The Medical Chest

Four American soldiers demonstrate one method of transporting the Medical Chest during a training mission in the Zone of the Interior. Photograph taken 1942. Of special note are the early-war markings and Chest style.


The series of MD Chests was introduced to the Medical Department in 1942 as a means by which to transport large unit medical supplies and to enable medical units to easily redeploy. Each Chest was designated using a number, and each holding supplies for a very specialized role. Depending upon the function of the Chest, a number of “Tray Sets” was also introduced in 1942 as a means of better packing equipment for prompt establishment. This Article aims to look at the various types of Medical Chest, their respective contents and their roles within the Medical Department.

The Medical Chest:

The standard variation of Medical Chest was designated as Item # 9754000 – Chest, Field, Plain. Having interior dimensions of 28 inches long, 16 ¼ inches wide and 14 ½ inches deep, the Chest occupied a space covering 5 cubic feet. The Chest had a large hinged lid (using three strap hinges), which closed using two clasps, and later examples also featured a hasp and staple fixture, to allow the Chest to be locked (for use when the Chest was to act as a Dispensary). It would appear that during WW2 two versions of the Chest were produced, each with inherently different features.

Early examples of the MD Chest had leather strap handles on each end of the container, whereas by 1943 the boxes were fitted with two ‘cabinet-style’ folding metal handles. Both variants were constructed using plywood boards, edged with metal strips and cornered using pressed metal hardware. The interior of the Plain Chest was free from any form of divider or shelving system, thus allowing it to be used for a multitude of purposes.

Photograph showing Item # 9754000 – Chest, Field, Modified. The two large drawers are also shown in this image, and assembly pictured represents the MD No. 1 Chest.

In addition to the Chest, Field, Plain, a number of other variations of the MD Chest were produced. Item # 9754000 – Chest, Field, Modified, while appearing identical in exterior appearance, featured a central interior divider to accommodate two large wooden containers. The lid of this Chest contained a folding table-top, constructed of wooden ply material, having tubular steel supports. This specific chest was designed to be used when constructing a field operating table (by placing a litter atop two upended MD Chests). To accommodate for this, the Modified Field Chest contained metal supports for the litter. These were constructed of channeled steel and were stored in the lid when not in use.  These supports could be fitted to the Chest by inserting them into the slotted hardware flanking each end, and would support the weight of the patient.

This illustration clearly shows the stowage of the litter supports inside the Modified Field Chest when not in use.
Private Collection

Tray Sets:

As mentioned above, a series of Tray Sets was also introduced by the Medical Department in order to extend the versatility of the Medical Chest. Each of these Tray Sets performed a specific role, and was designated as Type #. Below is a brief list of the various types of Tray Sets being used, and the components thereof:

African-American medical personnel collect supplies from the Tray Set Type I. As can be seen, the Table Top component has been covered using a towel to improve sterility.

Item # 9789000 – Tray Set Type 1:
9789000 was a four-tier folding Tray Set designed to hold medical supplies. It consisted of one each of the following:

  • 9784000 – Table Top
  • 9785000 – Tray No. 1
  • 9785500 – Tray No. 2
  • 9786000 – Tray No. 3

Each of the trays had two folding upright supports, which would fold down inside the chest during packing. This item was exclusively used to hold supplies in the MD No. 2 Chest.

Item # 9789500 – Tray Set Type 3:
The Type 3 Tray Set was designed as an administration insert for the standard Plain Field Chest. It consisted of a large inner chest (9751000 – Cabinet, Stationary), featuring a fold-out table (9784500 – Table, Typewriter), a separate folding table, accompanied by four small folding chairs (9783500 – Table and Stool Set).
The Type 3 Tray Set was exclusive to the MD No. 4 Chest, and was used mainly to perform field administration of medical units and stations.

Illustration showing Item # 9789500 – Tray Set Type 3 erected. As can be seen, the folding typewriter table was designed to slot into the large Cabinet, Stationary to produce an alternative field desk.

Item # 9790500 – Tray Set Type 5:
Tray Set Type 5 was used in the MD No. 60 Chest, to hold supplies sufficient for establishing a field Dental Laboratory. It was a three-tiered system, with a flat table-top shelf atop two folding chests. In addition to the Chest, Field, Plain, the Type 5 tray set consisted of one each of the following:

  • 9784000 – Table Top
  • 9787500 – Tray No. 8
  • 9788000 – Tray No. 9
  • 9792000 – Tray, Tool

Each of the tray’s construction (with the exception of the Table Top) was identical to that described above; the only difference being the placement of several dividers within each tray.

Field use of the MD No. 60 Chest. The dental clinic has been established inside an M1934 Pyramidal Tent, and the Tray Set has also been placed on top of the Chest, Field, Plain in order to make its height more convenient for the clinic.

Item # 9791000 – Tray Set Type 6:
The Type 6 Tray Set consisted of several large cabinets, each designed to hold tools and supplies for the aforementioned Dental Laboratory. The cabinets were designed to be placed inside a standard Chest, Field, Plain, and featured a large shelving unit with several smaller drawers being used to hold dental dressings and instruments. The official designation for this Tray Set’s make up consisted of one each of the following:

  • 9750500 – Cabinet, Dental, Laboratory
  • 9783000 – Table, Laboratory

Due to this set’s specific use, it only appeared as part of the Chest, MD No. 61 assemblage.

Illustration showing Item # 9791000 – Tray Set Type 6. As can be seen, the cabinet consists of a number of drawers, into which the various tools and instruments would be placed.

Item # 9791500 – Tray Set Type 7:
This final Tray Set was once again used to hold material for the field Dental Laboratory. It consisted of a single folding tray and table top component, and was once again designed to be placed inside the standard Chest, Field, Plain (Item # 975400). The Tray Set officially consisted of one each of the following components:

  • 9784000 – Table Top
  • 9788500 – Tray No. 10

This particular Tray Set formed an integral part of the Chest, MD No 62, and was not used for any other application.

The above illustration shows the contents of Chest, MD No. 62, along with Item # 9791500 – Tray Set, Type 7. Also shown in this picture is the Chest, Field, Plain, into which the Tray Set would be placed. The divider in the bottom tray can clearly be seen, stacked on top of the Chest.

Medical Packboard Packs:

Due to the heavy weight and cumbersome size of the Medical Chest, by late 1943 the Medical Department began to look for alternative methods of transporting medical supplies and assemblages. A solution to the problem was discovered in the form of a canvas duck pack which was designed to be placed upon the Packboard (both the early Yukon and later Plywood models). Two of these particular packs were designed to replace one Medical Chest, and it was envisaged that they would allow the units to move more effectively and quickly.

A photograph showing the subtle differences between the Yukon-style Packboard Pack (left) and the regular Plywood version (right). The large loop as mentioned in the text can be seen placed over the wooden upright of the Yukon Packboard.

For obvious reasons, the introduction of these packs in late 1944 meant that the various Tray Sets which had previously been used to hold supplies were no longer appropriate. As a result, the Medical Department introduced a series of zipped compartments which could be placed into the pack to hold supplies. Since the US Army was already using both types of Packboard by the time the Medical Pack was introduced, two variants were manufactured, one designed specifically for the Yukon Packboard, Stock No. 74-P-25 (having large canvas loops on each top corner, designed to be placed over the upright supports of the packboard). The second variant was manufactured specifically for the Plywood Packboard, Stock No. 74-P-27-20, and the main difference was the absence of these canvas loops. A comparison of both of these variations can be seen in the illustration above.

An illustration showing the Medical Pack, complete with zipped inserts. This particular example contains the M2 Gas Casualty Treatment Set, but a similar set up would have replaced a Medical Chest by 1945.

The Instructor’s Guide for Medical Department Mobilization Training Program 8-101 (dated June 1944) provides additional information on the numerous Medical Packs that were introduced as a replacement for the earlier Medical Chest. The texts indicate the following replacements:

Chest, MD No. 1 (Item # 97565) Pack No. 1, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97940)
Chest, MD No. 2 (Item # 97570) Pack No. 2, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97942)
Blanket Set, Small, Complete (Item # 97465) Pack No. 3, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97944)

In addition to the replacements listed above, Pack No. 4, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97946) was designed for carrying the Splint Set (Item # 97815), while Pack No. 5, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97948) was used for carrying the Can, Water, 5-gallon (Item # 99157). The following tables list the contents of each Pack.

Pack No. 1, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97940):
Number Item Quantity
97787 Packboard 1
97922 Unit Medical Equipment Pack, Case, Empty 1
97923 Unit Medical Equipment, Insert, Empty 4
Insert # 1
92051 Dressing, First Aid, Large, Field Brown 16
Insert # 2
92051 Dressing, First Aid, Large, Field Brown 10
92061 Dressing, First Aid, Small, Field Brown 30
Insert # 3
20130 Cotton, Absorbant, Compressed 13
91211 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 5, 5-Gm Envelopes 8
92016 Bandage, Gauze, Field Brown, 4-inch 25
92026 Bandage, Muslin, Field Brown, 5-inch 6
92041 Bandage, Triangular, Compressed, OD 24
92068 Gauze, Plain, Sterilized, Field Brown 13
92083 Plaster, Adhesive, Field Brown, 1-inch 3
92084 Plaster, Adhesive, Field Brown, 3-inch 3
Insert # 4
10122 Acid, Boric, Ointment, 4 oz 1
12040 Foot Powder, 1/4 lb 1
34680 Scissors, Bandage 1
36830 Gloves, Surgeon’s Size 7 1/2 2
36840 Gloves, Surgeon’s, Size 8 2
37730 Stethoscope 1
71780 Towel, Hand 3
74930 Soap, White, Floating 2
75150 Book, Blank, 8 Vo 1
77010 Apron, Rubberized 1
77160 Battery, Dry Cell 4
77205 Box, Cash, containing the following: 1
13820 – Procaine Hydrochloride, 10 3-Gr Hypo Tablets 2
36627 – Cotton, Thread, Quilting, 150 Yards 2
37790 – Suture, Catgut, Chromic, Size 1, 1 Suture 24
38440 – Syringe, Luer, 2-cc 2
38490 – Syringe, Luer, Needle, 23-Gage, 3/4-inch Canula, 12 1
38510 – Syringe, Luer, Needle, 19-Gage, 1 3/4-inch Canula, 12 1
79320 – Thermometer, Clinical 2
91155 – Morphine Tartrate, 5 Tubes 13
78010 Flashlight, with Lamp 1
78020 Flashlight Lamp 4
78770 Pin, Safety, Large 4
78780 Pin, Safety, Medium 4
93780 Tourniquet, Field 2
97675 Container, Metal, No. 1; 1 for each 12 of the following: 2
91120 – Iodine Swab, 1 1/2-cc, 6 24
97710 Container, Metal, No. 9; 1 for each 150 of the following: 2
10100 – Acid, Acetylsalicylic, 1000 Tablets 300
97730 Container, Metal, No. 14, for the following: 1
10480 – Alcohol, Ethyl, 1 qt 1
99070 Basin, Canvas, Folding 1
99265 Gloves, Rubber, Pouch 1
99410 Pad, Heat, Complete 2
99540 Sterilizer, Instrument, 9 3/4-Inch 1
32300 Forceps, Hemostatic, 6 1/4-inch, Straight, Rankin 6
32310 Forceps, Hemostatic, 6 1/4-inch, Curved, Rochester-Penn 3
32965 Holder, Needle, Collier 1
33377 Knife, Operating, Handle No. 4 1
33381 Knife, Operating, Blade No. 20, 6 3
34700 Scissors, Dissecting, 5 1/2-inch, Straight 1
77220 Box, Ointment, 2-oz, containing: 1
33631 – Needle, Catgut, Size 2, Half-Circle, 6 2
33935 – Needle, Surgeon’s Regular, Size 6, 3/8-circle, 6 2
33950 – Needle, Surgeon’s Regular, Size 12, 3/8-Circle, 6 1
34011 – Needle, Uterine, Size 5, Half-Circle, 6 1
Form 52b Emergency Medical Tag (20 in Booklet in Duplicate) 1
Pack No. 2, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97942):
Number Item Quantity
97787 Packboard 1
97922 Unit Medical Equipment Pack, Case, Empty 1
97923 Unit Medical Equipment, Insert, Empty 4
Insert # 1
92051 Dressing, First Aid, Large, Field Brown 16
Insert # 2
92051 Dressing, First Aid, Large, Field Brown 10
92061 Dressing, First Aid, Small, Field Brown 30
Insert # 3
20130 Cotton, Absorbant, Compressed 13
91211 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 5, 5-Gm Envelopes 8
92016 Bandage, Gauze, Field Brown, 4-inch 25
92026 Bandage, Muslin, Field Brown, 5-inch 6
92041 Bandage, Triangular, Compressed, OD 24
92068 Gauze, Plain, Sterilized, Field Brown 13
92083 Plaster, Adhesive, Field Brown, 1-inch 3
92084 Plaster, Adhesive, Field Brown, 3-inch 3
Insert # 4
12040 Foot Powder, 1/4 lb 1
34680 Scissors, Bandage 1
36830 Gloves, Surgeon’s Size 7 1/2 2
36840 Gloves, Surgeon’s, Size 8 2
37730 Stethoscope 1
71780 Towel, Hand 3
74930 Soap, White, Floating 2
75150 Book, Blank, 8 Vo 1
77010 Apron, Rubberized 1
77160 Battery, Dry Cell 4
77205 Box, Cash, containing the following: 1
91155 – Morphine Tartrate, 5 Tubes 27
78770 Pin, Safety, Large 4
78780 Pin, Safety, Medium 4
93780 Tourniquet, Field 2
97675 Container, Metal, No. 1; 1 for each 12 of the following: 2
91120 – Iodine Swab, 1 1/2-cc, 6 24
97730 Container, Metal, No. 14, for the following: 1
10480 – Alcohol, Ethyl, 1 qt 1
99070 Basin, Canvas, Folding 1
99140 Bucket, Canvas, Collapsible 1
99265 Gloves, Rubber, Pouch 1
99410 Pad, Heat, Complete 2
Form 52b Emergency Medical Tag (20 in Booklet in Duplicate) 1
Pack No. 3, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97942):
Number Item Quantity
97787 Packboard 1
97922 Unit Medical Equipment Pack, Case, Empty 1
99090 Blanket, O.D. 6
Pack No. 4, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97946):
Number Item Quantity
97787 Packboard 1
97815 Splint Set 1
Pack No. 5, Unit Medical Equipment (Item # 97948):
Number Item Quantity
97787 Packboard 1
97789 Packboard, Adaptor 1
99157 Can, Water, 5-gallon 1

Special note: The above information taken from the Instructor’s Guide for Medical Department Mobilization Training Program 8-101 was kindly provided by MRC contributor and Forum member sgtpeter, for which the authors are most grateful.

Chest Markings and Colors:

It would appear that the designated color for the Medical Chest was changed mid-war (approximately June – August 1943). Early examples of the Medical Chest featured silver painted metalwork and fixings, while the wooden paneling was painted a flat black. The Chest had a large white circle, inside which was placed a 3” Red Cross symbol. On the left hand side of this insignia were painted the block letters MD using white paint. Opposite to this was stenciled the number of the chest, thus easily identifying its contents. Identical markings were featured on both ends of the chest for identification when the chests were staked in a store room or dispensary.

The two variations of markings and color schemes can clearly be seen on the three Medical Chests at the bottom of this Battalion Aid Station pack. The variation in handle styles can also be seen in this image. The equipment is believed to be packed inside a 1-Ton Trailer (Ben Hur) in preparation for shipping to Normandy.

In late 1943, a new version of Medical Chest was standardized, this one, as has already been outlined featuring the all-metal ‘cabinet style’ handle. New markings were also introduced. All areas of these later chests were painted using OD #7 paint. On each end a decal of the Medical Department insignia was applied. This insignia featured a Maroon Caduceus in the center, with the text “U.S. ARMY” above the caduceus, and “MEDICAL DEPARTMENT” below. In addition, a decal was applied which featured the letters MD in Maroon. Opposite to this was stenciled the Chest’s number, to identify it. As was the case with the earlier examples, markings were applied to both ends of the chest.

Colored illustration showing the difference in the early and late designation markings, as mentioned above.

Chest Contents:

The lists below give the contents for various US Army Medical Chests used by the Medical Department during World War 2. All of the lists here are based on data from March, 1944.

A large part of the unit medical equipment of Division Medical Units was packed in standard chests.
With the exception of the pack equipment (Chests designated by letters) and Chest No. 6, inside dimensions of each Chest were 28 inches long, 16 ¼ inches wide, and 14 ½ inches deep. Such a Chest would occupy approximately 5 cubic feet of space.

Since the Chests underwent slight development, the main contents listed here are taken from 1944 publications. As a result of this, 7-digit item numbers have been used to represent items. Wherever possible, illustrations have been included to show the contents of the various chests, but in some instances this has not been possible.

In addition, a list of quantities has also been included for each respective Chest, indicating the allotted total of each Chest for various Medical Department Stations and Hospitals. This list has been generated largely from 1942 documentation. The authors would be keen to receive any information about adjustments in the allotment for later war years (1943 onwards), and should you be able to help with this, please feel free to contact us.

The following offers an overview to the various Chests covered in this Article, giving a short description of the various contents, the Chest’s overall weight and its designated MD Number:

Chest No. General Nature of Contents Weight (w/ Contents – lbs)
1 Surgical Dressings 121
2 Drugs and Instruments 150
4 Office Equipment 146
5 Sterilizer 110
6 Lighting Unit 240
7 Clinical Microscopy Set 140
60 Dental Field Equipment 166
61 Dental Field Laboratory 160
62 Dental Field Laboratory 150
80 Veterinary Drugs and Instruments 150
81 Veterinary Surgical Dressings 110

Note: Despite his best attempts, the author has been unable to locate any information relating to Chest Nos. 6 and 7. No edition of the Medical Department Supply Catalog (1942, 1943 and 1944 editions reviewed) make mention of such chests. The only small piece of data available was taken from the 28 March 1942 publication of FM 8-10 : Medical Service of Field Units, and reads as follows:

Chest No. 6 is shaped to accommodate the particular lighting unit supplied.

9756500 – Chest, MD No. 1, Complete:
The MD No. 1 Chest formed the central component for the Regimental Aid Station, along with Chest No. 2. The former was used mainly to hold the basic surgical dressings and compresses for use on minor injuries. It also contained the necessary administrative components for maintaining a Station Log.  In larger establishments however, the MD No. 1 Chest was replaced by means of several No. 2 Chests, with an MD No. 4 containing the necessary administrative resources.

Photograph showing field use of the Chest, MD No. 1. Notice how the litter is placed on top of the two Chests. 7th Infantry Regimental Aid Station (3d Inf Div), Sant’Agata, Sicily, 9 August 1943

Station Quantities:

  • Battalion Aid Station: 2
  • Regimental Aid Station: 1
  • Evacuation Hospital: 2
  • Station Hospital: 0
  • General Hospital: 0
Chest, MD No. 1 Contents
Number Item Quantity
9754000 Chest, Field, Modified 1
Packed in Top Drawer
3468000 Scissors, Bandage 2
7515000 Book, Blank, 8 Vo 4
7624000 Pencil, Lead 1
7701000 Apron, Rubberized 2
7877000 Pin, Safety, Large 4
7878000 Pin, Safety, Medium 4
9205000 Dressing, First-Aid, Large, White 50
9907000 Basin, Canvas, Folding 2
9911000 Book, Note, Manifolding, Binder 1
9911500 Book, Note, Manifolding, Filler 1
Packed in Bottom Drawer
2009000 Bandage, Muslin, 5-inch by 5-yards, 12 1
2013000 Cotton, Absorbent, Compressed, 1 oz 25
2024000 Gauze, Plain, Sterilized, 36-inch, 1 yard 25
2034000 Plaster, Adhesive, Surgical, 1-inch by 5 yards 6
2035000 Plaster, Adhesive, Surgical, 3-inch by 5 yards 6
9112000 Iodine Swab, 1 1/2-cc, 6 12
9201000 Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, White, 3-inch by 6 yards, 72 1
9204000 Bandage, Triangular, Compressed, White 20
9206000 Dressing, First-Aid, Small, White 60
9207500 Gauze, Petrolatum, White, 3-inch by 40-inch, 3 Dressings 10

9757000 – Chest, MD No. 2, Complete:
Item Number 9757000 contained components for the treatment of more severe wounds in forward areas (for example at the Battalion or Regimental Aid Stations). In addition to the standard surgical dressings, the assembly also included drugs and instruments for conducting minor surgery. Typically these would be used  by the Battalion Surgeon in forward locations. Also included in the Chest were the necessary tools for the administration of first aid to prophylactic patients.

Interesting photograph showing a dentist pertaining to the Dental Clinic of the 48th Quartermaster Truck Company. Of special interest is the fact that he uses a Type 1 Tray Set for the storage of various dental equipment. Photograph taken in Queensland, Australia, 1942.

Station Quantities:

  • Battalion Aid Station: 1
  • Regimental Aid Station: 1
  • Evacuation Hospital: 2
  • Station Hospital: 3
  • General Hospital: 0
Chest, MD No. 2 Contents
Number Item Quantity
9753500 Chest, Field, Plain 1
9789000 Tray Set Type 1 1
Packed in Top Tray
1179000 Ether, for Anesthesia, 1/4 lb 4
1180000 Ethyl Chloride, 3 oz 1
1184000 Eugenol, 1 oz 1
1285400 Mercury Bichloride, 250 Large Poison Tablets 1
1334000 Petrolatum, 1 lb 1
1383000 Procaine Hydrochloride, 10 3-Gr Hypo Tablets 5
1463600 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 12 5-Gm Envelopes 4
1464000 Sulfathiazole Ophthalmic Ointment, 12 Tubes 8 Tubes
2013000 Cotton, Absorbent, Compressed, 1 oz 2
2035000 Plaster, Adhesive, Surgical, 3-inch by 5 yards 1
3468000 Scissors, Bandage 1
3611000 Applicator, Wood, 6 Gross 1
7515000 Book, Blank, 8 Vo 1
7624000 Pencil, Lead 4 Pencils
7728000 Box, Tablet, Folding, 500 72 Boxes
7877000 Pin, Safety, Large 2
7878000 Pin, Safety, Medium 2
9101000 Acid, Boric, Ointment, 1 oz 6
9102500 Ammonia, Aromatic, 10 Ampules 2
9110800 Insecticide Powder, Louse, 2 oz 1
9115500 Morphine Tartrate, 5 Tubes 10
9123000 Zinc Oxide Ointment, 1 oz 6
9201000 Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, White, 3-inch by 6 yards, 72 12 Bandages
9770000 Container, Metal, No. 7, 12-oz: 1 each for the following: 7
1010000     Acid, Acetylsalicylic, 1000 Tablets 500 Tablets
1066000     Ammonium Chloride, 1000 Troches 250 Troches
1413715     Sodium Amytal, 500 Capsules 500 Capsules
1418000     Sodium Bicarbonate and Peppermint, 1000 Tablets 1000 Tablets
1463700     Sulfanilamide, 1000 Tablets 500 Tablets
1464100     Sulfathiazole, 1000 Tablets 350 Tablets
9103000     Bismuth Subcarbonate, 500 Tablets 1000 Tablets
9771000 Container, Metal, No. 9, 3-oz: 1 each for the following 6
1057000     Aloin Compound, 100 Pills or Tablets 250 Tablets or Pills
1084500     Atabrine, 100 Tablets 200 Tablets
1149000     Codeine Sulfate, 500 Tablets 500 Tablets
1339600     Phenobarbital, 100 Tablets 500 Tablets
1373000     Potassium Permanganate, 100 Tablets 300 Tablets
1462200     Sulfadiazine, 1000 Tablets 100 Tablets
9927000 Graduate, Enamelware, 60-cc 2
Form 52b Emergency Medical Tag (20 in Booklet in Duplicate) 1
Packed in Middle Tray
3720000 Razor, Safety 1
3721000 Razor, Safety, Blades, 5 1
4058000 Bottle, Wide Mouth, 50-cc, Cork Finish 2
7768200 Cork No. 14, 2 2 Corks
7795000 Dropper, Medicine, 12 1
9101500 Acid, Salicylic, Ointment, 1 oz 6
9114500 Mercuric Ointment, Ammoniated, 1 oz 12
9121500 Sulfur Ointment, 1 oz 6
9378000 Tourniquet, Field 4
9928500 Hone, Oil, Small 1
9958500 Tray, Instrument, approximately 10-inch 1
For Prophylaxis
3861000 Syringe, Urethral Prophylaxis 6
5189000 Cup, Paper, Non-Collapsible, 100 40 Cups
7493000 Soap, White, Floating, 6 oz 2
7720500 Box, Cash: Containing the following: 1
1073000     Apomorphine Hydrochloride, 20 Hypo Tablets 1
1086000     Atropine Sulfate, 20 1/150-Gr Hypo Tablets 1
1110500    Caffeine and Solution Benzoate Injection, 12 Ampules 1
1176000     Epinephrine Soluble Salt, 20 Hypo Tablets 3
1295500     Morphine Sulfate, 20 1/4-Gr Hypo Tablets 20
1384000     Procaine Hydrochloride and Epinephrine, 20 Hypo Tablets 5
3662700     Cotton, Thread, Quilting, 150 Yards 2
3779000     Suture, Catgut, Chromic, Size 1, 1 Suture 12
3784000     Suture, Catgut, Plain, Size 00, 1 Suture 12
3844000     Syringe, Luer, 2-cc 3
3845000     Syringe, Luer, 10-cc 1
3847000     Syringe, Luer, Needle, 25-gage, 1/4-inch Canula, 12 4 Needles
3849000     Syringe, Luer, Needle, 23-Gage, 1/4-inch Canula, 12 4 Needles
3851000     Syringe, Luer, Needle, 19-Gage, 1 3/4-inch Canula, 12 2 Needles
3852000     Syringe, Luer, Needle, 17-Gage, 3-inch, Canula, 12 2 Needles
3853000     Syringe, Luer, Needle, 15-Gage, 3-inch Canula, 12 2 Needles
7404000     Spoon, Tea 2
7932000     Thermometer, Clinical 6
9920000     Corkscrew, Folding 1
9951500     Sterilizer, Hypodermic Needle 1
7868000 Paper, Toilet 1
9115000 Mercurous Chloride Ointment, 1 oz 12
9119000 Protein Silver, Mild, 100 Tablets 1
9120000 Protein Silver, Strong, 100 Tablets 1
Packed in Bottom Drawer
1012200 Acid, Boric, Ointment, 4 oz 18
1204000 Foot Powder, 1/4 lb 4
1264000 Magnesium Sulfate, 4 lb 1
1463600 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 12 5-Gm Envelopes 8
3276000 Forceps, Towel, 5 1/4-inch, Backhaus 2
3551000 Tube, Breathing, Large 2
3683000 Gloves, Surgeon’s Size 7 ½ 1
3685000 Gloves, Surgeon’s, Size 8 ½ 2
3696000 Inhaler, Yankauer 1
4058000 Bottle, Wide Mouth, 50-cc, Cork Finish 2
7178000 Towel, Hand 6
7455000 Brush, Hand 2
7706000 Bag, Hot Water, and Syringe 1
7713000 Basin, Pus 1
7768200 Cork No. 14, 2 1
9308500 Case, Operating, Small, Improved, Complete 1
9429500 Chlorine Test Set 1
9769000 Container, Metal, No. 5: Containing the following: 1
3107000     Catheter, Urethral, Rubber, 14Fr 2
3108000     Catheter, Urethral, Rubber, 16Fr 2
3109000     Catheter, Urethral, Rubber, 18Fr 2
3110000     Catheter, Urethral, Rubber, 22Fr 2
9773000 Container, Metal, No. 14, 1-qt: Containing the following: 2
1048000     Alcohol, Ethyl, 1 qt 2 Quarts
9907000 Basin, Canvas, Folding 2
9921500 Cup, Enamelware 3
9926500 Gloves, Rubber, Pouch 1
9954028 Sterilizer, Instrument, 9 3/4-inch, with Gasoline Burner: Containing the following: 1
3773000     Stethoscope 1
3875000     Tube, Stomach 1

9757500 – Chest, MD No. 4, Complete:
As mentioned above, the Chest, MD No. 4 was used mainly for performing administrative roles in larger establishments of the Medical Department for example mobile and semi-mobile Hospitals. The role of this Chest was seemingly to replace the necessity for a separate Field Desk, by accommodating all of the required office equipment into one Chest.

Station Quantities:

  • Battalion Aid Station: 0
  • Regimental Aid Station: 1
  • Evacuation Hospital: 2
  • Station Hospital: 0
  • General Hospital: 1
Chest, MD No. 4 Contents
Number Item Quantity
9753500 Chest, Field, Plain 1
9789500 Tray Set Type 3 1
7540010 Envelope No. 189 , Ungummed, 25 6
7542010 Envelope No. 36, Ungummed, 25 1
7544010 Envelope No. 96, Ungummed, 25 1
7587000 Mucilage, 4 oz. 1
7594000 Pad, Prescription, 100 Sheets 1
7596000 Pad, Memorandum, 6 by 9-Inch, 100 Sheets 4
7597000 Pad, Memorandum, 8 by 10 1/2-Inch, 100 Sheets 2
7602000 Paper, Blotting, Hand 4
7604000 Paper, Carbon, Black, 8 by 10 1/2-Inch, 100 Sheets 1
7610000 Paper, Typewriter, Bond, 8 by 10 1/2-Inch 1
7611000 Paper, Typewriter, Manifold, 8 by 10 1/2-Inch 2
7624000 Pencil, Lead 2 Do.
7625000 Pencil, Blue 1
7627000 Pencil, Indelible 2
7628000 Pencil, Red 1
7631000 Penholder 4
7637021 *Ribbon, Typewriter, Black, Royal Portable 1
7639000 Ruler, 12-Inch 1
7658000 Tack, Thumb, 100 24 Tacks
7659000 Tag, Shipping, Linen, 50 1
7876000 Pin, Common 1
9911000 Book, Note, Manifolding, Binder 2
9911500 Book, Note, Manifolding, Filler 4
9929000 Ink Bottle, Field 1
9929500 Ink Powder, Black 1
9943500 Pens, Steel, Assorted, 12 1
9959500 Typewriter, Portable 1

* Depot Officers assembling unit are responsible for inclusion of proper part to fit item for which intended

The following Chest (MD No. 5) has been represented using the 5-digit Item Numbering method, since it appears to have been deleted from the 1944 edition of the Medical Department Supply Catalog, thus indicating that the Chest was no longer being issued (since its contents had been replaced with new and improved items – see description below).

97580 – Chest, MD No. 5, Complete:
Chest MD No. 5 contained the Field Autoclave which was to be used in mobile and semi-mobile Hospitals of the Med Dept. for the sterilization of medical instruments and inexpendable dressings or surgical supplies. By March, 1944 however, it seems to have been replaced by Item # 9950000 – Sterilizer, Dressing and Utensil, Horizontal.

Chest, MD No. 5 Contents
Item Number Item Quantity
97535 Chest, Field, Plain 1
97870 Tray Set, No. 7 1
20210 Gauze, Plain, 5 Yards 50 Rolls
94010 Autoclave, Laboratory, Field 1

9502500 – Chest, MD No. 60, Complete: 
The Chest MD No. 60 occupied 5 cubic feet, and weighed from 157 to 187 pounds, depending upon variations in the constituent items. Total cost was approximately $305. This chest contained a wood, aluminum, or steel folding chair, a foot-engine, an alcohol sterilizer, and routine operative and surgical instruments and supplies to a total of about 160 different items. It contained no prosthetic equipment as such supplies were packed in other chests not available to the smaller units. Issued to the Dental Officers of each tactical command allocated dental facilities, it provided the minimum equipment needed for operation of a dental service where mobility was essential. When restrictions were placed on the shipment of more elaborate outfits overseas, Chest No. 60 was also supplied to General and Station Hospitals and General Dispensaries of the Communications Zone. It lacked many of the refinements which made for convenience in operation, but contained the basic elements needed to meet routine needs in the combat zone. Patients requiring major oral surgery or prosthetic replacements had to be sent to more fully equipped installations, such as mobile or semi-mobile Hospitals.

1941 picture showing the Chest, MD No. 60, and an improvised Medical Chest (bottom). Again, note how the Table Top has been covered with a huck towel.

During the campaigns of late 1942 – 1943, and in particular those in the MTO, the MD No. 60 Chest was in extremely short supply, with the Dental Corps having only 63% of its total allocated Chests, with the situation being particularly bad in North Africa, where it is believed no No. 60 Chests were issued. These serious deficiencies of supplies and equipment involved shortages of important items including Dental Burs and heavier lab equipment. During the early part of the war many units were sent overseas without field dental equipment, or with Chests which were incomplete in essential items. This particular deficiency was one of the most critical encountered since it was extremely difficult to make any informal arrangement for obtaining dental care in the areas first occupied by American troops.

Station Quantities:

  • Battalion Aid Station: 0
  • Regimental Aid Station: 1
  • Evacuation Hospital: 2
Chest, MD No. 60 Contents
Item Number Item Quantity
9753500 Chest, Field, Plain 1
9790500 Tray Set Type 5 1
1140000 Chromium Trioxide, 1 oz 1
1184000 Eugenol, 1 oz 1
1283000 Mercury, 1/4 lb 2
1320500 Oil, Theobroma, Modified, 1 oz 1
1383500 Procaine Hydrochloride, 20 Cartridges 5
1385000 Pumice, Fine, Powder, 1 lb 1
1407000 Silver Nitrate and Formaldehyde, 12 Ampules 1
2013000 Cotton, Absorbent, Compressed, 1 oz 2
3336500 Knife, Operating, Handle No. 3 1
3337000 Knife, Operating, Blade No. 11, 6 1
5002000 Alloy, Amalgam, 1 oz 4
5018000 Blower, Chip and Hot Air Syringe 1
5035000 Bur, No. 2, Angle Handpiece, 6 3
5036000 Bur, No. 4, Angle Handpiece 3
5037000 Bur, No. 6, Angle Handpiece, 6 1
5039000 Bur, No. 9, Angle Handpiece, 6 1
5043000 Bur, No. 35, Angle Handpiece, 6 1
5044000 Bur, No. 37, Angle Handpiece, 6 3
5045000 Bur, No. 39, Angle Handpiece, 6 3
5052000 Bur, No. 557, Angle Handpiece, 6 2
5055000 Bur, No. 560, Angle Handpiece, 6 1
5061000 Bur, No. 1/2, Straight Handpiece, 6 1
5063000 Bur, No. 2, Straight Handpiece, 6 3
5064000 Bur, No. 4, Straight Handpiece 3
5065000 Bur, No. 6, Straight Handpiece, 6 1
5071000 Bur, No. 35, Straight Handpiece, 6 1
5072000 Bur, No. 37, Straight Handpiece, 6 2
5082000 Bur, No. 557, Straight Handpiece, 6 1
5083000 Bur, No. 558, Straight Handpiece, 6 2
5105500 Burnisher, Stellite, 5-7 1
5107000 Burnisher, Stellite, 1-2 1
5122000 Cement, Permanent, Pearl Gray, 1 oz 1
5124000 Cement, Silicate, Case, Empty 1
5125000 Cement, Silicate, Liquid, 7 cc 2
5126500 Cement, Silicate, Powder, Shade A, 1/2 oz 1
5127500 Cement, Silicate, Powder, Shade B, 1/2 oz 1
5128500 Cement, Silicate, Powder, Shade C, 1/2 oz 1
5129500 Cement, Silicate, Powder, Shade D, 1/2 oz 1
5130500 Cement, Silicate, Powder, Shade E, 1/2 oz 1
5131500 Cement, Silicate, Powder, Shade F, 1/2 oz 1
5138500 Cement, Silicate, Measuring Device 1
5139000 Cement, Silicate, Shade Guide 1
5141000 Cement, Silicate, Varnish, 1 oz 1
5142200 Cement, Temporary, Anodyne 1
5150500 Chisel, Osseous, Stout, No. 3 1
5155000 Chisel, No. 5 1
5158000 Chisel No. 48 1
5158500 Chisel, Wedelstaedt, No. 41 1
5158700 Chisel, Wedelstaedt, No. 42 1
5166000 Cleaner, Pulp Canal, No. 0, 12 1
5168000 Cleaner, Pulp Canal, No. 2, 12 1
5207300 Denture Base Material, Acrylic, Pink, Permanent Liner, in Tube 1
5230000 Disk, Paper, Assorted, 525 1
5246500 Elevator, Stout A 1
5250000 Elevator, Winter, No. 122 1
5251000 Elevator, Winter, No. 123 1
5252000 Elevator, Winter, No. 135 1
5256000 Engine Oil, 1 oz 1
5257000 Engine, Foot 1
5259010 * Engine, Foot, Cord, 17-Foot, 3-Inch 1
5261005 Engine, Handpiece, Angle, Doriot 2
5263005 Engine, Handpiece, Straight, Doriot 1
5267000 Excavator, Black, No. 23 1
5269500 Excavator, Black, No. 49 1
5269700 Excavator, Black, No. 50 1
5272000 Excavator, Black, No. 63 1
5273000 Excavator, Black, No. 64 1
5277200 Excavator, Black, No. 77 1
5277300 Excavator, Black, No. 78 1
5279000 Explorer, No. 5 1
5280000 Explorer No. 6 1
5281000 Explorer, No. 23 1
5311000 Floss, Dental, 100 Yards 1
5319000 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 18 R 1
5320000 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 18 L 1
5322000 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 65 1
5324000 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 150 A 1
5325000 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 151 A 1
5326000 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 210 1
5326200 Forceps, Tooth-Extracting, No. 215 1
5349000 Gutta-Percha, Temporary, 1 oz 1
5358000 Holder, Cotton 1
5359000 Holder, Mercury 1
5360000 Holder, Napkin 1
5361000 Holder, Nerve Broach 1
5380000 Lamp, Alcohol 1
5381000 Lamp, Alcohol, Wick 2
5401000 Mallet, Plugging 1
5403000 Mandrel No. 303, for Angle Handpiece 6
5405000 Mandrel No. 303, for Straight Handpiece 6
5407000 Mandrel, Morgan-Maxfield, for Angle Handpiece 2
5408000 Mandrel, Morgan-Maxfield, for Straight Handpiece 2
5412000 Mechanical Dam 1
5417000 Mirror, Mouth 1
5418005 Mirror, Mouth, Plane Glass, Cone Socket 2
5420500 Mortar and Pestle 1
5426000 Pliers No. 2, Dressing 2
5427500 Pliers No. 104 1
5436000 Plugger, Amalgam, Black, No. 1 1
5437000 Pliers, Amalgam, Black, No. 3 1
5440000 Plugger, Plastic, Ladmore, No. 3 1
5450000 Plugger, Plastic, Woodson, No. 1 1
5451000 Plugger, Plastic, Woodson, No. 2 1
5452000 Plugger, Plastic, Woodson, No. 3 1
5474100 Point, Carborundum, Mounted, No. 183, for Straight Handpiece 6
5480000 Point, Carborundum, Mounted, No. 226, for Straight Handpiece 6
5483000 Point, Carborundum, Mounted, No. 241, for Straight Handpiece 6
5500000 Polisher, Rubber Cup 108
5502000 Pot (Medicine Glass) Dappen 2
5504000 Probe, Abscess 1
5519000 Retainer, Matrix, No. 1 1
5520000 Retainer, Matrix, No. 1, Bicuspid Band, Medium, 12 1
5522000 Retainer, Matrix, No. 1, Molar Band, Medium, 12 1
5541000 Scaler No. 3 1
5544000 Scaler No. 33 1
5545000 Scaler No. 34 1
5559300 Shears, Crown, Universal 1
5562000 Slab, Mixing 1
5568000 Spatula, Cement 1
5570000 Spatula, Stellite 1
5576000 Stick, Orangewood 1 box
5578000 Strip, Celluloid, 100 1
5581000 Strip, Polishing, Fine Grit, 100 1
5582000 Strip, Polishing, Medium Grit, 100 1
5597000 Syringe, Water 1
5683000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 301 1
5684000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 302 1
5685000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 304 1
5686000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 305 1
5696000 Wire, Ligature, 24-Gage, 18-Inch Strands, approximately 250 1
7178000 Towel, Hand 24
7456000 Brush, Hand 1
7493000 Soap, White, Floating, 6 oz 1
7515000 Book, Blank, 8 Vo 1
7540010 Envelope No. 189, Ungummed, 25 1
7610000 Paper, Typewriter, Bond, 8 by 10 1/2-Inch 50 sheets
7624000 Pencil, Lead 1
7932000 Thermometer, Clinical 1
9102000 Alcohol, Ethyl, Denatured, 1 pt 2
9377000 Suture, Silk, Braided, Non-Capillary, 3 Sizes 1
9502100 Chair, Dental, Field, Folding 1
9509300 Syringe, Hypodermic, Cartridge Type, Complete 1
9767500 Container, Metal, No. 1 2
9907000 Basin, Canvas, Folding 1
9928500 Hone, Oil, Small 1
9954028 Sterilizer, Instrument, 9 3/4-Inch, with Gasoline Burner 1
9961000 Vial, Glass, Clear, Glass-Stoppered 6
Form 57 Report of Dental Service 25
Form 79 Register of Dental Patients (card) 500

* Depot Officers assembling unit are responsible for inclusion of proper part to fit item for which intended.

9502600 – Chest, MD, No. 61, Complete:
The WWII Dental Field Laboratory set consisted of 2 MD Chests (Nos. 61 and 62), which occupied 10 cubic feet of space with a combined weight of 332 pounds. The cost of the complete outfit was about $600. This equipment included a casting machine, a hand-operated lathe, an assortment of teeth, and all the supplies needed for fabricating or repairing the ordinary types of bridges or full or partial dentures. It could be set up well forward in the combat zone where it helped dental officers reduce emergency evacuations for prosthetic treatment, but was not adequate for routine quantity production because such conveniences as good lights, electric lathes, handy benches, and well-arranged plaster bins could not be furnished in such an outfit. The limited amount of expendable supplies included was also insufficient to maintain continued high output.

Diagram taken from the 1944 Medical Department Supply Catalog showing an alternative view of the Chest, MD No. 61, complete with all contents and Tray Set.

The Chest Nos. 61 and 62 were at first supplied to Field, Evacuation, Surgical and Convalescent Hospitals, the prosthetic teams of Auxiliary Surgical Groups, General and Aviation Dispensaries, and to the Medical Battalions of Divisions. The most important change in the Chests 61 and 62 was the substitution, in February 1945, of a motor-driven lathe for the hand-driven type which required two men, working in relays, to operate (since it had become apparent that electricity would be available in most locations where dental laboratories could function).

Chest, MD No. 61 Contents
Number Item Quantity
9753500 Chest, Field, Plain 1
9791000 Tray Set Type 6 1
Packed in Drawer No. 1
1386000 Pumice, Medium, Powder, 1 lb 1
1419000 Sodium Borate, 1 lb 1
5016000 Base Plate, 12 2
5146000 Charcoal Block 1
5171000 Compound, Cake, 1/2 lb 2
5179000 Cone, Felt, Pointed, No. 3 1
5180000 Cone, Felt, Blunt, No. 6 1
5207000 Dentimeter, Iron Wire, 1/8-oz 1
5313000 Flux, Reducing, 1 oz 1
5397000 Machine, Casting, Small, Crucible 3
5399000 Machine, Casting, Small, Inlay Flask, 1 1/4-Inch 2
5400000 Machine, Casting, Small, Saddle and Bridge Flask, 1 1/2-Inch 1
5405000 Mandrel No. 303, for Straight Handpiece 3
5422000 Paper, Articulating, 12 Sheets 1
5535000 Sandarac Varnish, 4 oz 1
5559300 Shears, Crown, Universal 1
5614500 Tin Foil, 1/2 lb 1
5616000 Tongs, Soldering 1
5671000 Wax, Base Plate, 1/2 lb 3
5683000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 301 6
5684000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 302 6
5685000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 304 6
5686000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 305 6
5687000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 307 6
5688000 Wheel, Carborundum, No. 310 6
5689000 Wheel, Carborundum, 2-Inch, Coarse Grit 2
5690000 Wheel, Carborundum, 2-Inch, Medium Grit 2
5692000 Wheel, Cloth, Buffing, 3-Inch 1
5694000 Wheel, Felt, No. 2 1
Packed in Drawer No. 2
1133000 Chalk, Prepared, 1 lb 1
5008000 Arbor, Emery 1
5011000 Articulator, Crown and Bridge 2
5019000 Blower, Chip and Hot Air Syringe, Bulb 1
5026000 Bowl, Plaster 1
5118500 Cellophane Sheets, 100 1
5206000 Dentimeter 1
5207200 Denture Base Material, Acrylic, Pink, 10 Units 1
5289000 File, Gold, Half-Round 1
5304000 File, Vulcanite, Half-Round, Double-Ended 1
5309000 Finisher, Vulcanite, No. 2 1
5362800 Impression Compound Trays, Set of 6 1
5372000 Knife, Office 1
5373000 Knife, Plaster 1
5427500 Pliers No. 104 1
5428000 Pliers No. 107 1
5432500 Pliers, Clasp-Bending 1
5571000 Spatula, Wax, No. 7 2
5572000 Spatula, Wax, No. 31 2
5622000 Tray, Crown and Bridge 1
5627000 Tray, Impression, Lower, BIS-18 1
5628000 Tray, Impression, Lower, BIS-22 1
5629000 Tray, Impression, Lower, BIS-24 1
5630000 Tray, Impression, Lower, BIS-26 1
5631000 Tray, Impression, Lower, SSW-1 1
5632000 Tray, Impression, Lower, SSW-3 1
5633000 Tray, Impression, Lower, SSW-5 1
5634000 Tray, Metal, 1/2-lb 1
5641000 Tray, Impression, Upper, SSW-1 1
5642000 Tray, Impression, Upper, SSW-3 1
5643000 Tray, Impression, Upper, SSW-5 1
5645000 Trimmer, Vulcanite, No. 26 1
5646000 Trimmer, Vulcanite, No. 27 1
5652000 Tweezers, B 1
5653000 Tweezers, L 1
5674000 Wax, Crown, 2 oz 1
5676000 Wax, Inlay, 1 oz 1
7316000 Knife, Table 1
7817000 Hammer, Claw 1
7883000 Pliers, Side-Cutting 1
Packed in Drawer No. 3
5362500 Impression Compound, 12 Units 2
5366000 Investment Compound, Crown and Bridge, 4 lb 1
5366500 Investment, Inlay, 3 ½ lb 1
5424300 Plaster of Paris, Modeling and Flasking, 4 lb 2
5615000 Tongs, Flask 1
Packed in Drawer No. 4
4451000 Tripod, Iron 1
5013000 Articulator, Gysi 2
5310500 Flask, Ejector Type 3
5310600 Flask, Ejector Type, Ejector 1
5327000 Frame, Heating 1
5332000 Gold, Casting, Inlay, 2 dwt 8
5335000 Gold, Lingual Bar, Long, 16k, 2 dwt, 6 gr 12
5337000 Gold Plate, 22 k, 5 dwt 2
5338000 Gold Plate, 24 k, 2 dwt 1
5339000 Gold Solder, 16 k 10
5340000 Gold Solder, 18 k 15
5346000 Gold Wire, 18-Gage, Round 10
5395000 Machine, Casting, Small 1
5421000 Pan, Pickling 1
5502500 Powder, Protective, for Acrylic Material, 1 oz 1
5661500 Vise, Bench 1
5664000 Vulcanizer, Flask, Compress 1
7627000 Pencil, Indelible 1
9506700 Lamp, Alcohol, Large, Modified 1
9947000 Pliers, Slip Joint 1

9502700 – Chest, MD, No. 62, Complete:
Please see above for description and station allotments.

Chest, MD No. 62 Contents
Number Item Quantity
9753500 Chest, Field, Plain 1
9791500 Tray Set Type 7 1
Packed in Tray
5014000 Balance, Portable 1
5577000 Stone, Artificial, 5 lb 3
9102000 Alcohol, Ethyl, Denatured, 1 pt 3
9509500 Teeth, Combination Set, Complete 1
Packed in Bottom of Chest
1376600 Potassium Sulfate, ¼ lb 1
5009000 Arbor, Emery, 100 bands 1
5022000 Blowpipe, Outfit 1
5022400 Blowpipe, Outfit, Bunsen Burner 1
5503000 Press, Flask 1
7160010 Gown, Operating, Medium 2
7178000 Towel, Hand 36
7827000 Jar, Dressing 1
9507000 Lathe, Hand, Modified 1
9901010 Acetylene Unit, Cylinder, Filled, Type B 1

9807000 – Chest, MD, No. 80, Complete:
Costing $150 to stock and equip and occupying a space covering 5 cubic feet, the MD No. 80 Chest was used to hold surgical drugs and instruments necessary to equip any form of semi-mobile Veterinary Hospital. Unlike with other Medical Chests seen herein, both the No. 80 and No. 81 Chests were the responsibility of Army Veterinary Service only. However, some of its contents, particularly those pertaining to the Class 8 list were transferred to the Quartermaster Corps, which then became responsible for their supply.

Packing medical supplies into the various types of medical trays in preparation for loading into Medical Chests. Medical Depot M-418; Mourmelon-le-Petit, France, 1944.

Unfortunately, a complete list of quantities for this item is not available at this time. However, the authors would welcome any additional information that readers may be able to offer on these Chests.

Chest, MD No. 80 Contents
Number Item Quantity
9753500 Chest, Field, Plain 1
9786500 Tray No. 6 1
1040000 Acid, Tannic, ¼ lb 2
1056000 Aloin Compound, 12 Capsules 6
1064000 Ammonium Carbonate, 1 lb 1
1121000 Camphor in Oil, 12 Ampules 6
1137000 Chloral Hydrate, 1/4 lb 4
1139000 Chloroform, not for Anesthesia, 1/4 lb 1
1249000 Lead Acetate, 1 lb 2
1285400 Mercury Bichloride, 250 Large Poison Tablets 1
1336000 Petrolatum, Liquid, Heavy, 1 qt 2
1406000 Silver Nitrate, Toughened, 1 oz 1
1415000 Sodium Bicarbonate, 1 lb 1
1463500 Sulfanilamide, Powder, 1 lb 2
1464000 Sulfathiazole Ophthalmic Ointment, 12 Tubes 8 Tubes
1474000 Thymol Iodide, 1 oz 8
1504000 Zinc Sulfate, 1 lb 2
2008000 Bandage, Muslin, 3-Inch by 5 Yards, 12 4
2014000 Cotton, Absorbent, 1-lb, Roll 5
3611000 Applicator, Wood, 6 Gross 1
4415000 Stopper, Rubber, Solid, No. 2 (For 9960500) 6
7178000 Towel, Hand 12
7722000 Box, Ointment, 2-oz, 12 6 Boxes
7723000 Box, Ointment, 4-oz, 12 6 Boxes
7877000 Pin, Safety, Large 2
7903000 Spatula, 6-Inch Blade 1
8002200 Bandage, Derby, 4-inch by 3 yards 8
8019000 Case, Hypodermic Tablets, Veterinary, Complete 1
8020000 Case, Mallein Test, Complete 1
8026000 Catheter, Horse 1
8027000 Catheter, Horse, Stylet 1
8072000 Groover, Hoof, Pointed 1
8073000 Gun, Balling 1
8102000 Pump, Combination, Continuous Flow, Injection and Suction, Veterinary 1
8105000 Retainer, Dressing, Foot, Veterinary, Set of 4 8
8108000 Sideline, Horse 1
8113200 Suture Tape, Cotton, 1/4-inch, 5-yard Roll 2
8115000 Syringe, Dose, Metal, Veterinary, 2-oz 1
8116000 Syringe, Hypodermic, 10-cc, Quitman Type 1
8124000 Tester, Hoof, Large 1
8127000 Thermometer, Clinical, Veterinary 6
8134000 Trocar, Horse, Large, Reversible 1
9108000 Cresol, Saponated Solution, 1 qt 4
9111000 Iodine and Potassium Iodide Powder, 10 Tubes 12
9123000 Zinc Oxide Ointment, 1 oz 12
9201000 Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, White, 3-Inch by 6 Yards, 72 4
9377000 Suture, Silk, Braided, Non-Capillary, 3 Sizes 2
9768500 Container, Metal, No. 4 6
9769000 Container, Metal, No. 5 1
9770000 Container, Metal, No. 7, 12-oz 1
9773000 Container, Metal, No. 14, 1-qt 2
9927000 Graduate, Enamelware, 60-cc 1
9960500 Vial, Glass, 60-cc, Amber 6
Form 115b Emergency Veterinary Tag (20 in book in duplicate) 2

9808000 – Chest, MD No. 81, Complete:
The MD No. 81 Chest was used to supply the necessary Veterinary Hospitals with surgical dressings sufficient to treat the wounds of animals. The quantities issued to each Hospital depended largely upon its designated size (for example the number of animals it was officially capable of treating). Once again however, a definitive list is not available at this time.

Chest, MD No. 81 Contents
Number Item Quantity
1011000 Acid, Boric, 1 lb 2
1048000 Alcohol, Ethyl, 1 qt 6
1060000 Ammonia, Aromatic Spirit, 1 pt 3
1218000 Glycerin, 1 lb 3
1314000 Oil, Linseed, 1 gal 2
1322000 Oil, Turpentine, 1 qt 1
1334000 Petrolatum, 1 lb 3
1502000 Zinc Oxide Ointment, 1 lb 1
2009000 Bandage, Muslin, 5-Inch by 5 Yards, 12 2
2013000 Cotton, Absorbent, Compressed, 1 oz 72
2014000 Cotton, Absorbent, 1-lb, Roll 3
2024000 Gauze, Plain, Sterilized, 36-Inch, 1 Yard 60
7489000 Soap, Laundry, 1 lb 3
7493000 Soap, White, Floating, 6 oz 6
7711000 Basin, Hand 2
7899000 Shears, Tin Snips 1
8086000 Knife Set, Hoof 1
8135000 Tube, Stomach, Horse 1
8136000 Tube, Stomach, Horse, Stylet 1
9119000 Protein Silver, Mild, 100 Tablets 1
9122000 Tar, Pine, Commercial, 1 pt 3 Tins
9201000 Bandage, Gauze, Compressed, White, 3-Inch by 6 Yards, 72 30 Bandages
9208000 Oakum, 2 oz 36
9772000 Container, Metal, No. 12, 1-pt 4
9773000 Container, Metal, No. 14, 1-qt 8
9914000 Bucket, Canvas, Collapsible 1
9944500 Pill Tile, 5-Inch by 10-Inch 1

X-Ray Chests:

In addition to the standard MD Chests listed above, a series of Chests were also produced containing field x-ray equipment. This series of Chests was designated as the MDX series, with each Chest having a similar nomenclature to the standard ones above (MD X-1 etc.).  Due to their size and nature, typically each of these Chests contained one component necessary to establish a field x-ray clinic. The list below offers the 7-digit Item Number for each MDX Chest, along with its official nomenclature:

9609010 – Chest, MD X-1 (New Type):
Contained the chassis needed to convert 9608508 or 9608510 to a mobile unit; rear wheels 8-inch diameter, front wheels 4-inch diameter.

9609005 – Chest, MD X-1 (Old Type):
Contained the chassis needed to convert 9608508 or 9608510 to a mobile unit; rear wheels 14-inch diameter, front wheels 10-inch diameter.

Photograph showing the various types of X-Ray Chests, sufficent for assembling one complete Field X-Ray Unit. Note how the markings for these examples differ greatly from the Medical Chests described above.

9608600 – Chest, MD X-2:
Contained the field transformer for the designated X-Ray Unit.

9608700 – Chest, MD X-3:
Contained the tube unit and assembly for the designated Field X-Ray Unit. The Chest also contained a replacement tube (Item # 9620900).

9608808 – Chest, MD X-4, 110 Volt:
Contained the main control unit for Item # 9608508 (X-Ray Field Unit, Machine, X-Ray, Complete, 110 Volt, 60 Cycle).

9608810 – Chest, MD X-4, 110-220 Volt:
Contained the main control unit for Item # 9608510 (X-Ray Field Unit, Machine, X-Ray, Complete, 110-220 Volt, 60 Cycle).

Illustration showing a variation of the MD-X Chest. This particular piece housed the X-Ray Field Unit, Bi-Plane Marker and Re-Orientating Device (Item # 96191).

Note: Depending upon the X-Ray Unit supplied, Supply Officers were responsible for inclusion of the correct Control Unit for the respective x-ray unit

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 28th February 2025 at 17:03.
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