, 6 medics from the (organic) 363d Medical Battalion were transferred to the Medical Detachment replacing the recent losses. The new men were: Private First Class Percy E. Cavanaugh, 36811199, Private First Class James K. Hummer, 32858584, Private First Class Robert W. Nill, 32625200, Private First Class Raymond T. Trainor, 31300524, Private First Class Chester A. Vaught and Private George J. Walker.While the 253d Infantry was still advancing and enlarging its bridgehead, Private Adrian Heyman, 32882630,was reported missing in action. He was later reported as having been taken prisoner by the Germans. New personnel joined the First Battalion Medical Detachment on February 23. They were: Private First Class Motten Clark, 34848947, Technician 5th Grade Albert J. Conti, 33939329, Private First Class Calvin W. Ellsworth, 42111177, and Private First Class Henry Sporing.
Losses continued to increase. On February 24, Technician 5th Grade Howard J. Diepenhorst, 36876308, Private First Class Joseph Lazzaretto, 36728832, Technician 5th Grade Hugh V. O’Neill, Jr., 32956350, Private First Class Arnold Sherman, and Private First Class Gilbert White, 18021505 were wounded in action and evacuated. Private First Class Anthony A. Edikauskas, 36684424, and Private First Class Marion J. Pellham, 38641265, were shot by the Germans while exposed giving aid to wounded men. Technician 5th Grade Frederick Terman, 32956551 was wounded and evacuated February 25. By February 26, 1945, quite a bit of ground had been cleared and everyone was glad to take a break. The Regiment had moved from Sarreguemines, France after having been welcomed by a few deadly German 88s set up in the town of Kleinblittersdorf, Saarland, Germany.

Picture illustrating EM pertaining to Baker Company, 363d Medical Battalion. Their steel helmets are adorned with 4-sided, Geneva Convention Red Crosses bordered white, typical for the Division’s medical personnel.

The Detachment received some more replacement March 2, 1945. Private First Class Barney R. Jeffries, Sergeant Julius Kretzer, Private First Class Earl Linzy, Private First Class Eugene J. Meier, 35348619, Private First Class Francis B. Morrissey, 31262973, Private First Class Andrew B. Pribulka, Jr., 33487557, Private First Class John J. Richard, Private First Class Roberto F. Rodriguez, Sergeant Golden D. Ross, 38072736, Private Henry L. Sewell, 34767563, Private First Class Charles E. Stanley, 38020182, Private First Class Charles M. Stoker, 37496243, and Private Harry Stopek, 36716668 came in from the 21st Reinforcement Battalion. On March 3, Privates First Class Raymond P. Hon and Floyd A. Johnson, 38278353 joined the Medical Detachment from the 21st Reinforcement Battalion. The next day another five replacements joined the First Battalion Medical Detachment. They included: Private First Class John J. Nescio, 33806373, Private First Class John T. Romanyak, Private First Class Irving S. Rosenberg, 32089496, Technician 5th Grade John E. Wayland, Jr., 35659526, and Private First Class Leo W. Wisgo. More medics were wounded and evacuated during the attack that took place March 5, including Technician 4th Grade Jack F. Hanika, 36874692 and Private First Class Henry Sporing. The 253d Infantry Regiment was now heading for one of the strongest barriers between the front and Berlin, the Siegfried Line!
Private First Class Pearl E. Scott, 38467148 and Technician 3d Grade Roman J. Trachta, 20819208, were assigned and joined the Medical Detachment March 6, 1945, from the 21st Reinforcement Battalion. On March 11, Technician 5th Grade George A. L. White, Jr., 31371272, and a couple of EM from Third Battalion went out at night after a casualty. They ran off the road and hit an antipersonnel mine. This happened in the vicinity of Kleinblittersdorf and they were brought to the Regimental Aid Station and kept there overnight. In the morning George had to be evacuated for blast injuries to his eardrums. On March 14, 1945 the 253d Regimental Aid Station moved to Bübingen (north of Kleinblittersdorf -ed). That afternoon, the 70th Infantry Division, on the left flank, started their attack against Saarbrücken. The Army Air Forces bombed the city and artillery opened up with a heavy barrage. Great clouds of black smoke were coming from the city. On March 15, First Lieutenant Robert W. Gossen, MAC, O-1546865, Third Battalion Medical Detachment, was riding in a ¾-ton Weapons Carrier with Technician 3d Grade Kenneth M. McDonald, 37243273 and Private First Class Francis J. Hurney, 20118787, when they hit an antitank mine which completely demolished the truck. The Lieutenant received a “million dollar” wound; a compound fracture of the leg, while Pfc Hurney had to be evacuated for severe concussion. McDonald was the luckiest of all getting off without a scratch. March 16, the Regimental Aid Station moved to the infamous “88 corners”, located in some farm buildings approximately five miles from Bübingen. The place was nicknamed “88 corners” as the Germans had the road leading to it under close observation and zeroed in with 88mm guns. They dropped quite a few shells in the vicinity with one scoring a direct hit on the Regimental CP. A ¼-ton Ambulance on the road to Fechingen, Saarland (the site where the Third Battalion Aid Station was set up -ed) got hit by an 88; Technical Sergeant Thomas V. Maher, 37111115 and Technician 5th Grade Roy D. Culp, 33930960, led extra ambulances to the Third Battalion to assist.
On March 17, 1945, the men made the move to their last big objective this side of the Rhine River, the Siegfried Line (or Westwall -ed), and set up in the town of Ensheim (east of Saarbrücken -ed), where all the Battalion Aid Stations and the Regimental Aid Station (253d Infantry Regiment -ed) were established. At this time the 254th Infantry was on line and the 253d Regimental Aid Station moved in ahead of all the other Aid Stations including those of the 254th. Casualties were heavy during the move and many wounded had to be evacuated by tanks, jeeps, and weasels to be treated in the rear. During the night of March 20 – 21 the 253d Infantry relieved the 254th and it was to the Regiment to break through a sector of the Siegfried Line defenses and take it. The 10th Armored Division took off after the 253d but for the next few days nobody knew where the enemy were as they had prudently retreated across the Rhine. On March 21, Technician 3d Grade Samuel Cuva, 37465460, was evacuated with a fever of unknown origin. The same day the Regiment advanced up to Homburg where they saw their first large groups of Displaced Persons. The 253d Infantry re-grouped and on March 22, Technician 4th Grade James R. Foster, 37285639 joined the First Battalion and the Regimental Headquarters setting up in Ludwigsthal, while Second and Third Battalion bivouacked in the surrounding towns.

December 1944 – February 1945, Graves Registration personnel of the 63d Infantry Division collect and identify battle dead in the Colmar area, prior to preparation for a decent burial. Some white shrouds are ready for use.

The 253d left Ludwigsthal March 25, 1945, heading for the Rhine River setting up in Sippersfeld, Rhineland-Palatinate, and vicinity where they remained until March 28. It was now time to head for the Rhine. Traveling by motor convoy the unit crossed the Rhine River at Worms (some 40 miles southwest of Frankfurt-am-Main -ed) on a pontoon bridge and went to Viernheim where the Regimental Headquarters set up in the city while the three Battalions set up in the woods around it. Five (5) new replacements joined the Medical Detachment on March 29, coming in from the 21st Reinforcement Battalion. They were: Private First Class Harvey Blaxton, 34762013, Private First Class Lorenzo W. Lush, 34094011, Private First Class Jack W. Miller, 38419691, Private First Class Frank E. Postill, 16128471, and Technician 5th Grade Everett G. Schuck, 35800273.

Private First Class John M. Molinari, 31461946 was hit the same day and had to be evacuated. The personnel left Neckargemünd on April 2, 1945, moving to Haßmersheim overnight. One more night was spent in Mosbach, before traveling to Tiefenbach. Two (2) sick members of the Detachment were evacuated as well as one wounded aidman. Again the Regiment met the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division and once more this turned into a tough fight. Snipers targeted the men’s helmets adorned with the Red Cross. On April 5, Private First Class Roberto F. Rodriguez was wounded and evacuated. More men were hit and evacuated to the Battalion’s Aid Station, including Private Charles H. Garrett, 36875053 and Technician 5th Grade Paul E. Frederick, 15317173. On March 7, three more medics were wounded and had to be evacuated. They were: Technician 4th Grade Waco F. Childers, Jr., 14101003, Sergeant Julius Kretzer,and Technician 5th Grade William J. Poppenberg, 12080512.
The enemy action held up the advance. As a result of the heavy losses, 5 new men came in from the 21st Reinforcement Battalion, replacing some of the recent losses. Full compensation for the losses however was impossible as more men got hit and had to be taken to the rear. Technician 5th Grade Keith A. Kaleese, 39338646, Private First Class Orville R. Landen, 37363412, Private First Class Joseph Lazzaretto, 36728832, Private First Class Dominick F. Orsomarso, 42075441 and Private First Class John T. Romanyak were all wounded in action and subsequently evacuated. Technician 4th Grade John E. Smolenski, 32988359 was killed April 8.Another aidman was hit by an SS sniper notwithstanding his identifiable GC markings. Technician 5th Grade Daniel J. Shumpert, 34842869 was injured and evacuated after his jeep overturned while going after casualties.Finally, the enemy resistance was broken with the Regiment now moving to Herbolzheim April 9. Private First Class Raymond P. Hon was wounded that day and evacuated. Without encountering much resistance the men moved to Züttlingen the next day. On April 12, 1945, Technician 5th Grade Charles H. Chaves, Jr., 31372023, who had been awarded the Purple Heart for a first wound and an OLC later, was hit once more and had to be evacuated (he unfortunately died June 7, 1945, -ed).

February 20, 1945, an Enlisted Man belonging to Charlie Company, 253d Infantry Regiment, rides a liberated bike in the empty streets of Kleinblittersdorf, Saarland, Germany, recently liberated by the Regiment.

Overall enemy resistance was getting lighter and lighter, although the enemy wasn’t giving up yet! On April 13, Technician 5th Grade Bernard Friedman, 42033882 accidentally shot himself in the leg with one of his ‘souvenirs”. The Medical Detachment, closely following its parent organization, departed Züttlingen for Öhringen where it set up the next day. Private First Class Jerome Meyer, 3299355 was killed, and a new man called Private First Class William Bucher joined the Detachment from the 3d Reinforcement Battalion. During one of the moves on April 16, First Lieutenant Lawrence W. Jordan, MAC, O-2049597, Technician 3d Grade Morse G. Archer, 17036815, Private First Class Earl Linzy, Corporal Sherman E. Phillips, 34890385, Private First Robert W. Proctor, 37742956, Private First Class William J. Shier, Jr., 36978188, Technician 5th Grade Harry W. Smith, 39467695, were all captured while attempting to evacuate friendly casualties to their lines. Private First Class Chester A. Vaught was wounded and had to be evacuated too. On April 17, 1945, Technician 3d Grade Albert K. Welch, 34378542 was evacuatedwith severe gastritis and Private First Class Leo W. Wisgo was wounded. Private First Class Perynaugh D. Newman, Jr., 33652617, Private First Class Walter L. Pennington, 36374199, Private First Class Duane T. Pilcher, 39315728, Private First Class Oscar E. Schlake, 17044897 came in from the 21st Reinforcement Battalion. Eventually Private First Class William Bucher and Private First Class Barney R. Jeffries were wounded and also evacuated. The Detachment moved to Michelfeld and kept on advancing, passing through Morstein and Großsimerspann reaching Onolzheim (near Crailsheim -ed) by April 21. Replacements kept coming in and new men such as: Private First Class Ruben Anaya, 38169553, Technician 4th Grade George F. Andresen, 36685831, Private First Class Howard G. Bain, 36732396, Technician 4th Grade Walter L. Brown, 32939219, Private First Class Johnnie O. Crouch, 34887641, Corporal Leo W. Hartwig, 33439861, Private E. Jars, Private Korr, Private First Class Albert Langa, Jr., 36977330, Private First Class John Lawler, Jr., 37639531, Corporal Joseph W. Luly, 16055733, Private First Class Louis Macocco, Jr., 36685765, Private First Class Harold A. Orzik, 36711858, Private First Class Ralph L. Parks, 33222382, Private First Class Herbert L. Post, 32352750, Private First Class Cyrus E. Rhodes, 37129039, Private First Class Franklin E. Scaff, 39859261, Private First Class Pearl E. Scott, 38467184, Private First Class Frank S. Staino, 33321680, Technician 5th Grade John Tocco, 36123500, Private First Class Alois A. Weber, 32931451,and Technician 5th Grade John W. Weddle, 33045556. The 253d Infantry Regiment then moved to Hellmannshofen on April 22 and to Magglingen on April 23. It was here that Captain Richard S. Cook, MC, O-461496, was evacuated and replaced by Captain Charles E. Rath, Jr., MC, O-1746204 as Second Battalion Surgeon. By this time, enemy resistance was not much to speak of enabling the men to move by motor convoy April 24 with the respective Battalions leapfrogging one another for an all-night jaunt. Niederstotzingen, Baden-Württemberg, was reached near the Danube River about midday April 25, 1945. The bridge across the river was however blown up just as the boys reached it. Private First Class Lorenzo W. Lush, 34094011 suffered a sprained ankle, and one more replacement came in: Technician 4th Grade Raymond D. Jones, 35693425. After crossing the Danube on an engineer bridge, the men continued further and set up a new Regimental Aid Station. Word was received that the Division would soon be relieved by the 36th Infantry Division. The Battalions, at the time of the relief, April 29, were already about 12 miles from Munich. First and Second Battalion were established in Hilfingen, while the Third went to Offingen, in Bavaria. April 27, 1945 was a great day, when Private First Class Harold I. Anderson, 36686043, Staff Sergeant Morse G. Archer, 17036815, Private First Class Adrian Heyman, 32882630, Private First Class Earl Linzy, Corporal Sherman E. Phillips, 34890385, Private Robert W. Proctor, 37742956 were released from a liberated German PW Camp. They were sent back through channels and awaited shipment back to the Zone of Interior. Pfc Anderson and Pfc Heyman had walked all the way from Sarreguemines, France, where they were captured to the place where they were liberated near Munich, Germany. Both were well, although Anderson had lost about forty pounds. It was later learned that First Lieutenant Lawrence W. Jordan, MAC, O-2049597 and Private First Class William J. Shier, Jr., 36978188 were released a day or so later in the same vicinity. They too were going to the States for discharge.

French-German border, rows of “Dragon Teeth”, some of the antitank defense components of the Siegfried Line (or Westwall).

On the night of April 29, 1945, the 253d Infantry arrived in Tauberbischofsheim, Germany, for a well earned rest after 125 days of continuous contact with the enemy. During this period the Regimental Medical Detachment had treated 2,456 casualties in the Aid Stations including non-battle and combat casualties, among which a number of German PWs and enemy civilians. Twelve (12) men had been killed in action, and 1 man killed accidentally, and 1 Officer and 8 Enlisted Men had been captured. Seventy (70) men had been evacuated. The brief rest and well-earned respite left the staff and personnel with not much to do, as the war was drawing to an end.

Inevitably a training schedule was introduced, including basic subjects but also with time for athletics. One Battalion was on bivouac each week. During this period it was learned (to the relief of many) that the 63d Infantry Division was not to be re-deployed to the Pacific Theater! Following V-E Day, the ASR scores were prepared, and in line with the ongoing regulations, many men were transferred and/or replaced, being sent to other Divisions going home. This would unfortunately break up the many friendships that formed during the two years that they spent together.

Individual Awards – Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment (Silver Star)
Pfc Lawrence J. King, Jr., 31351971, January 2-3, 1945 (GO # 17 dtd 25 Feb 45)
Tec 5 Howard J. Diepenhorst, 36876308, January 3, 1945 (GO # 14 dtd 22 Feb 45)
Pfc Joseph J. Szarkowicz, 31378141, January 3, 1945 (GO # 14 dtd 22 Feb 45)
Tec 3 Salvatore L. DiRubbo, 32538044, February 13, 1945 (GO # 63 dtd 29 Mar 45)
Tec 4 Robert C. Coburn, 31340192, February 16, 1945 (GO # 63 dtd 29 Mar 45)
Pfc Henry J. McKellar, 34966418, February 17, 1945 (GO # 77 dtd 4 Apr 45)
Tec 4 Israel I. Rimar, 16015661, February 17, 1945 (GO # 63 dtd 29 Mar 45)
Tec 3 Kenneth M. McDonald, 37243273, March 16, 1945 (GO # 136 dtd 5 May 45)
1st Lt Donald F. Kramer, MAC, O-2047030, April 4, 1945 (GO # 193 dtd 24 May 45)
Tec 5 Van Campbell, 35682820, April 5, 1945 (GO # 219 dtd 11 Jun 45)
Pfc Charles E. Stanley, 38020182, April 8, 1945 (GO # 177 dtd 20 May 45)
Pfc Charles M. Stoker, 37496243, April 8, 1945 (GO # 136, dtd 5 May 45)

March 4, 1945, singer and USO performer Marlene Dietrich poses next to one of the signs indicating the spot where the 63d Infantry Division breached the Siegfried Line.

Campaign Awards – Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment
Rhineland (GO # 118, dtd 1945)
Ardennes-Alsace (GO # 63, dtd 1948)
Central Europe (GO # 116, dtd 1945)


Excerpt of Company Morning Report, dated 19 September 1945 detailing the last events taking place prior to the Medical Detachment’s last overseas movement.

Between February – April 1945, the Division participated in three battle campaigns and suffered many killed, wounded, missing in action, and captured by the enemy. After ending up in Landsberg, Bavaria, Germany (its last location in Germany, August 1945, was to be Bad Mergentheim, a spa and resort town on the Tauber River, Bavaria -ed), at the end of April, the 63d was pulled from the line for a much needed rest. With Readjustment and Redeployment policy enforced, many low point men were transferred to other units for occupation duties in Germany. Some went to Reinforcement Depots while other were assigned to other medical or non-medical organizations, such as the 363d Medical Battalion, 669th Medical Clearing Company, 3d General Hospital, 9th Evacuation Hospital, 10th Replacement Depot, 11th Evacuation Hospital, 23d Evacuation Hospital, 27th Evacuation Hospital, 49th Evacuation Hospital, 51st Evacuation Hospital, 59th Evacuation Hospital, 93d Evacuation Hospital, 112th Evacuation Hospital, 116th Evacuation Hospital, 117th Evacuation Hospital, 122d Evacuation Hospital, Detachment of Patients Seventh United States Army, and others. Within the scope of above RR-1 policy, 20 EM were released from assignment July 14, 1945, and re-assigned to the 92d Medical Gas Treatment Battalion in Augsburg, Germany. On August 15, 1945, another 28 EM were released from assignment and sent to the 19th Reinforcement Depot in Germany. The “Blood & Fire” Division was first re-staffed with high pointers from other Divisions also to return to the Zone of Interior for either discharge or redeployment. The Medical Detachment was eventually reinforced August 29, 1945, with the arrival of 42 Enlisted personnel from the 84th Infantry Division (as per Para 5, Special Orders # 204, dated August 28, 1945, Headquarters, 84th Infantry Division).

Germany, April 7, 1945. German civilians pick up American dead from the First Battalion, 253d Infantry Regiment in Kreßbach, Germany.

Between September 7 – 10, 1945, the Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment, was stationed at “Camp Lucky Strike”, near Saint-Valéry-en-Caux, France, in preparation for overseas movement (return to the ZI -ed). At 1600 hours, September 19, the organization moved by motor convoy from Cp Lucky Strike to the Port of Le Havre, France, where it arrived at 1900 hours (traveling a distance of approximately 42 miles). Following a last briefing, the men boarded the troop transport “Chapel Hill Victory” at 1915 hours the same day.

After releasing a group of 8 Officers and 127 EM, the Regiment and its medical complement, consisting of 9 Officers and 130 Enlisted Men, returned to the Zone of Interior, arriving at Boston Port of Embarkation at 1410 hours, September 27, 1945. The organization then entrained at 1430 hours moving to the Separation Center at Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts which it reached around 1530. The Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment, was officially inactivated September 29, 1945 (as per Headquarters, Cp Myles Standish, Massachusetts, General Orders # 49, dated September 29, 1945, Army Service Forces, Boston Port of Embarkation, ZI. No personnel were assigned, attached, unassigned, or attached, from other organizations effective this date at 0100 hours, September 29, 1945).

September 21, 1945. Medical Detachment personnel on board the S/S “Chapel Hill Victory” on their way home and inactivation.

Note: the 254th and 255th Infantry Regiments were inactivated at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, September 29, 1945 -ed).

Personnel Roster – Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment: (incomplete data)

Arket, W. F. (CWO) Carlson, Carl V., Jr. (Maj)
Carlson, Norman C. (Maj, O-419721) Colgan, John J. (Maj)
Cook, Richard S. (Capt, O-461496) Cox, Richard C. (Maj)
Croyle, Ray W. (1st Lt) Drew, Daniel D. (1st Lt)
Dvorchak, George E. (Capt) Eaton, Edwin R. (Capt)
Ginter, Orville P. (Capt, O-1735886) Gossen, Robert W. (1st Lt, O-1546865)
Jordan, Lawrence W. (1st Lt, O-2049597) Kemp, Robert M. (Capt)
Kramer, Donald E. (1st Lt, O-2047030) Kreger, Glen S. (Capt)
Ladd, Hu E. (1st Lt) Mills, Ralph E. (Capt)
O’Sullivan, Ward D. (Capt, O-4418984) Osolin, Alfred J. (Capt)
Pallante, Samuel (Capt) Palmer, George S. (Capt)
Rath, Charles E., Jr. (Capt, O-1746204) Redmon, J. J. (Capt)
Shindell, Earl (Capt) Smith, W. G. (1st Lt)
Stanley, Sheldon E. (1st Lt) Stern, Eli J. (Maj)
Sternberg, Stanley H. (1st Lt) Tillman, Robert L. (1st Lt)
Udis, Edward L. (Capt, O-482850) Vredenburgh, Donald M. (Capt)
Whallon, Jacob T. (Capt, O-16884)

Germany, spring 1945. Ambulance jeep pertaining to the Medical Detachment, 863d Field Artillery Battalion, illustrating the typical Geneva Convention Red Cross symbol on a white field painted on the vehicle’s hood. Please also note the additional Geneva Convention Flag (non-official issue) on the vehicle.

Enlisted Men:
Abbott, William H., Jr. (Tec 5, 36767755) Allen, Charles C., Jr (Tec 5, 32956128)
Anderson, Harold I. (Pfc, 36686043) Anaya, Ruben (Pfc, 38169553)
Andresen, George F. (Tec 4, 36685831) Anderson, Wilburn F. (Pfc)
Appleby, Cecil (Pfc, 36631496) Angelillo, Frank R. (Pvt, 20131936)
Armstrong, James M. (Tec 5) Archer, Morse G. (S/Sgt, 17036815)
Antencio, Frank (Tec 4, 37087903) Aronson, Olaf G. (Pfc, 39322710)
Bailey, Glenn T. (Pvt, 13021660) Atkins, Joseph E. (Tec 4, 37331652)
Bain, Howard G. (Pfc, 36732396) Baker, Cledith E. (Pfc, 33658379)
Barent, Edward J. (Pfc) 33412224 Baumgardner, Lewis E. (Pfc, 33662333)
Beckelhymer, Orval D. (Tec 4, 39269301) Beitler, Chester L. (Tec 5, 35556929)
Belnik, Norman H. (Pvt, 42030251) Bellois, Allen R. (Pvt)
Benedetto, Rocco J. (Pvt, 39138883) Bentley, William E. (Tec 5)
Beyl, Fred I. (Tec 5, 35698382) Bidelspach, George A. (Pfc)
Blaxton, Harvey (Pfc, 34762013) Bochanek, Walter R. (Pvt, 36083162)
Boliew, Thomas A. (Pfc, 38662873) Booth, George A. (Tec 4, 33694607)
Borchers, Daniel B. (Pvt, 39418362) Bordonaro, Emanuel (Tec 5, 31313869)
Bourero, Travis J. (Sgt, 39904693) Boyle, Charles V. (Pvt, 33782648)
Bradford, Robert W. (Tec 4, 34332359) Braun, Jacob C. (Pfc, 32146498)
Bristol, Lawrence C. (Cpl, 39269961) Bromley, Norman P. (Tec 4, 31400305)
Brown, James P. (Sgt) Brown, Raymond O. (Pfc, 37713883)
Brown , Walter L. (Tec 4, 32939219) Bruecks, Matthew (Pvt, 36686487)
Bruins, Herman (Tec 5) Brumbelow, Elbert (Pfc, 38686903)
Buchanan, Arthur T. (Tec 5, 34142514) Bucher, William (Pfc, 33773924)
Burke, Edmund J. (Pvt, 42059168) Burlbaugh, William (Cpl)
Burnett, James P. (Pfc, 37516636) Burns, Coleman J. (Pfc)
Burton, Thomas W. (Tec 5) Campbell, Van (Tec 5, 35682820)
Cantlebary, William T. (Pfc, 35070566) Carey, James J. (Tec 3, 32611849)
Carlson, Carl V., Jr. (Pfc, 38559108) Case, Bernard J. (Pvt, 34890616)
Casey, Claude C, Jr. (Tec 5, 34883210) Cassetta, Vincent J. (Pvt, 32973004)
Caughorn, Robert B. (Pvt, 35227140) Caul, Oliver E. (Pfc, 34923444)
Cavanaugh, Percy E. (Pfc, 36811199) Chaves, Charles H., Jr. (Tec 5, 31372023)
Childers, Waco F., Jr. (Tec 4, 14101003) Citrin, Jack (Tec 5, 36831367)
Clark, Motten (Pfc, 34848947) Clayton, Robert J. (Pvt, 34883199)
Coburn, Robert C. (Tec 4, 31340192) Cockrell, Alston (Pfc, 34024675)
Coleman, George A. (Pvt, 34842621) Conti, Albert J. (Tec 5, 33939329)
Cox, Laurent J. (Tec 3, 33268210) Coyle, John W. (Pfc, 32080607)
Crouch, Johnnie O. (Pfc, 34887641) Crowe, Roy J., Jr. (Tec 4, 20404453)
Culbertson, William (Sgt, 13059407) Cullinane, James A. (Pfc, 31002246)
Culp, Roy D. (Tec 5, 33930960) Curley Kenneth E. (Tec 5)
Cutler, Julius (Pvt, 36876720) Cuva, Samuel (Tec 3, 37465460)
Davis, Clifford E. (Tec 4, 38198405) Dean, Randall R. (S/Sgt, 33127160)
DeChristopher, John E. (T/Sgt) Decker, Clarence J. (Tec 5)
DeKever, Achille E. (Pfc, 35558694) Delink, Andrew (Pvt, 42030251)
DeShazor, Charles D. (Tec 5, 38336437) DeRosa, Dominick P. (Sgt, 32302422)
DiRubbo, Salvatore L. (Tec 3, 32538044) Diepenhorst, Howard J. (Tec 5, 36876308)
Drejza,Stanley (Pfc, 32857532) Donley, James D. (Tec 5, 39269791)
Drews, Frank C. (Tec 3, 36128668) Dugan, Odis P. (Pfc, 34888533)
Dye, Thurman B. (Tec 5, 20404455) Early, Edward A. (Cpl, 34779989)
Eason, James A. (Tec 5, 14059309) Edikauskas, Anthony A. (Pfc, 36684424)
Elia, Anthony D. (Tec 3, 32300428) Elliott, Ross E. (Pvt, 39337725)
Ellison, James C. (Pfc, 37259384) Ellsworth, Calvin W. (Pfc, 42111177)
Ennis, Charles A. (Pvt, 33370712) Farley, Frank J., Jr. (S/Sgt, 15061308)
Feltner, Roy E. (Tec 5, 35726263) Fleming, Francis F. (Tec 5, 33764322)
Fletcher, Clyde M. (Tec 4) Fogle, Raymond J. (Cpl)
Fossler, Lawrence W. (T/Sgt, 35031529) Foster, James R. (Tec 4, 32577344)
Fradin, Harry H. (Tec 4, 33205949) Fralix, Shuler W. (Pfc, 34019343)
Frank, Joseph L. (S/Sgt, 32577344) Frederick, Paul E. (Tec 5, 15317173)
Friedman, Bernard (Tec 5, 42033882) Gagne, Robert H. J. (Tec 4)
Garrett, Charles H. (Pfc, 36875053) Getman, Robert W. (Pvt, 37658481)
Goldman, Solis L. (Tec 3, 33699851) Goldstein, Daniel F. (Tec 3, 32525222)
Gonzalez, Manuel (Tec 5, 38014510) Goude, Remer L. (Pfc, 34010368)
Grant, Cornelius J. (Pvt, 31371506) Green, Abraham L. (Tec 5, 31404984)
Green, Dee (Tec 5, 38353233) Greenway, William F. (S/Sgt, 13014499)
Gregg, James H. (Pfc, 44005711) Guild, Jay A. (Sgt, 32999057)
Gwin, Herman C. (Pfc, 35894810) Gwynn, William H. (Pfc, 31460570)
Hach, Ray M. (Pfc, 36262174) Hale, Elija J. (Tec 5, 14002970)
Hall, William M. (Cpl, 20411178) Hammond, Clyde V. (Tec 4, 37162340)
Hanika, Jack F. (Tec 4, 36874692) Hankel, Darrell R. (Pfc, 39338446)
Hannas, Ernest L. (Tec 4, 36338409) Harper, Lowell H. (Tec 3)
Harrington, Lacy C. (T/Sgt, 38125136) Hartman, James R. (Tec 3, 33702889)
Hartwig, Leo W. (Cpl, 33439861) Heffron, Joseph E. (Pvt, 33796218)

Example of Company Morning Reports, dated respectively 3 March (continuation page 3) and 14 July 1945 (continuation page 1), while the Medical Detachment was operating in Germany.

Heim, John L. (Tec 4, 38232587) Heimbuch, Howard W. (Pvt, 39338632)
Helgeson, Lester (Cpl, 37281807) Henig, Jack (Tec 5, 39547237)
Henkels, Paul T. (Pfc, 36831188) Herdman, Richard F. (Tec 3, 32578584)
Herney, Ace (Pvt) Heyman, Adrian (Pfc, 32882620)
Hilll, Ondro L. (Tec 4) Hill, Robert W. (Pvt, 32625200)
Hocutt, Hector (Tec 4, 34004525) Hinton, Allen P. (Tec 3, 20800953)
Hoffman, John S. (Pvt, 32929178) Hoffman, Edward J. (Pvt, 32929036)
Hon, Raymond P. (Pfc, 37479039) Holmes, Emberton (Sgt, 32928894)
Hubbs, David F. (Tec 5) Hooko,Stanley (Pfc)
Huncovsky, Theodore M. (Tec 4, 16091678) Hummer, James K. (Pfc, 32858584)
Jacobson, Baruch S. ( Pvt, 42075441) Hurney, Francis J. (Pfc, 20118787)
Jeffries, Barney R. (Pfc, 34784036) Jars, E. (Pvt)
Jones, Raymond D. (Pfc, 35693425) Johnson, Floyd A. (Pfc, 38278353)
Joyce, Bernard W. (Tec 3, 32432442) Jones, William L., Jr. (Tec 4, 38478132)
Jugan, Michael Jr. (Sgt, 33690185) Juan, Robert L. (Pfc, 36257542)
Justiss, Renford (Tec 5, 38304924) Jungwirth, Laurence J. (Tec 5, 37490367)
Kamantis, John (Pvt, 37021646) Kaleese, Keith A. (Tec 5, 39338646)
Kaplan, Meyer (S/Sgt, 36140892) Kapell, Herman H. (Cpl, 34496354)
Katzman, Seymour (Pvt, 32900539) Karaska, John P. (Tec 5, 42009644)
Kauchuk, Mike (Tec 5, 33164645) Kelly, Jack L. (Pfc)
Kenny, Robert G. (Tec 4, 33788255) Kiendzierski, Sygmund (Pvt, 12054918)
Kincaid, Donald W. (Pfc, 34001039) King, Allen M. (Tec 5, 42030209)
King, Lawrence J, Jr. (Tec 5, 31351971) Kinne, Marvin A. (Tec 5, 36875883)
Knadler, Frederick V. (Pvt, 31371881) Knight, Cyril E. (Pvt, 35244680)
Koffman, Fred J. (Pfc) Koffman, Irving (S/Sgt, 31224031)
Kolkjen, Arnold M. (Tec 5, 37570829) Koon, Ralph S. (Sgt, 35278297)
Koons, Jay G., Jr. (Tec 4, 33502517) Korr (Pvt)
Kreitman, Seymour K. (Pfc, 36977428) Kretzer, Julius (Sgt, 32178501)
Kroeger, Fred E. (Pfc, 36672657) Krug, James R. (S/Sgt)
Lahners, Basil L. (Pfc, 33009034) Landen, Orville R. (Pfc, 37363412)
Landry, Horace A. (Tec 5, 38317900) Lane, Clifford F. (Tec 5, 36759218)
Langa, Albert Jr. (Pfc, 36977330) Langlais, Joseph T. (Pfc, 31387310)
Larson, Gosta S. (Tec 4, 36765411) Larson, Oliver P. (Pfc, 36807698)
Lauzier, Peter (Pfc, 31001005) Lawler, John J., Jr. (Pfc, 37639531)
Lazzaretto, Joseph (Pfc, 36728832) Lester, Lee R. (Tec 5, 33513998)
Leventhal, Irving (Pvt, 32993991) Liggett, Maurice W. (Tec 3)
Linzy, Earl (Pfc, 34783482) Little, Raymond E. (Pfc, 38393271)
Long, Hilbert J. (Pfc, 12150907) Lovett, Robert N. (Pfc, 31348554)
Luly, Joseph W. (Cpl, 16055733) Lush, Leo W. (Pfc, 36963016)
Lush, Lorenzo W. (Pfc, 34094011) Lynes, Baynard C. (Pfc)
Lynn, Henry (Tec 3, 35100754) Machado, Manuel (T/Sgt)
Macocco, Louis, Jr. (Pfc, 36685765) Maher, Thomas V. (T/Sgt, 37111115)
Marcy (Pvt) Marlin, Allen (Pvt, 35154089)
Marsch, Charles A. (Pfc, 77334137) Marlin, Eugene (Pvt, 11030971)
Martin, John G. (Pfc, 12030971) Marshall, Bernard (Pfc)
Marx, Leonard M. (Tec 5, 32573166) Martin, John W. (Pfc, 34974124)
McDonald, Kenneth M. (Tec 3, 37243273) McCreary, Emmett E. (Tec 5, 37533896)
McGarry, Ralph C. (Pvt, 39617190) McDonough, Arthur S. (Pvt, 31403127)
McIntyre, Laurence R. (Pfc, 39614841) McGarvey, Alexander (Tec 5, 33474081)
McMahon, John C. (Pvt, 39213336) McKellar, Henry J. (Pfc, 34966418)
Meier, Eugene J. (Pfc, 35348619) Megna, Salvatore (Pvt, 31015886)
Melvin, Walter C., Jr. (Tec 4, 31164168) Meier, Francis E. (Pvt, 36686025)
Merrow, Adin R. (Tec 5, 32998024) Mentzer, Leonard W. (Cpl, 39467833)
Meyer, Al (Pvt, 32992385) Metcalf, George F. (Pfc, 15401640)
Milham, Fred (Pfc, 42111710) Meyer, Jerome (Pfc, 32992355)
Miller, John A. (Pfc, 35835212) Miller, Jack W. (Pfc, 38419691)
Molinari, John M. (Pfc, 31461946) Mills, George T. (Pvt, 33732942)
Morrison, James G., Jr. (Pvt, 34890655) Morris, Jonas C. (Tec 4, 32271506)
Morrow, Raymond E. (Pfc) Morrissey, Francis B. (Pfc, 31262973)
Moss, Guy M. (Pfc, 38353458) Mortimer, Owen H. (Pfc, 33164550)
Muller, John W. (Tec 5, 39083473) Muckenfuss, Charles T. (Pfc, 34679192)
Murray, Donald C. (Pvt, 33901646) Murphy, Thomas E. (Pfc, 34883354)
Narkewich, Jordon (Tec 5) Naika, Jack (Tec 5)
Neeley, Richard B. (Pfc, 36947029) Nastale, Earl E. (Pvt, 36824385)
Nescio, John J. (Pfc, 33806373) Nelson, Paul J. (Tec 5, 33703296)
Newman, Perrynaugh D., Jr. (Pfc, 33652617) Newman, John (Pvt, 36876425)
Nill, Robert W. (Pfc, 32625200) Newman, Leonard W., Jr. (Pvt, 38478132)
Nichols, Frank (Cpl) Ogden, Warren E. (Pvt, 36684967)

Germany, photo illustrating a 1 1/2-ton 6 x 6 Cargo & Personnel Carrier with troops of the 253d Infantry Regiment during their stay in Öhringen, Germany.

O’Neill, Hugh V., Jr. (Tec 5, 32956350) Norman, David O. (Pfc, 20411742)
Orzik, Harold A. (Pfc, 36711858) Olszewski, Alexander (Pvt, 36683804)
Overholt, Clarence E. (Pvt) Orsomarso, Dominick F. (Pfc, 42075192)
Parker, Albert H. (Pvt, 31258430) Ovalle, Pablo (Pfc, 38359006)
Parks, Ralph L. (Pfc, 33222382) Owen, Paul F., Jr. (Pvt, 33515086)
Pellham, Marion J. (Pfc, 38641265) Paine, Howard C, Sr. (Pfc, 32973252)
Perry, Charles F. (Pfc, 32863987) Parker, Cecil L. (Pfc)
Peterson, Eugene V. (Tec 5, 39117329) Peickert, Frank A. (Pvt, 36685099)
Piatt, Edwin W. (Tec 5, 33694624) Pennington, Walter L. (Pfc, 36374199)
Pierce, Arthur E. (Tec 5, 37369993) Perry, Charles W. (Pfc, 35666967)
Pilcher, Duaine T. (Pfc, 39315728) Phillips, Sherman E. (Cpl, 34890385)
Pittigher, Aldo (Pfc) Pidherney, Alexander (Pvt, 32998147)
Plattner, John W. (Sgt, 36978104) Pierro, Salvatore A. (Pvt, 42038986)
Plouffe, Roland J. (Pvt, 31371964) Pinkham, Arthur D., Jr. (Tec 5)
Poppenberg, William J. (Tec 5, 12080512) Plaine, Henry L. (Tec 4, 13138538)
Postill, Frank E. (Pfc, 16128471) Plecion, Walter J. (Pvt, 36831248)
Powers, Norman E. (Tec 4, 36062197) Pope, James R. (Tec 5, 34465080)
Proctor, Robert W. (Pfc, 37742956) Post, Herbert L. (Pfc, 32352750)
Radke, Alfred (Pvt, 36179082) Poston, Johnnie (Pvt)
Rason, (Pvt, 14089309) Pribulka, Andrew B., Jr. (Pfc, 33487557)
Rehm, Alfred F. (S/Sgt) Pulley, Russell H. (Pvt, 36676414)
Richard, John J. (Pfc) Rhodes, Cyrus E. (Pfc, 37129039)
Ricketts, Philemon W. (Tec 3, 33473194) Richmond, Robert N. (Tec 5, 34882993)
Rimar, Israel I. (Tec 4, 16015661) Riley, Harold G. (Tec 5, 35454727)
Rivers, Douglas W. (Tec 5, 34050538) Ritts, Leland E. (Tec 5, 33164651)
Robinson, Elmer G. (Pfc, 35708189) Roberts, Howard R. (Pfc, 31340598)
Rodriguez, Roberto F. (Pfc, 38422400) Robinson, Flynt (Pfc, 34472919)
Rosenberg, Irving S. (Pfc, 32089496) Romanyak, John T. (Pfc, 35569393)
Ross, Golden D. (Sgt, 38072736) Rosenfeld, Samuel (Tec 4, 33733188)
Rudinsky, Charles (Pvt, 32994129) Rouke, William L., Jr. (Tec 5, 33798111)
Rutherford, William (Tec 5) Rudolph, Mike (Pfc, 33694814)
Saenger, Earl C. (Pvt, 36831260) Ryan, Edward J. (Tec 5, 20274889)
Samuelson, Marvin D. (T/Sgt, 32024226) Samson, Lawrence (Tec 5, 37291822)
Scaff, Franklin E. (Pfc, 39859261) Sansone, Andrew P. (Pvt, 31405007)
Schlake, Oscar E. (Pfc, 17044897) Scherf, Charles W. (Tec 5, 36876843)
Schmitt, John A. (Tec 3, 20425718) Schuck, Everett G. (Tec 5, 35800279)
Schwabe, Willam D. (Cpl, 20748751) Scott, George A., Jr. (Pvt, 42030314)
Scott, Pearl E. (Pfc, 38467184) Self, Richard C. (Pfc, 38686886)
Sewell, Henry L. (Pvt, 34767563) Sherman, Arnold (Pfc)
Sherman, Arthur L. (Tec 5, 31365533) Shier, Willam J., Jr. (Pfc, 36978188)
Short, Aubry F. (Tec 5, 35314220) Shpater, Herman W. (Cpl, 32784170)
Shumpert, Daniel J. (Tec 5, 34842869) Siegal, Saul J. (Pfc)
Silva, Thomas G. (Cpl, 31018489) Sims, Gilbert O. (Tec 5)
Skosey, Andrew, Jr. (Pfc, 36684796) Smalley, Ray (Tec 4, 36117133)
Smith, Harry W. (Tec 5, 39467695) Smith, Maxwell M. (Cpl, 36875030)
Smith, Ralph J. (Tec 4, 39338983) Smith, William E. (Tec 4, 33411570)
Smolenski, John E. (Tec 4, 32989359) Spaniak, Casimir (Tec 4)
Sparling, Fred E. (Pfc, 42021985) Sporing, Henry (Pfc, 32720175)
Spradlin, Vivian O. (Tec 5, 37141448) Staino, Frank S. (Pfc, 33321680)
Stanley, Charles E. (Pfc, 38020182) Stanley, Julian C. (Pfc)
Steele, Ernest C., Jr. (Tec 5, 38211204) Stehle, Ferdinand M. (Tec 3, 33034362)
Stephens, Edward E. (T/Sgt, 14009035) Stern, Earl N. (Sgt, 39405016)
Stevens, Ed (S/Sgt, 38355607) Stewart, Ralph D. (Pvt, 38599397)
Stingo, James J. (Tec 5, 42008959) Stoker, Charles M. (Pfc, 37496243)
Stopek, Harry (Pfc, 36716668) Stovall, Eugene V., Jr. (Pvt)
Swearingen, Paul W. (Pfc, 36963033) Szarkowicz, Joseph J. (Tec 5, 31378141)
Tackett, Gerald R. (Pfc, 39585291) Teague, Charles R., Jr. (Pvt, 38590566)
Terman, Frederick (Tec 5, 32956551) TenEyck, Charles A. (Tec 5, 37178385)
Thomas, Walter C. (Pvt, 33697047) Thomas, Robert F. (Cpl, 33039490)
Thornton, William R. (Pvt, 17035757) Thomas, William F. (Pfc, 20411160)
Tison, George G. (Pfc, 36977376) Tipton, Charlie O. (Pfc, 39695616)
Todd, Joseph A. (Pfc, 36765803) Tocco, John (Tec 5, 36123500)
Townsend, Woodrow (Tec 5, 38178123) Townsend, James S. (S/Sgt)
Trainor, Raymond T. (Pfc, 31300524) Trachta, Roman J. (Tec 3, 20819208)
Trujillo, José A. (Tec 5, 38169536) Trammel, Edward W. (Pfc, 39248319)
Tyner, Walton E. (Tec 4, 34204142) Trusch, John F. (Pfc, 32898631)
Vanse, Rudolph (Pvt) Tyson, Claude S. (Pfc, 39271350)
Vezkewicz (Pvt) Vaught, Chester A. (Pfc, 35812589)
Walker, George J. (Pvt, 42127830) Wagner, Charles (Pvt, 42009831)
Warholyk, Steve (Pfc, 35312791) Walker, Robert L. (Pfc, 35612029)
Wayland, John E., Jr. (Tec 5, 35659526) Warner, Robert J. (Pvt, 31350280)
Webb, Floyd F. (Sgt, 36766010) Weathers, Willard W. (Pfc, 34516361)
Weber, Alois A. (Pfc, 32931451) Webb, Leo F. (Pfc, 36475201)
Weinrub, Jacob (Pvt, 32644691) Weber, John E., Jr. (Pvt, 36830767)
Welch, Albert K. (Tec 3, 34378542) Weddle, John W. (Tec 5, 33045556)
West, James (Pvt, 13007118) Weirich, Richard D. (S/Sgt, 15076430)
Wheeler, Harold L. (Tec 5) Welch, Lloyd M. (Pfc, 12239344)
White, George A. L., Jr. (Tec 5, 31371272) Wheeler, Harold J. (Pvt, 34883597)
White, Jack (Cpl, 34142267) White, Gilbert (Pfc, 18021506)
White, John T. (Pfc, 38336443) Whitehead, Eugene F. (Tec 5, 38376187)
Widener, John R. (Pvt, 39467391) Wiley, John F. (Cpl)
Wiley, Thomas T. (Pfc, 35778205) Williams, Lloyd A. (Tec 5, 39418348)
Wilson, Clarence E. (Tec 4, 32488535) Wills (Tec 5, 33732942)
Wittenberg, Murray (Pvt, 33794959) Wisgo, Leo W. (Pfc, 13007735)
Wright, Ralph R. (Tec 5, 34286759) Wochna, Casimir P. (Pfc, 32034437)
Ziegler, Charles D. (Pfc) Young, Murray (Cpl, 32221013)
Zupsich, Joseph S. (Tec 3, 33438481) Zingale, Frederick G. (Pfc, 35513396)

Germany, June 15, 1945. Official ceremony to commemorate the Second Anniversary of the activation of the 63d Infantry Division, which took place in Bad Mergentheim, Bavaria, the unit’s last official location in Germany.

The MRC Staff are very much indebted to Colonel Frederick C. Clinton, Veteran of D Company, 254th Infantry Regiment, 63d Infantry Division and current Webmaster 63d Infantry Division ( for allowing them to use a number of vintage photographs provided by Veterans and/or their relatives in this concise Unit History. He furthermore provided them with numerous Daily Morning Reports issued by the Medical Detachment. Colonel F. Clinton also served in Korea and Vietnam. We are still looking for any additional information relating to the Medical Detachment, 253d Infantry Regiment. Thank you.


This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 14th March 2025 at 11:34.
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