Veterans’ Testimony – Leo O. Morabito 188th General Hospital

Pvt Leo O. MORABITO, picture taken
during summer of 1943.


Born in 1923, I got drafted at 20 years of age. I was inducted April 27, 1943 and was almost immediately ordered to Ft. Dix, Wrightstown, New Jersey (Training & Pre-Staging Center, troop capacity 1,825 Officers and 51,598 Enlisted Men) for indoctrination, medical examination and further orders. I spent about a week here. We got the lot, including the shots which made me very sick. As I lay on my bunk for a few days, I didn’t give a crap what they did to me. Luckily I was lost in the crowd because I was in no mood to do any soldiering, believe you me!

Tent housing at Cp. Pickett, Virginia – July 1942.

Assignment & Training:

The first week of May 1943, I received my orders to report to a Medical Training unit at Cp. Pickett, Blackstone, Virginia (Division Camp, troop capacity 2,363 Officers and 41,552 EM), located in a small town outside of Blackstone, Virginia. I took 3 months of Basic Training with the 2d Medical Training Regiment and joined A Company (we received the same basic training as the Infantry, but without guns, while of course stressing the medical aspects of war). Our CO was a Lt. Metzer, and our Platoon Leader, Lt. Filberto. We field trained at Cp. Pickett from May 1943 until August 1943.

Scene taken at Ft. Dix, New Jersey – May 1943…

I was then transferred to Cp. Joseph T. Robinson (Infantry Replacement Training Center & Medical Replacement Training Center, troop capacity 2,596 Officers and 44,077 Enlisted Men), located on the outskirts of the city, where I joined my outfit the 188th General Hospital, a unit that was in the process of getting organized for duty overseas. I was trained there and served as a Surgical Technician, an equivalent to a male Nurse’s aid.

Unit Roster

Picture of F Company personnel, 104th Medical Training Battalion, Cp. J. T. Robinson, Arkansas – June 1943
(see RTC 104F guidon at extreme left of picture)
Click to enlarge.

Officers’ Staff – 188th General Hospital
Abrahamson, I. A. Colonel (Ohio)
Adler, J. H. Captain (Tennessee)
Bartlett, R.W. Lt. Colonel (Missouri)
Belopolsky, H. B. 2d Lieutenant (New Jersey)
Boissevain, C. H. Captain (Colorado)
Brody, D. A. Captain (Ohio)
Brotman, J. Major (Illinois)
Brown, C. D. Captain (Illinois)
Brown, G. D. Major (California)
Brucker, J. C. Captain (Ohio)
Clement, J. C. Captain (Texas)
Currie, D. M. Captain (Maryland)
Davenport, M. C. Lt. Colonel (California)
Dziubak, J. J. Captain (Illinois)
Eagon, R. H. 2d Lieutenant (Ohio)
Eschelbacher, L. J. 2d Lieutenant (Illinois)
Ficke, L. W. 1st Lieutenant (Missouri)
Gaier, R. W. 1st Lieutenant (Kansas)
Gery, R. E. Captain (Indiana)
Gustafson, C. E. 1st Lieutenant (Pennsylvania)
Hall, F. G. Major (Arkansas)
Harris, M. S. Captain (California)
Juchem, J. A., Sr. 1st Lieutenant (New York)
Kinnamon, H. F. Captain (Maryland)
Klein, J. B. Captain (Ohio)
Kraemer, M. Major (New Jersey)
Larson, D. F. 2d Lieutenant (North Dakota)
Larson, W. E. 1st Lieutenant (Wisconsin)
McAllister, K. L. 1st Lieutenant (Georgia)
McNeely, E. M. 1st Lieutenant (Arkansas)
Millman, S. Lt. Colonel (New York)
Minkin, L. 1st Lieutenant (New York)
Mira, J. J. Captain (New York)
Moress, E. J. Major (New Jersey)
Perrone, E. R. Captain (New York)
Rinzler, S. H. Captain (New York)
Ritter, I. I. Major (Illinois)
Rounds, R. C. Captain (Colorado)
Rudd, P. D. Captain (North Carolina)
Schiffer, S. Captain (Canada)
Shafer, K. O. 1st Lieutenant (Kansas)
Shapiro, J. S. 1st Lieutenant (New Jersey)
Shulruff, J. T. Captain (Illinois)
Stebbins, T. L. Captain (Minnesota)
Strickler, W. O. Captain (New York)
Stull, J. B. 1st Lieutenant (Ohio)
Svoboda, R. B. 2d Lieutenant (Nebraska)
Sweeley, W. J. Major (Illinois)
Templeton, J. E. Captain (Missouri)
Thompson, R. H. Lt. Colonel (Ohio)
Tomec, O. C. Captain (New Jersey)
Vogel, W. C. 1st Lieutenant (North Dakota)

1st Lt. Ella A. Haugum, Principal Chief Nurse,

Nurses – 188th General Hospital
Allen, D. R. 2d Lieutenant (Idaho)
Anselmi, E. J. 2d Lieutenant (Wyoming)
Bechtelheimer, A. L. 1st Lieutenant (Iowa)
Beltz, G. A. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Benoit, A. M. 2d Lieutenant (Canada)
Benoit, D. M. 2d Lieutenant (Canada) sister
Benson, J. L. 2d Lieutenant (Missouri)
Beyer, L. A. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Blechert, L. K. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Bosse, N. M. 2d Lieutenant (North Dakota)
Burnison, B. P. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Burns, H. M. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Butler, R. E. 1st Lieutenant (Pennsylvania)
Byrne, M. T. 2d Lieutenant (Missouri)
Caplinger, D. E. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Cornett, D. M. 1st Lieutenant (Missouri)
Davey, E. M. 2d Lieutenant (Missouri)
Dodge, B. J. 2d Lieutenant (Wyoming)
Donalds, M. M. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Doolan, E. L. 1st Lieutenant (Iowa)
Dwyer, M. A. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Faust, M. D. 1st Lieutenant (Iowa)
Fleming, M. M. 2d Lieutenant (Massachusetts)
Freeland, A. J. 1st Lieutenant (Missouri)
Garman, B. N. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Gersema, V. M. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Gillis, A. C. 2d Lieutenant (Wyoming)
Greiner, M. I. 2d Lieutenant (Nebraska)
Guthrie, M. A. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Hamalainen, M. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Harris, V. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Haugum, E. A. Captain (South Dakota)
Heezen, H. J. 2d Lieutenant (South Dakota)
Heglund, C. J. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Hill, M. L. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Hohnecker, J. C. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Hosey, G. A. 1st Lieutenant (Arkansas)
Houghom, J. R. 1st Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Hughes, E. M. 2d Lieutenant (Colorado)
Jensen, F. M. 1st Lieutenant (Iowa)
Johnson, I. F. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Juhl, L. P. 2d Lieutenant (North Dakota)
Kearney, M. P. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
King, L. I. 2d Lieutenant (Mississippi)
Koch, D. F. 2d Lieutenant (Illinois)
Kraenzel, E. A. 1st Lieutenant (North Dakota)
Lett, E. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Marintzer, A. M. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Maynard, P. S. 1st Lieutenant (Missouri)
Michael, S. J. 2d Lieutenant (Missouri)
Miller, R. C. 2d Lieutenant (North Dakota)
Olson, G. L. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Paris, A. E. 2d Lieutenant (California)
Pederson, A. B. 2d Lieutenant (North Dakota)
Peterson, E. E. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Powell, D. 2d Lieutenant (Wisconsin)
Radtka, E. E. 2d Lieutenant (Missouri)
Ratchford, B. G. 2d Lieutenant (New York)
Rodriguez, E. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Rogel, R. I. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Sandberg, E. V. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Shields, D. C. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Sipes, L. M. A. 2d Lieutenant (Kansas)
Stanford, S. A. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Stobaugh, G. M. 2d Lieutenant (Wyoming)
Suyama, Y. 2d Lieutenant (Colorado)
Swenson, M. E. 2d Lieutenant (Minnesota)
Teaney, K. M. 2d Lieutenant (Colorado)
Treadway, H. A. 2d Lieutenant (Missouri)
Verbeke, M. L. 2d Lieutenant (South Dakota)
Wagner, H. M. 2d Lieutenant (Colorado)
Wehde, F. M. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Willis, K. M. 2d Lieutenant (Nebraska)
Wolange, N. M. 2d Lieutenant (Massachusetts)

Copy Christmas 1944 Dinner Menu – 188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England. 

Hospital Dietitians – 188th General Hospital
McIntyre, E. J. 2d Lieutenant (Oklahoma)
Schaefer, A. A. 1st Lieutenant (Wisconsin)
Wakefield, E. A. 2d Lieutenant (Iowa)
Physio-Therapy Aides – 188th General Hospital
Dear, N. 2d Lieutenant (New York)
Kirkpatrick, E. 2d Lieutenant (Wyoming)
American Red Cross Staff – 188th General Hospital
Coe, P. A. Secretary (Oregon)
Cooley, V. C. Staff Aide (Ohio)
Duston, D. D. Staff Aide (Oklahoma)
Garrett, R. E. Staff Aide (Pennsylvania)
Schramko, S. E. Asst. Field Director (Illinois)
Enlisted Men Staff – 188th General Hospital
Addicott, D. K. Sergeant (Ohio)
Allen, W. D. Private First Class (Florida)
Amend, F. A. Technician 4th Grade (Massachusetts)
Antis, H. Private First Class (New York)
Arch, J., Jr. Private First Class (California)
Armstrong, J. J. Technician 3d Grade (New York)
Aroian, Z. A. Technician 5th Grade (Massachusetts)
Avery, J. H. Private (Connecticut)
Ayres, J. C. Private First Class (New Jersey)
Babco, M. J. Technician 4th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Badun, W. T. Technician 5th Grade (Illinois)
Bagnetto, J. C. Private (Louisiana)
Bagozzi, B. J. Corporal (Michigan)
Barber, S. Technician 5th Grade (Arizona)
Barkley, W. E. Corporal (Nebraska)
Barnes, G. W. Technician 4th Grade (Missouri)
Barr, R. R. Technician 4th Grade (Texas)
Barthlome, R. C. Private (Texas)
Barulich, P. M. Private (New York)
Basilio, M. C. Technician 5th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Bauermeister, E. E. Private First Class (Pennsylvania)
Beck, H. D. Technician 5th Grade (Texas)
Beckman, W. F. Private First Class (New Hampshire)
Behling, D. D. Technician 4th Grade (Wisconson)
Bell, R. E. Sergeant (Illinois)
Belletto, V. J. Private First Class (California)
Benko, C., Jr. Private (Indiana)
Benner, R. C. Private (New Jersey)
Benson, A. O. Technician 4th Grade (Utah)
Bilyeu, W. R. Private First Class (Illinois)
Borleis, M. F. Private First Class (Maryland)
Bowles, T. A. Technician 4th Grade (North Carolina)
Bramer, W. S. Sergeant (West Virginia)
Brendlinger, D. R. Private (Pennsylvania)
Brinegar, G. K. Sergeant (Illinois)
Broeckling, W. A. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Brooks, J. T. Private First Class (Washington)
Brooks, S. Private First Class (New York)
Bruno, J. M. Private (New York)
Buchanan, W. A. Technician 5th Grade (Georgia)
Bucklew, D. L. Private (Ohio)
Bue, N. K. Technician 5th Grade (Idaho)
Burford, W. M. Sergeant (Mississippi)
Burke, W. J. Private First Class (Iowa)
Burkhart, R. M. Private First Class (California)
Burns, G. M. Technician 4th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Burnett, G. H. Private First Class (Tennessee)
Bush, J., Jr. Private First Class (Texas)
Byrd, L. E. Technician 5th Grade (Illinois)
Cameron, D. R. Sergeant (Tennessee)
Caporale, J. F. Corporal (Vermont)
Cappiello, J. J. Private (Connecticut)
Carlson, C. W. Technician 4th Grade (Connecticut)
Carnes, P. J. Private First Class (Pennsylvania)
Carstens, C. C. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Carter, J. J. Technician 5th Grade (Kentucky)
Caruso, L. J. Private (New Jersey)
Casci, A. G. Technician 4th Grade (Massachusetts)
Castro, F. O. Technician 5th Grade (California)
Cericola, N. R. Technician 4th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Chapman, R. Technician 5th Grade (West Virginia)
Chesser, G. R. Technician 4th Grade (Delaware)
Clark, J. W. Private (Tennessee)
Clark, K. E. Private (Georgia)
Clark, W. F. Private (Pennsylvania)
Clarke, P. C. Technician 4th Grade (Michigan)
Cobb, K. Corporal (South Carolina)
Coffey, G. I. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Cole, J. A. Private First Class (South Carolina)
Collins, C. L. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Collins, L. C. Private First Class (Alabama)
Dailey, W. H. Private First Class (Georgia)
Daitchman, B. A. Private (Illinois)
Dale, W., Jr. Private First Class (Pennsylvania)
Dalton, H. L. Technician 4th Grade (Indiana)
Daniel, L. R. Technician 5th Grade (Georgia)
Davidson, W. N. Private (Missouri)
Davis, E. B. Technician 5th Grade (South Carolina)
Davis, F. Technician 5th Grade (California)
Davis, J. E. Technician 5th Grade (North Carolina)
Davis, J. R. Private (New York)
Davis, L. C. Technician 4th Grade (North Carolina)
Dawley, W. H. Private First Class (Ohio)
Decker, A. Private First Class (Wisconsin)
De Costa, N. L. Private (California)
De Dominico, L. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Dees, O. R. Private First Class (Missouri)
Deesing, P. P. Private (Pennsylvania)
Delbridge, V. D. Technician 5th Grade (Michigan)
Delfin, J. N. Private First Class (California)
Dempsey, D. D. M/Sergeant (Michigan)
Denehan, P. A. Private (New York)

Group of personnel belonging to the 188th General Hospital, illustrating Tec 4 Louis E. Meyer (front row, third from left). Courtesy Lee Meyer.

De Perna, F. A. Corporal (New York)
Dequine D. E. Technician 4th Grade (California)
De Roche, J. C. Technician 5th Grade (Massachusetts)
Ditzler, W. L. S/Sergeant (Michigan)
Dixon, R. R. T/Sergeant (Virginia)
Domenico, A. Private (Rhode Island)
Doyle, E. F. Private First Class (Pennsylvania)
Duffey, E. F. Private (New Jersey)
Dugan, E, J. Technician 5th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Dwyer, F. J. Sergeant (California)
Elam, C. H. Corporal (Ohio)
Elliott, T. J. Corporal (Massachusetts)
Elmendorf, W. M., Jr. Technician 3d Grade (California)
Engel, H. E. Sergeant (Ohio)
England, P. W. Technician 4th Grade (North Carolina)
Epps, W. O. Technician 5th Grade (South Carolina)
Espelage, R. H. S/Sergeant (Ohio)
Esquivias, B. Private (Oklahoma)
Evans, G. L. Private First Class (Utah)
Evans, J. C. Corporal (Alabama)
Evans, T. L. Private (West Virginia)
Fairhurst, A. E. Private First Class (Massachusetts)
Farmer, R. Corporal (Michigan)
Farr, G. L. S/Sergeant (Washington)
Ferry, L. J. Private (Pennsylvania)
Finch, G. B., Jr. Private First Class (Alabama)
Fitzgibbon, R. T. Technician 5th Grade (Wisconsin)
Fivash, L. W. Technician 5th Grade (Missouri)
Flint, H. E. Private First Class (North Dakota)
Floistad, V. E. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Fong, B. J. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Foreman, I. D. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Fowler, G. H. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Fox, E. J. Private (California)
Frank, W. A. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Franklin, R. E. Technician 5th Grade (Maryland)
Freemon, R. Private (Illinois)
Freidhof, J. J. Corporal (New York)
Frey, A. A. Private First Class (New York)
Friestad, R. J. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Frink, G. W., Jr. Technician 3d Grade (Missouri)
Fugate, V. E. Sergeant (Missouri)
Gammell, C. F. Technician 4th Grade (Ohio)
Gault, H. F. Private (Indiana)
Girard, K. L. Private (Iowa)
Glenn, F. M. Technician 5th Grade (South Carolina)
Golden, J. M. Sergeant (Connecticut)
Golz, A. Private (Illinois)
Gomez, P. Private First Class (Texas)

Partial view of the 188th General Hospital installations at Cirencester, England. Left, the Detachment of Patients Headquarters; right, the unit’s Post Office.

Goodwin, N. Private (New Jersey)
Goren, J. E. Private First Class (Ohio)
Gorman, D. E. Technician 4th Grade (Colorado)
Green, K. P. Private First Class (Georgia)
Gresso, R. Technician 5th Grade (Indiana)
Grieco, D. Technician 5th Grade (Ohio)
Griffin, E. C. Technician 4th Grade (Virginia)
Griffin, J. T. Private First Class (Texas)
Guidroz, J. P. Technician 4th Grade (Louisiana)
Hall, E. H. Private (South Carolina)
Hall, J. A. Technician 5th Grade (Missouri)
Halvorson, J. S. Technician 5th Grade (Minnesota)
Hammond, C. G. Sergeant (Illinois)
Hammond, S. H. Private (Tennessee)
Hanson, H. E. S/Sergeant (Illinois)
Hanson, H. S. Technician 5th Grade (Minnesota)
Hargett, J. C. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Harrington, D. J. Technician 5th Grade (Montana)
Harris, B. B. S/Sergeant (Iowa)
Hayes, H. Private (Illinois)
Hays, W. J., Jr. S/Sergeant (New York)
Heller, D. H. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Henderson, P. H. Technician 4th Grade (Virginia)
Henry, C. J. Private (South Carolina)
Henson, A. L. Technician 5th Grade (North Carolina)
Hernandez, S. N. Private First Class (California)
Herrera, M. A. Private (California)
Herrick, C. R. Private First Class (California)
Hertel, C. W. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Higgins, W. D. Technician 5th Grade (Tennessee)
Hinson, D. Private First Class (South Carolina)
Hinson, J. M. Technician 5th Grade (South Carolina)
Hogan, E. W. Private First Class (New York)
Holland, S. J. Technician 5th Grade (Oklahoma)
Holland, W. Private First Class (Georgia)
Holly, F. C., Jr. T/Sergeant (Louisiana)
Holmstrom, N. L. Private First Class (New York)
Hooks, E. T. Technician 5th Grade (North Carolina)
Horn, S. S. Private (New York)
Hornby, W. R. Private (New Jersey)
Houghtaling, H. G. Technician 5th Grade (Massachusetts)
Huckstadt, C. P. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
Hughes, J. P. Technician 4th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Humig, M. A. Corporal (Ohio)
Hunt, V. V. Private (Louisiana)
Hurd, F. C. Private (Delaware)
Husted, L. W. Technician 5th Grade (Missouri)
Hymes, M. Z. Private (California)
Israel, E. Private First Class (New York)
Iverson, J. L. Private First Class (Minnesota)
Jenkins, T. L. Technician 3d Grade (Virginia)
Johnson, E. F. Private First Class (Mississippi)
Johnson, H. G. Technician 4th Grade (Minnesota)
Johnson, J. W., Jr. Private First Class (Florida)
Jordan, A. L. Private (Kansas)
Jorgensen, S. S/Sergeant (Washington)
Kalinski, E. M. Private (Kansas)
Kalb, K. E. Technician 4th Grade (Kansas)
Keeth, J. D. Private First Class (Oklahoma)
Kelley, D. H., Jr. Technician 5th Grade (Texas)
Kelly, R. D. Technician 3d Grade (Illinois)
Kelso, R. C. Corporal (Ohio)
Kempf, H. Private First Class (Illinois)
Kennedy, J. C. Technician 5th Grade (Illinois)
Kevelighan, T. E. Technician 5th Grade (Michigan)
Kingdon, J. E. Technician 5th Grade (Arkansas)
Kipp, R. L. Private First Class (Michigan)
Klaus, F. P. Technician 3d Grade (New York)
Kluska, L. S. Technician 5th Grade (New Jersey)
Koch, N. M. F. Private (Indiana)
Kopach, J. D. Technician 5th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Koukoulis, A. E. Private (New York)
Krysiak, R. F. Private (Illinois)
Krull, J. H. Sergeant (Missouri)
Kumlien, G. Private First Class (Wisconsin)
Lafleur, A. R. Private First Class (Massachusetts)
Land, T. D. Sergeant (Georgia)
Laramie, J. A. Technician 3d Grade (Michigan)
Larimer, H. M., Jr. Private (Kansas)
Lawhon, A. B. Private First Class (California)
Lawson, P. J. Technician 5th Grade (Delaware)
Lawter, J. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Layer, R. W. Private (West Virginia)
Leahy, T. P. Technician 4th Grade (California)

Partial view of the Officers’ Club, 188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England. 

Enlisted Men Staff – 188th General Hospital (continued)
Lehman, W. Private (Illinois)
Leppin, A. N. Technician 3d Grade (Illinois)
Lindley, D. E. Private (Missouri)
Linke, C. E. Private (New Jersey)
Lipisko, S. C. Private (New Jersey)
Littell, R. V. Private First Class (California)
Loney, W. J. Private (Pennsylvania)
Longo, M. A. Technician 5th Grade (Missouri)
Lopez, J. P. Technician 5th Grade (California)
Lord, W. Private (Pennsylvania)
Lorence, R. A. Private (Missouri)
Lott, T. J. Technician 4th Grade (Oklahoma)
Lowe, D. K. Technician 5th Grade (Michigan)
Lucas, E. E. Private (Georgia)
Luedke, F. J., Jr. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Madrigal, R. G. Private (California)
Madziarczyk, J. C. Private First Class (Illinois)
Malloy, W. T. Technician 5th Grade (New Jersey)
Mann, C. J. Sergeant (Pennsylvania)
Manuszak, M. A. Technician 4th Grade (Illinois)
March, B. B., Jr. Technician 4th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Markiewicz, J. R. Private First Class (Illinois)
Marrs, S. A. Technician 5th Grade (Florida)
Marsolek, J. R. S/Sergeant (Minnesota)
Martich, P. A. Private (Indiana)
Martin, N. J. Technician 5th Grade (Virginia)
Masokas, C. M. Private First Class (Illinois)
Mauricio, J. Private First Class (Florida)
May, J. A. Sergeant (Mississippi)
Mazel, M. H. Sergeant (Texas)
McArthur, G. D., Sr. Sergeant (Nebraska)
McCalip, J. E. Technician 5th Grade (Mississippi)
McCarroll, S. A. S/Sergeant (Alabama)
McCleery, H. N. Technician 5th Grade (Iowa)
McCluskey, R. C. Technician 4th Grade (Wisconsin)
McCollester, E. W. Private (New Hampshire)
McCoy, R. Q. Private First Class (Georgia)
McGlynn, J. D. Private First Class (Michigan)
McGuire, G. T. Technician 5th Grade (Illinois)
McHugh, G. J., Jr. Corporal (Pennsylvania)
McLain, P. M. Private (Nebraska)
McLeod, G. R. Technician 5th Grade (Michigan)
Meany, J. J. Private (Illinois)
Mentgen, D. S. Private First Class (Kansas)
Merce, J. J. Technician 5th Grade (Ohio)
Messig, H. Private First Class (Minnesota)
Metzger, D., Jr. Private First Class (Michigan)
Metzinger, J. S/Sergeant (California)
Meyer, L. E. Private First Class (Louisiana)
Meyer, L. E. Technician 4th Grade (Washington)
Meyer, N. F. Private (California)
Mikkelsen, W. C. Technician 5th Grade (Illinois)
Milewski, R. G. Private First Class (Illinois)
Mitchell, L. Private (Missouri)
Mitrione, V. W. Technician 5th Grade (New Jersey)
Monroe, R. E. Technician 5th Grade (Ohio)
Moore, B. H. T/Sergeant (Oklahoma)
Moore, H. D. Private (North Carolina)
Moore, J. H. Private First Class (West Virginia)
Moore, L. H. Corporal (Texas)
Morabito, L. O. Private (New Jersey)
Morey, T. C. Private First Class (Nebraska)
Morgan, J. E. Technician 5th Grade (Alabama)
Morrisett, E. F. Private (New Jersey)
Mortvedt, D. G. Private (Iowa)
Moskovitz, I. Technician 5th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Motsinger, R. R. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Muir, J. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Mullenthaler, R. W. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Mulvaney, W. D. Technician 5th Grade (Nevada)
Muntz, N. J. Technician 5th Grade (Illinois)
Muro, C. J. Technician 5th Grade (California)
Myers, L. J. Technician 4th Grade (Louisiana)

188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England. Jimmy Dapp in front of the American Red Cross Library.

Nagel, F. A. Private (Illinois)
Nash, R. L. Private (Missouri)
Naylor, C. T. Corporal (Ohio)
Nelson, C. P. Private (Indiana)
Nevius, W. F. Private First Class (New Jersey)
Noe, E. E. Technician 5th Grade (Tennessee)
Noell, W. C. Private First Class (Georgia)
Novak, F. S. Private First Class (Illinois)
Nowack, H. R. Private First Class (Colorado)
O’Brian, J. B. Sergeant (Maryland)
Oliver, C. L. Private First Class (Iowa)
O’Neill, F. T. Technician 5th Grade (Wisconsin)
Onoffrey, A. Private (Pennsylvania)
Orzel, H. Corporal (Missouri)
Page, A. L. Private (Ohio)
Palomo, D. M. Private First Class (Texas)
Parker, W. H. Private (Georgia)
Parks, J. W. Private First Class (Georgia)
Pastewski, L. Private First Class (Illinois)
Patnode, C. J. Private First Class (Massachusetts)
Patterson, K. R. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Perez, M. Private First Class (California)
Perlin, S. Corporal (North Carolina)
Perron, L. J. Technician 4th Grade (Michigan)
Petitt, C. B. Private (Washington)
Phillips, H. Private (Georgia)
Phillips, J. C. Private First Class (Missouri)
Phillips, W. E. Private (Kentucky)
Philson, J. H. S/Sergeant (Iowa)
Pierce, W. A. Private (Alabama)
Portugal, V. L. Technician 4th Grade (Arkansas)
Pryor, R. R. Technician 5th Grade (North Carolina)
Quinn, J. L. Private (California)
Ramirez, M. Technician 5th Grade (California)
Raynor, W. V. Private (North Carolina)
Reid, H. M. Private (Illinois)
Reiss, S. L. Private (Florida)
Renck, B. A. Sergeant (Colorado)
Revell, J. E. Private First Class (Georgia)
Rice, D. Corporal (Oklahoma)
Rich, L. A. S/Sergeant (Pennsylvania)
Riddle, T. P. Technician 5th Grade (Tennessee)
Rieder, G. M., Jr. Technician 3d Grade (Pennsylvania)
Rifici, C. Technician 5th Grade (Ohio)
Riley, R. E. Corporal (Massachusetts)
Ritter, J. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Rivera, C. M. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Robbins, J. Corporal (New York)
Robbins, K. B. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Rogers, C. M., Jr. Technician 4th Grade (Florida)
Rogers, E. C. Technician 5th Grade (Tennessee)
Rogovin, M. Corporal (New York)
Ross, E. L. Private First Class (Utah)
Ruddy, R. J. T/Sergeant (Pennsylvania)
Rush, E. L. Private First Class (Texas)
Russell, H. W. Private First Class (California)
Russell, S. L. Technician 5th Grade (Wisconsin)
Sailor, K. C. Technician 4th Grade (Iowa)
Salman, G. F. F/Sergeant (New York)
Sample, A. F. Technician 5th Grade (North Carolina)
Sanders, T. A. Technician 5th Grade (Missouri)
Scarlett, H. E. Private (Tennessee)
Schmidt, A. F. Corporal (Minnesota)
Schnaars, A. E. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Schoenborn, E. D. Technician 5th Grade (Iowa)
Schuetz, C. B. Private (Wisconsin)
Schwab, C. J. Private First Class (New York)
Schwarz, W. H. Technician 5th Grade (New Jersey)
Seay, O. V. M/Sergeant (Texas)
Sebastian, W. J. Private First Class (Illinois)
Sedlacek, E. J. Technician 4th Grade (Maryland)
Serrano, E. G. Private (California)
Shaw, J. L. Technician 4th Grade (Nebraska)
Shawnee, W. L. Private First Class (Oklahoma)
Shearouse, E. G. Private (Florida)
Shellenberger, E. F. Technician 5th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Shenk, H. J. Private First Class (Oregon)
Shepherd, H. M. Private First Class (Tennessee)

Another view of the 188th General Hospital installations, Cirencester, England. In the foreground, the latrine building; and further right, the wash and shower rooms.

Sherrillo, J. J. Corporal (Missouri)
Shields, R. A. Corporal (Indiana)
Siebke, H. F. Private First Class (Illinois)
Simon, A. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Skaggs, J. E. Private (Arkansas)
Sktroma, A. J. Private (New York)
Slawski, J. R. Private (Missouri)
Smeloff, A. Private First Class (New York)
Smith, J. T. Private (Louisiana)
Smith, M. R. Private First Class (Texas)
Smith, R. M. Private (Tennessee)
Smith, R. W. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Smith, T. O. Private First Class (Alabama)
Smith, W. A. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Smith, W. D. Private (Oklahoma)
Smith, W. H. Corporal (Illinois)
Smith, W. H. Private (Alabama)
Smith, W. P. Private (Florida)
Snekszer, W. S. Private First Class (Illinois)
Snyder, D. W. Technician 5th Grade (Ohio)
Sopher, M. G. Technician 5th Grade (Iowa)
Sorensen, C. E. Technician 5th Grade (California)
Southworth, H. H. Technician 4th Grade (Minnesota)
Spainhower, R. T. Private First Class (Utah)
Sparks, D. Private (Texas)
Sparks, K. B. Private (Kentucky)
Stanford, L. Private (Texas)
Stewart, J. L. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Stiger, F. J. Private First Class (New Jersey)
Strachan, C. R. Private (Iowa)
Strunk, C. R. Technician 4th Grade (Pennsylvania)
Sullivan, F. L. Corporal (Illinois)
Sundy, C. F. Private (Texas)
Supak, A. Technician 5th Grade (Texas)
Swan, J. F. Private First Class (Illinois)
Sweet, N. Private (Vermont)
Swinford, G. Private (Ohio)
Tahl, M. R. Private First Class (New York)
Tants, H. Technician 4th Grade (New York)
Teague, F. R. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Thompson, H. J. Private (Ohio)
Thornton, T. J. Technician 5th Grade (Massachusetts)
Throngard, L. E. Private First Class (Minnesota)
Tibbetts, R. G. Technician 4th Grade (Indiana)
Tielke, G. H. Sergeant (Ohio)
Tilley, W. H. Private (Georgia)
Trumper, E. O. Technician 4th Grade (Iowa)
Ulery, O. K. Technician 4th Grade (Arkansas)
Valentine, R. L., Jr. Sergeant (West Virginia)
Varalla, P. F. Private First Class (Ohio)
Vargas, H. Private (Texas)

View of Gloucester Cathedral (St. Peter’s Abbey Church, original building started by Abbot Serlo in 1089).

Villanueva, P. R. Private (Texas)
Vis, P. P., Jr. Private (Iowa)
Viviano, O. J. Private (Louisiana)
Walkowicz, S. H. Private (Illinois)
Wall, R. L. S/Sergeant (Oklahoma)
Waltman, L. F. Technician 5th Grade (Mississippi)
Watson, W. S. Private (Louisiana)
Wear, S. E. Technician 4th Grade (Alabama)
Weis, J. J. Corporal (Pennsylvania)
Wernick, M. T/Sergeant (Massachusetts)
Whatley, G. H. Private First Class (Texas)
White, K. J. Technician 5th Grade (New York)
Williams, D. W. Private First Class (New York)
Williams, E. W. Private (California)
Williams, K. A. Private (Utah)
Williams, W. B. Private First Class (Texas)
Wilson, C. T. Private (First Class (Missouri)
Witt, P. E. Private First Class (Texas)
Wohl, O. Private (New York)
Wood, E. Private First Class (Texas)
Wood, W. W. Private First Class (North Carolina)
Young, J. O. Private (New York)
Zuniga, J. Private First Class (New York)

Life was like any other job, signing in for 8 hours, and signing out. It was a pretty good position and I was kept busy learning and working at the same time. We did some field training, which included hikes and bivouacking in the Ozark Mountains. A big relief from the rough and tough basic training we went through in the hot and damp Virginia climate.

American medics treat the leg wounds of a wounded comrade near Metz, France; 1944.

to England, 31 March 1944 …

When we returned from furlough, after the Christmas holidays in December 1943, everyone anticipated our going overseas. Where to ? No one knew at the time. As usual, there were lots of rumors. In the middle of the night, some time in late March 1944, we broke camp and shipped out to Jersey City by troop train where our troopship, RMS “Mauretania” was docked and waiting for us to board. On March 31, 1944 we left New York P/E destination unknown! We zigzagged continuously across the Atlantic every 7 minutes all the way in. We were not part of a larger convoy as speed was one of our assets. This was necessary in order to foil any attempts by German subs to set their sights on our ship. There were many tense and anxious moments but the trip was smooth, almost like a cruise. Halfway to our destination, we were told we would be landing in England, to our great relief. We were hoping we weren’t heading for the South Pacific to fight the Japs! After an uneventful nine days on the high seas we finally reached Liverpool on the night of April 8, 1944. We were whisked away to a school gymnasium (place unknown) under cover of darkness, where we spent the night sleeping on the floor. Early next morning, we boarded trucks and drove to Gloucester, England.

Members of the 188th General Hospital in front of one of their hutments in Cirencester, England. The person squatting is Carl T. Naylor.

…to simplify control of the largest geographical clusters of General Hospitals in Great Britain, the Chief Surgeon, Major General P. R. Hawley, activated a number of Hospital Centers to coordinate and assist the work of a variable number of Hospitals – Hospital Centers were to act as a general headquarter for a group of General Hospitals and to correlate and coordinate their activities so as to relieve them as much as possible from administrative details and supply problems … the first of these Hospital Centers was already activated in March 1944. They were the 12th HC (Great Malvern), 15th HC (Cirencester), and the 6810th HC (Provisional) at Whitchurch.
After D-Day an additional  number of Hospital Centers were established, such as the 801st HC (Taunton), 802d HC (Blandford), 803d HC (Devizes), and the 805th HC (Newmarket).

Group of personnel of the 188th General Hospital in Cirencester, England. From L to R: Hans S. Hanson; John R. Markiewicz; Carl T. Naylor; and Lester Collins.

They took us house to house, asking residents if they had a place for us to stay for a short period of time. I was lucky. A young couple with a child welcomed me in and led me to a single room. It was empty and had nothing but a cot with a straw mattress on it. This was to be my home for the next few months, until our Hospital was ready for us to move in (as I did not keep a diary, dates and events are unfortunately lost for eternity). I stayed with this nice couple, they really made me feel at home. Due to the war, their cupboards were bare, so, whenever I had the opportunity, I would bring them butter, eggs, meat, sugar and tea which I ‘borrowed’ from the Army kitchens. I don’t think I was the only soldier doing this.

“Certificate of Adoption”
as issued by the Cirencester Council,
21 Sep 44

After a few months, we were relocated to our permanent barracks (i.e. Quonset huts) in a very small and quaint town called Cirencester (where the 15th Hospital Center was established, grouping up to 7 different General Hospitals), a few miles outside of Gloucester. This was to be our only home for the next 20 months or so (April 1944 – December 1945). Living quarters consisted of Quonset huts that held about thirty of us. We each had our own ‘private’ space and in the center stood a coal stove that we used for heating during winter.

Typical landscape in the Gloucester area … train with steam engine running across the countryside …

I meanwhile made Pfc. Our nursing duties began quickly and we were assigned to different wards to take care of sick Officers and Enlisted personnel, and those involved in traffic accidents, fights and whatever. It was a good duty and the hospital was well run by doctors and nurses alike. Like I mentioned before, it was a job and life got easier and easier … UNTIL

D-Day, 6 June 1944 …

The Allied invasion of the continent began across the English Channel and our troops landed in Normandy. What happened next was terrible. We had other Army Hospitals in the area (such as the 192d General Hospital) as well as several medical units and we were all made aware of and waiting for this ‘special’ day!

That’s what we were trained for. But we weren’t ready for what came back from the beaches and the inland areas of Normandy though … young boys with various types of serious injuries from small-arms fire as well as shells and whatever the Germans could throw at them. It was a horrible mess. Some came in with parts of their bodies missing or mutilated … GIs and German PWs were treated alike.

An improvised operating room showing a surgical team at work somewhere in France, 1944.

I personally was not ready for this carnage and asked to be transferred from hospital duties. I would have done anything to get out of the wards and I was put in the kitchen for helping the cooks and keeping the coal-fired stoves going for them, so they could prepare the meals. I did pretty well there. This new job was a relief. We had the pick of the food that came in from the States. Especially the pieces of ‘filet mignon’ that were with the other frozen meats. I want to mention that, while there, I got word from the American Red Cross that my brother Herman was in a hospital in England somewhere and to get in touch with them for further details. I of course did, and I am happy to say, I was able to locate him and even see him. He was suffering from shock attributed to the shelling his unit was getting from the Germans, somewhere near the Dutch border. I stayed with him for a couple of days. I then had to get back to my unit. We saw each other again before he was shipped out and reassigned to a Replacement Depot to fight again with another unit. Fortunately he got lucky and got out of it alive!

Patients sitting in the Receiving Hall, 188th General Hospital, Cirencester, England.

In the meantime, I made the best of my so-called ‘vacation’ while over there (in England). I had plenty of time to myself and hung around Cirencester town with some of my friends. I went back and forth to Gloucester to visit other friends I had made there. The English were very friendly and made us feel most welcome, it made it much easier for us being away from home … I got invited by the locals, and often went cycling at the time too … Unlike the other soldiers who were in the thick of it, I was very lucky indeed, to have ended up in a hospital unit.  I realized I could very well have been assigned to a combat unit instead!

End of the War …

In December of 1945, I was ordered to serve with the 242d General Hospital, based in Paris, France for a few weeks pending further orders before my official discharge. I was temporarily assigned to a motor pool and kept busy driving all the ‘big shots’ around. Approximately one month later or so, I was assigned to the 1960th Labor Supervision Company, in Gennevilliers (just outside Paris, France) where I was eventually promoted (long overdue) to Buck Sergeant, in charge of the motor pool. Once again I really had it made here – a German PW was assigned to me and served as my ‘valet’ while being with this outfit – there was only the three of us, Louie, the German prisoner, the Lieutenant (in charge) and me. I drove a lot for my Company Commander, 2d Lt. Ralph Thur, who had received a field promotion as a Second Lieutenant. We fast became friends and hung around with each other a lot. This job lasted for about three or so months and I felt sorry to have to go home at the time. My Lieutenant begged me to stay till June 1946, when he was scheduled to return home, but I was catching a lot of hell from home, because I was still overseas and not home! I am sure I saw tears in the Lieutenant’s eyes the day I left. He had put me in for Staff Sergeant, but it wasn’t approved because I was almost on my way home. I felt bad too. We got to be very close.

Soon my turn came up for Discharge, it was March 1946, and I left Paris for Camp “Lucky Strike”, near Le Havre (one of the numerous Cigarette Camps). We finally got ready for departure and boarded the USS “Pomona Victory” on March 20, 1946 at Le Havre and headed for home.
The next nine days were the roughest days of my Army life. We rode a violent storm all the way into New York. Needless to say, we were all sick dogs all the way. The ship was bobbing like a cork every which way; we thought it was going to tip over at any moment whenever it leaned dangerously sideways. We didn’t give a damn if it sank at the time, that’s how sick we were. Matter of fact you could hear a lot of soldiers yelling; “sink you son of a bitch, sink !” Believe me, we just wanted the misery to end!

Picture of Carl T. Naylor, in front of one the 188th General Hospital Enlisted Men’s hutments.

Home …

We finally reached New York P/E on March 29, 1946 and were immediately transported to Ft. Dix, New Jersey, from whence it all began, April 8. We had to go through the separation process. Meanwhile the Army fed us like Kings. Steaks and eggs, real milk and butter, ice cream and everything else we practically wanted. This lasted only a few days until the time came I was to be shipped out, bound for home … the date was April 13, 1946.

Picture taken during advance training
with the 188th General Hospital,
Cp. J. T. Robinson – early 1944.

It felt good to be home again, but I could not help thinking back to the years I spent in the Army – everything seems so vague now … but, it sure was a lifetime experience …

The texts contained in the Testimony are courtesy of Sgt. Leo O. Morabito (ASN: 32918443), Surgical Technician with the 188th General Hospital in
World War 2. Some of the images used in the above Article were kindly donated by the Veteran and by Julian & Carol Copeland (whose Father, Cpl. Carl T. Naylor (ASN: 35230108) also served with the 188th GH).

Some clarifications and another picture were kindly forwarded by Lee Meyer, son of Tec 4 Louis E. Meyer (ASN: 39202494) another member of the Hospital.

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 21st December 2024 at 16:52.
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