Standard Terms for Diagnoses, Anatomical Locations, and Operations

Treating a patient in shock through the use of plasma. Also of interest is the camouflaged painted helmet seen on the soldier sitting at right.


In World War 2, the Medical Department provided lists of Standard Terms to be used as a guide in preparing Records of Sick and Wounded. It was not intended that they be rigidly adhered to; any well-established terms in medical usage could be employed also; it was just meant to be followed as far as was practicable.

Any new terms that were later inserted, were to be placed in their proper alphabetical order and assigned numbers within the limits of the already existing numerical codes. When diseases or injuries occurred for which no terms were furnished in the lists, or for which the terms given were of a general character, they were to be recorded with such scientific terms as commonly applied by the profession, in brief and accurate descriptions.

Patient in shock position being treated by a Medical Aidman.

Special notes were required in case of malingering, or feigned diseases, and of the means employed for their detection.

“Register of Sick and Wounded” (Form 52, M.D.) – a Register of the Sick and Wounded of every military establishment or force attended by a Medical officer (or civilian Physician) will be maintained in peace and in the Zone of Interior during war! The Register of patients will be kept on Form 52, M.D. A case recorded on this Form is said to be on the Register. Cases taken up on the Register will be borne thereon until final disposition is effected; during this period, cases are said to be currently on the Register. Register cards will be legibly written in blue or black ink, using the typewriter when practicable. Abbreviations authorized by the War Department may be used. When space on the card (front part) is insufficient, record will be continued on the back of the card or, if still more space is required, upon an extension slip.

Illustration showing obverse of Form 52, Medical Department, U.S.A., (Revised March 15, 1938), 3-3623, early pattern.

Since Form 52 dated from before WW2 it still held some of the older abbreviations and headings such as: Gar. Pris. (Garrison Prisoner), Gen. Pris. (General Prisoner), DD Susp. (Dishonorable Discharge Suspended), DD Comp. (Dishonorable Discharge Completed), W (White), C (Colored), F (Filipino), PR (Puerto Rican), I (Indian), V.O.C.O. (Verbal Order of Commanding Officer), LOD (Line Of Duty),  EAD (Extended Active Duty), ADT (Active Duty Training), etc.

Illustration showing position of a patient for a Cholecystectomy (excision of the gallbladder).

It is important to note that units other than Hospitals, such as the Medical Detachment (attached to Regiments for instance), when located in garrison, on a Post, a Camp, or Station in the ZI, rendered a monthly “Report of Sick and Wounded” for patients under their control, in the same manner as Hospitals. However, when moving between Stations, in the field, on maneuvers, or in the Theater of Operations, these units were to use the “Emergency Medical Tag” (Form 52b, M.D.) in lieu of Form 52, M.D.)! Hospitals, that were part of a Field Force also submitted a monthly Report of Sick and Wounded, but were to use “Field Medical Record” (Forms 52c and 52d, M.D.) in lieu of Form 52.

Preparation of Dried Plasma for use.

Standard Terms for Diagnoses:

0010        Abdominal Scar
0020        Abscess, Alveolar
0030        Abscess, Periapical
0040        Abscess, Perinephritic
0050        Abscess, Periproctic
0060        Abscess, Peritonsillar
0070        Abscess, Perivesical
0080        Abscess, Retrocecal
0090        Abscess, Retropharyngeal
0100        Abscess, Subphrenic
0110        Abscess
0120        Acanthosis Nigricans
0130        Achylia, Gastrica
0140        Acne Keratosa
0150        Acne Rosacea
0160        Acne Varioliformia
0170        Acne Vulgaris
0180        Acromegaly
0190        Actinomycosis
0200        Addison’s Disease
0210        Adenoids
0220        Adenoma
0230        Adenoma Sebaceum
0240        Adenoma Sudoriparum
0250        Adhesions
0260        Adiposis Dolorosa
0270        Aerogenes Capsulatus Infection
0280        Aerophagy
0290        Albinism
0300        Albuminuria
0310        Alcoholism, Acute
0320        Alcoholism, Chronic
0330        Alopecia
0340        Alopecia Areata
0350        Amaurosis
0360        Amblyopia (Unqualified)
0370        Amblyopia, Exanopsia
0380        Amblyopia, Hysterical
0390        Amblyopia, Nocturnal
0400        Amblyopia, Toxic
0410        Anaemia, Pernicious
0420        Anaemia, Simple
0430        Anaemia, Splenic
0440        Aneurism, Arteriovenous
0450        Aneurism, Cirsoid
0460        Aneurism of Heart
0470        Aneurism
0480        Aneurism, Varicose
0490        Aneurismal Varix
0500        Angina Pectoris
0510        Angiokeratoma
0520        Angioma
0530        Angioma Cavernosum
0540        Angioma Serpiginosum
0550        Angioneurotic Edema
0560        Anhidrosis
0570        Ankyloblepharon
0580        Ankylosis, Bony
0590        Ankylosis, Fibrous
0600        Ankylostomiasis
0610        Anorchism
0620        Anthrax, General Infection
0630        Anthrax, Malignant Pustule
0640        Anthracosis
0650        Anuria Calculous
0660        Aorta, Rupture of
0670        Aortic Arch, Dilatation of
0680        Aortitis
0690        Aphonia
0700        Aphasia
0710        Apoplexy
0720        Appendicitis
0730        Arterial Hypertension
0740        Arteriosclerosis
0750        Arthritis
0760        Ascariasis
0770        Asthenopia
0780        Asthma
0790        Astigmatism
0800        Ataxia, Hereditary
0810        Athetosis
0820        Atony of
0830        Atresia of Urethra
0840        Atrophia Maculata et Striata
0850        Atrophoderma Diffusum
0860        Atrophy of
0870        Atrophy of Muscle, Lower Extremity
0880        Atrophy of Muscle, Upper Extremity
0890        Atrophy of Nail
0900        Atrophy, Progressive, Muscular
0910        Atrophy, Senile
0920        Aviator’s Disease or Sickness
0930        Balanitis
0940        Beriberi
0950        Blastomycosis
0960        Blepharitis
0970        Blepharospasm
0980        Bradyvardia
0990        Brain, Abscess of
1000        Brain, Tumor of
1010        Bromidrosis
1020        Bronchiectasis
1030        Bronchitis
1040        Bursitis
1050        Caisson Disease
1060        Calcification of Cartilage
1070        Calculus
1080        Callosity
1090        Carbuncle
1100        Carcinoma
1110        Cardiac Arrhythmia, Auricular
1120        Cardiac Arrhythmia, Auricular Flutter
1130        Cardiac Arrhythmia, Extra Systole
1140        Cardiac Arrhythmia, Others
1150        Cardiac Arrhythmia, Sinus, Arrhythmia
1160        Cardiac Dilatation
1170        Cardiac Disorder, Functional
1180        Cardiac Hypertrophy
                 Cardiac Murmurs, not Organic:
1190        Accidental Pulmonic Systolic
1200        Cardio-Functional Apex Systolic
1210        Cardio-Respiratory
1220        Other Accidental
1230        Cardiac Palpitation
1240        Carrier, Diphtheria Bacillus
1250        Carrier, Typhoid Bacillus
1260        Carrier, Meningococcus
1270        Carrier
1280        Cataract
1290        Cellulitis
1300        Cercomoniasis
1310        Chalazion
1320        Chancroid
1330        Chancroidal Lymphadenitis
1340        Chancroidal Lymphangitis
1350        Chancroidal Paraphimosis
1360        Chancroidal Phimosis
1370        Cheilitis Glandularis
1380        Chickenpox
1390        Chilblain (Pernio, 6520)
1400        Chloroma
1410        Cholangitis
1420        Cholelithiasis
1430        Cholecystitis
1440        Cholera, Asiatic
1450        Chondroma
1460        Chorea
5160        Myositis, Progressive Ossifying
5170        Myotonia Congenita
5180        Myxedema
5190        Myxema
5200        Naevus Fibrosus
5210        Naevus Linearis
5220        Naevus Papillaris
5230        Naevus Pigmentosus
5240        Naevus Pilosus
5250        Naevus Vascularis
5260        Nasal Septum, Deviation of
5270        Nasopharyngitis, Catarrhal
5280        Necrosis
5290        Nematodiosis
5300        Acute
5310        Chronic Interstitial
5320        Chronic Parenchymatous
5330        Disseminated, Suppurative
5340        Suppurative
5350        Nephrogenic Mesothelioma
5360        Neosalvarsan, Reaction from
5370        Nephrolithiasis
5380        Nephroptosis
5390        Nervous Vomiting
5400        Neuralgia
5410        Neurasthenia
5420        Neurasthenia Gastrica
5430        Diphtheritic
5440        Multiple, Alcoholic
5450        Multiple, Nonalcoholic
5460        Optic
5470        Unclassified
5480        Neurocirculatory Asthenia
5490        Neurofibroma
5500        Neuroma
5510        Neuroretinitis
5520        Neurosis
5530        Nose, External Deformity of
5540        Nostalgia
5550        Nystagmus
5560        Obesity
5570        Old Age and Results
5580        Onychauxis
5590        Onychia
5600        Ophthalmitis, Sympathetic
5610        Ophthalmoplegia, Externa
5620        Ophthalmoplegia, Interna
5630        Ophthalmoplegia, Total
5640        Optic Atrophy
5650        Orchitis
5660        Osteitis
5670        Osteitis Deformans
5680        Osteoma
5690        Osteomyelitis
5700        Othematoma
                 Other Disease of:
5710        Anus
5720        Bile Ducts and Gall Bladder
5730        Bladder
5740        Circulatory System
5750        Digestive
5760        Ductless Glands
5770        Ear
5780        Epidemic Type
5790        Esophagus
5800        Eye
5810        Intestinal, Parasitic Origin
5820        Kidneys
5830        Larynx
5840        Liver
5850        Locomotor Organs
5860        Lymphatic System
5870        Male Genital Organs, Nonvenereal
5880        Mouth and Annexa
5890        Nasal Fossae
5900        Nervous System
5910        Pharynx
5920        Respiratory System
5930        Skin
                 Otitis Externa:
5940        Circumscribed (Furuncle)
5950        Diffuse, Acute
5960        Diffuse, Parasitic
5970        Otitis Interna
5980        Otitis Media
5990        Oto-Sclerosis
6000        Overriding Toes
6010        Overweight
6020        Oxyuriasis
6030        Ozena
6040        Cerebral, Suppurative
6050        Cervicalis
6060        Hemorrhagic, Internal
6070        Spinal, Suppurative
6080        Pancreatitis
6090        Panophthalmitis
6100        Pansinusitis
6110        Papillitis
6120        Papillo-Adeno-Carcinoma of Kidney
6130        Papilloma
6140        Pappataci Fever
6150        Paragonimiasis
6160        Paralysis
6170        Paralysis, Agitans
6180        Paralysis, Bulbar
6190        Paralysis, Muscle, Ischemic
6200        Paralysis of Muscle
6210        Paralysis of Nerve
6220        Paralysis of Occular Muscle
6230        Paramyoclonus Multiplex
6240        Paranoia
6250        Paraphimosis
6260        Paraplegia
6270        Parathyroid Gland, Diseases of
6280        Paratyphoid Fever (a)
6290        Paratyphoid Fever (b)
6300        Paresis
6310        Paronychia
6320        Pediculosis Capitis
6330        Pediculosis Corporis
6340        Pediculosis Pubis
6350        Pellagra
6360        Pemphigus
6370        Pericarditis, Acute Fibrinous
6380        Pericarditis, Adhesive
6390        Pericarditis, Purulent
6400        Pericarditis, with Effusion
6410        Perichondritis
6420        Pericystitis
6430        Perigastritis
6440        Perinephritis
6450        Periorchitis
6460        Periostitis
6470        Periprostatitis
6480        Peritoneal Adhesions
6490        Peritonitis, Acute Diffuse
6500        Peritonitis, Acute Local
6510        Peritonitis, Chronic
6520        Pernio (Chilblain, 1390)
6530        Pes Cavus
6540        Pes Planus
6550        Pharyngitis
6560        Phimosis, Congenital
6570        Phlebitis
6580        Phlegmona Diffuse

General view showing the Laboratory in full operation at the 59th Evacuation Hospital.

1470        Choroid, Detachment of
1480        Choroid, Rupture of
1490        Choroidal Tumor
1500        Choroiditis
1510        Choroiditis, Suppurative
1520        Choroiditis, Tubercular
1530        Chromidrosis
1540        Cicatrices of, Painful
1550        Cicatricial Contracture
1560        Cicatricial Deformity
1570        Clavus (Corn)
1580        Cleft Palate
1590        Colitis
1600        Color Blindness
1610        Colon, Dilatation of
1620        Comedo (Blackheads)
1630        Condyloma Acuminatum (Warts,
                 External Genital Organs)
1640        Conjuctiva, Hyperemia of
1650        Conjuctivitis, Catarrhal
1660        Conjuctivitis, Chemical
1670        Conjuctivitis, Follicular
1680        Conjuctivitis, Granular (Trachoma)
1690        Conjuctivitis, Phlyctenular
1700        Conjuctivitis, Purulent
1710        Conjuctivitis, Vernal
1720        Constipation, Atonic
1730        Constipation, Cause not Determined,
                 or when Secondary Diagnosis
1740        Constipation, Spastic
                 Constitutional Psychopathic States:
1750        Criminalism
1760        Emotional Instability
1770        Inadequate Personality
1780        Paranoid Personality
1790        Pathological Liar
1800        Sexual Psychopathy
1810        Unqualified
1820        Contraction of Plantar Fascia
1830        Contracture of Joint
1840        Contracture of (Muscle, Fascia,
                 Tendon, or Sheath)
1850        Cornea, Conical
1860        Cornea, Opacity of
1870        Cornea, Ulcer of
1880        Cornu (Cutaneous Horns)
1890        Cowperitis
1900        Coxa Valga
1910        Coxa Vara
1920        Cretinism
1930        Cryptorchidism
1940        Cyclitis
1950        Cyst
1960        Cyst, Retention
1970        Cyst, Sebaceous
1980        Cystadenoma
1990        Cystic Kidney
2000        Cysticercosis
2010        Cystitis
2020        Cystocele
2030        Cystoma
2040        Dacryoadentitis
2050        Dacryocystitis
2060        Defective Hearing
2070        Defective or Deficient Teeth
2080        Defective Physical Development
2090        Defective Vision
2100        Deficient Chest Measurement
2110        Deformity of
2120        Deformity of Foot
2130        Deformity of Hand
2140        Deformity of Chest
2150        Deformity of Head
2160        Deformity of Lower Extremity
2170        Deformity of Upper Extremity
2180        Deformity of Trunk
                 Dementia Praecox:
2190        Hebephrenic Type
2200        Katatonic Type
2210        Paranoid Type
2220        Simple
2230        Unqualified
2240        Dengue
2250        Dental Caries
2260        Depressed Fracture of Skull
2270        Dermatitis Bullosa
2280        Dermatitis Exfoliativa
2290        Dermatitis Factitia
2300        Dermatitis Gangrenosa
2310        Dermatitis Herpetiformis
2320        Dermatitis Medicamentosa
2330        Dermatitis
2340        Dermoid Cyst
2350        Diabetes Insipidus
2360        Diabetes Mellitus
2370        Diarrhoea
2380        Diarrhoea, Fermentative
2390        Diarrhoea, Flagellate
2400        Diarrhoea, Nervous
2410        Diphtheria
2420        Diphtheritic Paralysis
2430        Diverticulitis
2440        Drug Addict
2450        Duodenum, Ulcer of
2460        Dypuytren’s Concentration of Palmar Fascia
2470        Dysentery, Bacillary (Specify Type)
2480        Dysentery, Balantidic
2490        Dysentery, Entamoebic
2500        Dysentery (other Protozoal)
2510        Dysentery, Unclassified
2520        Dysidrosis
2530        Dystrophia Unguis
2540        Echinococcus
2550        Ecthyma
2560        Ectopy
2570        Ectropion
2580        Eczema, Seborrhoeicum
2590        Embolism
2600        Embolism, Fat
2610        Emphysema
2620        Emphysema of Orbit
2630        Encephalitis
2640        Encephalitis Lethargic
2650        Enchondroma
2660        Endocarditis, Acute
2670        Endocarditis, Chronic
2680        Endocarditis, Septic
2690        Endothelioma
2700        Enteritis
2710        Enteritis, Membranacea
2720        Enterocolitis
2730        Entropion
2740        Enuresis, Nocturnal
2750        Epididymitis
2760        Epididymo-Orchitis
2770        Epiglottis
2780        Epilepsy
2790        Epilepsy, Jacksonian
2800        Epiphora
2810        Epistaxis
2820        Epitheliomia
2830        Epithelioma Multiplex Beningnum
2840        Epulis
2850        Erysipelas
2860        Erysipeloid
2870        Erythema Induratum
2880        Erythema Multiforme
2890        Erythema Nodosum
2900        Erythema Scarlatiniforme
2910        Erythema Toxicum
2920        Erythrasma
2930        Esophagus, Spasm of
2940        Esophagus, Stricture of
2950        Exophthalmos
2960        Exostosis
2970        Eyeball, Rupture of
2980        Eyeball, Enucleation of
2990        Eye Strain
3000        Febricula
3010        Fibroma
3020        Filariasis
3030        Fissure, Anal
3040        Fistula in Ano
3050        Fistula, Biliary
3060        Fistula, Fecal
3070        Fistula, Rectovesical
3080        Fistula, Rectoureteral
3090        Fistula, of Thoracic Duct
3100        Fistula, Thoracio-Intestinal
3110        Fistula, Thoracio-Gastric
3120        Fistula, Urinary
3130        Fistula
3140        Floating Cartilage
3150        Focal Infection from (Specify)
3160        Folliculitis
3170        Folliculitis Decalvans
3180        Foot and Mouth Disease
3190        Frambesia
3200        Funiculitis
3210        Furuncle
3220        Furunculosis
3230        Ganglion
3240        Gangrene
3250        Gastritis
3260        Gastro-Enteroptosis
3270        Gastroptosis
3280        Gastro-Succorrhea (Hypersecretion) Continuous
3290        Gastro-Succorrhea (Hypersecretion) Intermittent
3300        Genu Recurvatum
3310        Genu Valgum
3320        Genu Varum
3330        German Measles
3340        Gigantism
3350        Gingivitis
3360        Glanders
3370        Glaucoma
3380        Glaucoma, Secondary
3390        Glioma
3400        Glossitis
3410        Glycosuria
3420        Goiter, Exophthalmic
3430        Goiter, Simple
3440        Gonorrhoea
3450        Gonorrheal, Stricture of Urethra
3460        Gout
3470        Grain Itch
3480        Granuloma Coccidioidal
3490        Granuloma Fungoides
3500        Grayness of Hair
3510        Hallux Valgus
3520        Hallux Varus
6590        Pituitary Gland, Diseases of
6600        Pityriasis
6610        Pityriasis Rubra
6620        Pityriasis Simplex
6630        Pityriasis Versiocolor
6640        Plague, Bubonic
6650        Plague, Pneumonic
6660        Plague, Septicaemic
6670        Pleurisy, Fibrinous
6680        Pleurisy, Serofibrinous
6690        Pleurisy, Suppurative
6700        Pleuritic Adhesions
6710        Pneumonia, Broncho
6720        Pneumonia, Interstitial
6730        Pneumonia, Lobar
6740        Pneumonia, Unclassified
6750        Pneumopericardium
6760        Pneumothorax
6770        Poisoning, Chronic Lead
6780        Poisoning, Chronic
6790        Poliomyelitis, Anterior, Acute
6800        Poliomyelitis, Anterior, Chronic
6810        Polycythemia, Chronic
6820        Pomlypus, Nasal
6830        Presbyopia
6840        Priapism
6850        Prickley Heat
6860        Proctitis
6870        Prolapse of Ureter
6880        Pronated Foot
6890        Prostatitis
6900        Prostate, Hypertrophy of
6910        Prostatorrhoea
6920        Prurigo
6930        Pruritus
6940        Pruritus Ani
6950        Psoriasis
6960        Psychasthenia
6970        Psychoneurosis
                 Psychosis, Alcoholic:
6980        Acute Hallucinosis
6990        Chronic Paranoid Type
7000        Delirium Tremens
7010        Koesakoff’s Psychosis
7020        Other Types, Acute or Chronic
7030        Pathological Intoxication
7040        Epileptic
7050        Due to Drugs and Other Exogenous
                 Toxins, (a) Morphine, Cocaine,
                 Bromides, Chloral, etc., Alone or
                 Combined (to be Specified)
7060        Manic Depressive
7070        Senile
7080        Traumatic
7090        Undiagnosed
7100        With Brain Tumor
7110        With Cerebral Arteriosclerosis
7120        With Cerebral Syphilis
7130        With Constitutional Psychopathic
7140        With Huntington’s Chorea
7150        With Mental Deficiency
7160        With Other Brain or Nervous Diseases
                 (Specify when Possible)
7170        With Other Somatic Diseases
                 (Specify Diseases)
7180        With Pellagra
7190        Unclassified
7200        Pterygium
7210        Ptosis
7220        Purpura Simplex
7230        Purpura, Hemorrhagica
7240        Purpura, Rheumatica
7250        Pyaemia, Surgical
7260        Pyelitis
7270        Pyelonephritis
7280        Pyloric Insufficiency
7290        Pylorus, Stricture of
7300        Pylorospasm
7310        Pyonephrosis
7320        Pyopneumothorax
7330        Pyorrhoea, Alveolaris
7340        Rabies
7350        Rat-Bite-Fever
7360        Raynaud’s Disease
7370        Rectum, Prolapse of, Complete
7380        Rectum, Prolapse of, Incomplete
                 Relapsing Fever:
7390        Carter (Asiatic)
7400        Dutton (African)
7410        Koch
7420        Nevy (American)
7430        Obermeyer (European)
7440        Retina, Detachment
7450        Retina, Rupture of
7460        Retinal Artery, Obstruction of
7470        Retinitis, Acute
7480        Retinitis, Albuminuric
7490        Retinitis, Diabetic
7500        Retinitis, Hemorrhagic
7510        Retinitis, Syphilitic
7520        Retinitis, Unclassified
7530        Retrobulbar Neuritis
7540        Rheumatic Fever
7550        Rhinitis, Acute
7560        Rhinitis, Atrophic
7570        Rhinitis, Membranous
7580        Rhinitis, Hypertrophic
7590        Rhinoscleroma
7600        Rickets
7610        Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
7620        Rose Cold
7630        Rumination
7640        Salpingitis Eustachian, Acute
7650        Salvarsan, Reaction from
7660        Sapremia
7670        Sarcocele
7680        Sarcoma
7690        Satyriasis
7700        Scabies
7710        Scarlet Fever
7720        Schistosomiasis, Biliary
7730        Schistosomiasis, Intestinal
7740        Schistosomiasis, Vesical
7750        Sciatica
7760        Scleritis
7770        Scleritis, Combined
7780        Sclerosis, Disseminated
7790        Sclerosis, Lateral
7800        Scoliosis
7810        Scrofuloderma
7820        Scurvy
7830        Seasickness
7840        Seborrhoea
7850        Seminal Vesiculitis
7860        Septicaemia, General
7870        Shell-Shock
7880        Shock
7890        Sialadenitis
7900        Sigmoiditis
7910        Sinusitis, Ethmoidal
7920        Sinusitis, Frontal
7930        Sinusitis, Maxillary
7940        Sinusitis, Sphenoidal
7950        Smallpox
7960        Snow-Blindness
7970        Speech, Impediment of
7980        Spermatorrhoea
7990        Spina Bifida
8000        Spine, Curvature of
8010        Spinal Cord, Tumor of
8020        Spleen, Diseases of
8030        Spondylitis (Unqualified)
8040        Sporotrichosis
8050        Sprue
8060        Staphyloma of Cornea
8070        Status Lymphaticus
8080        Stenosis
8090        Acute Dilatation of
8100        Adhesions of
8110        Atony of (Motor Insufficiency,
                 Second Degree)
8120        Hour-Glass Contraction of
8130        Ulcer of
8140        Stomatitis, Aphthous
8150        Stomatitis, Catarrhal
8160        Stomatitis, Mercurial
8170        Stomatitis, Ulcerative
8180        Strabismus
8190        Stricture
8200        Strongyloidosis
8210        Strongylosis
8220        Stuttering
8230        Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
8240        Sudamina
8250        Sycosis Vulgaris
8260        Symblepharon
8270        Synechia
8280        Synovitis of
8290        Hereditary
8300        Primary
8310        Secondary
8320        Tertiary
8330        Unclassified
8340        Syringomelia
8350        Tabes Dorsalis
8360        Tachycardia, Paroxysmal
8370        Tachycardia, Simple
8380        Talipes
8390        Telangiectasis
8400        Teniasis
8410        Fibrinous, of Muscle
8420        Serous, of Muscle
8430        Suppurative, of Muscle
8440        Teratoma
8450        Tetanus
8460        Thrombosis
8470        Thymus Gland, Diseases of
8480        Tics
8490        Tinea Favosa
8500        Tonsillitis Chronic
8510        Tonsillitis, Follicular
8520        Tonsillitis, Hypertrophic
8530        Tonsillitis,
                 Parenchymatous, Suppurative
8540        Trematodiasis
8550        Trench Fever
8560        Trench Foot
8570        Trench Mouth
8580        Trichinosis

A Technician prepares to x-ray a patient at the 5th Field Hospital, Santo Tomas University, Manila, Luzon, P.I.

3530        Hammer Toe
3540        Harelip
3550        Hay Fever
3560        Heart Block
3570        Heart, Rupture of (Nontraumatic)
3580        Hematemesis
3590        Hematuria
3600        Hemianopsia
3610        Hemiplegia
3620        Hemoglobinuria
3630        Hemoglobinuric Fever
3640        Hemopericardium
3650        Hemophilia
3660        Hemoptysis
3670        Hemorrhoids
3680        Hemothorax
3690        Hermaphroditism
3700        Hernia
3710        Hernia Cerebri
3720        Hernia of Muscle
3730        Hernia, Strangulated
3740        Herpes Simplex
3750        Herpes Zoster
3760        Herpes Zoster Opthalmos
3770        Hodgkin’s Disease
3780        Hordeolum
3790        Hydroa Vacciniforme
3800        Hydrocele
3810        Hydrocephalus, Acquired
3820        Hydrocystoma
3830        Hydronephrosis
3840        Hyperchlorhydria
3850        Hyperhidrosis
3860        Hypermetropia
3870        Hypernephroma
3880        Hypertrophy of
3890        Hyphemia
3900        Hypochlorhydria
3910        Hypopyon
3920        Hypospadia
3930        Hysteria
3940        Hysterical Joint
3950        Ichthyosis
3960        Impacted Cerumen
3970        Impacted Molar
3980        Impetigo Contagiosa
3990        Impetigo Herpetiformis
4000        Impotence
4010        Infarction
4020        Influenza
4030        Ingrowing Nail
4040        Inguinal Rings, Enlargement of
4050        Insomnia
4060        Intertrigo
4070        Intestinal Indigestion
                 Intestinal Obstruction:
4080        Unqualified
4090        From Internal Causes, i.e. Structure
                 (Ulcerations), Gallstones, Enteroliths,
                 Foreign Bodies, Fecal Masses
4100        From External Causes, i.e.
                 Angulations, Kinks, Adhesions,
                 Volvulus, Intussusception
4110        From Spastic or Paralytic Causes
                 (after Injuries, Operations,
                 Appendicitis, Peritonitis)
4120        Iridocyclitis
4130        Iritis
4140        Jaundice, Spirochetal, Hemorrhagic
4150        Jejunum, Ulcer of
4160        Keloid
4170        Keratitis, Herpetic
4180        Keratitis, Interstitial
4190        Keratitis, Neuropathic
4200        Keratitis, Nonulcerative
4210        Keratitis, Phlyctenular
4220        Keratitis, Ulcerative
4230        Keratitis, Unclassified
4240        Keratoderma
4250        Keratoiritis
4260        Keratomalacia
4270        Keratosis Follicularis
4280        Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris
4290        Keratosis Pilaris
4300        Keratosis Senilis
4310        Lachrimal Obstruction
4320        Lambliasis
4330        Laryngitis
4340        Laryngitis, Phlegmonous, Acute
4350        Larynx, Edema of
4360        Leishmaniasis
4370        Leishmaniasis, Furunculus Orientalis
4380        Leprosy
4390        Leptomeningitis
4400        Leucoma
4410        Leucoma Adherena
4420        Leukonychia
4430        Leukoplakia
4440        Leukemia, Lymphocytic
4450        Leukemia, Myelocytic
4460        Lichen Planus
4470        Lichen Ruber
4480        Lichen Scrofulosus
4490        Lichen Simplex
4500        Lingual Tonsil, Hypertrophy of
4510        Lipoma
4520        Liver, Active Hyperemia of
4530        Liver, Acute Yellow Atrophy of
4540        Liver, Atrophic Cirrhosis of
4550        Liver, Biliary Cirrhosis of
4560        Liver, Hypertrophic Cirrhosis of
4570        Liver, Passive Hyperemia of
4580        Loose Bodies in Joint
4590        Ludwig’s Angina
4600        Lumbago
4610        Lungs, Abscess of
4620        Lings, Gangrene of
4630        Lungs, Infarction of
4640        Lupus Erythematosus
4650        Lupus Vulgaris
4660        Lymphadenitis
4670        Lymphadenoma
4680        Lymphangiectasis
8590        Trichomoniasis
8600        Trichophytosis, Barbae
8610        Trichophytosis, Capitis
8620        Trichophytosis, Corporis
8630        Trichorrhexis, Nodosa
8640        Trigger Finger
8650        Trypanosomiasis
8660        Tuberculosis, Nervous System
8670        Abdominal
8680        of Bone
8690        General Miliary
8700        of Large Joints
8710        Other Location
8720        Pulmonary Acute
8730        Pulmonary Acute, Broncho-Pneumonic
8740        Pulmonary Acute, Miliary
8750        Pulmonary Acute, Pneumonic
8760        Pulmonary, Chronic
8770        Pulmonary Chronic, Active
8780        Pulmonary, Chronic, Arrested
8790        Sacro-Iliac Joint
8800        Tubercular Abscess
8810        Tubercular Keratitis
8820        Tubercular Meningitis
8830        Tumor, Benign
8840        Tumor, Phantom
8850        Tunica Vaginalis, Hematocele of
8860        Turbinate, Hypertrophy of
8870        Typhoid Fever
8880        Typhus Fever
8890        Ulcer
8900        Ulcer of, Decubital
8910        Ulcer of Foot, Perforated
8920        Underheight
8930        Under Observation, Undiagnosed or Unknown
8940        Underweight
8950        Uremia
8960        Ureteral Colic
8970        Ureteritis
8980        Urethritis, Acute (Nonvenereal)
8990        Urethritis, Chronic (Nonvenereal)
9000        Urine, Extravasation of
9010        Urine, Incontinence of
9020        Urine, Retention of
9030        Urticaria
9040        Urticaria Pigmentosa
9050        Uveitis
9060        Uvulitis
9070        Vaccination, Smallpox
9080        Vaccination, Typhoid Fever
9090        Vaccination, Other than Typhoid Fever or Smallpox
9100        Vagatonia
                 Valvular Heart Disease:
9110        Aortic Insufficiency
9120        Aortic Stenosis
9130        Combined Lesions, Aortic
9140        Mitral Insufficiency
9150        Mitral Stenosis
9160        Pulmonic Lesions
9170        Tricuspid Lesions
9180        Valvular Heart Disease (Unclassified)
9190        Varicocele
9200        Varicose Veins
9210        Verruca (Wart)
9220        Vincent’s Angina
9230        Vitreous, Hemorrhage of
9240        Vitreous, Opacity of
9250        Visceroptosis
9260        Whooping Cough
9270        Xanthoma
9280        Yellow Fever
                 Injuries Produced by External Causes:
9290        Abrasion
9300        Amputation, Stump Painful
9310        Amputation, Traumatic
9320        Anaphylaxis
9330        Asphyxiation
9340        Bites
9350        Blister
9360        Blood Donor
9370        Burn, Chemical
9380        Burn
9390        Burn, X-Ray
9400        Cataract, Traumatic
9410        Ciliary Body, Prolapse from Injury
9420        Compression
9430        Concussion
9440        Conjuctivitis, Traumatic
9450        Contusion
9460        Crushing
9470        Deafness, Due to Heavy Firing
9480        Decapitation
9490        Deprivation of Water
9500        Dermatitis, Actinica
9510        Dermatitis, Calorica
9520        Dermatitis, Traumatica
9530        Dermatitis, Venenata
9540        Dislocation, Articular Cartilage, Knee
9550        Dislocation, Compound
9560        Dislocation, Simple
9570        Drowning, Accidental
9580        Drowning, Not Accidental
9590        Electric Shock, Injury from
9600        Emphysema, Traumatic
9610        Epiphyseal Separation
9620        Epilation, Traumatic
9630        Exhaustion from Overexertion
9640        Exhaustion from Overexposure
9650        Eyeball, Other Wounds and Injuries of
9660        Eyeball, Rupture of, Traumatic
9670        Foreign Body, Traumatic
9680        Fracture, Comminuted
9690        Fraction, Compound
9700        Fracture, Compound, Comminuted
9710        Fracture, Delayed Union
9720        Fracture, Faulty Union
9730        Fracture, Fibrous Union Following
9740        Fracture near Joint, with Dislocation
9750        Fracture, Nonunion
9760        Fracture, Pseudarthrosis

Cpl. Edward Kerns, wounded in Normandy tries his hand at mat-weaving while recovering at the 280th Station Hospital (Shortgrove Park, Essex, England).

4690        Lymphangioma
4700        Lymphangioma Circumscriptum
4710        Lymphangitis
4720        Lymphosarcoma
4730        Malarial Fever, Estivo-Autumnal
4740        Malarial Fever, Mixed
4750        Malarial Fever, Quartan
4760        Malarial Fever, Tertian
4770        Malarial Fever, Unclassified
4780        Miliary Fever
4790        Malingering
4800        Malignant Edema
4810        Mallet Finger
4820        Malnutrition
4830        Malta Fever
4840        Masochism
4850        Mastoiditis
4860        Measles
4870        Melancholia Involutional
4880        Melanoderma
4890        Melanoma
4900        Melanosarcoma
4910        Meniere’s Disease
4920        Meningitis, Cerebrospinal (Epidemic)
                 Mental Deficiency:
4930        Borderline Condition
4940        Imbecile
4950        Moron
4960        Unclassified
4970        Metatarsalgia
4980        Migraine
4990        Milium
5000        Molluscum, Contagiosum
5010        Monoplegia
5020        Monorchidism
5030        Morphoea
5040        Mouth, Ulcer of
5050        Mumps
5060        Mutism
5070        Myalgia
5080        Mycoses, Others
5090        Myelitis
5100        Myeloma, Multiple
5110        Myocardial Insufficiency
5120        Myocarditis
5130        Myoma
5140        Myopia
5150        Myositis
9770        Fracture, Simple
9780        Frostbite
9790        Gases, Deleterious, Effects of
9800        Heart, Rupture of, Traumatic
9810        Heat, Ill-Defined Effects of
9820        Hematocele, Tunica
                 Vaginalis, Traumatic
9830        Hematoma, Traumatic
9840        Hemorrhage into Joint, Traumatic
9850        Hemorrhage, Subdural, Traumatic
9860        Hemorrhage, Traumatic
9870        Homicide
9880        Injury, Secondary, Result of
9890        Iris, Prolapse of, from Injury
9900        Lightning Stroke, Injury from
9910        Myelitis, Traumatic
9920        Myositis, Ossifying, Traumatic
9930        Neuritis, Traumatic
9940        Paralysis, from Pressure, the Result of Injury
9950        Poisoning, Acute
9960        Poisoning, by Food
9970        Rupture, Traumatic
9980        Self-Mutilation
9990        Serum Poisoning
10000      Smoke Inhalation
10010      Sprain
10020      Starvation
10030      Strain
10040      Strangulation
10050      Submersion (Nonfatal)
10060      Suicide
10070      Sunburn
10080      Sunstroke
10090      Synovitis, Traumatic
10100      Tinnitus, Aurium, due to Heavy Firing
10110      Venomous Bites and Stings
10120      Wound, Character or Cause not Stated
10130      Wound, Contused
10140      Wound, Extensive
10150      Wound, Incised
10160      Wound, Lacerated
10170      Wound, Multiple
10180      Wound, Punctured
10190      Wound, Penetrating
10200      Wound, Perforating

Administration of Oxygen by Face Mask. Note the use of a Winter Pajama Top by the patient.

Standard Terms for Anatomical Locations:

The Standard Terms for Anatomical Locations used in the following list were to be used as a guide in preparing Indexes of Sick and Wounded.

Illustration showing how to apply a Plaster Splint (temporary immobilization).

001          Abdomen
002          Acetabulum
003          Acromioclavicular
005          Acromial
006          Adductor Muscles
007          Alveolar
008          Anterior Chamber of Eye
009          Anus
010          Aorta, Abdominal
011          Aorta, Ascending Thoracic
012          Aorta, Descending Thoracic
013          Aorta, Transverse Thoracic
014          Arm
015          Astragalus
016          Auricle
017          Axilla
018          Axillary Artery
019          Back
020          Basilic Vein
021          Biceps Cubiti
022          Biceps Femoris
023          Bladder Urinary
024          Brachial Artery
025          Brachial Plexus
026          Brain
027          Bronchus
028          Buccal
029          Calcaneum
030          Carotid Artery
031          Carotid Fossa
032          Crop-Metacarpal Joint
033          Carpus
034          Cecum
035          Cephalic Vein
036          Cervical
037          Cheek
038          Chin
039          Choroid
040          Ciliary Body
041          Circumflex Nerve
042          Clavicle
043          Coccyx
044          Condyle
045          Colon
046          Conjuctiva
047          Cornea
048          Costosternal
049          Crural
050          Cuboid
051          Cuneiform (Carpal)
052          Cuneiform, External
053          Cuneiform, Internal
054          Cuneiform, Middle
055          Deltoid Muscle
056          Diaphragm
057          Dorsal
058          Dorsalis Pedis
059          Duodenum
060          Ear
061          Elbow
062          Epididymus
063          Epigastric
064          Erector Spinae
065          Esophagus
066          Ethmoid
067          Eustachian Tube
068          External Auditory Canal
069          External Oblique
070          Extradural
071          Eyeball
072          Eyelid, Lower
073          Eyelid, Upper
074          Face
075          Facial Nerve
076          Femoral Artery
077          Femur
078          Fibula
079          Fifth Nerve (Trifacial)
080          Finger
081          Finger, Index
082          Finger, Little
083          Finger, Middle
084          Finger, Ring
085          Foot
086          Forearm
087          Forehead
088          Frontal Bone
089          Frontal Region
090          Gall Bladder
091          Gall Ducts
092          Gastrocnemius
093          Genital Organs
094          Gluteal
095          Great Toe
096          Greater Trochanter
097          Hand
098          Head
099          Heart
100          Heel
101          Hip
102          Humerus
103          Hyoid
104          Hypochondrium
105          Hypogastric
106          Ileum
107          Ilium
108          Infraclavicular
109          Inframammary
110          Infraorbital
111          Infrascapular
112          Inguinal
113          Intercostal
114          Interscapular
115          Intestines, Small
116          Iris
117          Ischium
118          Jejunum
119          Joint
120          Jugular Vein
121          Kidney
122          Knee
123          Lacrimal Sac
124          Larynx
125          Latissimus Dorsi
126          Leg
127          Lesser Trochanter
128          Ligamentum Patellae
129          Lip, Lower
130          Lip, Upper
131          Lips, Both
132          Liver
133          Lower Extremity
134          Lumbosacral
135          Lungs
136          Lymph Glands
137          Malar
138          Malleolus
139          Mammary
140          Mastoid Process
141          Mastoid Region
142          Maxilla, Inferior
143          Maxilla, Superior
144          Maxillary Region
145          Median Vein
146          Median Cephalic Vein
147          Median Nerve
148          Mediastinum
149          Mediocarpal
150          Mediotarsal
151          Medulla
152          Meninges
153          Mesentery
154          Metacarpophalangeal Joint
155          Metacarpus
156          Middle Ear
157          Mouth
158          Musculospiral Nerve
159          Nasal Bone
160          Neck
161          Nose
162          Occipital Bone
163          Occipital Region
164          Olecranon
165          Omentum
166          Optic Nerve
167          Orbit
168          Orbital Region
169          Os Magnum
170          Palate Bone
171          Palmar Arch
172          Pancreas
173          Parietal Bone
174          Parietal Region
175          Parotid
176          Patella
177          Pectoral Muscles
178          Pelvis
179          Penis
180          Pericardium
181          Perineum
182          Periosteum
183          Peritoneum
184          Peronei Muscles
185          Phalanx
186          Pharynx
187          Phrenic Nerve
188          Pisiform
189          Plantar Arch
190          Pleura
191          Pons
192          Popliteal Artery
193          Popliteal Nerve
194          Popliteal Space
195          Pneumogastric Nerve
196          Prostate
197          Psoas
198          Public Bone
199          Quadriceps Extensor Femoris
200          Radial Artery
201          Radial Nerve
202          Radiocarpal
203          Radius
204          Rectum
205          Rectus Abdominis
206          Retina
207          Rib
208          Sacroiliac Synchondrosis
209          Sacral Region
210          Sacrum
211          Salivary Glands
212          Saphenous Vein, External
213          Saphenous Vein, Internal
214          Sartorius
215          Scalp
216          Scaphoid (Carpal)
217          Scaphoid (Tarsal)
218          Scapula
219          Scapula Region
220          Sciatic Nerve, Great
221          Sclera
222          Scrotum
223          Semilunar
224          Seminal Vesicles
225          Shoulder
226          Shoulder J oint
227          Sigmoid
228          Skull, Base
229          Skull, Vault
230          Sphenoid
231          Spiral Cord
232          Spinal Meninges
233          Spinal Column
234          Spinous Process
235          Spleen
236          Sternal Region
237          Sternoclavicular
238          Sternocleidomastoid
239          Sternum
240          Stomach
241          Subacromial
242          Subclavicular
243          Subdural
244          Sublingual
245          Submaxillary
246          Submental
247          Supraclavicular
248          Supraorbital
249          Suprapubic
250          Suprarenal
251          Suprascapular
252          Suprasternal
253          Symphysis, Inferior Maxillary
254          Symphysis, Pubis
255          Tarsometatarsal Joint
256          Tarsus
257          Teeth
258          Temporal Artery
259          Temporal Bone
260          Temporal Region
261          Temporomaxillary
262          Tendo-Achilles
263          Tendon
264          Testicle
265          Thigh
266          Thorax
267          Thumb
268          Thyroid Gland
269          Tibia
270          Tibial Artery, Anterior
271          Tibial Artery, Posterior
272          Tibial Nerve, Anterior
273          Tibial Nerve, Posterior
274          Tibialis Anticus
275          Toe
276          Tongue
277          Tonsil
278          Trachea
279          Trapezium
280          Trapezius
281          Trapezoid
282          Trunk
283          Tympanum
284          Ulna
285          Ulnar Artery
286          Ulnar Nerve
287          Umbilical
288          Unciform
289          Upper Extremity
290          Ureter
291          Urethra
292          Urogenital
293          Uterus
294          Uvula
295          Vein
296          Ventral
297          Ventricle
298          Vertebra
299          Vitreous
300          Vomer
301          Wrist
302          Zygoma

Standard Terms for Operations:

The Standard Terms for Operations listed below were to be used as a guide in preparing Records of Sick and Wounded. They were to be followed as far as practicable. When operations were performed for which no terms were furnished in the list, they were to be recorded with such scientific terms commonly applied to them by the medical profession, and briefly and accurately described. When new terms were inserted in the list they were to be placed in their proper alphabetical order and assigned numbers within the limits of the numerical codes present.

Illustration showing preparation of a patient for a Lithotomy (incision of urinary bladder to remove stones).

Many medical terms are compounded of root words, and this is especially true of terms describing surgical operations. The word describing an organ is combined with another root word describing the operation performed on it. Example: the word tonsil combined with the suffix – ectomy means surgical removal, such as the term tonsillectomy which designates the operation for surgical removal of the tonsils.

Illustration showing surface areas of the Upper Body (head and neck).

A few more common suffixes describing surgical procedures are:

-desis > surgical fixation by fusion (as in Arthrodesis) -ectomy > removal (as in Cecectomy) -graphy > X-Ray examination, after introduction of a contrast medium (as in Roentgenography)   -lysis > loosening from adhesions (as in Ureterolysis) -pexy > surgical fixation (as in Nephropexy) -plasty > building up or restoration (as in Tenoplasty) -rrhaphy > closure by sutures of an organ or cavity (as in Gastrorrhaphy) -scopy > inspection of the interior of an organ through an instrument (as in Bronchoscopy) -stomy > forming of an artificial opening (as in Cystostomy Transperitoneal) -tomy > cutting open of an organ or cavity (as in Arteriotomy)

Illustration showing Irrigation of the Ear.

0010        Adenoidectomy
0020        Adenoidectomy and Tonsilectomy
0030        Advancement of Eye Muscle
0040        Amputation, Lower Extremity, All or in Part
0050        Amputation, Upper Extremity, All or in Part
0060        Aneuryamorrhaphy
0070        Aponeurosis, Division of
0080        Aponeurosis, Excision of
0090        Appendectomy
0100        Arteriorrhaphy
0110        Arteriotomy
0120        Artery, Ligation
0130        Arthrectomy, Complete Lower, Extremity
0140        Arthrectomy, Complete Upper, Extremity
0150        Arthrectomy, Partial, Lower Extremity
0160        Arthrectomy, Partial, Upper Extremity
0170        Arthroclasia, Lower Extremity
0180        Arthroclasia, Upper Extremity
0190        Arthrodesis
0200        Arthroplasty, Lower Extremity
0210        Arthroplasty, Upper Extremity
0220        Arthrotomy, Lower Extremity
0230        Arthrotomy, Upper Extremity
0240        Bladder, Plastic Repair
0250        Blepharosplasty
0260        Blood Vessels, other Operations
0270        Bone Graft, Lower Extremity
0280        Bone Graft, Upper Extremity
0290        Bone Plate, Removal of, Lower Extremity
0300        Bone Plate, Removal of, Upper Extremity
0310        Bone Rebroken and Set for Faulty Union, Lower Extremity
0320        Bone Rebroken and Set for Faulty Union, Upper Extremity
0330        Bone, Resection of
0340        Brain Cyst, Drainage
1530        Intestines, other Operations
1540        Intubation
1550        Iridectomy
1560        Iridotomy
Joint, Aspiration of:
1570        Lower
1580        Upper
                 Joint, Aspiration and Injection:
1590        Lower
1600        Upper
                 Joint, Dislocation:
1610        Closed Reduction, Lower
1620        Closed Reduction, Upper
1630        Open Reduction, Lower
1640        Open Reduction, Upper
                 Joints, Excision Neoplasm,
                 Synovial Folds, etc.:
1650        Lower
1660        Upper
                 Joint, Removal of Foreign or Loose Bodies :
1670        Lower
1680        Upper
                 Joint, Resection of :
1690        Lower
1700        Upper
1710        Kidney, Removal of Foreign Bodies
1720        Laminectomy
1730        Laryngectomy, Complete
1740        Laryngectomy, Partial
1750        Laryngoscopy
1760        Laryngotomy
1770        Larynx, Plastic Repair
1780        Larynx, Removal of Foreign Body
1790        Litholopaxy
1800        Lithotomy, Suprapubic

Illustration of an Abdominal Paracentesis (surgical puncture).

0350        Brain Cyst, Excision
0360        Brain, other Operations
0370        Breaking Up of Adhesions
0380        Bursa, Aspiration
0390        Bursa, Excision
0400        Bursa, Incision
0410        Canthoplasty
0420        Canthotomy
0430        Capsulorrhaphy
0440        Cardiorrhaphy
0450        Cataract Extraction
0460        Cauterization
0470        Cecectomy
0480        Cecostomy
0490        Celiotomy
0500        Chalazion Operation
0510        Cholecystectomy
0520        Cholecystotomy
0530        Chondrectomy
0540        Chondrotomy
0550        Circumcision
0560        Clot, Removal
0570        Colectomy, Partial
0580        Colostomy
0590        Colotomy
0600        Conjunctival Keratoplasty
0610        Connective Tissue, Excision of
0620        Connective Tissue, Incision of
0630        Curettement
0640        Cystectomy, Complete
0650        Cystectomy, Partial
0660        Cystorrhaphy
0670        Cystoscopy
0680        Cystostomy Perineal
0690        Cystostomy Suprapubic
0700        Cystostomy Transperitoneal
0710        Debridement
0720        Debridement with Primary Suture
0730        Debridement with Carrel’s Treatment
0740        Debridement with Drainage
0750        Decompression
0760        Decortication
0770        Depressed Fragments, Elevation of
0780        Dilatation
0790        Dilatation of Lacrimal Duct
0800        Disarticulation
0810        Discussion of Cataract
0820        Drainage
0830        Ear, Removal of Foreign Body
0840        Enterocolostomy
0850        Entereroenterostomy
0870        Enterostomy
0880        Enterotomy
0890        Enucleation, Simple
0900        Enucleation, with Implantation
0910        Epididymectomy
0920        Epididymotomy
0930        Epilation
0940        Esophagorrhaphy
0950        Esophagostomy
0960        Esophagotomy
0970        Evisceration
0980        Excision of (Specify)
0900        Exploratory Incision
1000        Extirpation of Lacrimal Sac
1010        Extraction of Fragments of Missile
1020        Extraction of Tooth
1030        Eye, other Operations
1040        Eye, Removal of Foreign Body
1050        Fistula, Excision
1060        Fistula, Incision
1070        Foreign Body, Removal of
                 Fracture, Closed Treatment of:
1080        With Buck’s Traction
1090        With External Splints
1100        With Hodgen’s Splints
1110        With Jones’s Traction
1120        With other Methods
1130        With Plaster of Paris Fracture,
                 Compound, Closed, Treatment of:
1140        With Buck’s Traction
1150        With External Splints
1160        With Hodgen’s Splints
1170        With Jones’s Traction
1180        With Plaster of Paris
                 Fracture, Open Treatment of:
1190        By Hand
1200        By Bone Graft
1210        By Plate
1220        By Suture
1230        By Wiring
1240        Other Method
1250        Fracture, Removal of Fragments
1260        Gastrectomy, Complete
1270        Gastrectomy, Partial
1280        Gastroenterostomy
1290        Gastrorrhaphy
1300        Gastrostomy
1310        Gastrotomy
1320        Glossectomy, Complete
1330        Glossectomy, Partial
1340        Hemorrhoids, Clamp and Cautery
1350        Hemorrhoids, Ligation
1360        Hepatorrhaphy
1370        Femoral, Repair
1380        Inguinal, Repair
1390        Lumbar, Repair
1400        Strangulated, Open Reduction
1410        Umbilical, Repair
1420        Ventral, Repair
1430        Aspiration and Injection
1440        Eversion of Sac (Bottle Operation)
1450        Excision
1460        Hysterectomy
1470        Incision
1480        Incision and Curettement
1490        Incision and Drainage
1500        Incision of Lacrimal Sac
1510        Insertion of Carrel Tubes
1520        Intestinal Resection
1810        Lithotomy, Perineal
1820        Liver, other Operations
1830        Lungs, Removal of Foreign Body
1840        Lymphadenectomy
1850        Mastoidotomy
1860        Mouth, Plastic Repair
1870        Myectomy
1880        Myorrhaphy
1890        Myotomy
1900        Nasal Cavity, Cauterization
1910        Nasal Cavity, Excision Neoplasm
1920        Nasal Cavity, Plastic Repair
1930        Nephrectomy
1940        Nephrolithotomy
1950        Nephropexy
1960        Nephorrhaphy
1970        Nephrotomy
1980        Neurectomy
1990        Neurolysis
2000        Neurorrhaphy
2010        Neurotomy
2020        No Operation
2030        Nose, Plastic Repair
2040        Orchidectomy
2050        Orchidotomy
2060        Ostectomy, Complete
2070        Ostectomy, Partial
2080        Osteotomy
2090        Pancreas, Operation
2100        Paracentesis
2110        Paracentesis Cornea
2120        Paracentesis Ventriculi
2130        Pericardiorrhaphy
2140        Pericardiotomy
2150        Periostotomy
2160        Peritoneum, Drainage
2170        Pharyngotomy
2180        Phlebectomy
2190        Phebotomy
2200        Plastic on Lids
2210        Plastic Repair of Face
2220        Plastic Repair of Rectum
2230        Plastic Repair of Skin
2240        Plastic Repair of other Parts
2250        Plastic Repair of Testicle
2260        Plastic Repair with Celluloid Splints
2270        Plication
2280        Pneumorrhaphy
2290        Pneumothorax, Artificial
2300        Pneumonotomy
2310        Proctectomy
2320        Proctoscopy
2330        Prostatectomy, Perineal
2340        Prostatectomy, Suprapubic
2350        Prostatotomy
2360        Pterygium, Operation for
2370        Ptosis, Operation for
2380        Pulmonary Abscess, Drainage
2390        Reamputation
2400        Rectum, Divulsion
2410        Removal of Foreign Body from Bladder
2420        Removal of Foreign Body from Bronchus
2430        Removal of Foreign Body from Nasal Cavity
2440        Removal of Foreign Body from Pleura
2450        Rib Resection with Drainage
2460        Saemisch Operation
2470        Salivary Glands, Operation
2480        Sclerocorneal Trephining
2490        Sclerotomy
2500        Sequestrotomy
2510        Silver Wire Removal, Lower Extremity
2520        Silver Wire Removal, Upper Extremity
2530        Sinusotomy, Ethmoidal
2540        Sinusotomy, Frontal
2550        Sinusotomy, Maxillary
2560        Sinusotomy, Sphenoidal
2570        Skin Grafting
2580        Spinal Injection
2590        Spinal Puncture
2600        Splenectomy
2610        Splenorrhaphy
2620        Staphyloma, Operation for
2630        Stomach, other Operations
2640        Submucous Resection
2650        Suprarenal Glands, Operation on
2660        Suture
2670        Suture, Secondary
2680        Symblepharon, Operation for
2690        Tarsorrhaphy
2700        Tendon Transplantation
2710        Tendons, other Operations
2720        Tenoplasty
2730        Tenorrhaphy
2740        Tenosynovectomy
2750        Tecotomy
2760        Tenotomy of Eye Muscle
2770        Thoracentesis
2780        Thoracoplasty
2790        Thoracotomy, with Drainage
2800        Thyroidectomy, Complete
2810        Thyroidectomy, Partial
2820        Tongue, other Operations
2830        Tonsillectomy
2840        Trachea, Removal of Foreign Body
2850        Tracheotomy
2860        Trachoma, Expression
2870        Transfusion
2880        Trephining
2890        Trichiasis, Operation
2900        Turbinectomy
2910        Urethra, Plastic Repair
2920        Urethrotomy, External
2930        Urethrotomy, Internal
2940        Varicocelectomy
2950        Vasectomy
2960        Vasotomy
2970        Vein, Infusion of
2980        Vein, Ligation of
2990        Vesiculectomy, Seminal
3000        Wound, Opened and Packed

Position of a patient for a Craniotomy (opening of the skull).

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